I AT LAST! IT'S HERE! I THE WHOLE TOWN IS TURNING OUT FOR THIS EVENT ! 4 FOX'S COUPON EVERYBODY IS SAYING LET'S GO TO FOX'S : ' 5 ? BEGAN THURSDAY MORNING 9 A.M.? READ OUR BIG 4 PAGE CIRCULAR ? COME DOWN AND SAVE ON YOUR NEEDS NOW! DON'T FORGET DONT FORGET FOX LOU ISBURG'S BEST DEPARTMENT STORE 1 Ordinary safety precautions should' include being caretul about what we say. ft > ? / Eleven pedestrians were killed in this state last year when they stepped from behind parked cars. IMPORTANT NEWS ? For ? Louisburg and Franklin County TONKEL'S GREAT 17th ANNIVERSARY SALE 4-r- ' . '.v yj Has been continued for Three More Days. With Greater and New Values Added for the Three More Days. ANOTHER GROUP OF NEW SILK DRESSES Values up to $3.00 and $4.00 Anniversary Special - $1.00 ANOTHER GROUP OF SPRING COATS All The Newest Styles Values up to $12.95 Anniversary Special - $5.00 ABOUT 25 MORE SPRING TOPPERS In the Newest Styles and Colors Regular $2.95 Value ? Anniversary Special - $1.00 LADIES' SPRING AND SUMMER TWO AND THREE PIECE SUITS Man Tailored and 3-4 Lengths Values to $6.95 Anniversary Special - $2.95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Newest Fabrics and Styles The Last Call - $9.88 / ^ TONKELS DEPARTMENT STORE, INC. "Always Something New" 4- A ^akmjifsxvs \ _ abouttfie&kA andoi&er - OTCNSION WORK yO if ( jnmtu M & Jr5W Mr. VV. S. Ayscue. Henderson, N. C., R. 1. was assisted in pur chasing live bushels of Porta Kica. N. C. Sfcrain 1, Sweet Potatoes. A group of neighboring farmers have requested Mr. Aysrue to produce improved seed thAt a source of improved seed may be available locally in 1941. Three cars consisting of 212, 800 pounds of 20% Superphos phate were received and distrib uted to farmers upon their re quest, as follows: T> W. Boone. T. M. Harris. J. P. Timberlalte. Jr.. C. M. Askew. C. F. Best. P. P. Purnell, 8. W. Tharrington, W. L. Hawkins. A. A. Pernell. W. R. Harris, J. E. Nelms. Mrs. Viola D. Burt. Phi Tomlinson. W. M. Pin nell, W. T. Moss. Vasser Perry. J. N. Tharrington, N. H. Ayscue. Buck Fuller. S. S. Harrison. M. T. Lamm. Zollle T. Pearce. Char ley Bibby. Dorsey Bibby. W. S. Ooswick. J. A. Hodges. Mrs. Ida jw. Mitchell, Mrs. Carrie Strick land. S. O. Wilder. J. H. Fuller. E. N. Ayscue. T. C. Gill. Joseph B. Hunt. Jessie Taylor Harris. M. C. Smith, J. P. Timberlake, Marguerite Mitchiner. S. V. Hill, It. C. Wilson, C. O. Renn. Jos. T. Inscoe. J. E. Smith. T. Wilson Oay, E. M. Harris, R. S. Pace. J. F. Perry, R. D. Collins, Ceo. L. Cooke, R. J. Rose. H. K. Frazier, R. T. Purnell, David Wheeler, Addle C. Williams. N. H. Griffin. M. H. Gupton. S. T. Leonard, J. R. Ricks. J. D. Morris. F. W Jus tice, H. T. Rogers. R. E. McDuffie, Otis B Burrows, and J. G. Wln ?ton. One car of lime was received consisting of 110,500 pounds and distributed to the following far mers upon thelf request: J. E. Harris, N. J. Hart, N. J. Hart, JV., W. T. Moss, B. F. Woodlief. and 8. V. Hill. Franklin County farmers are eligible to request lime and phos phate as Grartt of Aid The ma terial desired for use on Fall crops should be ordered now for delivery on the desired date. OUR READERS are not . TRAINED SEALS BUT THEY RESPOND }L TO AD SUGGESTIONS ^ Sidelights Here's how Jack Tarver review-' ed "Gone With t'he Wind" for, the Toombs County. Ga., Demo-j cral : "There was a land of cotton-: tip I ds and cavaliers called The Old' South. A land df Lords and their: Ladies, of Muster and of Slave. Look not for them hereabouts for they are no longer to be found Male and Female. Black and; White, Youth and Aged. they are| all down to the Victure show see-j ing 'Gone With the Wind.' "Katherine Scarlett O'Hara was our Shero. A winsome winch with a flgger like a marble sta tue and a head as hard. "Gerald O'Hara was her pa. By nature, he was most animal ! like. Proud as a peacock, he roar jed like a lion and rode like a dog 'and pony show After Sherman rame he was crazy as a bedbug | "Anyhow Scarlett was in love with Ashley Wilkes, who was in love with his cousin. Melalne. who was in love with Ashley, and so 'they were married, (Ashley and' | Melaine. in case you're getting confused.) "This irritated Scarlett 110 end: and so. in quick succession she; married for spite and cash res-: pectively. a couple of fellers whose names we didn't get. But1 then, neither did Scarlett for long. "The other major characters! were Rhett BuMer, Belle Waiting and a colored lady exactly like thej ' one on the flapjack box. "Rhett. who was somehow; 'strangely reminiscent ? of Clark! Gable, was a cross between Jesse James and Little Boy Blue. "Uncle Lum considered playing Ithett but turned It down when he: {found t-here wasn't anything but mint in the mint Juleps. "If Hhett had Jollied the Lost 'Cause In the second reel instead ? of after Intermission, the Con federacy would have won the war. j "And Belle. You'd have loved i ! Belle. Everybody did. "During the siege of Atlanta, only three things were running: j | Belle's place. I'rlssy'S nose and j the laundry that kept Rhett's j white suits snow white. "Melaine's baby arrived about the same time Sherman did. Both | were equally welcbme to Scarlett, j "It was. so far as our pains-i taking research has revealed, thej I first baby ever born In techni 1 color. | "Anyway, the South lost the war again in the picture. (What could yo' expect with a lot of Yankee producers?) and Scarlett married Hhett' to get even with j him. "Their married life was Just like setting in hell's lire and lis tening to the heavenly choir. "Finally, after Metaine died Scarlett realized that she didn't 1 love Ashley but Rhett Scarlett) ' was as changeable as a baby's underwear. However Rhett had enough of her foolishness and when she told him, he says,; ('Frankly, my dear. I don't give a Jdamn.' "Njelther by this time, did the audience. They were glad to see i the end, their own having become number and somewhat harder than a landlady's stare ." Seventy farm homes In I^enolr | County have already signed ap plications for electric service from 1 the Trl-County Mutual, which has been set np to serve areas of Duplin, Wayne, and Lenoir coun I ties. RJENKW YOl'R SCBSCRlJPTKHf t NWf W LOUISBURG ? ~ THEATRE TWO DAYS ONLY Thursday - Friday, May 9-10 Margaret Mitchell's "GONE WITH THE WIND" Exactly as Shown at the Famed Atlanta Premiere. TWO SHOWS A DAY Matinee: 2:00 P. M. - All Seats: 75c Night: 8:00 P. M. - All Seats Reserved $1.10 (Will not be shown anywhere (or less at least until 1941) 1 Franklinton News Franklinton. ? The Thursday Bridge Club was entertained this week by Mrs. H. J. Rose. High Score prize was awarded Mrs. A. B. Wester. Jr. Mrs. Rose served a salad- course with shortcake. The P. T. A. held its last meet ing of the year Tuesday in the auditorium of the Franklinton Graded Schools. Mrs. Walter W. Cooke presided. The pupils of Mrs. Fred Blount's home econo mics class staged their annual fashion show. Tea and ^cookies were served. The Franklin County School Masters Club met Wednesday eve-! ning in Mie Franklin Graded | School. Dinner was served by the1 senior class. Throughout the State the fol- ' lowing uews will be of interest to the friends of Jack Purnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Purnell. At an Informal dinner given in the home of her parents, in Manila. P. I., Mr and Mrs. E. J. Cottrell announced the engage ment of t'helr daughter. Lillian Elizabeth, to John Ferguson Pur nell. of Franklinton and Manila The bride Is a popular member' of the younger set in the Ameri can Community, having come out to Manila from New York City, with her parents three years ago. | Mr. Purnell, who Is u graduate of N. C. State College, "has lived I in Manila for tihe past five years.! being connected with the Liggett, and Myers Tobacco Company. The wedding is planned for some time in May, preceding the I departure of the bride elect's par-, ents for the United States. SlnriUSK ItlKTHDA Y PARTY The children and grandchildren J delightfully entertained Mrs. Bet tie Rogers, Youngsvtlle, N. C., with a surprise birthday supper on April 20, 1940 at 6 o'clock, which was her 78tih birthday. Mrs. Rogers had gone with one of her daughters. Mrs. Sam Prl vette and family to town, and up on returning home, she found a group of people awaiting her re turn. She was first greeted by some of her great grandchildren. I Then Anally she was escorted ln-j to the dining room at Mrs. Prl vetbe's by one of her grand-daugh-| ters, Mrs. A. C. Lay ton, l,ouis-j burg, N. C., and there she found a table loaded with good things to eat. The supper consisted of barbe cue, sausage, stuffed chicken, ham meat, hamburgs. weiners. sand wiches. rake, pickle, coffee and tea. Those present were: Mrs. Bet tie Rogers, the honoree. Mr. und Mrs. Sam PrlveMe. Eva and Sam uel Privette. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ellington and their daughter. Su san. Mrs. Richard Ellington. Mr. and Mrs. FoBter White and child ren. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Rogers and daughter, Betsy. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Privette and daughter, Sonia. J. C.. Bob Roe and Lumus Rogers and Mrs. Sallie Richards, all of Yotingsvilie. N. C? Mr. and Mrs. A. C. l^ayton and son. Bar rett. and Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Rogers, all 6f Louisburg. N. C. After supper the friends all gathered in one room and the presents were all opened and pass ed around so everyone could see them. She received many pres ents which she will use and en joy in the future. They all departed about 9:30 o'clock, declaring they all had a good time and they wished her many more happy birthdays. SKMOK CLAHS OP KDWAKI* BKST TO PRE8KNT AN NITAL PLAY The Senior Class of Edward Best High School will present their annual play. "Bound To Marry." Thursday, May 2. In the high school auditorium at 8:00 o'clock. The play as the title suggests, is three-acts of continuous laugh ter. gaiety, mix-up ot personages, and Anally a happy ending, all ably supported by members of the Senior Class. The characters in the play will be played by the following Sen iors: Louise Burnette as Bftty Jane Dove; Dorothy Radford as Mandy Snook, the colored cook; Troy Collins as Augustus O. Bak er; Doris Mopre as Hilda Slater; Harold Lestee as Samuel Boyer;' Betty Oray Bartholomew as June Ray; Talmadge Flowers as Billy Pouder In a double role; Ruby Lester as Evelyn Orace; and Bruce Harris as Mose Lincoln Hall, negro butler, who typically portrays his part. A new enrollment peak in 4-H Club work was reached last year with more than' 1,381.500 boys and girls belonging tay) DONALD KAKKV a new action star for your entertainment in "GHOST VALLEY RAIDERS" and JACK HOLT "OUTSIDE THE THREE MILE LIMIT" And the First Chapter of a new thrilling serial San Rohmer's "Drums of Fu Manchu" Owl Show 10:45 Adults Only Alt Seats 30c SUNDAY-MONDAY, APR. 28-20 Not since "Jesse James' has Ty rone F^wer had such a great rq(e. Not since 'The Hurricane' has Dorothy Lamour had such a great role. Together for the first time. Tyrone Power - Dorthy I .amour "JOHNNY APOLLO" With Kdward Arnold ? Lloyd Nolan TUESDAY. APRIL, 30th (Big Double Feature) Julio 1'nynr . Gloria Dickson "KING OF THE LUMBERJACKS" and THK Mll?l M.ETON FAMILY AT THE WORLD'S FAIR (In Technicolor) WEDNESDAY, MAY l?t Here is the old professor him self folks and all his gang of en tertainers. KAY KYSER anil hid Orchestra Adolphe Menjou - Lucille Ball May Robson ? (tinny Sims Ish Kubibble . Sully Mason 'THAT'S RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MAY JS-.1 The perfect picture with the perfect cast. Merle O heron . George Brent "TIL WE MEET AGAIN" with Pat O'Brien - Gerald ine Mtigerald Blnnle Barnes ? Frank McHagh COMING SOON Jean Arthur and Fred MacMur> ray In "Too Maay Husband*." Eddie Cantor in "Forty Little Mothers." (Singer Rogers In "Primrose Path." Spencer Tracy In "Edison, The Man." Carole Lombard in "Vigil In The Night." "My Hon, My Son." "One Million Years B. C." Blng Crosby In "If I Had My Way." "SwU? Family Hohlnson."