YOU RELIANCE A Premium FERTILIZER At No Extra Cost Tobacco Goods In WHITE COTTON SACKS GENUINE BILL UPS 'tows lawn mowers /* garden hose SCREEN WIRE DOORS and WINDOWS ELECTRIC clippers and CLIPPER blades fi ?? SEABOARD STORE CO, INC . 8ETA1L *' ** ?"b p.t u? D ' McJTin^e, President Timely Farm' Questions ? Answered at State College yi'KSTION: I* il loo lute lo seed pastures? ANSWER: The best dates f or seeding in the spring is from Feb ruary 15 to April 1. Carpet grass. dallis crass and lespedeza ? should be seeded during this per iod and may be sown on top of other grasses and clovers planted the previous fall. RertmisJa grass < seed is rarely used in this state, 1 but if Wie seed is used, they should be planted in May or June. Cut- i tings from this crop are usually I set out in February or March. QUESTION: What is the be*! j control for tobacco bud worms? ANSWER: The poisoned corn meal bait is the best known con trol. This is made by carefully mixing one pound of Arsenate of Lead with 50 pounds of corn meal. Applications of this poison should be made early in the morning when the bud is open. A small ! pinch of t'he mixture should be ' dropped in the center of the bud. , Applications should be made evei* week or ten days until the plants are topped. One peck of the mix ture will be sufficient to cover one acre of tobacco. Ql'KSTION : When should cull ing be started in the poultry flock? ANSWER: For best' results. ] culling should be a continuous process, but in the young flock ? the birds should be culled when 1 eight to twelve weeks old. This is especially I rue when cockerels are to be raised for breeders. All through the growing period the birds should be carefully watched and all cockerels or pullets show- i itig lack of vigor and develop ment should lie discarded Select only those birds thai are alert, vigorous, and show a healthful development. < \KI> (>r THANKS W^j- wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their survices. kindness, and sympathy rendered during the sickness and death of our dear husband and' father. Mrs. Krvin S. Wilder and Family . Judge ? Kastus. your wife com plains that you never work. How about it? liastus ? Dat woman's crazy, Judge. Ask her what Ah was do ing de second Tuesday In July last yea r. The superintendent of the in sane asylum noticed an inmate pusbing a wheelbarrow upside down. z Superintendent ? Why . do you have it upside down? Inmate? Vou don't think I'm crazy, do you? I pushed it right side up yesterday and they kept filling it with gravel. If a girl starts to slow down, her past is bound to catch up wltta her. WOMEN '??? Read This Important Message! Do yoj dread thoaa "trying yam" (88 to 8t)T Are you getting moody, cranky and NERVOUS? Do you fear hoc flaahea. weak ening diary apella? Are you jealoun of atten tion* othar woman get? THEN LISTEN? Thaae aymptoma often reault from famala functional diaordara. So atart today and taka famous Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com pound. For ovar 60 yeara Plnkham'a Com pound haa hat pad hundreda of thouaanda of Citeful woman to fo "smiling thru" difficult ya. Plnkham'a haa yelped calm unatrung narvaa and U? n annoying female func tional "Irregularities" Ona of tho moat ijfcc lift "wuman'a" tonics. Try ill ?+?+++++++?++ ++++++++++I ; TAYLOR j| CUSTOM - MADE ; | CLOTHES jj J Pick the figure you ; want to pay and we ; promise the BEST; J your money can buy. j YOU CAN TRUST ; IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! ? i Osmond Hale { Louisburg, N. C. EVERY HOME IS BUILT AROOND ITS WINDOWS Sponsor of Famous World's Fair Home Points Out Impor tance of Good Windows B? W. WWiwortk Wood DirxUr, National Snail Home Burtaa New York City ? Few people, .vhen they build a new home, seem to realize the importance of win uows. lei every home is built around them. This is literally true in two dif f e r e n t ways. First, the frame tof your house is Actually built around its win dow openings. Take a look at a home under con traction some v. vvtdiworth w?od time. Notice how ;lie framing timbers around every vindow opening are doubled. Window* Determine Wall Space Second, the arrangement of your rooms, the arrangement of youi furniture, is all done around the windows. Available wall space is largely determined l>y windows. On the outside the architectural bar mony is largely determined by the placing or grouping of windows. Thus you see how important windows are just from appearance alone. But appearance, important as it is, is only half of the story. Here are some of the other things that a good window should do: Keep cold air out. Keep warn air in. Keep cool air in. Keep hoi air out. Keep insects out. Keep dirt and dust out. Work freely un der all conditions without rattling Provide ventilation when open. Be watertight when closed. Let light in. Give clear vision out. Add beauty to your home. Harmonize with your style of architecture. No other architectural feature in a house must perform so many functions. i It's True '1 putur war > ms 3- ?. lij?3 FOB vso cv.? ; ..A .2 >*; .?#vS9 fc-.? r ?i-'i'ir ftVTVJ... .i.'C* I'd-'* | ? ' j UUcfU wul.w ****.<: ; CA^^S 100 TWP.' - SUIT , (CUUMi O - flicC'l <"M / ??r txyi T,wt? r.r -o c*t / Vm rwr ? a pe?iJN / CIWSPMK. / 7k. f*tQ?'V. r::i s itj i fi'.r. w ??/... rue L'Tme? co*; - Tv r <> M5",T if>-OV/. . ; 0:~5 ? " 9Y ,r. ( *-ti v vr+fJt.H.. j Tit* n-nc Mi/*p?rs op rus Twisev pav i9*a rcAM cf st. lojis, ill., hav? ohl* roufi & BW.eci iHtM~ 1H? TUMA I i MAM UP Of THfiZC SSTS Of T*.Hi A?0 One %?T Of TRIPLETS Although (ho squid is about as large as a whale, it cannot cope witn .he monarc h of the oceans in free-for-all fighting. However, once it sees hat a whale is getting an advantage, it plunges to the bottom, uses its entaclos, tries to hold the whale down until the latter has been drowned. A'hales, you know, must breathe real air to live. < ivii, si:km( i: tioxs \ nnoinckd Th? i'uited Stales Civil Service; Commission hns announced open competitive examinations for the' positions listed below. Applica Wons must be on tile in the Com mission's office at Washington. ; I). C.. not later than May S if re ceived from States vast of Colo rado, and not later than May 1940. if received from Colorado! and States westward. Information specialist. $:; ,80?' ' a year, also principal, $.ri.600. sen ior. $4,600. associate, $3,200. and' assistant. $2,600 a year. The op tional subjects are press and pub- 1 lications. and radio. Completion! of a 4-year college course and cer- ? tain specialized interpretative! writing or radio broadcasting ex- j perience. differing in length and 1 degree of difficulty according to ' the grade of the position, are re- > quired. Additional experience j may he siihst'ituted for the college ; I'ducation. Applicants must not , have passed their lifty-tfiird birth day. l'ark superitendeut. $6,500 a year. National Park Service. De partment of the Interior. Except for certain substitutions, appli cants must have completed a 4- j year college course and must have had responsible experience in the administration of park activities, part of which was in connection with a large municipal, metropol itan, or county park system. Ap plicaula must not have passed their fifty-third birthday. The Commission has also an nounced that the closing dates for receipt of applications for the po sitions of senior inspector and in spector In the Navy Department have been extended to April 22 for States east of Colorado and April 25, 1940, for Colorado and States westward. In addition to the fields of Inspection given in the original announcement, the examination will be held for the following: Engineering materials (electrical) . and ship construc tion (either hulls, mechanical, or electrical). Full informal ion may be ob tained from J. A. Wholes*, Secre tary of the II. S. Civil Service Hon i d of Kxnminers. at the post office In this city, or from the See rotary of Hie U. S. Civil Service Iloard of Mxaminers at any flrst ur stToiul-class post office. Every time some city remove? another hitching post, it is news. There was a day when a horse had to win the Kentucky Derby to gel? into the papers. \VANTKI>: >1an for Ituwleiuli Route. Permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Rawleigh's. Dept. NCD-123-103, Richmond. Va. 4-1 2- 1 1 II A VIC PASTIUK FOR ItKNT ? 50c per month per head of cat tle. At Old Perry Farm. Z. T. Joynor, R 1, Louisburg, N. C. 4-i 2-3t # Today's Mvhrity of Doan's Pills. a:'<-? tha Tiluc of Doan'a under exacting laboratory conditions. These physicians, too, approve every word of advertising you read, the objective of which ia only to recommend Doan's Pills as a food diuretic treatment for disorder of the kidney function and for relief of the pain and worry it causes. If more people were aware of how tfce kidneys must constantly remove waste that cannot stay ia Um blood without in jury to kenltk. there would bo belter un derstanding of why the whole body Buffers when kidney* lag, and diuretie medica tion would be more often employed. Burning:, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney function. You may suffer nagging back ache, persistent headache, attacks of diz ziness, getting up nights, swelling, pnfti ness under tko eyes ? feel weak, nervous, all flayed out. } Use Doan't Pith. It is better to rely on * medicine that has won world-wide ac claim than on something less favorably known. Ask your neighbor ! Doans Pills Help your teeth shine like the stars . . .use Galox Tooth Powder X A ll C X Many of Hollywood** brightest stars use ( !?lr.x t' help bring out tlie natural luttlrc of their tn Ui and you caa rely on Calox too. l'ure, wliolrroaiL', pleasant-tasting, approved by Good ffousokcopinp Bureau. Five tested ingredients, blended accord* ing to the formula of a foremost dental authority, make Calox an economical tooth powder tliai can't harm ttioth enamel. Cet Calox today at your drug (tore. Five sizes, from 1(M to $1.25. THINK! THINK I "Home of The Thrifty" HA Vll MONBYl ?' HAVE MONBYI 7/aveMoney Protect Your Family With a Trust OUR Trust Department can act as your administrator, executor, guardian, or trustee, be assignee or re ceiver, take care of all your finances, under a Living Trust, or afterwards . . . for your family. We are com Eetent . . . responsible . . . permanent. Come in and st us explain our Trust Service. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking B u s i n e s s FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY * COKNKK MAIN AND NASH STKfcETS LOTJISBURG, N. CAROLINA BAN'KhS'G HOURS: 9:00 A. M. TO 2:00 P. M. THINK! THIN*! "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY I ? HAVE MONEY! LOW-COST POWER o/ the JOHN DEERE Here's the answer to the world-wide cry for low-cost horseless farming. Whether you have a small farm or need auxiliary power for a large farm, the smaller, lower-priced Model "II" will handle your every job at rock-bottom cost. Delivers 3-way power. Cultivates 2 rows. Fits all crops. Equipment for every need. Powered with a simple 2-cylinder engine, the Model "II" burns low-cost fuel and gives you longer life, greater dependability. Repairs and Supplies for the farm at Reasonable Prices. FREEMAN 8 HARRIS Numa F. Freeman H. Grady Harris LOUISBURG, N. C. JOHN DEERE QUALITY IMPLEMENTS and SERVICE