Home Coming I'Mtui* of May Day Eirrclacii Next Salunlu) at l.ouist>ui?K CollPgc The Social Committee of Louis bui'g College has announced the following Homecoming apd May I>ay program for the week-end of May 4-5. At one-thirty o'clock on Satur day, May 4. on the college athletic field, there will be a baseball same between' members of the class of '35 and a college team. The May Day fete will be held at fourt-thirty o'clock on the northwest campus which is used as an amphitheatre. At six-t4iirty o'clock class din ners will be held in the college dining hall. Senator D. B. Fear ing, President or the Roanoke Is land Historical Association, has been invited to serve as guest speaker of the evening. From nine to eleven o'clock in the evening the college will be boats in the college parlors to stu dents and visiting alumni. On Sunday morning. May 5. at eieven o'clock there will be a special sermon at the Louisburg Methodist Church. Dr. Walter Patten, President of the College, will fill the pulpit' at the request of the alumni. An Alumni Dinner will be serv ed at one o'clock in the college dining hall. . The May Day program i? undei the direction of Miss Ruth Rog ers of the Physical Education De partment, who is being aviated by Mrs. I. D. Moon of the De rartment of Home Economics, Mr. Barnes E. Byerly of the Music De partmeuts Miss Virginia Peyatt of the Industrial Arts Department. The theme for May Day cen ters around an adaptatiou o Mother Goose Stories by Kathleen Turner and Marguerite Will-. The May court and escoits aie ;.a follows: .luanita Hurley (Queen). St a hoard, escorted by Pete Page; W I; miugton; Alice Cahill (Maid of Honor) . Winston-Salem e^ort*d vv Lester Stallings. Hobbsville. Martha Windley. Bridgeton. with Lloyd Sheep. Elizabeth City : Mar garet Simmons. Billy Gossavd. Elizabeth . Kathleen Winborne. Woodville,. wlth John Belcher. Wilmington, ia vonne Matthews. KipUng with Billy Clifton. Louisburg. Gene "ve Seneca I. North Adams. Mass achusetts. with Bobby Waters. Wtlmlngtou; . . Helen Moore. Goldsboro. with George Stearns. Monroe^ Doris Morgan, Hamlet, with Bill Mc Artan, Dunn; Catherine O lUs. Raleigh, with Borden Columbia : Katherine Oinrter. sanford. with Joe Com.r. Dobs..^ Hilda Barnes. Kim City. ^ Willis Marshall. Raleig . - ?dla Asbell. BelvWere with Em -rson Asbell. Belvidere. Huny ,;rey Massenburg, Louisburg. with Charles Gates. Roxboro. The mail! characters In th pagaent are as follows. Mother '?oose ? Frances Brown, liates ville: Simple Simon ? Cliff Mor ris. Wilmington; the Pieman ? Ed Comer. Dobson: lied Riding Hood ? Doris Munford, Klnston: Bo Peep ? Rebecca M id pet te. Eliza beth City; Boy Biue^ ? Richard Auger, Whitevllle; Tom. Tom. the Piper's Sou. Dan Brighti Rob ertson. Jonesboro; Kinn Cole ? A R. Allen. Franklinton; Queen of Hearts ? Judy Kannon. Golds boro; Maid of Hearts? Mary Alls brook. Scotland Neck: Maid of Rlackhird Pie ? Inez Lupton. Whortonsvllle; Jester ? ? Clyde Stallings, Morehead City; Knave of Hearts ? Hepry Smith. Wil mington; Pipe Bearer ? Nell Pet erson. Parkersburg; Bowl Bearer ? Susan Henly. Roxboro; Fid lers Three ? Doyel Cotton. Red Springs. Billy Andrews. Louts burg. Thomash Weless. Louis burg; Hum ply Dumpties ? Wal lace Keys. Washington, D. C., Lewis Adams. Aurora. S. J. Starnes. Willlamston: Little Miss Muffett and Spider ? Martha Kearney, Frankllnton, and Thel ma Clark, Virgillna. Virginia; Jack Horner ? Ike Kearney. Frankllnton; Old Woman in the Shoe and her Children ? Zeta Mae Tyndall. Mount Olive, Sylvia Burns. Silcr City. Mary Daley Kornegay. Warsaw. Roy Thomas, Troy, Theodore Collins, Frank llnton; Jack and JMl ? Wallace Oray. Buxton. Mickey Pope, Mill brook; Sandman ? Matt* McDade. Htllsboro; Mary and her Lamb? Mondelle Holleman. Roxboro: Al ice In Wonderland ? Mary Wat kins, Oxford: Lucy Locket ? Louise Turner, Speed; Kitty Fish er ? Edna Olllls, Raleigh. Leaon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly ff you Buffer from rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis pain, try this simple incxpcrf sive home retipe that thousand* are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mi* it with ? quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It*? easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You deed only 2 tabiespoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 houre ? aometfmcs overnight ? splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not led better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is aold by your druggist under an absolute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Cbmpound ie for sate and recommended by Scoggin Drug Store. IX MKMOKY I Sunday. April 21, 1940, just at the dawn of day. the death an gel came on her golden wings in to the home of Mr. Junie Alford [ and took him with her on a gol den journey into the land of i heavenly rest. He was a noble, honest and up right Christian who professed faith many years ago. He was al- ' ways cheerful and met every one with a smile. He was one, who said.v '/it couldn't be done" until he tried it. So he'd buckled right in with ; a trace of a grin. 011 his face. If he worried, he hid it. He start- j ed. to ping, as he tackled the thing. That couldn't be done, he did it. i There is a vacant chair in his home that never can be filled, which he has faithfully tilled for j 1 f> years. He was born December H. 18S4 in the home from which he departed. He was preceded to the grave twelve years figq bv his mother, his father went' in his infancy, and one sister 25 years ago. He was laid to rest in the family burying ground with his cousins acting as pallbearers. Rev. Nich ols officiating at the funeral services. The floral tribute was especially beautiful. which be-| spoke the high esteem in which he was held. He leaves to mourn two sis-j tiers. Misses Bell and Mary Al- : ford with whom he lived, one brother. Mr. Smith Alford. of I Runn. Ten nephews and seven nieces, besides a host of relatives and friends. He's not dead. Just resting in heavenly peace waiting for us. who loved him so much. If we live the example, which he set for us. we will meet him up on High when the death angels hades us to go with her. His Niece. Ruth. C.\KI? OK THANKS We take this means of express ing our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their thoughtfulness and kindnesses and nice gifts since our house burned. May God bless every one of you all. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Rogers. CARD OK THANKS We wish to thank each and every one for the sympathy and kindness during the sudden deatti of brother and uncle. Mr. Junie Alford. ? Misses Belle and Mary Alford, Mr. Smith Alford. ? Nephew and Nieces. How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of FAT Loot Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Double Chin Lost Hrr Sluggishness Gained a More Shapely Figure ud the Increase in Physical Vigor ind Viraciousness Which So Often Comes With Rxcess Fat Keduction. Thousands of women are getting Fat and losing their appeal just be- j cause they do not know what to do. Why not be smart ? do what thousands of women have done to get off pounds of unwanted fat. Take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen < in a glass of hot water first thing every morning to gently activate liver, bowels and kidneys? cut down your caloric intake ? eat wisely and satisfyingly ? there need never be a hungry moment! Keep this plan up for 30 days. Then weigh yourself and see if you haven't lost pounds of ugly fat. Just see if this doesn't prova to be the surprise of your life and make you feel like shouting the good news to other fat people. And best of all a jar of Kruschen that will last you for 4 weeks costs but little. If not joyfully satisfied ? monev back Timely Farm Questions Answered at State College Ql'KSTION : What are the re quirements to participate in the AAA garden benefits? ANSWER: The garden shall consist of not less than one-tenth of an acre for each person in the family and all should be planted as one unit. However, not* more than one acre will he required for any one family. On this plot, a minimum of ten different kinds of vegetables must be produced dur ing the year. Iu addition to the acreage and vegetables produced, the garden must be adequately protected from poultry and live stock. It is recommended that threeN?r more kinds of vegetables be grown in each month for at least eight months and that not more than one-fourth of Mie gar den he planted to any one vege table at any one time. (Jl'KSTIOS: How much skim milk may he substituted for oth er ingredient* in poultry feeds? | ANS-JWKR: 13k i in milk, clabber, or buttermilk may be substituted for all dried milk products, one half of the fish meal, and one-half of the meat meal recom mended for the poultry ration. When the substitution is made for these amounts, three gallons of the skim milk or other products should be fed per day to each 100 hens. The success of these sub stitutions will depend upon the regularity wiMi which the milk is fed/ Unless there is an ample sup Miserable with backache? hk&1W?TTo? (Ml i ? upset Miim Doea't Wtt Dom'i art i especially tfor'pooHy working kidney*. Millions of boxes itt used every yew. They we recom mended the country over. Aik yoar neighbor^ ? Doans Pills i: TAYLOR i: j CUSTOM - MADE ; i; CLOTHES Pick the figure you want to pay and we promise the BEST your money can buy. YOU CAN TRUST IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! Osmond Hale : Louiaburg, N. C. ply available at all times no sub stitutions should be made. yi'KSTlOX: Would you advise destroying (lie tobacco plain beds utter they have been used? ANSWER: Absolutely The lied should be plowed up immediately after the plants are pulled and nil remaining plants killed Thou sands of insect pests breed upon Ihe plants t'hat are allowed to grow and tbese spread to the plants in the field. The beds should be planted to sweet pota toes or other garden vegetables or sown with soybeans. This will tiid in the control of insect* as n-ell as provide an additional crop on the land. America's war-stimulated for eign trade sent export figures rlimbing again in March to $:i44. 900,000, an increase of 30 per ; cent above the same month of last year. Finding th-ut ultra-short radio waves will kill the troublesome parasites that cause t-richinosis may lead to ?a practical way of destroying the parasites in pork it the packing house. Madison County farmers are planning to bring in improved beef rattle from ot'her sections so as to broaden their cattle indus try. reports P. K. Elam. farm agent of the State College Exten sion Service. - Shows Them How Cadet t William B. Harrow. Jr., j lot' Louisburg. is making a splen did showing in golfing circles at 'Annapolis, and his friends of Louisburg are justly proud of him. He has broken the all time course record for the Plebe team and this score was the deciding factor in Annapolis winning this particular match with Un. N. C. KEXEW VOIR SUBSCRIPTION. FLOWERS MOTHER | $r ' vi sile loves (lowers anytinu', l>ut when they come from you 011 Mother's Day, well just watch her j;]ow with joy . . . her knowing eyes proudly irlisten! Order her a nice h<iui|uct, or perhaps a lovely potted plant from Hazel Koherson's selection. Stop in or telephone 401-1. CORSAGES AND BOUQUETS S1.00 up CARNATION BOUTONNIERES 25c each Colors: White, Pink, Re< I . CUT FLOWERS ASSORTMENT S1.00 up HAZEL ROBERSON, Florist POTTED PLANTS 75c and up Court Street Louisburg, N. C. Hour*: 10-12 A. M, a-5 P. M. Thar*. )M'J A. M. Only I'honrs : Office Kcaidi'iirr 371 ? I DR SADIE C. JOHNSON Chiropractic 215 Court Stirrt T RECONDITIONED USED CARS We carry in stock at all times from 50 to 60 high Grade Used Cars of all kinds, Bnicks, Dodges, Olds mobiles, Pontiacs, Plymouths, Fords, Chevrolets. These cars are reconditioned and guaranteed on our 50-50 Guarantee. ? Two Special Bargains -- One 1938 Oldsmobile Coupe. With New Tires and Radio. Very low mileage. This car is a Bargain Oayy One 1937 Plymouth Four Door Sedan. With Trunk Radio and Heater. This car is in a num- 5 iCA.OO ber one condition. A Real Buy. .... Only W MOTOR SALES CO. HENDERSON, N. C. PHONE 832 Local Representative ? M. M. Reynolds I * ? * Help your teeth shine like the * * stars... use Galox Tooth Powder * *? ? * Many of Hollywood's brightest stars use Calox to help bring out the natural lustre of their teeth ? and you can rely on Calox too. Pure, wholesome, pleasant -tasting, approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. Five tested ingredients, blended accord ing to the formula of a foremost dental authority, make Calot'an economical tooth powder that can't harm tooth enamel. Get Calox today at your drug (tore. Fire sizes, from 1M to $1.25. UNCLE MATCHEL Says: /? N SHo'lTS GOOD, SONN/# LIKE EVERYTH I NG MOTHER NATURE - * MAKES ' 1 1 1 1 \t*s I licit" Naioliel'g phi losophy ... if Mother Na ture made it, it's good. Chilean Soda in good be cause it's "Natcliel"? tlie only natural nitrate in the world. It's pood for all crops, before planting or after. It's particu larly profitable for sidedrrss ing and topdrcssing. It acts quickly, picks the crop up and pushes it ahead to early ma- j turity. I Sidedress ? topdreM ? with I natural Chilean Nitrate. It | gives your crops plenty of quick-acting nitrate, and a < natural balance of many other protective plant food elements. NATURAL I CHILEAN J NITRATE OF SODA ? PROTECTIVE ELEMENTS Boron lodinr Mangane*? Potash Magnesium Calcium and many mor# Big ft cm. ft. capacity, m Modtl LB8-40 Families of Four or More need a BIG Refrigerator ? And Here's m Beauty ar a Bargain Price! All the Convenience, the Thrift, tbe Durability of a Big General Electric! Over 16 aq. ft. of Shelf Area. Over 8 cu. ft. of Storage Space. 10 lin. of Ice ? 100 Big Cube* at Om Time! . ? bn Mm hMf By Mif i M II You can (are more left-over*, buy food in bigger qua/in ties at better prices, freeae mora Ice ? and not Out grow your refrigerator's capacity with re sulting loss of an early "trade-in", TERMS AS LOW AS $4.50 per Month MX-IT1B. OMR ? ITMUK (JUL (war ri eases ? Tale heel MM* ? Master ?eleiW Mae ? law SeaM-ta-Steri s t imrranT. mum pwet (eductions t You can now buy thk O l model LB6B 6J Cm. Ft. Sht 194 1 Moid for only Prices As Low As $114.75 RAYNOR'S Radio & Jewelry Shop LOUISBURG. N. C. "We Sell the Best and Servicethe Rest

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