NEW LOUISBURG llCff THEATRE SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY MARCH 3-4-5 SPENCER TRACY in KENNETH ROBERT'S "NORTHWEST PASSAGE" (Book 1 "RogerS Rangers") IN TECHNICOLOR with ROBERT YOUNG RUTH HUSSEY WALTER BRENNAN Only Two Shows a Day Sunday at 2:30 and 8:45 Mon.-Tues. at 2:30 and 8:00 MATINEES: 15-30c - NIGHTS: 15-35c PROFESSIONAL COLUMN ! Dr. Harry n. Johnson Physician and .surgeon u'eneral Practice - (iluxstes Fitted Special attention to diseases ot Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash Hu Louisborg, N. 0 i Phones: Office U87-1 Home 287-3 Hours? 1(1 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to ? Special attention to oSoe work, obstetric* and Diseases of Womem, X-It/ij and Fluoroscopic Kxamlaa (ion. Diathermy and Ultraviolet light treatment. Dr. Arch H. Perry ? General Practice Wood, N. C. Office In Service Drug Co. 1 D. T. Smithwick i , Dentist Lonlsburg, X. C. 4 Office over Rom's Sture ?? Dr. M. C. King Franklinton, N. C. liesidcnco Plione 240- 1 Office Hours: ? to 11 A. M.. ? 2 to 3 P. >1. 0 to 8 P. M. Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Law < Ix>nlsbnrg, North Carolina \ Office Kurd Itulldiug, Our < Pleasants Hook Storr ( General Practice in all Courts J 0. M. Beam 3 Attorney at Lnw Umlsbnrg, N. C. IHHce la Professional lltilMln* J aert to The Franklin Times , Practice In all Court* i W. L Lumpkin Attorney : ? Ixullshurg, V C. ' OUtt In 1-ifst Xntioiml Itimk lild(i Practice State itntl federal < ourl* W. H. YarbomugU U.U Yarhorough Yarborousti & Yarborougk Attorneys .V ? tjonsellorn nt Law Oflce la r.KOrton lluHdlng Over Tonkel's Store Loaisburg, X. 0. | Practice 111 . Franklin and ndjoln lag oovatlee. and In the United States Courts at Kak'lgli ft. U. White B. 11. Malont J. K. >1 alone White & Malone ijiffjen I.oulshurg, N. C. (Inner*! practice, settlement ?f ns tatea, funds Invested. One mem.' bar of tho Ami always In office.! A. R. Strange Registered Surveyor Rt. 4, Iiouisburg, X. C. Prompt and Kfficent Service Mala Street Barber Shop 1, r. Wfcsslar, Jr., Proprietor w * \ ?He Advcrti*e-*m??*izss 7W/C? '7 my.*. - Prank Met - ' *. o* sJMMxrotrr, tuwofs, imm 4tf Qwj 6**VS, *A?*Wi?K*/ <*SK?7tPUTtrtH t?t /vtf -D Aa/ MQt/4 i*rea of 4f 1 TumauTMHg M/Vrttto-Mtsf llnAairH nucat, **o oteo ?7 rxe *oeorss?mc NO FUCNtHMAh e/w se n t w rut FKC1CH fotetiu IK/CM UMCSi Hf fVST HfNOUNCU HIS CITIZENSHIP / { tJT- 1 'M ? HI ?WKDJ Mr. Godwin drives his car to work wry day, then drives it int( ; pair of cement grooves he made himself, sfarls the motor, sends i ; tome all by ilsclf at a rate of five inilcs an hoar. It is stopped by a rubbei junket-. A short while before Mr. Godwin finishes his work, his wif? ! urns the car around, places It back in the grooves. The auto runs on ik rims, has no tires. ' ?> Mr. Klec spent most of 193: making bis casket. When it was loishel ic decided to climb in and rest a while, lie never woke gd. The number of people working on American farms increased by approximately 140,000 persons from January 1 to February 1, reports the U. S. Agriculturnl Marketing Service. The Rural Electrification Ad ministration estimates that ap proximately 1,700,000 farm hom es received electric current from central stati6ns in 1939 and that 2S0.000 had their own lighting plants. The U. S. Department of Ag'.'i% culture will expand its surplus cotton distribution program to include the furnishing of cotton to low-income families for use in home mattresK-making. A large number of An.son Coun ty farm families are setting pecan trees this year both for shade and for nuts, reports Clarence Earley. assistant farm agent of the Slate College Extension Service. Wife (at head of stairs) I* that you. John? Heavy Voice (from the dark) ? Who were you expecting? Just Arrived Car Load MULES ? .\M? ? MARES All young, sound and well broke. Let us show them to you. FULLER Service Station Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. RECONDITIONED USED CARS We carry in stock at all times from 50 to 60 high Grade Used Cars of all kinds, Buicks, Dodges, Olds mobiles, Pontiacs, Plymouths, Fords, Chevrolets. These can are reconditioned and guaranteed on our 50-50 Guarantee. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 1938 Plymouth Deluxe Two-Door with Trunk, Heater and Radio ' --- $495.00 ? 1937 Chevrolet Deluxe Two-Door Sedan with Trunk, Radio and New MOTOR SALES CO. itive ? M. M. Reynolds Tire# Only $395.00 PHONE 832 A new 4-H Club ha9 been or- \ ' ganized at Clement High School '! in Sampson County, with more ! than 100 farm boys and girls iit- 1 tending the fiiwt meeting, reports I | Assistant Farm Agent J. P. Sto | vail. NOTICK OK SALK Under and by virtue of the j "terms of that certain Deed oC : Trust dated the 25th day of No vember, A. D. 1936. executed by Horton G. Burnette and wife, Et ta H. Burnette, to M. W. Hardy, Trustee, duly recorded in the of I flee of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, 'in Book 300 al pane 285. the uu- j dcrsigtied trustee: having been ! (requested by (lie holder of the itiote secured by the suid Deed of | Trust to advertise the lands des-' Scribed therein, will offer for sale I to the highest 'bidder for cash at the courthouse (Joor in Louisburg. Franklin County, fourth Carolina. ? at twelve o'clock noon, on TUESDAY, 2 APRIL HMO the following described land: Being eight miles east of the Town of l.ouisliurg, more parMc ularly descried as follows: Be ginning at a "targe gutn near a branch and running thence South ! 79d 30' East 1512 feet to a stake; 1 South 46d East 950 feet to a stake; South 2d 15' West 490 feet to a stake; thence East 1192 feet to a stake; thence North 6d 30' East S60 feet to a poplar on Polly King Branch; thence along Polly King Branch N 2120 feet to the intersection of Dodd Branch; bhence along Dodd Brunch In a Westerly direction 1850 feet to the intersection of another branch; thence along lust men tioned branch in a southwesterly direction 742 feet to the intersec tion of another branch; thence along last mentioned branch in a southerly direction 462 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing 96.4 acres, more or less, according to survey by Jos. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, dated Octo ber 17. 1933, and beiug the iden tical lands conveyed by tihe Pru dential Ins. Co. of America, to Morton G. Burnette, by deed dat ed November 13. 1934. recorded in Book 320, page 431. Franklin Registry. There is excepted from tlie above tract ot tana tony acres of land, which Is described as fol lows: Beginning at a large gum on a small branch. Frank Fogg's corner; thence 3 79(1 30' E 1512 ? feet to a stake, Fogg's corner; thence S 46d E 490 feet to a branch soniekimcs called Min eral Springs branch, a sweet-gum; thence down the branch N 36d E 200 feet to a stake and pointers, a new corner (or H. G. Burnette; thence N 8d W 1230 feet to a stake and sweet-gum and wild cherry tree, pointers on t/he Dodd branch, a new corner for H. O. Burnette, and Frank Fogg; thence up the Dodd branch aB it mean ? tiers, approximately 800 feet to the entrance of a smaller branch; thence up the smaller branch as it meanders, about 742 feet to the entrance of another small branch; theuce up that brauch as it mean ders, about 462 feet to the begin ning, containing 40 acres by sur vey, be the same more or less. The successful bidder will be i required to deposit wit>h the trus tee a sum equal to ten per cen < turn (10%) of the amount bid, to | secure compliance with the terms j of the sale. Dated and posted this the 28t4i | day of February, 1940. M. W HARDY. Trustee. IChas. P. Green, Atty. 3-l-5t I . ? FLOWERS ? For All Occasions --- HAZEL ROBERSON, Florist Professional Building Court Street - Louisburg, N. C. I have o|H*ued a Mower Shop in the same, location of the old flower shop and am prepared to handle your order* for Flowers for decoration*, funerals, etc., upon short notice and will see thai you Ret the best of service at reasonable prires. t'AMi TO SEE ME WHEN IX LOUISKUIWi. ? TELEPHONE 401-1 ? POT SPRING IN YOUR STEP ( With Smartly Styled ' Shoes from LEGGETT'S You'll be doing lots of walking now and you want to have perfect foot comfort. Brown & White Saddle Oxfords SI. 98 to $2.98 Brown & White Spectator Pumps $2,98 to $4.98 Patent Leather & Gaberdine Combinations $1.98 to $4.98 Childrens Brown & White, Black, Tan and Tu-tone Shoes - 97c to $1.98 Men's Black, -Brown and Brown & White Shoes - $1.48 to $4.98 Smart well built Shoes for the Entire Family ! - SHIRTS - We again offer to our many customers a large assortment of regu lar $1.00 Shirts at a very Special Price ? 59c ? 2 for sl'?? Fancy, solid and white patterns -- slightly irregular - all sues. Legs getl's ; ') ? "L e g g e 1 1 ' s Leads in Louisburg" ? NEW ? lauifburq m ? ur ?T'X VIA 'JkHlMZVT' n ? THEATRE Saturdays Continuous: 2-11 '.Sunday: 2 ? 4 und 9 Mob. Toes. - Wed. - Thur. - Frf 8:80 ? 7 and 9 10-aoc Matinee 13-SOc Nlglit LAST TIMES TODAV Alter Faye - Fred MacMurrajr Richard Greene LITfLE OLD Iff YORK" SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd (Double Feature Day) Johnny Mack Brown ? Bob Baker DESPERATE TRAILS" and JANE WYMAN PRIVATE DETECTIVE" Also Chapter No. 5 "Zorros Fighting Legion" Sl'NDAY - MONDAY" - TUESDAY MARCH 3 - 4 - O SPENCER TRACY Robert Young - Ruth Husw) Walter lirennan ? In ? Kenneth Robert's "NORTHWEST PASSAGE" Filmed in Gorgeous TECHNICOIiOlt Equally as great a show, as great; an entertainment as any film you have ever seen barring none And Spencer Tracy's fin est performance. NOTICE: Due to the length of this great picture there will be only TWO SHOWS A DAY. Sun day promptly at 2: SO and 8:45, Monday and Tuesday at 2:30 ant* 8:00. Box office will open Sun day at 2 and 8:30, Monday-Tues day at 2 and 7:30. Admission tills Attraction Onl> : Matinees: I.V3(h - Night I.VOTx WEDNESDAY. MARCH Otli Gary Cooper - Merle Oberon "THECOWBOY AND THE LADY THURSDAY uiid FRIDAY MARCH 7th - 8th Iteiuiett - Adol|ihe Men jou THE HOUSEKEEPERS DAUGHTER" COMING NEXT WEEK ?Iwk Gablb it ml Joan Craw ford in "Strange Cargo." John Steinborks |n "Of Mire and Men." COMING SOON ,."l>r. Ehrlk'h'M Magle IJttllel." "Castle on The flurtson." "The Youdg ICTIenrt." Errol Flynn in "Virginia City." Mae West and W C. Fields In "My Little chioadee'' Shirley Temple In "The nine bird." "The Grapes of Wrath."