THEATRE Saturdays Continuous: Si ? 11 Sunday: 2-4 and # Hon. - Tumi. - Wed. - Thar. - Frl. 8:80 ? 7 and 0 10-a0c Matinee ? 15-30c Nlglil LAST TIMES TODAY Kobt. Montgomery - Edw. Arnold Reginald Owen ? In ? "THE EARL OF CHICAGO" SATURDAY, ) ; JAN. 27th (poable Feature Day) CHAKIKS STARR KT ? In ? "THUNDERING s WEsr . i>i ; i and Barton McLane - Chas. Ill ri ford Cthf t "MUTINY IN THE BIG HOUSE" ' Also Last Chapter "Dick Tracy's , G-Men" N I ? ?? SUNDAY-MONDAY. JAN. 3S8-2# Hornby Shown: 2-4 and 9 Priscilla Lane - Wayne Morris Eddie Albert - Jane Wjman -it tip w", ? "BROTHER RAT AND A BABY" *" 1 Motto fawfiha than "Brother Rat" aafl kith the same grand cast. TUESDAY, JAN. 30th ^ j * / \ I ? b Iks' dnad or is he alive. This Head that stalks his beatlful prey ? with crime In his heart v ???! BBU LDQOSI I I it "WHITE ZOMBIE" f i * ' WKDKKHIMY, JAN. 8tst 1 b. Brace Cabot ? Jacqueline Wells j * , , ? -i? !? ? "MY SON IS QUILTY" THUR8.-KJUDAY, FEB. 1-2 Another brand new hit for J ' Lodabiurg t I .) , JAMBS STEWART MAROARBT BULLAVAN ? In ? 41 THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER" with Frank Morgan COMING HUM., MO!*., TUBS. NEXT WKKK * Big Dan for thU Year'i Biggest Hit' Jones Oagney - Pat O'Brien George Brent - Jeffrey Lynn ? In? "THE FIGHTING 69TH" THUB8. -FRIDAY, NEXT WEEK BfWW Tracy ? Bedy Umur ? Ia? 1 TAKE THIS WOMAN" cy ::-no soon it ? ^ .>xalB"j "Green Ik-fC) ' ' I,'. ..(iway Melody of IIMO"; /'/. -.->nno and Beware"; ?'Hi. Uiri - Jay"; "He Married Hl?. \V ' IJttle Old New York": it Passage." WALKER ACCEPTS THREE-YE AR GRID CONTRACT Greason Is Named Baseball Men tor; Stands Enlarged (By W. Joynes MacFarlan) * Wake Forest, Jan. 23. ? Presi dent Thurman Kitchen ot Wake Forest College said today that D. C. (Feahead) Walker, head football coach, had accepted a new three-year contract. Walker agreed to devote his full time to college work and give up managing baseball teams In t/he summer. He got a pay boost. President Kltchin said that Murray Greason, assistant foot ball coach several years, would become varsity baseball coach, continue In charge of varsity basketball, and assist in fresh man football. Greason also will give up managing baseball teams in the summer. Last summer Walker managed the Snow Hill team of (the Coastal Plain League and Greason a semi pro team at Great Falls, S. C. Walker accepted his new con tract this morning in a letter to President Kltchin. He had been considering conditions laid down by the executive committee and t>he athletic council in the new agreement offered him two weeks ago. Walker will name his assistant coach to succeed Greason. Greason, in baseball, succeeds John Caddell, veteran Deacon mentor, who resigned early this month because of illness. The president also announced approval of an addition to Groves football field to provide 10,190 seats and give a seating capacity, including temporaryvbleachers, of about 18,000. The new addition will be bf steel and sheet metal, with wooden board seats. Instead of the concrete type of stadium. "It's a fine style," said President Kitchin, "and from the front you can hardly tell thaD it is not con crete." The Demon Deacons will play Mie undefeated University of North Carolina basketball team at Wake Forest, Tuesday night, Jan. 30th. This game is expected to draw a large crowd and is expect ed to be one of the best games of the season. MISS CHOWDER ENTERTAINS Miss Alieen Crowder entertain ed her bridge club at the home of Mrs. A. M. Hall on Monday even ing. High score prizes were awarded to Mrs. W. R. Hartness for visi tors and to Miss Rose Maione for club members. Mrs. David Mc Kinne Pearce. a recent bride, re-, ceived a gift. The hostess served a salad plate and cranberry punch to the following guests: Mrs. W. R. Hartness, Mrs. J. W. Mann, Miss Annie Oreen, Miss Hazel John son, and club members: Mrs. W. & Collier, Jr., Miss Peggy Ford, Mrs. David McKtane Pearce. Mrs. W. C. Boyce, Mr*. Douglas Perry, Miss Rose Maione, and Mrs. Ham ilton Hobgood. "COTTON ED" BECOMES NEW SENATE DEAN Sooth Carolinian Wax Two Years Behind Borah Washington. Jan. 24. ? Senator Ellison D. Smith (D.-S.C.). mous tached and blustery, who became dean of the Senate with the death of Senator Borah, began his ser vice 31 years ago. That was two years after Borah came to Wash ington. Both 3mlth and Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia, hide their age from the congressional directory. But Smith is six years younger than Glass. Smith will be 76 in August; Glass was 82 in January. Glass came into the Senate In 1920 and Is 12 men down the sen iority list from Smith. Both have h*d their arguments with the New Deal, and President Roosevelt ti'led to have Smith defeated in 1938. If there is a pay-off for being dean, it is prestige. It Is simply an honorary title, emptier than most titles. It carries neither more money nor more patronage. It means simply that a man has been re-elected more times than anybody else in the Senate. Sentinels of Health Don't Neglect Them I % Nature designed the kidneys to de a marvelous job. Their taak is to keep the flowing blood stream free of an excess of toxic impurities. The act of living ? lift it?If ? la constantly producing waste, matter the kidneys must remove from the blood If good heath la to endure. When the kldaeya fail to function as Nature intended, ther* la retention of waste that may csuee body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache. attache of dixxiness, getting up nights, swelling. pufRasee under the ayeo?feel tired. nervous, all worn out. Frequent, eeaaty or burning paassgfe era eometimee further evideaee a! kid ney or bladder disturbs* as. Ths recognised aad proper treatment !e a diuretic medicine to help the hidnsys gftt rid of excuse poieoooua body waste Uee Doon't PilU. They ha** had more than forty rears of public aoptoval. Are sn dorsad the eeaatry ev?r. I Mm aa Doon t Sold at all drug rtorea. Doans Pills i DOUGHTON URGED TO I STAY IN CONGRESS | Kannapolis, Jan. 24. ? Demo cratic chairmen of Cabarrus, Ko <van, Stauly, Iredell, Ashe, Alex ander and Alleghany counties and other party .leaders asked Repre sentative Robert L. Doughtou In a telegram yesterday to reconsid er his decision to quiO politics at the end of his current term. The message from the nlutb district read in patt-h "i z x We feel that on account of the conditions which the fed eral government must meet, brought on by world tiurmoils. that your experience and sound judgment will be needed in con- ! gress possibly more than ever be- i fore." | yV. R. WINSTON Franklinton. ? W. R. Winston, 80, died at his home here early Saturday. He leaves his wife, 1 Priscllla Collins Winston, and the j following children: Maynard Win- | ston, Franklinton; Mrs. J. M. Ki- | ser, Robert L. Winston, Mrs. B. C. I Stogner, all of Charlotte; Mrs. W. I W. Puckett, Woodbridge, N. J.; i Mary Ella Winston, Richmond, \ Va. ; and a sister, Mrs. Annie Gos wick, Franklinton. r a Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 o'clock at> the home with the Rev. S. E. Mercer and the Rev. J. T. Biddie In charge, interment following in Fairview j Cemetery, Franklinton. Oldwalt says: "Probably the shortest book ever written would be 'Who's Who in Germany'." FARM. FOR RENT OR SALE For cash or standing money rent, convenient to school, church, mill and gin. Good cotton and tobacco allotment. MRS. MYRTLE 8. JONES, l-26-2t Louisburg. N. C.. Rt. 3. SALE OF STOCK OP GROCER IES AND FIXTl'RES Under and by virtue of t-he au thority vested in me, as surviving partner of J. C. Thomas Grocery , [Company, I will, on MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1940, at or about the hour of 12 o'clock noon, in the store building in Louisburg, N. C., on West Nash Street, formerly occupied by said J. C. Thomas Grocery Company, offer for sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash: 1. All that stock of groceries belonging to said J. C. Thomas Grocery Company. Inventoried at $375.70. 2. All furniture and fixtures, inventoried at $1,559.70. 3. Accounts and bills receiv able, due to said J. C. Thomas Grocery Company, amounting to approximately $4,000.00. This sale is to be strictly cash; and if bidder cannot immediately comply with his bid. the property will be promptly re-sold. This, the 18th day of January, 1940. BESSIE M. THOMAS, Surviving Partner of J. C. Thomas Groc. Co. G. M. Beam, Attorney. 1-26-lt ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of H. L. Bur nette, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 22nd day of December, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This 21st day of December, 1939. HENRIETTA F. BURNETTE. 12-22-6t Admr"x. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator ,of the estate of George C. McGregor, deceased late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit tihem to the undersigned on or bofore the 12 day of January, 1941, or this notice wlll^e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of January. 1940. COMMISSIONER'S RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the authority con tained in a Judgment of bhe Su perior Court of Franklin County entered on the 18tb day of De cember, 1939, In that certain spec ial proceedings entitled "Otis H. A. Hawkins, et als vs. Willie Haw kins Arrlngton, Widow, et als," and pursuant to an order of re sale entered In said proceedings on tihe 24th day of January, 1940, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for re-sale at the Court house Door for Franklin County, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at or About the hour of twelve o'clock noon on MONDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1940, the following described lands: FIRST TRACT: Beginning In the center of the Louisburg and Halifax Road. James Allen corner; thence along the road S. 84d W. 10 poles, S. 89d W. 6 poles 20 links to the center of the road, a stake on the west side, C. E. Ma lone corner; thence N. 2d E. 20 poles^l links to a stake, Malone> corner In C. M. Cooke's line; thence 8. 66V4d E. 16 poles 16 links to a stake, C. M. Cooke's corner In James Allen's Una; thence 8. 2d W. 18 pole* 6 links 1-12-6 1. G. L. MCGREGOR, Admr. NEW MIRACLE OF SCIENCE INCREASES SIZE OP FISH ?fSizT of crappi* I ? added to ILb^JI One of the latest wonders of modern science is the discovery &at the site of fish may be greatly ncreased by the use of fertiliser :o promote the growth of under rater vegetation. Well known to Southern farmers b the power of American fertills ira to step up growth in field crops, few, however, know that sensation al Increases in fish development lave been made by those same 'ertillzers. Sequences showing the remark ible development are contained in Lhe color and sound motion picture "The New South," currently being -eleaaed throughout Southern states t>y the distributors of Arcadian Nitrate. The film was made by a i production company of experts who toured the South during the past summer using natural scenes and volunteer actors. The picture portrays the Indus trial and agricultural progress ol the Southland from the days before the coming of the first white man It stresses the part that nitrates have played in Southern develop ment, and their Importance In the program of self-containment for the South. ? The increase in the size of fish by fertilizing the underwater vege tation Is but one of the demonstra tlons in the picture of the wonders that may be achieved by the use of scientific methods on the farmx of the South. j to the beginning, containing two acres, more or less. For furthor reference see deed of Anthony Neal and wife, Salite A. Neal, and Dennis Foster and wife, Roberta Foster, to James A. Hawkins, dat ed 22 Jan. 1907, recorded 23 March 19G7, in Book 158, at page "39, Franklin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a rock on the old Hayedville Road, corner for said Lot No. 3 and the Whitef Hall Church prop erty; thence S. 2d E. 4.05 chains to the Southeast corner of said Lot No. 3; thence N. 74d W. 8.30 chains to the Milford Road; thence along said Milford Road. N. 16 l-4d E. 4 chains to the cen ter of the Hayesviile Road; thence along the Hayesviile Road S. 7 2d E. 7.08 chains to the point of the beginning, containing 3 acres, be ing Lot No. 3 of .the division of the Gabriel Blacknall lands as re corded in Book 296, page 423, Franklin Registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Notice is now given that said lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at one o'clock, P. M.. of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made. All bids will be received sub ject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of the Superior Court. Dated and posted the 24th day of January, 1940. W. L. LUMPKIN, 1-26-20 Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the terms of that certain Deed of Trust dated the 18th day of No vember. 1937, executed by T. T. Beckham, Ruth Beckham and husband, B. B. Beckham, to W. L. Lumpkin, trustee, duly recor ded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, In Book 338 at page 102, the undersigned trus tee, having been requested by the holder of the note secured by the said Deed of Trust to advertise the lands described therein, will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina at twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 25 JANUARY 1#?0 the following described lands: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land consisting of one hundred sixty four and seven tenths (164.7) acre*, to be the same more or lss, situate, lying and being on the Loulsburg aud Kranklinton River Road about six miles from the town of Loirii- i burg. In Frankllnton Township, | Franklin County, State of North '? Carolina, adjoining the lands of1 Kdmond Johnson and others, and more particularly described by metes and boonds as follows: Beginning in the center of the Loulsburg - Frankllnton River Ro&d, a stake on the North side, corner for Mrs. W. H. Allen in Robert Alston"! line, thence along the said road In the following courses: South 85 degrees 30 minutes West 478.6 feet; Bouth 09 degrees 10 minutes West 297.3 feet; South 56 degrees 35 minu tes West 533.7 feet; South 61 de grees 30 minutes West 227.4 feet; South 84 degrees West 262.5 feet; North 81 degrees 50 minutes West 868 feet; North 86 degrees West 425.7 feet to corner in cen ter of said road, a stake on North side; thence South 4 degrees 46 minutes West 1996.5 feet to a hickory; thence South 88 degrees Bast 3910,5 feet to a poplar tin bank of branch; thence up said branch Its various courses to a poplar; thence North 9 degrees 30 minute* West 965 feet to the beginning, containing one hund red sixty four and Mven-tentb% (164.7) acres, to be the woe more or less, and being a part of the tract of land conveyed by Mrs. iarah W. Morris to J. T. Phelps, ind was conveyed to Annie Wil ier Allen by William F. Joyner, Trustee. For a further and more idequate description reference is hereby made to Book 837 at page 113, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the trus tee a sum equal to 10% of the amount bid, to secure compliance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 23rd day of December, 1939. W. L. LUMPKIN, Trustee. Charles P. Green, Attorney. 12-29-4t NOTICE The foregoing sale, which was originally scheduled for Thurs day, 25 January 1940, Is, by con sent of all parties, continued an til twelve o'clock noon, Monday, 19 February 1940. W. L. LUMPKIN, Trustee. Charles P. Oreen, Atty. 1-2 6-3 t STARTING FRIDAY MORNING TONKEL'S J AN U A R Y SPECIALS Featuring Throughout the Entire Store ? More Than 100 Silk Dresses VALUES UP TO $3.00 Your Choice $1 .88 One Group of Ladies' Winter Coats FUR TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED VALUES TO $19.50 YOUR CHOICE $?.88 - $?88 - $g.88 Few Nice Tweed Coats SMART STYLES Your Choice $^.88 Men's, Women's and Children's Rubber Footwear At Most Reasonable Prices ! ! ! TONKEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE, INC. ^"LOUISBURG'S SHOPPING CENTER" IMPORTANT NOTICE! LIST YOUR TAXES NOW THIS IS TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT TAX LISTING TIME IS ALMOST OUT. IF TOU HAVEN'T LISTED TOUR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR TAXES, SEE TOUR LIST TAKER AT ONCE. REMEMBER THE TIME FOR LISTING TOUR TAXES HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THE MONTH OF JANUARY. DON'T LET THIS TIME GO BY WITHOUT LISTING YOUR TAXES. SEE YOUR LIST TAKER AS FOLLOWS: Dunn ? J. O. Williams. Harris ? H. T. Rogers. Youngsville ? G. E. Winston, Franklinton ? H. G. Jones. Hayesville ? J. H. Goodson. Sandy Creek ? G. C. Parrish. Gold Mine ? Mrs. Lillian Parrish. Cedar Rock ? T. A. Collie. Cypress Creek ? Arthur Strickland. Louisburg ? B. B. Massenburg. Thanking all citizens to attend to the above duty promptly. B. N. WILLIAMSON, Jit, COUNTY ACCOUNTANT. ? "? . ^ ? V " * ? *

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