TD A HC AT" I I A l\ /I C louisbdrg merchants | n/\UC. M I n U IVI L. ALIVE to your interests FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY This institution is the financial pillar of Louisburg and commu nity, and was established here 8 years ago. The bank has as its President, Mr. R. P. Holding, one of North Carolina's most widely known Bankers and financiers, who resides in Smit'hileld. Tiie Louisburg branch has as its Man ager and Cashier, Mr. Armistead Henderson, a man prominent ic the business life of the city, who's every endeavour is to operate a banking service that has no su perior, and the writer joins with the FRANKLIN TIMES in con gratulating Mr. Henderson for the ideal manner in which the affairs of the bank are conducted, and for the splendid success made un der his management. Ther Direc tors, stockholders, depositors, are fortunate in having a man like be to manage the affairs of the Bank. When you entrust your savings to the vaults of tihe First-Citizens Itank & Trust Co. we assure you that they will be safe and sound, and at your command at any time. The Bank is a member of the F. D. I. C.. guaranteeing all accounts up to $5,000. Every day, you see people In all walks of life going in and out of this Bank, transact ing their business, and going along their way in a cheerful and satisfied manner. Whether you be a big land owner, merchant, doc tor, financier or just a plain every day humble individual, you are accorded the same efficient ser vice. and always welcomed at this bank ? they gladly make loans to reliable people, where sufficient and desirable collateral is obtain able. and their rate of interest is most reasonable. Do your banking in Louisburg. keep home money in circulation at home, the one sure way to have and keep prosperity in your com munity. We are pleased to list the First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. in Mils trade at home edition, and wish for the ban.k. years of continued success and prosperity, and for safe and sound banking facilities. Bank with this pro gressive Institution. RAYNOR'S RADIO & JEWELRY SHOP If your radio needs repairing;, call the Raynor Radio & Jewelry [ Shop, and let their Government licensed Radio repair man. Mr. j Geo. Dennis, make your old radio "Play like New" ? he has made a careful study in this special Held, , and when you entrust your work do this firm, you can be assured o( complete satisfaction. This wide awake and progressive concern *as established 6 years ago by Mr. W. A. Raynor. a prominent business man of the city. They carry a full line of Jewelry Tor gifts, etc., watches, silverware, .nd are agents for the famous R.C.A. and General lileitric Ra- i .-Hos. Westinghouse and General Electric refrigerators, and have on display, the latest 1040 moJ vls, which can be purchased on the most convenient terms, a small flown payment, and the rest i u 1 iiberal monthly or weekly install-; ments. The jewelry and watch i repair department is in charge of Mr. Dick Parrish, and if your watch is out of orden, carry it to this concern, ? It will be repaired right. at a reasonable cost and e turned to you running like new. Mr. Raynor, the proprietor, 1b pop ular in the business life of the city, formerly served as director in the Chamber of Commerce, and is now V.-Pres. of t'he Merchant's Association, and has served splen didly for the benefit of all con cerned. Don't go away from your home city to buy jewelry, radios, electric refrigerators or for radio and watch repairing, when you | have a loyal home concern right here in your midsl. remember. Mr. , Kuynor lias his money invested in | h business for the convenience of i home people, and has merited the I support and patronage of home I people. \Ve are pleased t?> list the llav- , nor Itadio & Jewelry Shop ifi j ibis trade at home edition, and ] for expert radio ?and watch repair- i ing, for dependable radios and I electric refrigerators and other j electrical appliances, trade at this ' wide-awake business concern, who have served the people of this community for the past' 5 years. : UNION WAREHOUSE The farmer who received the ?iigh dollar for his crop was the. me who sold his weed at tho Union Warehouse last season, op-j crated by Mr. G. C. Harris andj Mr. N. F. Freeman, two w-.ill | Known warehousemen of Louis- i burg. For 35 years. G. C. Harris nut been prominent in the busi ness life of the city, and besides iperating the warehouse, is agent for the famous A. A. Iloyster, Planters and Swift's fertilizers. He carries a big stock on hand right here in the warehouse in: l>OQiaburg. For 35 years. G. C. Harris has neen a successful Louisburg busi ness many, and has borne his share of the burden on modern improvements made in the city. Right now is an ideal time to buy . your fertilizer for the coming far ming season, and be sure to fr?jt Mr. Harris to quote you his prices : before you buy-we assure you that you will save money, and that you ? ton that you buy. and that you will get the best on the market. Mr. Harris has lived in the com munity practically all of his life, Knows the soil well in this com munity. and can tell you Instantly the best kind to use on your land. When your tobacco is ready for market next season, carry it to the Union Warehouse, where you always get high prices and cour teous treatment. Mr. Harris has a special trained force, who know how to get> the best price for every pound of tobacco sold. We are pleased to list the Union Warehouse with the many Louis burg business firms who have co operated 111 this trade-at-home edition, and wish for the owners years of continued success and prosperity, and for a fair and square deal. For high quality fer tilizer, trade with G. C. Harris, who has faithfully served the people of this community for the past 35 years. WHITE FURNITURE COMPANY Now Stores have come and gone, some replaced by others, but this progressive store has stood the test of years, through good times and depressions, and today, has many of its first custo mers, even their children and grand children still doing busi ness there. This store was founded 36 years ago by the late W. E White, a pioneer business man of the city, wtuxtoid much for the upbuilding and progresslveness of hla home community. The store today Is operated by the founders sons, Mr. K. T. and Mr, W. E. White Jr., trwo of the city's most prominent cltliens, who have won the good will and confidence of the people by their straight for ward business dealings, and by carrying high grade furniture, which is always sold at "live and let live prices". This concern also operates and Undertaking Est ablishment, and embalming being done by Mr. W. W. Cook, a regis tered mortician, who uses the latest), scientific methods In all embalming entrusted to the firm. They operate a modern ambulance which Is at the public service at at all times, and a phone call to 3901, will bring It quickly when in need. Don't go away from your homo city to buy your furniture, remember the owners of thin bus iness have t-helr money invested for the convenience and comfort of home people, they bank here, help in the support of home schools and churches, greet all patrons with a smile when they enter the store, and do their best to help them make selections that fills tiheir requirements best. To deserving people, they extend their time payment plan, a urn-ill down payment and the rest in convenient weekly Or monthly In stallments will deliver anything they sell to your home. Ask the White Furniture Co., about tihe advantage of being a member of the New Deal Burial Association They are their agents In Louis burg, and will be glad to furnish you with all Information about becoming a member. Be prepared for any emergency, and Join the New Deal Burial Association to day. We are pleased to list this loyal store wIMi the many in this trade at home edition, and for a fair and square deal, plus full dollar for dollar value, trade with the White Furniture Co., which has faithfully served the people of Louisburg and vicinity for the past 36 years. - Friend ? What did your boss ?ay when you asked him for a raise? Loulaburg Man ? He was just like a lamb. Friend ? What did he say? I'Oulaburg Han ? Baa. RBNKW TOUR SUBSCRIPTION! The consumption of fluid milk and cream la Increanlng, following the Improvement In business em ployment and payrolla. reports the U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural Economlca. FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE 288-1 FOX'S DEPARTMENT STORE Two years atgo, Mr. S. H. Fox, of Oxford, opened this progres sive store, aud enjoys a patronage second to none in the city. They carry a big line of dry goods, no tions, ladies' and cliildrens ready to-wear, millinery, shoes for every member of the family, home fur- j nishings, men's suits and furnish- ' ings and other everyday necessi ties. Besides the store here and in 1 Oxford, Mr. Fox buys his merchan dise with eleven ot'her stores i which gives him the tremendous | buying power of the large chain | stores of the country, and if you j will trade here exclusively, you'll i save many dollars on your fam ily's clothing necessities. The j store is capably managed by Mr. ! Ben Fox, a man who has had long ! experience in the mercantile field, ' knows the kind of merchandise i demanded by the people of tliis, section, and does his besti to carry j i just this kind at all times. The ? store hus many popular- employ ees. who cooperate with the man agement at all times, and do their' best to please and satisfy all cus- j tomers ? Miey are Mr. Virgil j Woodllef. Mr. Joe Leonard. Mrs. ? Nancy Hall Stovall, Miss Lala j Strickland. Mrs. Forrest Joyner. Miss Bess Lancaster, Mrs. Johnnie Strange and Mr. Myron Pleasants, and they invite their many friends to visit them at anytime at the store. This store is among l he few independent' stores, who have stemmed the tide during the past several years, and kept their doors open for business against strong competition, upon a solid rock foundation of fair and square business dealings, the success of the store has been made. The store maintains a New York buy ing office, which buyers are at the style marts every day, and they send the new styles 011 to Louis burg just as fast as they are cre ated, so there is no need for the Btylishly dressed women to go away to the bigger cities to see the new things for Spring, for they will be on display right here at Fox's,. and at a price to meet all budgets. This store is a credit to the city, and we compliment Mr. Hen Fox for the splendid showing the store has made under his management. Trade at Fox's, where you always will save mou oy,. and receive full dollar for dol lar value. ECONOMY ADTO SUPPLY CO. This nice store was established | in Louisburg in 1939 by Mr. E. C. Mitchiner, u prominent Franklin! County business man. The store if i managed by Mr. R. Lee Johnson, who came to our city last year, ! and has made us u worthwhile i citizen and progressive business ; man in every respect. They car- 1 ry a big stock of Auto supplies, and accessories. replacement' i parts. Motorola and Mantola ra dios for the home and car, Good rich tires and batteries, and prices there are as low as you will And] anywhere. This store means much to the every day business life if (he city, and saves many trips fori Louisburg people to the bigger 1 cit-ies by carrying everything the motorist needs. This business is owned by a 1 loyal Franklin County citizen.; who does his banking here, coop- ] erates on all progressive move ments. helps in the support of our home schools and churches, and lias merited the patronage of ^ home people. The store is neat and attractive, merchandise being convenient'ly arranged for ihe quick shopping of patrons, win dow displays are attractive, in fact the store is a credit to your city. Right now is an opportune time to put a new set of Goodrich Mres on your car, slick and worn tires are dangerous, especially during this bad weather, so make your car a safety car, let Mr. Johnson make you an allowance price on your old tires to apply on the pur chase price of new ones. A new Goodrich battery will save you time and worry too. during this extreme cold weather, and they have sizks for all make cars. Trade at home, with the Economy Auto Supply Co. Mr. Johnson appreciates all business, and is a man who will treat you fair and square on all business deals, and we say that the Company is for tunate in having a man of his ability and character lo look after l-lieir business here. I BODDIE DRUG STORE This progressive Drug Store was established 9 years ago by the lute Major S. P. Buddie, and four years ago, the store was purchas ed by Mr. P. W. Klam. a prominent citizen and trustworthy business man of our city, who has won the good will and confidence of the people by his straight forward business dealings, and his every endeavor to serve the people with the very best in Drug Store mer chandise. He is a member of the l^ouisburg City Council, has serv ed for the benefit of all concern ed. instead of Just as few Indivi duals. und many luiproveineuis have been made in our fast grow ing little city, while he has been a member of this Important board. Trade with your home druggist, remember ho lias his money in vested in a business for the con venience and health of home peo ple, as well as to make a live lihood for himself and family, of ten he has as much ns $25.00 in vested in Just one small bottle of a certain drug. which is pro hiiWy lined only once u year, but he is forced to keep it, never know, ins when the occasion will arrive for its use, he banks in Louisbur';. pay b taxes, helps in tiie suppo't of local schools and churches, and has merited the support' and pat ronage of home people. Mr. F. I>. Culpepper, a registered pharmac ists fills all prescriptions entrust ed to the store, and does so just as tlu-y are written by your Doc tor. Mr. John Mills, is the soda clerk, and we say that he .mixes the best- drinks in the city, try one from this store, and see If you don't agree with us. The store carries a "full line of staple drugs sundries, rubber goods, toilet preparations, patent medi cines. all kinds of cigarettes and tobaccos, fine candies and prices there are as low as you will find anywhere. For a quick delivery service, phone 3291. your order will be accurately filled, and de livered to your home in a hurry. FREEMAN & HARRIS This progressive store was established three years ago by Mr. H. G. Harris and Mr. N. F. Free man, two wide-awake business men of our City, who have made friends and patrons by the scores for their store by their courteous 1 service, and straight forward bus iness dealings. Here, you will find everything in staple hardware, farm tools and supplies, John Deere and Avery Implements, wagons, harness etc., and in many instances, prices on the some merchandise that you find in the Larger City stores are lower at tihls store, so why go away from your home city to trade, when you have a loyal home-owned store like this one right In your midst, a store where the farmer can go, and on a minutes notice supply his every need for the coming farming season. Even the smallest* school child knows that the farmer Is the backbone of the coun try, when he falls to make a ! good crop, then the whole country goes into a depression. first he must have t'he proper Implements, tools, hardware etc., and thanks to the Freeman & Harris Store (or carrying Just the things that they need, und for always selling at a "live and let live price". Peo ple have found out that they can always do better ut this progres sive store, hence they have seek ed no further market, and today, this store patronage rates second to none In the city. The owner of the business are men of the high est standing in tholr home com munity, bear tholr share of '?he burden on all progressive move ments made, and are men who's word is their bond, and what they tell ypu about anything sold In the store, you can absolutely rely upon it being Just as they repre sented l( to be. If you cannot find what you want in their stock, they will make a special order, and get it dell^fared without caus ing you much delay, and at no extra cost. The U. 8. Bureau of Agricul tural Economics ban predicted that reduced export demand would make domestic fresh fruit supplies as large in the flrst half of 1940 as in the same period In 1939. There la scarcely anyone who won't work occasionally. But the number of workers get much few er when It comes to work as an every day proposition. The real proof of a charitable heart) Is to keep on giving while the need laata without the apnr of a solicitor's preaching. One hundred alxtySnlles of the now REA power line In Oran^o County have been energized, and farm families served by the line are enthusiastic over Mio service. INDIGESTION Situational Relief from Indigestion and One Dos* Prove* It If tha flrn rim* of thl? pliant -taatlns little black taolrt brine you fh? faatMc and moat rompl<*? relief yoa have eiMrttncnd aend bottle bank to ? (ivl f*t DOUHLB MONEY BACK. Thlj II "II UbUt help. Um ftWMrti dirwt food. LEGGETT'S DEPARTMENT STORE This is one of ohe most modern and up-to-date department stores ?in t'his section ol the state and was established here last year. The store is capably managed by Mr. S. C. Mattox. a man with long experience In the dry goods field, and has made us a worthwhile business man in every respect. Leggett's Store is affiliated with the Belk Stores, who have over! 160 stores throughout t'he Caro liuas. Georgia. Virginia, Alabama. Tennessee and Florida, thereby nil their merchandise is purchased in quantity lots, enabling them to sell quality merchandise at prices low er than the ordinary store. The j writer visited this nice store to day, and will say (that it Is a credit I to the city to have such a modern j and up-to-date store, and the buy-! ing public of this section is ex-1 tremely fortuuate in having a ; store like this in their midst. Thej minute you enter the store, you observe in abuudance piece goods j of all descriptions, mens clothing' and furnishings, .shoes for every i member of the family, ladies and > childrens ready to wear and mil linery, home furnishings, notions, hosiery, and hundreds of other department store merchandise too numerous to mention. The man agement has spent thousands of dollars for new and modern store fixtures, t-he interior of the store is beautifully decorated, and all merchandise artistically display ed, window displays are excellent ? Mr. M?ttox and all employees greet you with a smile when vou enter the store, and lend their assistance in helping all make selections that suit's their needs best. Mr. Mattox is ably assisted in the management by Mr. B. M. Lancaster, who has made many new friends for _the store by his courteous and efficient service. It is a pleasure to include the LeggetO Store in this trade at home edition, and to wish for the owners and management, many more years of continued success and prosperity. Trade at Leggett's and save money 011 every pur chase. OWEN'S 5c TO $5.00 STORE In 1935, V. E. Owens camp toj our City from Fountain, N. C.; : and established this store, and! the writer Joins t years ago by Mr. U. W. Murphy and his son. M. C. Murphy, two of the City's most prominent citizens, who are to he congratulated 'or the erection of such a modern store, and for carrying such a splendid stock of pure food pro ducts The owners have spent thou sands of dollars for store fixtures, and refrigeration facilities, in cluding an all electric food coun ter and step-in box where all fresh meals and other perishables go the minute they enter the store, and remain there unMI sold. They ure firm believers In the trade at home idea and pay nut annually thousands of dollars to the farm ers of this section for fresh meats, beef cattle, country produce, coun try cured uieutH. chickens. eggs. I etc. (hereby establishing a ready cash nuirkct? where the farmer can carry his products, and dispose of them without having to run jail over the city to do so. They i have also installed a modern Air Conditioned heating plant, which | keeps all patrons warm and com i tort able while shopping, and ? (hiring extreme cold weather, you can go there, and shop at* your leisure. This is one of the few independent stores that has made a successful fight against strong competition, and upon a solid rock foundation of fair and | square business dealings, honest ? weights, etc. the success of the i store has been made. Kor a quick .delivery service phone 2551 and 2 4 1 . We a re pleased to list G. j\V. Murphy & Son with the many home stores who have cooperated in this trade at home drive, and ; for the best, pure food products, plus full dollar for dollar value. PRINCESS CAFE A Rood place to rat, where one j of the best cooks iu the county )h employed, who known how to prepare real homo cooking, in true gout'hern style, and at prices always within reasori. This mod ern Cafe was established years ago, and two months a?o, was purchased by Mr. Chris. I'appas and his son. Mr. Milton I'appas, who also acts as manager? both are loyal American citizens, who cooperate on , all progressive movements made by other mer chants and business firms of Lou Isburg. and have merited the sup port and patronage of home peo ple. At t?he Princess Cafe, you j can get a regular breakfast* from 1 20c and up ? a regular dinner at : 35c and 50o? a hot SIZZLING STEAK with all the trimmings for 60c and 76c, and all kinds of short orders and delirious sand-: wiches at popular prices. Young Mr. I'appas. the manager, is very courteaus, friendly and has won the admiration of all who know him by the splendid service rendered, and by tlie high quality food products served. The Cafe in equipped with modern fixtures, spurious and comfortable booths, tables, coun ters and stools, und have a private dinning room, where one may huve a birthday dinner, or a special dinner for a number of friends without any txtra cost. The Princess will also furnish the meals and service for any special occasion In this (private dinning room? See Milton and let him quote you prices on special din ners etc, they are as reasonable as you could prepare them your self in your own home. Give your cook, kitchen, wife etc. a rest and take your meals at the Princess. Try a cup of the De licious coffee served at this Cafe ? Its the best In the city, and is always "steaming Hot". We are pleased to Include the Princess Cafe wltih the many Louisburg concerns who have cooperated In this trade at home edition. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION.' _ % LETTER fossa HOME ' A 'Welcome tfLFT to the . Former Resident vy INT THIS NEW/PAPER The Germans are sinking their warships and liners when lti' ap pears they may fall Into the hands of their enemies. Some of thine days they may decide to sink Hit ler and put an end to their main trouble. . Income from the 1939 nation"' t