? Cotton was worth 11 1-8 cents a pound in LouiBburg yes terday. t t t . ? Mr. and Mrs. Silas Jones an nounce the birth ot a son, Jimrale Kent, on February 16th. X tt ? The rains the past week has serlowaly affected tobacco plant bed preparations and early gard eaers. t t t ? R. W. Young has opened a drink stand in the room on Main Street recently vacated by Wheel ar'a barber shop. t t t ? The Norlina High School an nounces Its Thirteenth Annual Fiddler's Convention to be held at 8 o'clock on the evening of March 1st. All are invited to at tend! TAX PATERS SHOULD NOT BE FORCED TO TAKE CARE OF DRONES * In reply to Mr. W. G. Lancas ter's letter of Feb. 9, 1 Just can not agree with him. I do not think self supporting citizens should be taxed to keep up a bnnch of ablebodied people to loaf aronnd and bum their way to town to get those commodities. Then when those garments become soiled toss them away. Yet, In sMll, those same people seem to be in need. Just try to hire them and see if they haven't the brass to tell you they don't have to work. I think one person has as much right to work for a living ar another. God gave every person a talent', and it is our duty to cul tivate same by getting our living by the sweat of our face. 1 think each community should look after their own disability people and see that they have aid if in need. But I do not t-hink people ahould be taxed to keep up a bunch of Drones. In regard to the small family getting thirty dollars a month and cannot live on-th?L why not try farming where larger fami lies have to live on less I'han ten 1 bucks per month. My parents raised ten children and worked for .the small sum of tifteen cunts a day from sunup until sundown. I think all persons living on the tax payers money should be for ced to wear a red, white and blue uniform so the tax payer could recognize them at first1 sight. EMMA BALL. YOUNGS VII/LE ItKAXKN BY HOM58VILL.E HIGHS Rolesville, Feb. 21. ? Rolesville won over Yongsville in both gam es of a high school basketball donble-header. Myrick and Wall, with 12 point* apiece, led Coach W. P. Hpjlowell's Rolesville boys to a 26-25 victory. Hill and Freeman, *Hh seven apiece, led the losers. Rolesville girls won, 32-15. Frazier, 13, and Briggs, 11, were the top scorers for Coach Eleanor Lanier's team. Youngsville's lea der was Holden, 9. PRKACHKR PICKS HYMNS FOR SPEEDING MOTORIST Manltou Springs, Colo., Feb. 19. ? The motorist with any "regard for bis future abode" should sing hymns as the speedometer climbs upward, the Rev. L. C. Miller said in a safety sermon at fche Men nonnite church. His selections at the different speeds: "At 25 miles per hour, 'I'm But a Stranger Here, Heaven Is My Home"; at 45 miles, "Nearer, My God, to Thee'; at 55 miles, 'I'm Nearing the Port and Will Soon Be at Home'; at 65 miles, 'Wbon tihe Roll Is Called Up Yonder I'll Be There'; at 75 miles. 'Lord^I'm Coming Home.' " The best remedy against sleep ing in church, says our neighbor, Is to have the ministers Improve their sermons. j&aAtmak Mr. L. O. Tbarrington visited Raleigh Tuesday. t t t Mr. S. C. Mattox made a busi ness trip to Oxford Tuesday. ttt Mr. I. M. Bailey, of Raleigh, was in Louisburg on legal busi ness Monday. t t I Miss Elizabeth Johnson, of the Wadesboro School faculty, spent Sunday at home. t X t Messrs. S. L. Arrlngton and Leon K. Timberlake, of Rocky Mount, were visitors to Louisburg Saturday!" I t X . Capt. E. L. Watson, U. S. A., stationed ati Fort Hamilton, N. Y , is visiting his wife's people near Mapleville. ? X X Misses Orace and Ellen Con yers, of Chester, Va., were the guests of Mrs. Louise Johnson the past week. r I r Mrs. Louie Wall, of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Morgan Rice, of Bowman, Ga., were recent guests of Mrs. J. C. Thomas. XXX Miss Bettie Cooper Davis, ol' the Wadesboro School faculty, vis ited friends in Louisburg. while en route to spend the week-end with her people in Warren Coun ty. LOUISBURG BAPTIST CHURCH The pastor. Dr. A. Paul Rugby preached the first sermon in a se ries of two on "Is the Modern Day Church a Failure?" This sermon was both timely and thoughtful. With some the feeling exists that the church is a failure. They question, "Why iB there not move loyalty?" The fault lies with the individual rather than the church. The modern day church suffers greatly from unregenerated church membership. After all. in Mils criticism of the church, does the fault lie in the Judgment of the Individual or in the church? 75 to 100 persons are really con cerned in our local church, the rest are indifferent! Many persons in changing positions and locali ties do not affiliate with church in their new community. In t'he minds of others might be this question. "Is the organis ed church Christian?" To face squarely this query one must understand the function or functions of the church. Four neg ative things may be said here: ( 1 ) No longer is the church a deposi tory of creeds. The Bible is no longer In the possession of the church only. (2) The church ia not' an arsenal of merry. Agen cies for this purpose have sprung from the church. (3) No longer is it an institution of learning. (4) It Ib not a court of appeals It Is not for the church to arbi trate In the matters of men. Positively speaking the church function is: (1) To furnish the world with redeemed men and wo men. (2) To furnish manhood and womanhood shot through with conviction, ideals, nnd character. The hope of this town is In the church. The Church Is God's in stitution and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against It. She is not dead. She shall not die! There Is power In the church that no other Institution haB. Dr. Bagby will preacb on "Is the Modern Day Church a Fail ure?" at eleven o'clock. Sunday evening he will speak to the Boy Scouts at> the Metho dist Church. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. B. T. U. at 6:16 P. M. FOR FIRST CLAH8 PRINTING PHONE 283-1 ?fAR#ERS WH0 are WISSR al use s v FERTliS^' -^rrrTTv^^ ' SMITH DOUG1ASS FERTILIZERS *Jfae ?ouJk 'i jfc&dutq Jeiti&gelA fio* TOBACCO ? TRUCK ? COTTON' PEANUTS ' GRAIN I Sold By Louiiburg Supply Co., Inc., *Loui?burg, N. C. W.x ML Woodlief, Yonngsville, N. C. Fresh Coffee and Rice -Ring Belles of Lenten Table . A FAVORITE ill any season, cof fee joins salmon-topped rice ring in a delectable combination for Lenten menus. A simple green Rulad and tomato shells stuffed ?with peas and chopped celery com pletes the meal. Make your coffee as you always should ? always fresh from a clean poi ? and Make the salmon-rice ring ?with the following simple recipe. ' 'I I -Wj Salmon-Rice Ring 1 cup rice Coarsely .shredded 2 tablespoons butter salmon 1 teaspoon salt Stuffed olive.--, sliced Sprinkling of white pepper Wash rice thoroughly; boil and drain. Add butter, gait and white pepper. Mix salmon and sliced olives and place in bottom of well buttered border mold: pack rice firmly on top. When ready to serve uniuold on platter. Serves 6. Jerry ? Poor Mollie worked and slaved on her new dance routine for three hours. Polly ? And what was the fruit of her labor? Jerry ? A raspberry. " Practical eradication of Bang's disease from dairy and breeding cattle In 209 counties in 17 states, of which North Carolina is one, has been announced by the U. S. i Department of Agriculture. Ann Page SALAD DRESSING - 17 c ANN PAGE OELATTN DESSERTS SPARKLE 3 ? 10c JELLY IsQj " 9c A&P BREAD 2T 2 ?? 1 5? MAYONNAISE - ? 20c 8 o'Clock ??ar- 3 39c OXYDOL s 19c CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS L?< Pkc 19c PICNIC HAMS, ?> 15c RICE, 4 pound* 19c COFFEE, Loo*e. lb- 10c SUGAR, 10 48c * iit rao 0 J^o res Need Laxative? Take All-Vegetable Onel Don't lei. impatience with constipa tion load you into harsh measures for relief. Gcutlc but thorough ac- 1 iion u.suailv follows a good night's rest when BLACK-DRAUGHT is taken nt bedtime by simple direc li ns. Its principal ingredient helps tune bowel muscles. Next time, take all-vcgclable, spicy, aromatic, time-tested BLACK-DRAUGHT. It I is e<-"nunncal: 25 to 40 doses, 25c. | Although the recent cold wea ther did extensive damage to the small grain crop in Hoke County, it helped to reduce the number of over-wintering Insects, says Farm Agent A. S. Knowles. ^CONCtNTRATED^*"?"*' (SUPER SUDS lore ^ (IN TMt BlUt SOX) l'almolive Soap, 3 for 20c Super Suds (for washing dishes) Kegular size, 8 for .... 27c (iiant size, 2 for 38c Con. Super Suds (washing clothes) lU'Kulxr size, 3 for . 27c I (iiant size. 2 for 45c j (iiant Octagon Soap, 4 for . . 10c Spocial Octagon Soap, 2 for . 5c Large Octagon Powder, 3 for 14c Special Octagon l'owder, 2 for 5e Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for . . 14c Octagon Cleanser, 2 for .... Mr Octagon (iranuluted Soap, 2 . 19c Octagon Soap Chips, 2 for . . 10c Crystal White Toilet Soap, 3. 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap, 3 for 14c. Kiev (I'umlce) Soap, 2 for . Be Universal Toilet Soap, 3 for. 11c Vogue Toilet Soap, 3 for . . . 14c | Fair Sex Toilet Soap, 4 for. . Ittc I'almolive Beads .V W. E. COLLIER Lonisburg, N. C. By trap-nesting his poultry, Lawton Woodie of the Nathan Creed community in Ashe Coun ty has been able to obtain hens laying more than 200 eggs a year for breeding work. l.ook after ine present and yon wUl have a future. Martin County growers are more interested in securing lime under Mie AAA progqup this year than they were last year, with six cars expected to be brought into the county. RENEW YOUR SUBSCHIPTION! $1.6o Per Tear In Advanc* Razing America An exciting new idea in radio entertainment. Find out how much you know about America'# strange and unusual places. Many valuable prises! Listen to: WPTF -Monday 8:30-9 i GREYHOUN D II N E S FRESH BARBECUE \ Every Thursday and Friday "COOKED THE OLD FASHIONED WAY" ? FKANKI.1N COl'XTY I'KJS ? G. W. MURPHY & SON OCR PLATFORM: BETTER FOODS- -LOWER PRICES! J E L L O, All Flavors, pkg. . 5c 14 Oz. Bottle "Heinz" Tomato Ketchup . . 1 9c 2 - 10c Packages Quaker Spaghetti, 15c No. 2 Can Red Sour Pitted Cherries 10c "MURPHY'S SPECIAL" COFFEE, 3 lbs 35c PAPER NAPKINS 15c 3 ? 14 oz. Cans "CAMPBELLS" TOMATO JUICE 20 DAYS TOO SHORT! TRY Crocker's BUSY-DAY CAKE Recipe in Sacks 12 lbs. GOLD MEDAL 'ST FLOUP 58? NOW 18 THE TIME TO PLANT LESPEDEZA, OATS, GARDEN PEAS, ONION SETS, SALADS, BEETS, SEED POTATOES. WE HAVE GOOD STOCKS ? GET OUR PRICES. 'l Friday & Saturday Meat V alues SLICED BACON, Star Brand, lb 22c Good Western T-BONE STEAK, lb 25c 1 PRESH ALL PORK SAUSAGE, lb 15c SLICED PORK LIVER, lb 12c VEAL CHOPS, Shoulder Cut, lb. 18c RIB ROAST BEEF, Prime, lb 20c COUNTRY CURED SLICED SAUSAGE, lb. . 25c