? ?????????? ? HOMK DHMONHTIIATION ? ? DKPAHTMKMT ? ? IJIIIo Mao llraitos. Homo * ? Demonstration Agent * ? ? ? ? ? ????'?? Holiedule Keb. 9U ? Mur. i Monday ? Office. Tuesday ? Quid Bund. Wednesday ? Short Course, l/oulaburg Col Inge. Thursday ? Short Course, l.oulsburg College. Friday ? Justice. Hut*u rduy ? -Office. The Home Demonstration ('tub Women of Krunkllu County Hie sponsoring a year around garden contest. The contest regulations, acoro card und plan of procedure bare been worked out by a Coun ty Committee rorapoaed of Mr*. M. M. I'eraon. County Chairman, Mra. T. C. GUI und Mra. H. K. Ultcbell. They bave outlined the follow ing regulation!: 1. Kllglblllty ? Any home Har den grown by a rural family In tb? County or a bona fide Frank - I In County Club member living In an adjoining county. 2. Hnrollment ? An Individual wishing to enter tho conteat mum enroll with the gardeu leader of the locill Home Demonstration Club by April 1, 1940. 3. Records ? A monthly record of the number of Mniea each vege table la aerved on the family ta ble la kept on blanks which the garden leader will provide. These records are given to the garden leader every two month*. The garden leader wllh a member of the County Council will score the < records for the hlgheat runklug Individual In each community liy bbe following score card. 4. Score ('aril u. Efficiency of , garden an indicated l>y monthly records ? 76%. b. Written uimwer* to qu<>Htlon- . nalre at the end of year 25c;.. (Plot urea may be Included). 6. Requirements a. The" state Home Harden Calendar he used an a Htandard planting guide. , b. That the Dally Food Kssen- ' Hula (heel' be the Htandard to be used for serving vegetable* grown. c. Add to the garden: 1 new1 leafy vegetublo, 1 unm II fruit u/r j berry. / The contest will end April 1, 1941. Prison ure to bo given to! the hlgheat scorer*. Tho Home I Harden Calendars und Dally Wood ' Essentials sheet* may be secured from the Home Agent's office, al so cannlrtg budget* If Uiey are de elred Tho record blank* for ull contestant* may he secured from the garden leader of the local club* or the lloine Agent Uurdcn Plan* Mr. Nlawonget', horticulturist.! and Ml*s Mary K. Thomas. nutri tionist. or the Slute College Kx-| tension Service have recommend- 1 ??d the followliiK varieties of veg etable and the following amount*' o^seetl for each member of tho! family: Cabbage Jersey .Wakefield (early) and l>anlah Mall Head (late! % 01. need or 7 B plant*. Collard* -Carolina Short Stem 1 H os. or 75 plante. Carrot* ? Chantenuiy or Imper ator os. Beets ? Karly Wonder or Cro* ley's Kgypllan H ox. Snap llenna ? Strlngle** lllack Valentine or SlrlngleN* tlreen Hod I lb. Lima Beans? Henderson'* flu*h (bunch I. Carol lua Sleim '* lb. | (pole). Mustard ? Southern Olant Curl 4 os. Kale -Siberian ot. Spinach- Virginia Savory 4 ?* Onion* (*et*) Sllverskln or Yellow Ulobe Danver* 1 pt. Kngllsh Pea* l.axtonla H lb. ' Tomatoes Prltrhard or itut- j ger* (0 plant*. Turnips- Shogoln and PurpH' Top 1 os. each. Squash ? Yellow Crookneck or White Rush H ot. Kleld Peas ? Crowder's or Cow peas H lb. Irl*h Potatoes Irish, Cobbler or Green Mountain Sweet Potatoes- -Porto Rico or Nancy Hall, 100 plant*. Mr. Nlswonger says ".It Is not ? difficult task to grow ns many as 10 different vegetables during some period of the year In Nortji Carolina." There are several wo men In Franklin County who (row a* mauy as 20 vegetables, and many more who have 17 or II varieties. Each club woman Is balng asked this yesr to add at l?Mt on* new vegetable to her NEW SUPER SOAP Cewcentrafed o c __ I SUPER SUDS 2Sc IN THI ?IU? BOX ^ ? for , . . SOc washing dishes) | 87c ' 4 for .. 11* a tor . Ac ? I for 14c ? for (ic it* 14a 1 4c Leggett's Offer* to I be Tobacco (row mi Special IliirKuIn Prices on I'LANT IIKI) CLOTH W i M Count 2}c yd. AtalUUn also in ft yurd width*. 6 "EXTRA'' HELPS quickly r?H?w DISTRESS of CHILDREN'S COUGHS ?G01DS DON'T "take chances" with unknown products to relieve discomfort of your child's spasmodic croupy eouchs eaussd by colds. Use "Children's" llustarolel Muslerole (Ives such QUICK relief b~ csuss It's not "Just an ordinary salvs." Rub It wall on your kiddia's chsst . throat and back. It aoathaa and stimulate* sur face circulation and halpa break up local coocestion and pain. Ita soothing vapor* ease braathing. 40#. Approved by Good Housekseplng Bureau. garden and to encourage others to 1 mow more vegetables |] ? I IUM AtJKNT'S IIKPT * I' ? ?!> t'ounly I'arni Agent* * *?*???*****??** Agricultural (Iround Limestone was ordered today foe farmers of Franklin County as (J runt of Aid under Agricultural Conservation 1'rogram km follows: T F. Ayscue 10.000 lbs. William S. Ayscue 10.000 lbs. W. L. Hawkins . . . 32,000 lbs. ArMtur A. I'erhell . . 10,000 lbs. W It Hush 38.000 lbs. K S. l'urrlsh 8,000 lbs. Total 108,000 lbs. MISS SI'KIK HIUHT WKl?s ADKIAN ItALKY ill u cureinouy of nulet sim plicity, Miss Susie Hlght becumo the bride of Adrian Haley. Sun day. February 4. In Cheslertlold. S. C. The bride wore a dress of pale pink wool w It'll mutchliig liat und accessories Her jacket was of red ] fox fur. Mrs. Haley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs K. H. Might, of Lou- 1 isburg She received her education at K. C. T. C. The bridegroom la the son of , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kuloy, of An-' gelus, S. C. He received his ed ucation at the California School of Tocnology. Los Angeles. Calif. At present he operates uu elect rl cul shop In Nashville. The couple lefl immediately j after t'he ceremony for u honey-! moon trip to Atlanta. Uu., After a few days, they will be at home in Nashville. Doctor (as he examined pa l tent's shins) ? Do you piny hock ey? Patient ? No. bridge ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK llavlug qualified aa Adminis trator of the estate of Lucy F Wilder, deceased, tale of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims againat the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of February, 1941. or this notice will ho pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. Tills; 22nd day of February. 1940. 2-23-fit 8. T. WILDER, Adm'r. | POPULAR UTILITY SLIPS ? ! RITEMORE TAILORED BY BARBIZON $|.69 * and up For neat fit and good hard wear we have never seen anything to beat BASBIZON'S Ritemore ! The pop ular fore-gore "Bryan Mawr" cnt fits all contures and corves and the lovely fabric, Rayon Crepe Lagure, wears and wears and wears ! We have jost about any size ' or length ! Visit our Lingerie Department and see the many other outstanding values we offer ! ACCESSORIES j This season as never before accessories have been styled ? to complete your new outfit. Gloves and Handbags come in smart pastel shades that truly fit into the color ; picture of the season. ; ! DOESKIN GLOVES $| .98 ; Beautiful all white doeskin gloves I in all sizes. : FABRIC CLOVES n ? ; New pastel shades in well styled fa ; brie gloves to match your bag-. '-V HANDBAGS 9T Lovely genuine doeskin bags in all J' the popular styles and colors. Leggeiisl "L e g g e 1 1 ' s Leads in Louisburg" SENIORS OK Bl'NN ENTER- | TAIN On Tuesday night'. Feb 13. 1940. at 7:30 o'clock, Isabel! lin ker. I.llllan Denton. Viva Haft wood and Mavis Torey were Joint hostess at a party Riven in hon or of the senior class. The Valen tine idea wua carried out and daluty heart shaped sandwiches. Iced tea. and mints were servtd to about forty guests. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! THANKS We wish to extend our deepust thank* and appreciations to all who rendered ao many kindnesses and expreaalons of aympathy in the recent lllneaa and death of our daughter and alater. Agues. Tboy will be long and tenderly remem bered. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hants and family. Look after the present and you will have a future. ? i.? FOR FIR8T CLASH PRINTING PHONE 283-1 FOR HALE My Chevrolet Sedan. Value $450. price $300 cash. MRS. HARRY H. JOHNSON. 2-23-lt H>R RKNT Seven room residence on Main Street, equipped with lights, wa ter and sewerage. Immediate pos session. MISS ANNIE QRKKN. Loulsburg. N. C. 2-23-tf taggsBgaaaaaaBeaaaaaBBflaabae&afe&og North Carolina's "45" Everybody know* that once upon i time. **45** Want the blue-ateel authority ho4*tered on the law'* Kip to back up hi* badge. Today. 45 has a new meaning in North Caro lina. In only nine month* of ope ration the Brewer* and North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee ha* cooperated with county and local authorities in bringing about the revocation of legal beer licensee in 45 places where laws wen being violated. Wa don't want beer sold that way I rhat'* help for the law. too? but a modern kind of help. It i* help for North Carolinians? the aid of a united beer industry in preserving the economic and aocial benefit* of a moderate bev erage providing $1,410,666 annually ia tax revenue. Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee EDGAR H. BAIN, Stat* Din aim *i?-ii roHmnti m tLODto LESPEDEZ A and Coker's Tobacco Seed GARDEN SEED The very best that grow. Feed prices have been reduced. Baby Chicks are cheaper. Now is the best time to get started with poultry. Come by and let ns show yon onr line of FCX Feeds, Chicks and Equipment. Groceries, Paints, Oils, Open Formula Fertiliser AO Lime.lt will pay yon to compare onr products and prices. FRANKLIN FARMERS J EXCHANGE Phone 366-1 Louisburg, N. 0. I FOR SALE ? FORTY TEN-WEEK old Pigs, LouUburg College Farm, Phone 4X48, LouUborg, N. C. - 2-16-2t WANTED? TO BUY CORN AND Hay, Louiaburg College farm. Phone 414S, Louisburg, N. C. 2-16-Jt Sentinels of Health Don't Ncgltet Tbraul tf Nalon dmfraod H? kMatyi to do ? BifTiln? Job. Their task ia to keep the flowing blood atnui free of u >tn? of toxicim parities. Tko act of bring ? l*Jt ilflf lo oooKutly prodacing whco matt?r tbo kidaeva suit moot* from the bleed if ffood booth la to oadarc. Who* tbo kUaon fall to faactiea ao M, t ?? ? | fc - > ' 1 ? - a. - -? - a atoro mam, Mm a lataauoa ac waoto Uofr may y-e body- wide di? timm Oao may aaser aagglac baokach*. ssi vara eat. Froquoat, waty or boraia^ paooagea aia mairtaa fartbor evidence of kid aay or bladder dbtSrbaace. Tbo vaaocalaod and proper treatment to a diuretic medicine to help the kidney* fet rid of ?two? polooaoua body waste Uao Deea'a PHI*. They bare had mere than forty van ef public approval. At* endorsed the aaaaiij ever. Inmn ea Daoefa. lotd at al drug otoroa f Doahs Pills JHfUuttlual FARM LOANS 4 Low Interact /Lone Tana 4 Fair Appraisal 4 Prompt Sarviea W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBUBO, N. C. a visit to BOBBITT'S furniture house :irr ? -? - - *>? , Mattress or other Ho" 'T' """ f'nn'it"re' -???. wish, v itH: - ? Thetotch strings hang ?utaide B o 6 B I T T ? FURNITURE CO R. A. BOBBITT p ' l> Proprietor KILL THE BOLL WEEVIL WITH A COLE COTTON MOPPER PLACE YOUE ORDER NOW STKKIi BEAM. STKEL SHANK GIRL CHAMPION PLOW MADE BY 8. H. WHITE Renin and Shank Kiuranlml not lo upring or brrak $6.00 SPECIALS ? BRIDLES 00c HOR8K COLLARS . . (I.1K A X K 8 91.00 SHOVKLS 89c RU8SKL ONE HORSE WAGONS . . ?57.M> Glidden's Paints "TIME TK8TED" Best Grade $7.00 Gal. SEMI PASTE ^ After Mixing UTILITY, Gal. $1.39 Ready-Mixed Paint * 17 AD DI7NT ELECTRIC FLOOR f U K RtW 1 SANDER & POLISHER Plumbing & Electrical Supplies A Complete Line. 3 Pc. Bed Room Suites . . . $35.00 Cooking Ranges... 21.95 9x12 Linolieum Rugs . $4.49 cash Poultry Supplies | Sporting Goods H. C. TAYLOR Hardware & Furniture Phon* 423-1 Lonliburg, M. 0. v