APEX, N. C. Telephone: Office 2101, Res. 4201 I am In my office at Apex, N. C., every Saturday and Monday. Hoars for eye ex amination: Saturday $ a. m. to ? p. m.; Monday t a. m. to 12 noon. If it is not con venient tor you to see me these days at Apex, write or telephone for an appoint ment. PROFESSIONAL COLUMB Dr. Harry n. Johnson Physician and Burgeon General Practice - Glasses Fitted liperlal attention to diseases of Byo, Bar, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Burgeon 101 W. Mash 8t. Louis burg, N. O Phones: Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Honrs ? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to ? fipsnlsl attention to eflce work. Obstetrics and Diseases at Women, X-Ray and Flnoroaeople Wrawitua ties. Diathermy and Ultra- Violet light treatment Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. C. Oflce In Service Drug t'?. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Ijouisburg, N. O. Office ever Rose's Store Dr. M. C. King Franklinton, N. C. Residence Phone 240- 1 Office Honrs: S to 11 A. M, ? 2 to 3 P. M. 6 to 8 P. M. Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Ism Louisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice In all Courts Q. M. Beam Attorney at Law Loiiiburf, N. C. Mn la Profeaatoaal BnlMlii ?est to The Franklin Time* Practice la all Ooarta W. L. Liuflpkin Attorney Loulaburg, N. C. Mbe la Flnt National But Bldg PaaBtlm State aad Federal Ooorta W. H. Yarboreugb Hill Yarboroogh Yarborougti A Yar borough Attorneys * OouaaeBora at Law Oflce 1b Egertoa Bull ding Over Tonkel'i Store Loniaburg, N. O. la Praaklla and a4Joln atlea, aad la the Catted Court* at Raleigh R. a White B. B. Maloai I. B. Maloae White & M&lone Lawyer* Loalabarg, N. C. Oferal practice, aettlument el ea tatea, faada taveated. Oae mem ber of the Inn always la office A. E. Strange Registered Surrey or _ Rt. 4, Loulsborj?, N. C. Prompt aad Kfflceat Service Main Street Barber Shop L P. Wheeler, Jr? Proprietor !?. O. Ualoa Wi Glra i CLEANING & PRESSING RELIABLB HKRVICK When yonr clothes are In oar handa you may be rare that they will have the beat of care. Try n today ! / Call 436-1 For Pick-Up Service Louisburg Dry gleaners with Praaklla Ooaaty*a awtat AMERICAN BOY MAGAZINE COMPANION TO THOUSANDS Hundreds of thousands of boys and young men read THE AMER ICAN BOY Magazine every month and consider it more as a living companion than as a magazine. "It's as much a buddy to me as my neighborhood chum," writes one high school senior. "THE AMERICAN BOY seems to under stand a boy's problems and con siders them in such a sympathetic and helpful way. It gives advice and entertaining reading on every subject in which a young fellow is interested. It is particularly help ful in sports. I made our school basketball team because of play ing tips I read in THE AMERI CAN BOY." ! Many famous athletes in all sports credit much of their stic I cess to helpful suggestions receiv ed from sports articles carried in THE, AMERICAN BOY Magazine. | Virtually every issue offers advice from a famous coach or player. I Football, basketball, track, ten nis, in fact every major sport is covered in Action and fact articles. Teachers, librarians, parents > and leaders of boys clubs also re commend THE, AMERICAN BOY enthusiastically. They have found that "Off a general rule regular readers of THE AMERICAN BOY advance more rapidly and develop more worthwhile characteristics: than do boys who do not read it. Trained writers and artists, fa mous coaches and athletes, explor ers, scientists and men successful I in business and industry join with an experienced staff to produce in THE AMERICAN BOY, the sort of reading matter boys like best. THE AMERICAN BOY sells on most newsstands at 20c a copy. Subscription prices are $2.00 for one year or $3.50 for three years. ; i Foreign rates 50c ' a year extra. I To subscribe simply send your ' name, address and remittance ?d W. 1045 ft. to1 an oak, corner of lands of said Insurance Company in the Day line; thence along that line. N. 5%d E. 1009 ft. to the BEGIN NING, containing 25-ncres by sur vey, be the same more or less. A CASH DEPOSIT of 25'7? of the amount bid will he required of the successful purchaser. Dated and posted, this the 9tli day of February, 1940. E. H. MA LONE, 2-16-2t Trustee. XOTM'K No. 10 I) North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COUNTY OK FRANKLIN v. Hicks Hayes. et al. Tlie defendants, Kicks Jlayiw I and wife, Mrs. Kicks Hayes, and! KufTin Tharrington and the uji-j known hears of Kicks Hayes, if j lie he deceased, will take notice > that an action cntiMod as above | has been instituted and is now j pending in the Superior Court ->f Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affecting certain lands in Franklin County, to which suit t'hi' defendants atmvu named are proper parties. Alid the said defendants ubovo named will take notice that they are required to appear before Uin Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Louisburg, on or before the 29th day of March. 1940. to answer or demur to the said complaint; oUi^rwise, the plaintiff will apply for The relief demanded in Its said complaint. Dated this Hie 121-h day of February, 1940. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court Charles P. Green, Attorney for Plaintiff . 2-16-4t NOT1CK No. 12 D North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COUNTY OF FRANKLIN ?. Sylvia Gupton, widow of Jonas Gupton, et al. The defendants Sylvia Gupton, widow of Jonas Gupton; Callus C. Gupton, widower; Llllle B. Thomas and husband, Jlmmle Thomas; Annie Harrison and hus band, W. M. Harrison; Nonie Belle Gupton, widow of Ollie Eu gene Gupton; Percy Gupton, ml- , nor, unmarried; Claudle Belle , Gupton. minor, unmarried, and Mrs. Sallie Q. Wilson, mortgagee , will take notice that an action en titled as above baa been Instituted , and la now pending in the Super- | lor Court of Franklin County, be ing a tax foreclosure sutti affect- ; ing certain lands In Franklin j County, to which ault the defend ants above named are proper par- , tie*. | And the said defendants above named will take notice that they ; are required to appear before t>he ! Clerk of Mie Superior Conrt of Franklin County at his office In Loulaburg, on or before the 29th ] day of March, 1940, to answer or demur to the Mid complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demandod In ita said complaint. Dated this the 12t*h day of February, 1940. , W. V. AVBTNT, Clerk Superior Court. Charles P. Green, Attorney for Plaintiff . 2-l?-4t FOB RMT OLUR PRINTING noma m-i NOTICE No. 13- D North Carolina, In Tho Franklin Co. Superior Court COUNTY OF FRANKLIN v. Sylvia C upton. widow of Jonas Gupton, et al. The defendants Sylvia Gupton, widow of Jonas Oupton; Calius C. Gupton, widower; Lillie B. Thomas and husband, Jlmmic Thomas: Annie Harrison and hus band, W. M. Harrison: Nonie Helle Gupton, widow of OIlie Eu gene Gupton; Percy Gupton, mi nor, unmarried; Claudie Belle Gupton, minor, unmarried, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted and is now pending in the Super ior Court of Franklin County, be ing a tax foreclosure suitt affect ing certain lands in Franklin County, to which suit the defend ants above named are proper par ties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before Uie Clerk of Mie Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Louisburg. on or before the 29th day of March. 1940, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in its said complaint. Dated this the 12t