C.t/Mwrvn^ ^/taannsssr APKX, N. C. v Telephone: Office aiOl. Rett. 4201 I am in my office at Apex, N. C., every Saturday and Monday. Hours for eye ex amination: Saturday 9 a. m. to I p. m.; Uonday 9 a. in. to 12 noon. If it is not con venient tor you to see me these days at Apex, write or telephone (or an appoint ment. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Harry n. Johnson Physician and Sargeon UcMtd Practice - Glasses Fitted Special attention to diseases of Bjre, Bar, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Mash St. Louisburg, N. C Office 287-1 ' Home 287-2 Hoars? 10 to 12; 2 to 4i 7 to 9 flpwilsl attention to office work, Obstetrics and Diseases of Wona, X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Kramlna Un, Diathermy and Ultra- Vlolel light treatment Dr. Arch H. Perry fJeneral Practice Wood, N. O. Office In Service Drug t o. D. T. Smith wick i Dentist Loulfeburg, N. C. Office over Kose'o Biorc Dr. M. C. King Franklinton, N. C. Residence Phone 24U-I Office Honrs: O to 11 A. M,. ? 2 to 3 T. M. ? to 8 P. M. Edward F. Griffin Attorney at law Lontoburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice in all Courts 0. M. Beam Attorney at U* Lonlaburg, N. C. Mm la Professional building next to The Franklin Tiinen I Practice la all Courts W. L. Lumpkin Attorney LiOuisburg, N. C. (Mm (d First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Courti W. H. Yarborougb Hill Yarborougb Yarborougti & Yarborougb Attaraeys M Oouasellors at l>a? Oflice In Kgerton BufldJng Over Tonkel's Store Louisborg, N. ?. riantlse in Franklin and adjoin lag eeuntien, and la the Halted State* Courts at Raleigh H. B. White E. H. Malnn. i. K. Malone White & Malone Lawyers lioohburg, N. C. Uoaeral practice, settlement of ee lain, fundi Invested. One mem ber at the Arm always la office A. R. Strange I Registered Surveyor BL 4, Ixmlsburg. N. C. Prompt and Efflcent Service Swain County farmers are showing a great deal of interest i- the demonstration farm pro gram and In working together to Improve general farming In t>he county, says P. E. Brlntnall, as sistant agent. CLEANING & PRESSING RELIABLE SERVICE , When yoar clothes are In otr hands you may be rare that they will have the best of care. Try as today I Call 436-1 For Pick-Up Service Louisburg Dry Cleaners IxraMmrx's Oldest Oleaaen With Frank I !? County's moat NOTICE OF BALK Under and by virtue of the terms of that certain Deed of Trust dated the 25th day of No vember, A. D. 1936, executed by Horton O. Burnette and wife, Et ta H. Burnette, to M. W. Hardy, Trustee, duly recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 300 at page 285, the un dersigned trustee, having been requested by the holder of the note secured by the said Deed of Trust to advertise the lands des cribed therein, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon, on TUESDAY, a APRIL 1MO the following described land: Being eight miles east of the Town of Louisburg, more partic ularly described as follows: Be ginning at a large gum near a branch and running thence South 79d 30' East 1512 feet to a stake; South 46d Fast 950 feet to a stake; South 2d 15' West 490 feet to a stake; t-hence East 1192 feet to ft stake; thence North 6d 30' East 560 feet to a poplar on Polly King Branch; thence afong Polly King Branch N 2120 feet to tho Intersection of Dodd Branch; t'lience along Dodd Brunch in a Westerly direction 1850 feet to the intersection of another branch; thence along last men tioned branch in a southwesterly direction 742 feet to tho Intersec tion of another branch; thence along last mentioned branch in a southerly direction 462 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing 96.4 acres, more or less, according to survey by Jos. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, dated Octo ber 17, 1933, and being the iden tical lai/ds conveyed by t"ho Fru lential Ins. Co. of America, to Hortou-o. Buruette, by deed dat id November 13. 1934. recorded in Book 320, page 431, Franklin Registry. There is excepted from the ibove tract of lana lorty acres of land, which is described as lol- : lows: Beginning at a large gum an a small branch, Frank Fogg's corner; thence S 79d 30' E 1512 ; reel to a stoke, Fogg's corner; j tnence S 46d B 490 feet I Lo a branch bomeMmcs called Min eral Springs branch, a sweet-gum; thence down the branch N 36d K 200 feet to a stake and pointers, a new corner for II. G. Burnette; thence N 8d W 1230 feet to a 1 stake and sweet-gum and wild cherry tree, pointers on t-he Dodd ' branch, a new corner for II. 15. i Burnetto and Frank Fogg; thence up the Dodd branch as it mean ders, approximately 800 feet to the entrance ot a smaller branch; thence up the smaller branch as it meanders, nbout 742 feet bo the entrance of another small branch; thence up that branch as it mean ders, about 4I>2 feet to the begin- j nlng, containing 40 acres by sur- j vey, be the same more or less. I The successful bidder will be required to deposit wit/h the trus- . tee a sum equal to ten per cen- : turn (10%) of the amount bid, to j securo compliance with the terms j of the sale. Dr.ted and posted tbip tfce liSt-h ' day of February, 1940. M. W. IIAni)Y, Trueiee. Chas. P. Green, Atty. 3-l-5t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Lucy F. Wilder, deceased, lalo of Franklin County, North Carolina. thTfe is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of satd deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd dry of February, 1841, or this notlcc will be pleaded i:i bar of tholr recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. Tliia 22nd day of February, 1940, 2-23-6t S. T. WILDER, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of C. R. Sandling, deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this Is to notilfy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1941, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This 29th day of February, 1940. JOHN W. SANDLING, 3-l-6t Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Admlnls trator of the estate of J. E. Splvey, deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this Is to noMfy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1941, or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 29th day of February, 1940. J. S. EAVES, Adm'r. 3-l-6t Youngsvllle, N. C. SALE of valuable farm PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us In a Deed of Trust executed by Luther D. Hodge and wife, Ora Hodge, on the 14th day of October, 1938, and recorded In book 360, page 420, we will on Saturday tihe 80th DAY OF MARCH, 1040 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door In Franklin County, Louls burg, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wlt: Beginning at a stake Eddie Perry and Troy Btrickland corner In the W. H. Tant? line running North 5 degrees east 144S feet with the line of W. H. Tant and H. M. Richardson to a stake In H. U. Richardson line, being Eddie Perry and Jerry Stone corner; thence South 84 degrees East 844 feet to a stake Eddie Perry corner in Jerry Stone's line; Hie ace South 2 degrees 30 minutes west 402 feet to a stake Eddie Perry-* and *5. B. Cone's corner; thcucc South 89 degrees East &44 feet to a stake in the line of T. 11. Cone being Eddie Perry's and G. W. Pace's corner; thence Soutbi^T degrees east 1110 feet/ to a stake in the line of U. W. Pace, corner of Eddie Perry and Troy Strick land, thence North 86 degrees west 1594 feet to the point of be ginning, containing 44 acres, more or less, and being a part of the original P flute land and boun ded on the North by the lands of Jerry Stone, on &be oast by the lands of T. B. Cone and G. \V. Pace, on the south by the lands of Troy Strickland and on the west by the lands ofW. 11. Taut and H. M. Richardson. This land is sold subject to ail unpaid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Luther D. Ilodge and wife, Ora llodge, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness Becured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10% will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale This the 21st day of February. 1940. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE COHPOHATION, Trustee. Durham, N. C. , Yarborough & Yarbornigli, Attorneys. 3-8-4tj NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me in that certain Deed of Trust dated the 6th day of October, 1928, executed by Emmett Cannady and wife Hattie Cannady, to \V. L. Lump kin, TiUhtce, duly recorded in the I office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, ! in Book 272. page 91. the under-' signed trustee, at Hie request of < the holder of the notes secured by the said de> d of trust, will olferj for sale to the highest bidder for ! cash, at the court house door in Louisbutg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon, on FRIDAY, APRIL I2ll>, HMO, t-he following described lands: That certain tract of land lying and being in Franklin County, North Carolina, and more partic ularly described as follows: Ad joining tlte lands of J. L. Mitchell, dec'd., in Wanklinton Township, and others, and bounded as fol lows. viz: BEGINNING at a stake in J. 1, Mitchell's line run ning thence West 80 poles to a stoke and pointer. Thence North 50 poles to a stoke. Thence Bast 80 poles to a stake in J. L. Mitch ell's line; thence South one degree East 50 poles to the beg inning, containing 25 acres, more or less. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the trus tee a sum equal to ten per centum (10%) of the amount bid, to >e cure compliance with the terms of the sale. Dated anil posted this tbe 11 111 day of March, 1940. W. L. LUMPKIN, Trustee. Yar borough & Yarborough, Attorneys. 8-15-41 EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Florence Powell Evans, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, thib is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before Mie 8th day of March. 1941, or tli V< notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mak^immodiate payment. This 7th dny ofvMarch, 1940. \ MRS JULIA CARD COOKE, 3-8-6t Executrix. Members of the Four Oaks, Meadow, and Benson 4-H Clubs in Johnston County are making money for their clubs and serving farmer* by treating cotton seed. OUR READERS ARE NOT TRAINED SEALS BUT THEY RESPOND J TO AO SUGGESTIONS Sell "White Elephants" , Buy What You Want! SALE OF LAND Under and ttjy virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer-l tain deed of trust executed on tho 11th day of February, 1937, by; J. D. Kearney and wife, to the , undersigned Trustee, which deed of trust is of record In the office of, the Register of Deeds of Frank lin County in Book 337, at pages 270-271, and at the request of the holder and owner of the bonds secured by said deed of trust, de fault having been made in the payment of said bonds, the under signed Trustee will on MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1040, at twelve o'clock, noon, offer for sale and sell to the highest biddor by public auction for cash at the Court House door of Franklin County the following described two tiracts or parcels of land: FIRST TRACT: Lying and be ing situate in Franklin County, North Carolina, being lot No. 1 in the subdivision of the Preddy laud and bounded us follows: Be ginning at a blackjack, Whit field's corner: thence N. 22 de grees E. 44 poles, 15 links to a rock and white oak pointer, Whit field's corner; thence north 55 poles to a rock; thence west 62 poles to a rock; thence south 94 poles to a rock in Mrs. Gill's line; thence S. 88 degrees E. 4 4 poles, 20 links, to the beginning, con taining 36 acres, as surveyed by W. N. Fuller, surveyor, March 7, 1S84. SECOND TRACT: Lying and being situate in Franklin County, North Carolina, being lot No. 2 in the subdivision of the Preddy tract of land, and bounded as follows: Beginning at* a rock and pointers, Miss D. Usry's corner in Mrs. Ann Fuller's line; thence S. 5 degrees W. 90 poles, 21 links to a stake and pointers, Mrs. Gill's corner: thence S. 88 degrees E. j 70 % poles, 19 links, to tho lie ginning. containing- 4 1 acres, -is! surveyed by W. N. Fuller, sur- 1 veyor, "March 7, 1884. The above described lands are 1 ? he same as those conveyed to thoj said J. D. Kearney by B. S. Hoy- j ster. Jr., Commissioner, by 'deed I dated February 11. 1937. This March 19, 1940. B. S. ROYSTER. Jr.. 3-22-5t Trustee. United States imports during i the crop year 1938-3W were equiv-.[ nlent to the' produce of only 7 , 564,000 acres, while farm exports ; represented produce from approx- ' j imutely 28,376,000 acros. Crossing the street between in-! tersections is five times as likely ; to result In death as grossing :it i intersections, records of the IllKh-i , way Safety Division show. Timely Farm Questions Answered at State College QUESTION: What lawn mix tures are adapted to different sec tions of the State? ANSWER: For the coastal plain, a mixture of 2.6 pounds of Italian rye grass, 0.3 of a pound of whie clover, and Bermuda grass root cuttings is recommen ded. For the piedmont and moun tain sections, a mixture at 1.3 poundB of Kentucky blue grass 0.7 pounds of red^op, and 1.3 pounds of Italian rye grass is re commended. Each of these mix tures will seed 1,000 square feet of lawn. QUESTION: When should beef cattle be bred? ANSWER: It* (s advisable to allow the bull to run with the cow herd In May, June, and July, and the calves will all arrive in February, March, and April the following year. There are several advantages for having the calves come at this time of the year. Dry cows can be much more eas ily and cheaply wintered than cows nursing calves. Winter and ' early spring calves usually grow'] OLD CLOTHES CAN UK MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! Get out your old clothes and, though they luiiy look hopeless, send tlicni to us. We'll t'leau Ihein and renew them and return them to you looking like new clothes. NOTE ? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BENNIE MANN. Expert Shoo Repairer. Call Us Plione -Mtl-t SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F. C. Hlglit E. Nusli St. IiOalsburK, X. t). SPRING TIME FURNITURE WHEN ITS FURNITURE YOU WANT AND NEED FOR THE SUMMER AR RANGEMENTS YOU ARE MAKING, WHY ARGUE ? THE $'s YOU SPEND WILL BUY MORE, WHEN YOU TRADE WITH US. READY TO SERVE YOU. BROWN FURNITURE HOUSE J. L. Brown Prop. Youngsville, N. C. IT SOUNDS LIKE BRAGGING And maybe it is. Anyhow, we have this excuse to offer: that this is not what we say about ourselves but what readers have said in letters that they wrote us without solicitation: "It is the most readable paper in the two Carolinaa." "I like The News because its editorial policy is crusading."' "You are producing a newspaper of interest not only to townspeople but out-of-towners as well." "I've never been in Charlotte. But in The Charlotte News I find something, a genuine per son-to-pcnon friendliness, that seems to back up your contention that Charlotte is a friendly city." ***** Pretty nice, eh 1 We think so, and we yliope that others will think so enough to take a. trial subscription to ? / THE CHARLOTTE NEWS Livest Newspaper In The Carolinaa H. * ? off faster aud make better animals than calves dropped in the sum-; mer and fall. Calves dropped close together in the spring of the year i can all be weaned at the same time. Their uniform ages makes it possible to pasture, house, and ; feed them together. QUESTION : What In the na ture of, and the control for, the rust which often attacks leaves and rruit of apple*,? ANSWER: Hust is one of the oddest diseases affecting the ap ple. The parasite which causog this disease spends part of its life cycle on the apple and part on the common red cedar tree. The pres ence of both of these plants is es sential to the existence of the rust parasite. Elimination of the red cedar trees for a distance of one half mile or more from the or chard is the only practical method of controlling apple urst. Now that people have the ra dio, everybody has an opinion on every subject under the sun, and if you missed last night's program you don't know anything. fk MR. MERCHANT _ The EYES of THE ? COMMUNITY WOU1JI BE ON YOUR AD faff IF IT HAD UEK1N iuw?ofc I.N THIS ISSUE i Farmers in Madison County are observing the advantages of strip cropping on steep mountain land, and are beginning to follow this system more each year, says J. fi Holloman, assistant farm agent RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! FCX FERTILIZERS OPEN FORMULA See how much more it costs to make this fertilizer, and still you get it at the same price of other brands, with a dividend SOY BEANS - All Kinds Wood's Yellow this week $1 .75 Per Bushel ? Southern States Garden Seed The Best That Grow. COKER'S COTTON SEED One Year from Coker ~ $1 .00 Per Bufhel ^ SEED POTATOES POULTRY FEEDS - STOCK FEEDS - HAY FRANKLIN FARMERS EXCHANGE Phone 366-1 Louisburg, N. C. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THAT EXTRA PIECE FURNITURE The holidays are over and we have a num ber of articles we would be glad to dispose of at a big saving to you for quick removal to make room for regular stock. OIL BURNING HEATROLAS AT BIG SAVINGS ! Come in and see us. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, N. 0. PROMPT ^ SHOE REPAIRS Yon get double value for your money when yon have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine savings in added use and comfort GANTT'S SHOE SHOP Eut Mash Street Lonlsborg, N. 0. Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Lonisborg

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