i ? ? '..J I J) .li ?' ?"! " 1 '? 11 '? YOU RELIANCE A Premium FERTILIZER At No Extra Cost Tobacco Goods In WHITE COTTON SACKS NEW OHIO OIL BATH MOWERS Quiet as a Sewing Machine Rugged Construction Light Draft TWO SPEEDS! REGULAR for Normal Cutting and HIGH for Heavy Cutting. Change gears like an automobile. SCREEN WIRE DOORS and WINDOWS > CLIPPERS AND CLIPPER BLADES We Give Coupons With Cash Purchases SEABOARD STORE CO., IMC WHOLESALE - RETAIL Pay O&aJl and Pay Less D. F. McKLnne, President 'T* ( I'ollt ical Advertisement ) RECOIll) COMPLIMENTED The following extracts were taken from letters from members of Mie 1939 General Assembly, now in my flies: ( halriHKii House Kiuauce Cum mittee? "It was a pleasure to serve with you and 1 formed a very warm personal friendship fur you. You made an excellent representative and in my opinion you used excellent judgment in voting 011 the different questions that eaine up before the House. Your County should be proud of your record and no douhht they are." Chairman Kducation Commit ter? "It was a pleasure to me to know you and to serve with you on the Committees of Finance und Education. Especially do I ap preciate your service ou the Com mittee of Kducation. Your co operation with me I will always remember." Chairman Appropriations Com mittee ? "You represented your County most ably and your legis lative record is of such u high commendable nature as to com pletely justify the continued con iidence of your constituency." Speaker ? "You did a fine job representnting your County and the State, and I congratulate you on your record." Other Committees I served on were Roads. Election laws, Ag riculture, Salaries and Eees, Printing. InstituMons for (he Deaf and Dumb. Continued service gives more prestige and more opportunity for Results. That's why I am ask ing (or a second term in the House. ASHER K. JOHNSON. TO THK VOTKRS OK KRANKHN COfNTY I hereby announce niv can didacy (or the office of Commis sioner of t-he Fourth District of Franklin County, comprising liold Mine and Cedar Kock Townships. I have never before asked for any public office and am askin>; for this one. first, because 1 want the place, and second, because 1 believe that I can give the Coun ty an honest, business-like ad ministration. I have no promise to make other than that I will do my ut most to see that every dollar of the County money is spent wisely and carefully and that full value Is received therefor. I am especially busy with my farming operations at t-his time, and it will be impossible for me to get out and see all the voters, but I will sincerely appreciate your support and your vote on May 25th. 1M40. 4-l<?-6t. THURSTON Ml?RPHY FOB COMMISSONKR I desire to announce to my many friends of Franklin County my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner from the district composed of Cypress Creek and Loulsburg Townships, Bubject to the action of the Dem ocratic Primary t? be held on May 25. 1940. I am mindful of the important duties connected with this office of trust, and if I am elected I will familiarize myself with the needs of the County and serve the people of Franklin County to the best of my ability, and will at all times endeavor to maintain a low tax rate, and promote the interests of Franklin County -am! its ciMzens. Your vote, support and influ ence will be greatly appreciated. 4-19-61 THOMAS C. WILSON. FOR CO.VSTABliK I herewith announce myself a candidate for Constable for Louis burg township, subject to the Democratic primary to be held on May 25th, and will appreciate your vote. 4-19-4t WILLIAM A. PHELPS. KOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a candidate for Commissioner for Franklin County, from District No 5. Louisburg 'and Cypress Creek townships, subject to the Democratic primary to be held on May 25th. and will appreciate your support with the assurance If elected I will do my best to bring about a sound and eco nomical administration 4-19-6t EDWARD C. PERKY. TO THE CITIZENS AND VOTERS f hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Con stable of Sandy Creek Township, subject to the forthcoming Dem ocratic Primary. Your Tote and support will be greatly apprecia ted. 4-19-2t K. E. JOYNER. THEY CANT TAKE YOUR AD IOME | sucm?* ( Political Advertisement) KOR REGISTER t>K DKKItS I I herewith announce myself a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Franklin County, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary to be held on May 25th. Your vote and support will be appreciated. 4-5-tf W. H. (Bill) ALLEN, JR. ? ? ? ? _____ FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I herewith anuounce myself a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Franklin County, j subject to the action of the Demo- : era tic Primary to be held on Muy i 25th. I am asking you to vote . for me to be Register of Deeds, . and will assure you my best ser- 1 vices if elected. I will appreciate your vote and assistance. 4-5-8t ALEX T. WOOD. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I herewith announce myself a. , candidate for Register of Deeds [for Franklin County, subject to! the action of the Democratic pri-j mary to be held on May 25th, i 1940,, and will appreciate your I vote and support with tile assur ance that if nopiinated and elect ed 1 will give you t'he same good service I have given in the past. MRS. SIDNEY C. HOLDEN. 4-1 2-T t FOB BEGISTKB OK I)KKI>S I herewith announce myself ?. candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Franklin County, subject to t-he action of the Demo cratic primary to he held on Muy 2!>th, and will appreciate your vote and support with the assur ance that if nominated and elect ed I will give the best service possible. 4-12-tf GKOVEK ('. PAHU1SH. FOB RKGI8THB OF IHCKDS 1 herewith announce liiyselt' it candidate for Register of Deeds for Franklin County, subject to the action of the Democratic par ty on May 25th, 1 !? 4 0 and will ap preciate your vote and support. If given'the opportunity to serve Ihe cit'izeus of Franklin ('utility in this office I promise my faithful and courteous service at all tiiue.4. 4-1 ? t f A. HOY A I. STRANGE. FOB KKGIKTFIt OF DEEDS 1 herewith announce myself a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Franklin County subject to the action of the Demo-1 cratlc primary to be held on May 25Mi, 1940. I am the son of .1. A. (Jimniie) Spencer and feel that I can give the citizens of til" County satisfactory service ill this important place and will appre ciate your vote and support in t !i ?? coming primary. ANDREW H. ( Bully I SPENCER, t-lt-tf FOB BKOIHTKB OF DEEDS 1 herewith announce myself a candidate for Register of Deed- [ for Franklin County, subject to the action of ihe Democratic pri mary to be held on May 25th. and will appreciate your vote and sup port. with the assurance that' if nominated and elected 1 will give von the best service possible. 4-12-7t ROBERT H. JOHNSON. FOB CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a candidate for Constable for Har ris township. Franklin County, subject' to the action of the Dem ocratic primary to be held on May 25th. I am asking you to vote tor me for Constable and will as sure you my best service if re elected. I will appreciate your ! vote and assistance. 4-26-5t Z. C. WHEELER. ('AMUII)ATK KOK I 'OMMIS8ION Kit I will again be a candidal"- for !the office of County Commission er of Franklin County from l)is | Irlct No. 2 which consists of Youngsvllle and Kranklinton Townships. It has always been my policy to carry out' the wishes of the citi :zens of Franklili County and if : re-elected I pledge my every ef fort to an economical administra tion of public affairs, taking into 'consideration at all times th*> wishes of the majority of the citi zens of the County. The honor that has been be stowed upon me in the past has been greatly appreciated and if the citizens of Franklin County see fit to re-elect me to tills office, I, pledge my every effort to pro mote good government in Frank lin County. Respectfully yours, ; 4-12-tf. STEPHEN E. WINSTON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I desire to announce herewith my candidacy for re-election to the Board of County Commission ers for Franklin County for Dis trict No. 4, comprising Gold Mine and Cedar Rock Townahlps. I hare made an earnest effort during my tenure of office to serve the best Interest of Frank lin County and also favored an economical administration at all times, and it hat bee* my con certed effort to reduce the indebt edness of Franklin County, and If tbe good people of Franklin County see fit to re-elect me to this office, I pledge my support to economical government and the proper nnd efficient manage ment of County affairs. I also desire to thank the peo ple of Franklin County for tbe honor that they have bestowed npon me in the past, and if re elected I will make every effort to serve the office to bhe best of my ability and according to the wishes of the majority of the peo ple of Franklin County. Yours to serve. 4-12-tt TAYLOR W. BOONE. ?r (Political Advertisement) TO THE VOTERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY I take this opportunity to an nounce my candidacy tor the State Senate subject to the Demo cratic Primary t*> be held in May 1940. I wish to acknowledge my thanks and appreciation (or the expressions of confidence that the citizens of Franklin County have previously given me. If elected, I shall use every effort at my command to carry out the wishes and desires of the good people of our county and district. Thanking you for your support, 4-5-8t. W. L. I-OMPKIN. FOR HOl'SK OF REI'RESEN TATIVKS I hereby wish to announce my candidacy for the House of Rep resentatives. subject to the Dem ocratic primary, May 25th. The voters of Franklin County can rest assured, that If I am elec ted to this position that at all times I will serve the County in all matters to the best of my ability. I also wish at this time to thank each and every voter for their support in t-he past and their confidence in me by loyal support every time I have been before the voters. Ynur support and vote will be appreciated in the coming primary very much. H. CRAWFORD KEARNEY. 4-12-7t FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 herewith announce myself a candidate for Register of Deeds for Franklin County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary on May 25th., and will ap preciate your vote and support with the assurance that If nomi nated and elected I will give Mie good service you have a right to expeet. 4-19-tit WILLIAM S. BOONE. A X XOl'NCraiKNT OF CANDIDACY This is to announce my candi dacy for rc-electi'on to the off ire of County Commissioner for Dis trict No. 3 of Franklin County, comprising Hayesville and Sandy Creek Townships, subject*, how ever. to the action of ilie Demo cratic primary. I have had the honor of serv ing the people of Franklin Coun tv in the past and I have at all times made every effort to con duct the affairs of the County in a business-like manner and al ways considering the interest of the tax payers. I appreciate the support of the people of Franklin County in the past and if re-elected I will exert every effort in my power to make Franklin County a better place in which to live and to conduct bus iness. Your support will be greatly appreciated. .r. Z. TERREIX. h()lt COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a candidate for Commissioner for Franklin County from District* No. 1, Dunn and Harris townships, subject to the act-ion of the Dem ocratic primary to be held on May . 25th If nominated and elected I will assure you of my best service toward.an economical and efficient administration and will appreciate your vote and support. 4-1H-6I. J. FRED FERRY. FOR RECORDER I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for a second term as Judge of Franklin Coun ty Recorder's Court in the Demo cratic primary of May 25th. During my first term t have tried to decide each cas?e on it's individual merits without fear or favor. My candidacy is bused entirely on my record in this : office of service for the people of Franklin County to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. 4-1 9-6t HAMILTON HOBGOOD. /> poll JI DUK OK RECORDER'S COURT I herewith announce my chii didacy for Judge of the Record er's Court for Prunkliu County, subject to the democratic pri mary to be held on May 25th. Thanking you for your vote and support. 4-l9-6t. E. C. BULLUCK. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself n candidate for Commissioner for Franklin County from the second district composed of Kranklinton and Youngsville townships sub ject to the action of the Democra tic primary to be held on May 26th. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to an economical government and to serve the most people best. j 4-19-6t JOHN T. SAWYER. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a candidate for Commissioner for Franklin County from District! No. 3, Hayesville and Bandy Creek townships, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on May 25th. If nominated and elected I assure you good "busi ness service. I 4-1 9-tf ? J. IRA WELDON. FOR CO\HTAIII,E I I herewith announce m.vs?lf a candidate for Constable for Dunn township, Franklin County, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic primary to be held on May 25th. I am asking you to voto for me for Constable and will as sure you my best service if elat ed. I will appreciate .your vote and assistance. 4-19-6t B B. BRANTLEY TJflNK! # "Home of The Thrifty" HaveMoney Hold On To It BANK your Money SAFE in our Bank, and be ready to "catch on" to a good business opportunity when it is pitched at you, or to buy a new HOME. Strike out your DEBlS. Buy only what you can PAY for . . . when a debt is MADE it must be PAID. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & HOST COMPANY CORNER MAIN AND NASH STRKKTN LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA BANKUNli HOl'tW: ?:00 A. M. TO 2:00 P. M. THINK! THINKI "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY1 ======== have MONBYl TAKE THE TIME- and MONEY-SAVING WAY with a JOHN DEERE DISK TILLER Prepare your seed beds at minimum cost with ? husky, bid-capacity John Deere Disk Tiller, do your summer-fallowing in a big way, save valuable hours on wheatland tillage, do a better job, and get it done at the right time. Heavily braced overhead frame preven ts cloggi ng. Frame weight above the disks aid* penetration. Heavy-duty heat-treated diska. Enclosed heavy duty power lift. Chilled bearings. Semi-floating hitch for easy control. Quick depth and angling adjustments. ?? v: Come in and learn all about the strong, cost reducing John Deere Tillers. < ? We also have a full line of Farm Implements at Reasonable Prices. Call in and let us show you. FREEMAN 8 HARRIS Noma F. Freeman H. Grady Harris LOUISBURG, N. C. JOHN DEERE QUALITY IMPLEMENTS and SERVICE

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