(V riMGJ WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER Renew Tour Subscription Before Expiration Date To Avoid Miming An brae. VOLUMN LXXI/X SUBSCRIPTION *1.80 a TEAR IX)UIBBURG, N. OAROIilNA FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1?40 (EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 3 GILLIAM IS ACQUITTED CASE BEGUN WEDNES DAY FINISHED SAT URDAY NIGHT Judge W. G. Harris Dispos ed of Many of The Oases On Docket Sending Many To Jail, Roads and State Prison . An unusual happening occurred in Franklin Superior Cou,t oast sessions when a very impor oant case was tried the flr8t week_ which was the regular term, le suiting in a mistrial and was tried again the second week, a special term, resulting in an ^the cwe This was the outcome of the case ofassanlt with deadly weapon with intent* to kill and robbery, against William, C. Gilliam, when It was charge? that he entered the home ol Hayw?od Har^r last June and beat him up. The case was begun in the afternoon on Wednesday and was ?iv?? *?dthe jury in the evening on Saturday. The iury remained out only Aort time when it returned a ver tcl of not guilty The Jury was composed of W. B. Gay, T^aner Hunt, Denimal Privett Walter Baker, Paul R Hudson. R. G. ^Otlie^ cases taken up and dis posed of during the week were as '?'josephine Williams, unlawful ,oSl of whiskey, judgment changed to 60 days Jail , Wilbert Young plead guilty .to carrying concealed weapons, giv Tn 6 .onto in Jail. suspended upon payment of $50 hne and COBJB)s Barnette was found guilty of assault with deadly weapon ind given 18 months on road-i. APu?'lU)y Blount plead guilty to ^Derating automobile Intoxicated, to jail, suspended upon payment of costs and fine ?f*50' | and npt) to operate a car for 1 ?aniel. housebreaking anJ* J . SSr. nol pros as to Ernest Rich ardson, 6 months each for others, in State prison to run concur T0Tha't section revoking ?r? license in the sentence of Per ry bee Satterwhlte for 0Pe?tln* automobile intoxicated. was 8t,Bosey Clows plead gallty to as Bault with deadly weapon, 1 year in Jail, suspended Under &he ?o - liitlon that he remain of good be havior and pay costs. ] The stamp system by wblch sur plus food commodities have been distributed to persons on direct relief will soon be extended to cover cotton goods. PROGRAM AT THE LOUISBURG THEATRE The following Is the program at the Loulsburg Theatre' begin ning Saturday, Feb. 24th: Saturday ? Double feature ? George O'Brien In "The Fighting Gringo" and John Payne and Jane Wyman In "Kid Nightingale" Also Chapter No. 4 "Zorros Fight ing Legion." Sunday-Monday ? Joel McCrea, , Nancy Kelly and Roland Young | in "He Married His Wife." Tuesday ? Warren William and Joan Perry In "The Lone Wolf Strikes." Wednesday ? Charles Blckford and Doris Day In "Thou Shalt* Not Kill." Thursday-Friday? Alice Faye, Fred McMurray and Richard Oreene in "Little Old New York." DR. CliARENCB POE Editor of the Progressive Far mer, who will speak at the Frank lin County Farm Short Course in Loulsburjt on Thursday, February 2'th. European Summary Stockholm ? Russian plane* bomb and Are Papala, Swedish town near Finnish border; Swe den protests to Moscow; inci dent threatens revival of Swed ish movement for intervention in Finland. Helsinki ? Russians batter eastern end of Munnerheim Line after pushing Finns back on western terminus iu double offensive; Finns say invaderjt, numbering '80,000 and 85,000 lose heavily. lx>ndon ? Win neutral vessels added to victims of seu war fare; Britain urmlng Ashing taints with anti-aircraft guns to counter Nazi air raids; It. A. F. scouts Helgoland liight. Bucharest? Rumania bows to Allied economic pressure, Imns shipment of high test giisollne and aviation oil to Germany. Germany clmllnnge* Rumanian ban, demands full oil quotas. Istanbul ? Russia calls home hundreds of Soviet technical experts; German experts al ready gone. Drv Bagby To Preach to Scouts The annual church service for the Louisburg Boy Scout Troop No. 20, will bo held at the Metho dist) Church 011 next Sunday night, February 25. Dr. A. Paul Bagbv, of the Baptist Church will preach. The Scout Troop will attend in uniform, and all parents of Scouts are especialy urged to at tend. This should be an out standing service and a cordial in vitation is extended to all. The hour is 7:30. The Sunday morning service at' the Methodist Church will be con ducted by the pastor, Mr. Phillips, and the sermon topic is. "Fear Not. The Church School sorvlce is at 9:45 A. M. and the Epworth League at 6:45 P. M. Killed by Truck Coroner R. A. Babbitt was call ed to Centerville Tuesday nighti to Investigate the death of John Coleman, colored, who was run over by a transfer truck, owned by J. K. Plnnell, about 7 o'clock that evening, and which was driv en by James Hayman. negro. Coroner BobblU empaneled a Jury composed of H. M. Lancas ter, E. W. Gupton, R. D. Griffin, A. T. SturgesR, Gene Radford, L. H. Oupton, who viewed tihe body and eiamined a number of wit nesses, .who explained bow Cole man ran to Jump on a moving transfer truck as It was entering highway 58 at Centerville and missing his catch fell under the ^ruck and was run over, the wheels crossing his abdomen. The Jury arrived at a verdict that Coleman tihrough his own negligence was responsible tor his death. JOHN FLETCHER HARRIS Frankllnton. ? John Fletcher Harris, 80, dle? from a heart at tack at? his home In Frankllnton, Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. A resident of Frankllnton for the past 40 years, Mr. Harris was originally from Virginia. Surviv ing are his widow, Mrs. Blanche Belle Harris; four sons, Clifton, Clyde, Robert and Thomas Har ris, all of Frankllnton; and four daughters. Miss Blanche Mae Har ris, Miss Virginia Harris and Miss Ophelia Harris, all of Franklln ton, and Mrs. Joseph R. Collier, of Raleigh, Route 5. Funeral services were held at the grave In Frari*llnton ceme tery Thursday at t;30 o'clock. RENEW TOUR SUBSCRIPTION I i. | Franklin County Farm i Short Course Program For Men and Women J February 28 and 29 at Louisburg College J ? t WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2H. 1940 10:30 A. M.-^-Welcome Mr,. W. C. Strowd ' Mr. J. T. Patrick ; U Introduction of Speakers . Mr. W. C. Boyce < County Agent | "Making Most of The Short Course" , . . . Mr. O. F. McCrary ? District Aegnt ? Miss Anamerie Arant ! District Aegnt > 11:30 A. M. ? "Poultiy As a Cash Income". . Mr. C. F. Parrish \ Ext. Poultry Specialist i 12:00 A. M. ? "Outlook for 1940" . . . .Mr B. Y. Floyd, State J ' Executive Officer 12:30 P M. ? PICNIC LUNCH. JOINT SESSION 1:30 P. M. ? "Cold Storage in Preserving Farm Meats" Mr. K. T. Pumphry i Manager Tarboro Ice Plant T MEN'S SESSION * 2:00 P. M. ? "Tobacco Recommendations tor . 1940" Mr. E. Y Floyd J 2:30 P. M. ? "Agricultural Program for 1940" Mr. E Y Floyd WOMEN'S 8ESSION 2:00 P. M. ? "Arts and Crafts" .... Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris Ext. Economist in Food Con- + servation and Marketing 2:30 P. M. ? "Care of the Family Milk Supply" Mr. A. C. Klm^ey. Ext. ? Dairy Specialist THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 104O 10:30 A. M. ? "The Garden That Feeds The Family" Mr L. P. Watson. Ext. Horticulturist J 11:00 A. M. ? "Garden Insects and Their Control5* . Mr. J. O. Howell. Ext. Entomologist 11:30 A. M.? -Introduction of Speaker. . . . Mr. A. F. Johnson ? Editor Franklin Time:< I "Ten Yerir Farm Program For The South". . Dr. Clarence Poe X Editor Progressive Farina) J 12:30 P. M ? PICNIC LUNCH MEN'S SESSION 1:30 P. M. ? "Controlling the Boll Weevil ". Mr. J O Kowoll 2:00 P. M. ? "Sweet Potatoes As a Cash Crop in f Franklin County" Mr. L. P. Watson 2:30 P. M. ? Short Talks by Local Farmers. WOMEN'S SESSION 1:30 P. M. ? "Small Fruits" Mr. L IV Watson 2:00 P. M. ? "Control of Household Pests". .Mr. J O. Itowell 2:30 P. M. ? "Your Clothes and Person ality" Miss Willie Hunter, Ext'. Clothing Specialist J Plans have been made for ac commodating a capacity crowd to hear Mr. E. Y. Floyd, Dr. Clarence Poe, and Mr. J. O. Rowell when they appear on the Farm Short Course program at Louisburg Col lege, Wednesday and Thursday. February 28 and 29, announces W. C. Boyce, County Agent. Arrangements have been made for the use of the College audi torium, and (or safety precaution j in case that it will not seat the crowd present, the auditorium at Lousburg High School will be available, which will seat more than 600 farm men and farm wo men. Mr. Floyd will outline for far mers of Franklin County the most | recent recommendations for pro H'l >>+?????!?? ||?+ during marketable crops of tobacr co. Mr. Rowell will outline the best method to produce an eco nomical crop of cotton. Including methods for controlling boll wee vIIb. Their damage have reduced our crop to a production below 5,000 bales a year, from a uormal production for the allotted acre age of 14,000 bales. Dr. Clarence I'oe will discuss the outline of a balanced agricultural program for the south. Mr. L. P. Watson will offer valuable Information to wards improving our gardening. In 1940 we believe the land plant ed to garden will produce the lar gest saving for every farm family. The full program of the Farm Short Course as announced will he found above. Recorder's Court Franklin Recorder's Court held regular session on Tuesday and disposed of the following docket: Nuel Wright, larceny and re ceiving, complied and discharged. A. 8. Wlggs, found guilty of careless and reckless driving, 60 days on roads, suspended upon payment of $25 One and costs. Charlie Williamson, operating automobile intoxicated and reck less driving, request tor Jury trial, continued. Irvln Pearce, operating auto mobile Intoxicated, not guilty. Sara High plead guilty to lar ceny and receiving and given 8 months on roads. Johnny Conyers plead guilty to violating prohibition law, and giv en 90 days oh roads, suspended upon payment of costs and not to violate any of the liquor laws of N. C. for two years. Lump Long plead guilty to vio lating prohibition law, and was given 12 months on roads, execu tion not to issue upon payment of costs and not* to violate any liquor Uwb of N. C. for two years. The following cases were con tinued: William Hartsfleld, reckless driving. Willie Hunter, abandonment and non support. Crudup Davis, removing crops. William Jones, bastardy. Marvin McNalr, reckless drlv i fng. ' Eugene Turner, profane lan guage, public drunkenness. Rnnlss Lancaster, operating automobile intoxicated, profane language. William Henry Williams, bas tardy. Tor every 30 seconds that tick ed off from the beginning to the end of 1939, one person In a ru ral community received service for the first time from an REA Snanced electric-power system. MAY GAIN CONGRESSMAN The current United census may get North Carolina a 19th ConKranman, Governor Hoey said Monday in an appeal for cooperation with enumera tors. "In view of the importance of this whole matter, I am di recting the attention of the peo ple of the state to the necessity of having an accurate census," he said. "We almost had enough pop ulation in 1030 to get two con gressmen, when we got one," said lloey, "and I feel reason ably sure we will get over the line this year to Ret another." M.IIS. KARIjK ENTERTAINS MOTHER Mrs. J. R. Karlo entertained her mother, Mrs. M. M. Gulley, last Sunday at a three course din ner, the occasion being Mrs. Out lay's 84th birthday. Particularly outstanding was the double-tierod hand-decorated birthday cake, graced with 84 glowing tapers. In addition to the honoree, the following guests were present: Mrs. Oscar Creech, Miss Elva Creech, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Creech, of Ahoakle, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Oulley and Mr. N. 8. Gulley, of Nashville. KRANKMNTON ROYS WIN, HENDERSON GIRI.S WIN Frankllnton, Feb. 21. ? Frank llnton boys and Henderson girls trlampbed In a basketball double header here. The local boys, led by Joe Pearce, won over Hender son, 27-12. Pearce made a doien points. Blake was best for Hen derson. Henderson won the girls' game, 10-9. Honghtally, with 14, led the winner*. Margaret Lump kin made Frankllnton'a point*. Miss Anamerle Arunt, District Home Agent, will appear on the Farm and Homo Short Course, at I.oulsburg College, February 28. Miss Anamerle Araut, North western District Agent, will ap pear on the Short Course Pro gram. Wednesday. February 28, at Louisburg College and tell how to get the most from the Short Course. This is the first Short Course to be held In Franklin ' County for the farm men and wo- j ' men. S The Short Course will include '' t'he special interest meetings us- , ually held by the specialists at va- J r lions times during the year. It ;8 | is hoped that more men and wu j men may take advantage of these I meetings by the specialist?' at this j time when farm work is not so rushing. A discussion of poultry as a cash income by Mr. C. F. Parrlsh, j Kxt Poultry Specialist, on Wed j uesday morning at the joint ses i sion should be of special Interest | to both men and women. Mr A. Kinirey, Ext. Dairy Specialist, has an excellent demonstration for t'he womens' session on Wed nesday afternoon ou care of the Family Milk Supply. Mrs. Carne lia C. Morris, Ext. Economist in Food Conservation and Market ing. will have material on al ls aud crafts that will be of interest to the women of Frankln County es pecially the county Is already known for some of it's work along these lines. The women will not want to miss (Mr. Howell's suggestions) on Thursday morning at the Joint! session of how to control garden j insects or Mr. Watson's discussion of the garden that feeds t'he faai- 1 j lly. He should have many new !*J things to Bupplment the discus sions at the January club meet ings. At 11:30 oil Thursday morning > Dr. Clarence Poo will bring a mes sage on his idea of a Ten Year Farm Program for the South. The program which was discussed at the conference of Southern Gov ernors. Thursday afternoon Mr. Kowell appears before bot>h groups dis cussing with the men, controlling the boll weevil and with the wo men control of Household pest. Mrs. Watson also appears before both groups discussing smell fruits with the women, and "Sweet Potatoes as a cash crop in Frank lin County," wltih the men. Miss Willie Hunter, Ext. Cloth ing Specialist, climaxes the pro gram with "Your Clothes and Per sonality." Bring a lunch, enjoy the fel lowship of the lunch hour and spend two days getting valuable Information and inspiration. <1 KNTEKTAIN8 RIUIMJK CLl'B Mrs. W. E Collier, Jr. -enter tained her bridge club at tbe home of Mrs. -B. F. Thomas on Monday evening. High score prizes were sward ed to Mrs. W. V. A vent and Mrs. Hamilton Hobgood (or visitors and orub members respectively. The hostess assisted by Mrs. 15. F. Thomas served a salad plate and coffee to the following visi tors: Mrs. John Williamson. Mrs. Edward Stovall, Miss Ann Barn hill, Mrs. W. V. Avent, and dob members: Mrs. Douglas Perry, Miss Peggy Ford, Miss Rose Ma lone, Miss Jane Fuller, Miss Jean Fleming, Mrs. W. R. Hartness, Mrs. W. C. Boyce and Mrs. Ham ilton Hobgood. RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENTS The Democratic Executive Com mittme of Franklin County met In Chairman GrifTin's office on Sat urday and recommended Phil R. Inscoe and L. O. Frazler to be ap pointed as the Democratic mem bers of the Roard of Elections In FrankHn County. A pretty good attndance was presont and In the absence of Chairman Orlffln, who was de tained in a case In Court, B. N. Williamson presided. A most> harmonious discussion of the coming campaign was en gaged In and a heavy vote throu ghout tbe County was predicted. EUROPEAN WAR NEWS London. Feb. 21. ? Neutral ihipping, harassed by warfare be tween Germany and the Alllos, bore the brunt of mounting sea war losses today as the British Admiralty showed new determlna :ion to protect vessels from Ger nan attacks and claimed a high -at*! of destrnctlon of enemy sub narlnes. The Admiralty disclosed that Ishing ships were being equipped vith "stingers" ? anti-aircraft veapons ? to light off German ae ial attacks such as Nazi planes :arried out on a wide scale yes erday. One trawler reported driving ifT a German raider with guntire ind anot+ier group of fishing craft old of damaging a German plane vlth raking crossfire during the ?aids. (A German communique de lared two British minelayers and n armed merchant ship were unk during the raids.) Royal Air Force planes during he night carried out scouting lights over Helgoland Bight, an ?rm of the North Sea where im iortant' German aviation and na al bases are situated. Stockholm, Feb. 21. ? Swooping [ussian planes today bombed and red the little Swedish border own of Pajala, an incident that lireatened to rekindle the fiery wedlsh movement for intierven ion in Finland. Although all of Pajala's 3,000 esidents escaped death and the hower of 134 bombs was bellev d aimed at Finnish territory just ix miles away, neutral observers xpressed the opinion that Swed fh "Activists" now would reopen heir drive to help Finland "so Igorously that any other help Is nnecessary." Townspeople estimated that 34 f the bombs from the heavily la en raiders were explosive, the emaining 100 incendiary. The net' that there were no casualties ras credited to a timely warning ashed from the border and by he heroic work of a girl telo hone operator who stuck to her iost. , ? Most of the lethal load wa.< ropped in the center of town Among the demolished build ups were an apartment house and saw mill from which workers u*t> had time to flee. Bombs rain d about a church in which ter nristed townsfolk had huddled, battering many of its 'windows. The weather was clear and the onihers flew as low as 3,000 feet. JONES DEFEATS LONG Nuw Orleans, Fob, 21. ? Lpuis-j ma's next Governor, 42-year-old am H. Jones, turned today from Is smashing ballot victory over he old Huey P. Urns dltcatorshlp a plan the "rehabilitation of oulsiana." Jubilant over his triumph by lore than 20,000 votes over Gov rnor Earl K. Long for the four ear term beginning May 14. ones nevertheless soberly called Is "the greatest Job any Louis tna public official has faced since leconstructlon Days." In an interview, he said "our imple objective Is to restore con tltutlonal, democratic, decent overnment. "The second thing is to put .ouislana on a sound financial asis. And the third i?, we must ever let this thing happen again i Louisiana? tihls set of condt lons that for years has made very honest Louislanian bow his ead In shame." Governor Long declined com ment, saying only that he would isue a statement when he saw fflclal returns from yesterday** unoff primary for the Democratic I omlnatlon, tantamount* to elec lon. He summoned hli crestfallen dmlnlstratlon leaders to Baton louse for a conference. He refused to concode defeat, lthough unofficial returns to ,lght showed 1,661 of 1.703 pre Incts gave Jones 278,693 votes, >ong 267,829. LAMM WINS Wake Forest, Feb. 17 W. C. ,amm, of Loulsburg, la one of the 17 students who made the mid orm honor roll at Wake Forest College. Lamm, a Junior, Is en oiled In the academic school. Approximately 11 per cent of he student-body Is reprep^nt^d m the honor roll. OA8TAL1A WINS OVER ALL-STARS Castalla High triumphed 23-18 ictory over the Edward Best All Itars Wednesday evening. Mattte lunt was leader In the winners tuck with 9 points. Elsie Gup on was leader for the losers with points. Agnes Leonard and Nel le 8outhall were runner-ups for he All-Stara. LENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION DALES HELD FOR COURT FOR MURDER OF JOHN HENRY FOGG No Bond Allowed; Shooting Took Place on Side Road Near Perdue's Filling Sta tion on Halifax Road; Coroner Bobbitt and Sher iff Moore Make Investi gation James (Bud) Dales, colored aud about 35 years old wag held for the April term ot Franklin Superior Court to anew to tha charge of murdering John Henry Fogg, about one o'clock 8unday morning on a side road near Per - I due's Filling Station about four : miles east of town on the Halifax road, by Coroner R. A. BobblM. at an investigation without a jury on Tuesday morning. There were eye witnesses to the shooting and the defendant admitted shooting Fogg after Fogg had struck him with a rock. Sheriff John P. Moore and dep uties Fred Frazier aud G. S. Gil liam made an investigation Sat urday night and picked up five of the seven occupants of the car and held them for a hearing. Dales was caught Monday near Inez, Warren County, secreted la !an outhouse under a lot of hay, hags, etc. and brought back to Louisburg by Officer Gilliam. There being no inquest only a i few of Ohe details were brought* I out, but from the community In formation it seems that about all .the bunch were saw mill hands i employed near Durham, and that Fog#! was to spend the week-end ;tt home. He was brought home by one of the crowd who owned .'he car and accompanied by oth |ers. Arriving at Louisburg they secured whiskey on the South or West side of town and again 011 Ithe Northeast of town, in this 'condition they proceeded to take Fogg. aud others home. Before reaching the filling station a dis pute developed in the car and the car was stopped on the side road, where all got out. some ran away and others watched and renewed the trouble. Fogg walked off followed by Dale and a negro named Mills, and Dale got struck on the head with a rock and he shot Fogg, tihe ball taking effect In the back of the head. Kdward Mills was held as a material wit ness under a $100 bond, which he gave and other members of the party were recognized as witness es to appear at Court In April. THE ClUPPLftCn CHU.DRKN AMI RASTER SKA IX Reginning with Monday, the eleventh of March tbe campaign, will be gotten under way to aid crippled children In our commu nity and county through the sale of Easter Seals. Your Easter Seal dollar may not seem like a lot of money or your Easter penny may seem very Insignillcent, but when these pennies and dollars are inultplied by a host of people lit amounts to a great deal, and a large number of crippled children, crippled either from birth or through the ravages of disease, may be lifted from t/he gloom of dispalr and given the opportunity to fulfill many of their hopes and dreams of life. In this day and time many of us feel that we are truly living in God's country where all sorts and conditions of man find an equal opportunity for life, liberty and pursuit) of happiness. This Is true because the vast majority of citi zens of the United States still be lieve that they axe their brother's keepers and that we do have a re sponsibility for bhe less fortunate members of society. The Reverend L. P. Kent lias been appointed the county chair man in Franklin County tor this, year's seal sale. There will be lo cal community chairmen In strate gic sections of the county, and the County Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Mills, has given his hearty ap proval to this project and these seals will be sold to any school child who would like to help hta less fortunate brother. Z, We feel sometimes that we are asked for so many things, to make so many contributions, thnt If we give to every cause, no mat ter how worthy that cause might be. we would have little left for ? ? "irselves. but eomehow an unfo - innate child touches the heart n ' the most* Indifferent Individual and the county committee feole sure that the cltlsens of Franklin County will do their utmost to see that every crippled child will have adequate care through tbe money derived from this Easter Seal sale. A search for new and extended uses for animal fats and poultry product* and by-prodoets will be Include*! In the Initial work of th? IT. S iv>rnirtm?nt of Agriculture ? cgloaal laboratories.