NOTICE OP SALE In Bankruptcy No. 2080 Id the District Court of the Unit ed States for the Eastern Dis trict of North Carolina, Raleigh Division. In The Matter of WHBLE9S-BURGESS COMPANY, Inc., Bankrupt. Under aud by virtue of an order made by Hon. W. B. Duncan, Ref eree in Bankruptcy, on January 9th, 1940, the undersigned Trus tee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in the store building formerly occu pied by Wbeless-Burgess Co., sit uate on Market Street in the Town of Loulsburg, N. C., on MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1040, at 11:00 A. M. the following per sonal property and choses in ac tion: One stock of men's and boys' wearing apparel, consisting of shoes, suits, overcoats, shirts, etc. total cost price being ? $2,521.02. One lot store fixtures, consist ing of showcases, display equip ment, tables, adding machine, typewriter, office supplies, desk, chair, etc. All open accounts consisting of about 136 accounts aggregating approximately ? $1,350.00. One lot of returned checks, ag gregating approx. ? $88.00. This sale Is made subject to confirmation by Hon. W. B. Dun ??n,iUj S. Referee in Bankrupted, and successful bidders will be re quired to make a deposit of ten per cent (1.0%) of the amounts bid, wtth the Trustee, at the time of sale, pending confirmation. This the 16th day of January, 1940. ? . . ?? EDWARD P. GRIFFIN, TrnatDO 1-19-JLt Loulsburg, N. c! TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er conferred upon me 1n that cer tain deed of trust executed to the undersigned Trustee by W. Z. Whitaker and wife, Pauline R. Whitaker, recorded in the Public Registry of Franklin County in book 350; page 336-337, default bavlbg bean made in the payment of the note? secured therein, and at the. reauost of the holder of , said notes, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1940, at or about the hour of 12: j o'clock noon, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door in . Louisburg, to the highest bidder ' for fash, the. following-decribed lands, situate in the State of North . Carolina, and in the County of > Franklin, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: ' BEGINNING at a point in the center: of the old Louisburg-Rai eigh Road, which point is North 51 degrees 3b minutes Bast 280 feat- (rem the center of the in tersection of th? old Louisburg Raleigh Road and the Riley Youngsville County Road; runs thenofl : South 40 degrees East 1930 .feet to a maple at bridge over prong of Rooty Branch; | thence with said prong of Rooty i Brancb the following courses and i distances: South 79 degrees East 1 54 feet; North 61 degrees 30 : minutes East 48 feet; South 31 j degrees East 69 feet; South 78 1 degrees East 71 feet; South 05 ' degrees 30 minutes East 74 feet; Soath 22 degrees East 139 feet; Soath 63 degrees East 100 feet; South' 76 degrees 30 minutes East 3&^. POSTED, this Jaa-v.v < if . I. AI.T1TV. C r* :r, Vi u.-.oe, / ?<./. ? 1-i ? 4t ^ ('.? !i i* rents in Prague will ! v. 1 mil their children to be j . ?d 4>?r.i use f'hey fear Uor- '? t;ai: :* dors' n:lglU Inject harmful , subs tea. Tlio Nazi brand of j Iooil, tor example. Speakers For Engineers' Institute at N, C. State ?feiGH 3?. Roi V. WWQtir q).E. l__ "Pnor. dfiieaV Tjc^E'R, c. all wan "gfe/Q. GEM. t. M. Qe>8/NS Kuleigli, Jan. IK. ? With trunsportMtlon as their r theme, the authorities pictured here will be prin cipal speakers at the Institute for Engineers which will be conducted at N. C. State College Thursday, Jun. 25. as part of the annual observance of En gineers' Week.. Every phase of modern tarospor tation will be discussed, and all members of the engineering profession are invited. ' The speakers are I)r. Boy V. Wright, of New York City, editor of "Railway Age" and former president of the American Society of Mechanical Kngineers; J. K. Teul, of Richmond, transportu tion engineer for the Chesapeake and Ohio Kail way; llrig.-tien. Thomas M. Robins, assistant ehlof engineer for the V. 8. Army; Oswald Ryan, of Washington, member of the Civil Aeronautics Au thority; tieslie f. Allman, of Uctigll, vice presi dent of the Kniehauf Trailer Co.; and Harry Tucker, professor of highway engineering at State College and nationally known authority on high' way safety. / z_ : HALE OF REAL ESTATE ?* Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority contained Jh that certain deed o& trust* exer ted on April 7, 1939, by E. Gupton and wife, and recorded hi' Book 340, Page 234, Registry , of Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon the undersigned Trustee by the holder of the note representing said Indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will on MONDAY, THE 19th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1040, at or about the hour of noon at the Court House door in Louis burg, N. C? offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described tract of land: That certain tract or p.ircel of land situate In Franklin County, Cedar Rock Township, State of North Carolina, and described an follows: Containing 2H acres, more or less, and being the land conveyed to Cope (E. C. ) Gupton by deed of Alice Inscoe and hus band dated December 8. 1923, re corded in Book 360, Page 36, i Registry of Franklin Count?, N. C? and being a portion of the1 ?lands divided by Will of Frances; Ann Murphy to Alice Inscoe by Will recorded in Will Book "W"| Page 17, in thejpfflce of the Clerk 1 of the Superior Court of Frank lin County, N. C., reference to said records being here made for a more particular description of said land. This the 17th day ofJanuary, 1940. J. E. MALONE. JR., 1-19-Bt Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue or Mie po wer and authority of sale contain ed In that certain deed ot truj a black gum, H. J. Massey's cor ner; thence N. 87V4d W. 160 pol es to a post oak, J. F. Brantley's .line, S. C. Hopkins' corner; thence along S. C. Hopkins' line S 2 .3-4 degs W. 172 poles to a Spanish oak on the bank of Pond Branch, George Taylor's line, S. C. Hop kins' corner; thence down said branch to the beginning, contain ing one hundred and twenty acros, more or less, being the same lands conveyed by S. C. Hopkins to K. D. Vlck by deed recorded in Book 306, page 53, in the office of the , Register of Deeds for Nash Couu i 'y Save and except Ahe following described land; Being 10 3-8 acres of the same lands conveyed by K. D. Vlck and wife to J. E. Hay wood, April 6, 1918. and recorded | In Book 266. page 21, in tho of Ice of the Register of Deeds for Nash County and more particular ly described as follows: Beginning at a stake J. E. Hag wood's corner In R. D. Vlkc's line; thence N. 3 degs E. 37 poles to a stake In the Billy Perry Branch; thence down said branch to Its Intersection to Turkey Creek a stake J. E. Hagwood's corner, thence his line N. 86 degs W. 106 poles to the beginning, contain Ing ten and three-eights acres more or less. The successful bidder will b< required to deposit a sum equai to ten per cent of the amount bid, to Insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non-compliance. Dated and posted this 15 Jan ruary, 1940. A. R. HOUSE, jChas. P. Green, Trustee Attorney. 1-19-41 | You ca?*t beat the Scots. Here is an extract from a newspapei published In a town on the eas' coast of Scotiland: "Comfortable rooms to let; excellent view of ail raids; terms moderate." I SMART MONEY KNOWS W HERE TO ,fm GO AFTER READING THE APS /W THIS ' NEWSPAPER, Industry A wise man said that "Fortune may fine a pot, but your own In dustry must make it> boil." . . . Thus we have the distinction be tween luck and pluck.' . . Every man is born with two hands and a brain. . . . The difference in men is the use they make of their nat ural equipment. Wife ? So yiur client was ac quited of murder? On what ground? Lawyer ? Insanity. We proved that his father bad spent fivo years in an asylum. ? Wife ? But he didn'ti did he? Lawyer ? Yes. He was a doctor there but we bad no time to bring the fact out. Two Jewish business men were riding home from their stores, on the street car. Side by side they sat, both looking worried, and both remaining silent. Finally one heaved a deed sigh. The other studied him a moment and then said in an annoyed tone: "You're telling me." ItENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! h'LL BUY that SHOT' GDN NOW* I SOLD SOME M STUFF FROM THE ATTIC WITH A WAtfTAD_^V\w Sell "White Elephants" , Buy What You Want ! ^ ^ IMAHMG AMERICA j/yV - ?'* ? - ? " ... . RAINBOW ^ ARCH / UTAH'S VAR' . COLORED RA K1 BOW ARCH IS '"HE LARGEST NATURAL/ BRIDGE IN THE WORLD -j- SO LOFTY | THAT THjf CAPITOL j BUILDIWG COULD BE PLACED UNDER IT WITHOUT 1 TOUCHING. VIKING'S TOWN? WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, IS SUPPOSED BY MANY TO BE THE SITE OF THE ANCIENT TOWN OF __ NORUMBEGA. FOUNDED BY THE VIKINGS CENTURIES BEFORE ? COLUMBUS DISCOVERED AMERICA. WORLD'S SMALLEST CHURCH COVINGTON. KENTUCKY, HAS THE SMALLEST CHURCH IN THE WQRLD-IT'Sj CROWDED TO CAPACITY WHEN THREE PEOPLE ATTEND MAS S. ^ MORE OF AMERICA'S NATURAL WONDERS -ARE REACHED BY GREYHOUND it'SES THAN BY ANY OTHER PUBLIC TRAVEL SYSTEM. Subscribe to Hie Franklin Times [auisburn THEATRE \ ^Saturdays Continuous ? 2 to 11 ? Sunday: 2-4 and 9 All Other DayB 3:30 - 7 and 9 Matinee: 10c - 25c Night: 15c - 30c Saturday, Jan. 20th ? (Double Feature) Roy Rogers. - .Gabby Hayes .in "Saga of Death Valley" ' and [ Boris Karloff - Margaret' Lindsay "British Intelligence" Chap. 14 "Dick Tracy's G-Mon". Sunday and Monday, Jan. 21st-22nd ? 99 years on the hit parade, the melodies ot Stephen Foster t^jve thrilled 5 generations. These songs will bring back memories and thrill you anew in Oho grand ptcturixation of Foster's life. DON AMECHE ANDREA LEEDS AL JOLSON in "SWANEE RIVER" (FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR) Tuesday, Jan. 23rd ? A new reign of terror by the' master of mysteries. Humphrey Bogart - Wayne Morrix Rosemary Lane in "Return of Dr. X" Wednesday, Jan. 24th ? Tony Martin - Rita Hayworth Andre Kontelanetx and His Music in "Music In My Heart" It'l start you humming 3 New Song hits Id the tempo of tomorrow. Thursday and Friday, Jan. 25th-26th ? EOBT. MONTGOMERY - EDW. ARNOLD REGINALD OWEN in "THE EARL OF CHICAGO" The Hit Parade Marches on: "Brother Rat and a Baby"; "Shop Around the Corner"; "Fighting 69th"; "Congo Malale"; "Destry Ride# Again"; "Omen Hell"; "Htrange Cargo"; "Hl? Girl Fri day." FOX'S AFTER-INVENTORY CLEAN UP SALE STARTS TODAY, CONTINUES ONE WEEK ! A Great Clearance of all Odd-Lot Winter Merchandise At Matchless Prices! 2 - BIG STORES - 2 Louisburg,N.C. - Oxford, N.C.