THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday SIS Ooart Street Telephone aw-l A. V. JOHNSON, Editor and ManMgrr June* A. Johnson, Aaalatant Editor and Mauajp-r SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear SI JO Sis Months 78 Eight Moatha .... 1.N Kov Month. 00 Foreign idtertiilii Rtprewitatlfc AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION New York city -i Entered at the Poatofflee at Louiaburg, X. C. as second claaa malt mntter. ?- r;. 1 Register tomorrow ? certainly before May ,11th. ooo ? The Registration Books open tomorrow (Saturday) at 9 a. m. This is a new registration. Don't -forget to go out and Register if you wish to vote in the primary. ( . ooo r DETECTING A LANDSLIDE Landslides are not unknown in our political history, hut they have come only when a great popular candi date appeared or when a great principle was at stake. No political seismograph has indicated the slightest tremor that would suggest a slide away from the Dem ocratic party. On the contrary, if any slide is indicated it is one along the lines of the 1936 event. Obviously, Mr. John Hamilton feels compelled to cheer what is left of his party with fairy tales of trends and circumstances that point to a realization of the im possihle. It will be remembered that at midnight on November 3rd of 1936 he bade goodnight to the Repub lican faithful and told them that they would awake in the morning to stee that Governor Alfred M. Landon of Kansas h,ad been elected President of the United States. oOo GETTING TOGETHER "I believe constructive leaders are realizing more and more the necessity of group discussion for mutual un derstanding and cooperation," said T. Kline Hamilton, i former president of the Ohio Dairy Products Association, recently. "I believe more people are beginning to real ize that crusades and radical class legislation cannot produce magic short cuts to prosperity." Li the field of agriculture, group action has been the rule rather than the exception for some years, due to the highly successful efforts of the marketing coopera tives. And such cooperatives have been fully awake to the fact that the interests of labor, consumers and other groups, no less than the interest of agriculture, must be considered in making policies. That marks a signifi cant development in agricultural history. ? ooo DEMOCRATIC STRENGTH Leaving out of consideration altogether the estimates of those agencies which market their compilations, the solid fact remains that the Democrats start off with a certain "2(H) electoral votes; 266 are all that a re'-required for election. In other words, the Democrats would have to lose practically every State outside of the Southern and border States and the Pacific coast, and I do not know anybody with the slightest pretense to experience in politics who considers anything approaching that a possibility. It is noteworthy that the minority party spokesmen have never offered a table of the States they even hope to carry, ft would be most interesting if Chairman Hamilton, or any other authority in the Republican or ganization, would furnish such a table in lieu of their general assertions, or in view of their extraordinary de duction, that the election of a Townsend-plan candidate in Ohio meant that young Mr. Dewey, who came off sec ond best in the only serious political campaign in which he was engaged, or Senator Taft, who seems to base his title to votes on the circumstance that his father served one term as President, or Senator Vandenberg, with his unique theory that the way to win is to castigate the New Deal while approving practically all the New Deal 'b objectives ? that any one of these was bound to make the White House. ? ivAn HAVE A SAFE SUMMER Summer isn't far away. And the coining of that pleasant season means, to most of us, vacations, adven-. tores in the out-of-doors, work about the house and gar den, and a generally happy and healthful time. We can do much to assure happiness and healthful ness by doing our part to fight summer fire hazards this year. Each change of season brings new dangers. Un cut dry grass in a vacant lot, combined with a carelessly disposed cigar butt, may mark the starting point of a holocaust that will destroy, lives and property. And a vacationist's carelessness with a campfire may result in the razing of thousands of acres of magnificent tim berland which Nature spent centuries in creating. Every town should adopt a "clean-up" campaign dur ing the summer months. Old shacks, prime breeding places of fire, should be razed. Garages and homes should be painted. And the utmost care should be tnk en with any and all flammable materials. There's one more little task that, every householder should perform in summer, in the interest of comfort as well as safety. That is to put the heating plant into prime condition before next winter brings its demands for warmth. Don't trust heating plant repairs to your self or another amateur. Have them done by an expert, ?who knows his job? the money spent may pay tremen dous dividends. Have a good time this summer. And as one step to ward that goal, keep the dangers of fire everlastingly in mind. * ... BOEING FROM WITHIN AGAIN If any department of this government has been free of political influences, it is the Federal Bureau of In vestigation. That is a testimonial to the integrity of the various Attorney Generals who have had charge of the Bureau ? and to its Director, J. Edgar Hoover. The Department has done more to reduce and punish serious crime in this country than any other agency.- ? whether or not the crimes were committed by men of high or low station, by men without influence or men with great pull. And that fact may have something to do with the current campaign to "smear Hoover" and his department. Left-wing organizations have joined thte hunt in full cry. However, the smear tech nique seems to have been deflated like a suddenly punc tured tire. It was charged that the FBI made a general prac tice of wire-tapping ? yet not a single provable instance has been produced. It has been charged that the FBI mistreated some persons recently arrested in Detroit, charged with the Federal crime of soliciting Army vol unteers for a foreign belligerent nation ? yet it has since been found that mistreatment, if it actually happened, occurred after the prisoners were turned over to local authorities, as the law provides. So it goes, down the list. As Boake Carter has written, "The squawks cbme mostly from groups whose activities are now being suc cessfully uncovered for the first time. So the 'smear' tactics are out in full force to confuse the public and bring disrepute to one Government bureau that simply refuses to play politics ? or favorites ? or be bought." The "smearers" use insinuation, half-truths and downright misrepresentations. Fortunately, the people seem fo have seen through 'his ? as has Attorney General .Jackson. Mr. Hoover's chief, who has given him ? clean slate. More power to the FBI. ? 0O0 ? Get-rich-quick schemes are irresistibly attractive to | frugal people. OUO We see plenty of room for improvement in our friends and neighbors. oOo You can't get away with a thrift talk to the family with a 15-cent cigar in your mouth. . oOo It's a pity that 110 way has been found to harness the | energy that is dissipated on golf courses. 0O0 By. planning to take care of yourself, you can relieve j the Big Planners of part of their burden. Perhaps the surest way to reach the pinnacle is to have such a burning desire to get there that nothing can divert us. ? ? ? ? 0O0 ' 1 & That you were registered and voted' in the last elec [ tiou won't do for the elections this year. You will have to register again. We're hoping that rules for domestic warfare will sometime be established, and that one of the rules will provide for a signal or gesture by which a husband can indicate that he's luul all he can take, thereby stopping the fight. Families of Four or More nctd a BIG Refrigerator ? And Here's a Beauty at a Bargain Price! All the Convenience, ilie Thrift, the Durability of a Big General Electric I Over 16 sq. ft. of Shelf Area. Over 8 cu. ft. of Storage Space. 10 lb*, of Ice ? 100 Big Cubes at One Time! Mora lisq By Owning a MG SI You can save mora left-overt, buy food in bigger quantities at better pricea, freae more ice ? and not out-grow your refrigerator'a capacity with re sulting loss of an early "trade-in". TERMS AS LOW AS $4.50 per Month Ml-tTtli CAMNET ? CTMUM ma Fiaaasr ? Waftl kfakr ? Mart* IWsMpMhtalfealTMHHtat mIwM idn a haaa SaaM-la-Msal s ( TMnrr ukit. SWBMM PMC HMCnOMSt You can now boy tfali G-E model LB6B (J Cm. Ft. Six, 1940 Modrl for only Prices As Low As $114.75 - * RAYNOR'S Radio & Jewelry Shop LOUISBUBG, N. 0. "We Sell the Best and Service the Best" I * ? HOMK DEMONSTUATION ? ? DEPARTMENT ? ? liillle Mae Braxton. Home ? ? Demonstration A(eu( ? ? ??????? ??? Schedule April 2fl-May 4 Monday ? Office. Tuesday ? Home Visits. Wednesday ? Mapleville. Thursday ? Pilot. Friday ? Justice. Saturday ? Office. The County Federation of Home Demonstration clubs will meet at the Agriculture Building, Satur day, April 27 ati 10:00. Awards of merit are to be given at this meeting to those women who have completed satisfactorily two years of work in Home Furnishing. Mrs. Haze) E. Wheeler, Home Agent in Halifax County and Mrs. Greg or, a club woman in Halifax County are going to, give a dem onstration on Flower arrange ment'. All Garden Club members and flower lovers are invited to attend In addition to every club woman in the county. Mrs. Rob Johnson, of Bunn Club, hds just bad her dining room, living room and ball re papered. While the front part of the house was being reflxed the kitchen was not being neglected. Mr. Johnson has built' cabinets on two sides of the kitchen with working surfaces at a conven ient height for Mrs. Johnson. Shelves have beer, placed Ini each cabinet so as to use all the space vnich means that smne shelves ?? re high for taller equipment and supplies and some are low for smaller equipment and supplies. Mr. Johnson also moved the out i* for electro equipment f a on; the baseboard up on the walls to the height of the working sur faces. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson say they find It much more con venient. The meter box is in their kitchen beside the window so Mr. Johnson Just extended t-he upper part of the cabinet to the window and enclosed the meter box la.' one section of the cabinet which Improves the appearance of the kitchen. Next week is Better Homes Week. Kvery effort should be made to complete spring cleaning by the end of next week. If every family in the county will be I 1 responsible (or clalning up and fixing up it's own house and yard Franklin County will be ona of the cleaneat and most attractive counties in the State. The Wood and Gold Sand Club? will have aprons (or sale Satur day for the benefit of the Federa tion. TO THE FARMERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY An Opportunity to Dispose of POULTRY FRYERS , , EGGS DUCKS GEESE Time: 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 A. ML Tuesday Morning, April 30th, 1940 Place: Franklin Farmers Exchange, Louisburg, N. C. v Purchaser: Durham Farmers Mutual Exchange Colored Hens 12c Leghorn Hens 10c Roosters - 7c This advertisement by courtesy of the Louisburg Chamber of Commerce in order to stimulate interest in the raising poultry for cash income. You Raise Them -- We'll Find A Market. I ? SPECIALS FOR BABY WEEK ? j I FROM FRIDAY, APRIL 26th ? TO FRIDAY, MAY 3rd "Clapp's" Strained ^Tjc BABY FOODS, 6 cans "Clapp's" CHOPPED FOODS, 4 cans . No. 3 can Blue Label KARO SYBUP 1 lb. Honey Flav. GRAHAM CRACKERS ... Large Pkgs. 25? CREAM OF WHEAT 2 cans EAGLE BRAND MILK . Large Pkg. S WIEBACK Nice Size ORANGES, Floridas, doz. | TOMATOES, Full Pack, 4 No. 2 cans ... . 25c | Fresh Fine Quality STRAWBERRIES (PLENTY CUP & FLATSx LOWEST SPONGE CAKES, AND 1 MARKET WHIPPING CREAM. J PRICES | CAL. Y. CLING PEACHES, | Green S. Gar. 23? CABBAGE, 10 lbs Fresh Cut N. C. lAc HERRINGS, doz Full Quart 1 Ac MUSTARD SAUCE . . "Old June" 70? CHEESE, Snappy, lb All Flavors Cc JELLO, Pk? u V "CURTIS CANDY DEAL" l-5c Baby Ruth, l-5c Jolly 1 Ac Jack, l-5c Butter Finger, for J Friday & Saturday Meat Values | I "Murphy's" Barbecue, lb 50c Sliced Cured Sausage, lb 25c Fresh Spare Ribs, lb 12 He Fresh Pork Brains, lb 10c Branded Steer Chnck Roast, lb. . 20c I "Star" Bacon, rindless, lb 18c | ? "FISH AT SPECIAL PRICES" ? ? W. MURPHY AND SON ?LOUISBUBO'S COMPLETE FOOD MARKET' SEE US FOR Soy Beans, Millet, Sudan, Corn, A Bulk GARDEN SEEDS

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