NOTICE Nort* Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Before the Clerk Betty Bibby, Administratrix, y. Ada Bryant, et al. The defendants Felix Young and wife, Mary Young, Amanda Williams, minor, Jesse Williams, minor, and Horace Williams, mi nor, will take notice that a spec ial proceeding as above entitled has been instituted before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County for the purpose of selling the lands of Amanda Young, deceased, to make assets with which to pay ber debts. And the said defendants herein named will take notice that tbey are each required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Liouisburg, North Carolina, on or before the 18th day of June, 1940, and answer or demur to the pe tition hereinbefore tiled. And said1 defendants will .take notice that if they or any of them fail to ap pear and answer or demur at the time and place above named, the petitioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition against t'ho'se so failing to appear, answer or demur. This 10th May, 1940. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-17-4t SALE OF REAL. ESTATE By virtue of power contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Fred D. Cook and wife, Pattie L. Cook to J." Du Neely, Trustee, and recorded in Book 294, Page 266, Register of Deeds Office, Franklin County, N. C., and there having been a default in payment of the bond ^ecured by said deed of trust, and at the re quest of uhe holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will sell for. cash at the court house in Louisburg, N. C., on WEDNESDAY, JUNK 20th, 1H40. at 12 o'clock -noon, the following described property: Beginning at an iron stake Mrs. John Perry.'s coiner on the south side of State Highway No. 56 running from Franklinton,- N. ?C. to Louisburg, N. C., and run ning thence westwardly along said Highway 476 feet more or less to a stake, thence south 7 3-4 degrees east 5 chains to a persimmon bush, thence south 2 degrees west 16.50 chains tojho cropping out of the bed r^jck (to the right of another cropping on a bluff); thence south 3 3-4 de grees-east 22.00 chains to a' stake in I. H. Kearney's fine;' thence with I. 'H. Kearney's line south CLEANING & PRESSING ' RELIABLE SERVICE When your clothes are It oar bands yon sure that they will hart the best of care. Try ns today ! Call 436-1 For - Pick-Up Service Louisburg Dry Cleaners Loalabnrg'a Oldest OImdwi with Franklin Couty'a moat modern equipment. O. R Sykea Kd BtoraU PHONB 4S0-1 Own Ohink M RMk 8a. ix>in8BUBa i. a 86 degrees east 2.93 chains to a stake, Mrs. John Perry's cor ner in I. H. Kearney's line; thence wit-b said Mrs. John Perry's line north 'I degrees east 39.1 chains to the beginning, containing ap proximately nineteen (19) acres. This 9th day of May 1940. J. D. NEBLY, 5-17-4t. Trustee. KAJLK OK VALUABLE REAL KSTATK Under and by virtue of in or der of sale made by the Superior Court of Franklin County in that action brought for the purpose of selling the lands hereinafter des cribed for partitition, entitled, "Pat Thomas, et als, v. Edward Kussel, Sr., et als", tbe under signed Commissioner, will, on MONDAY, JUNK 17, 1JMO, at or adbut tbe hoar of noon at I the courthouse door in Louisburg. | N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following-described tract of land.' to-witi: Lying and being in Franklin! County, Louisburg Township. North Carolina, BEGINNING at a: ?stake, Jack Shaw's corner in C. N. Thomas' line; thence S. 73 poles. 8 links to a stake, Shaw's corner thence E. 19 poles to a post oak. Hawkins' corner; thence N. 73 poles. 8 links to a Spanish oak in C. N. Thomas' line; thencc W. 19 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 8.70 acres, more or ! less; and being the lands convey-, ed to Sandy Liltlejohn by deed 1 recorded in the Public Registry of I Franklin County in book 37, page 364. This May 13th, 1940. G. M. BEAM. 5-1 7-4t Commissioner, i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK North Carolina, M Franklin County. I1 Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned has quali fied as Administrator of the es- 1: tate of John P. Davis, late of Franklin County, North Carolina. I and Miis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on or be fore the 19th day of April, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in < bar of their l-ccovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please inake immediate payment. This the 18th day of April, 1940. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST . COMPANY. Administrator for the estate 4-1 9-6t ' of John P. IJavis. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of J. T. Thar- ; rington, deceased, late of Frank lin Connt?v. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the' undersigned on or before the 12th day of April, 1941, or this notice i will be pleaded in bar of their re covery." All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate 'payment. This 11th duv of April, 1940. O. F. THARRINGTON, Mafone & Malone, Adm'r. .'?Attorneys. 4-12-fit SAI.K OK VAl.l'iBI.K FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by Luther D. Hodge and wife, Ora Hodge, on the 14th day of October, 193S, and recorded in Book 350, Pago 420, we will on Saturday, the . 20th HAY OF RI1Y, HMO, ItS o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Frank lin County, Louisburg, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the. highest bidder the following land. to?wit>: Begining at a stake Eddie Per ry and Troy Strickland corner in the W. H. Tant line running N. 5d E. 1445 ft. with the line of W. H. Tant and H. M. Richardson to a stake in H. M. Richardson's line, being Eddie Perry and Jerry Stone corner; thence S. 84d E. I 844 feet to a stake Eddie Perty corner in Jerry Stone's line; thence S. 2d 30' W. 402 feet to a stake, Eddie Perry's and T. B. Cone's corner; thence S. 89d E. 544 feet to a stake in the line of GRAB YOUR JOHNSON and let's go fish ing, out where they bite. And why paddle yourself to death and spoil the fun. For where there is a Johnson, there is always fun. Get yours from Get a Johnson Sea-Horse outboard motor and have tuict the fun ? this year and for ytart /? came! Don't put it off. Prices are low. Compare! See us for a demonstration. JOHNSON * cJZz-drtML Jj DEALER'S NAME AND ADDRESS BROWN FURNITURE HOUSE teems if you want them. J. L. Brown Prop. Youngsville, N. C. T. B. Cone being Eddie Perry and G. W Pace's corner; thence S. 6d E. 1110 feet to a stake in the line of G. W. Pace, coi ner of Eddie Perry and Troy Strickland;, tbenee N. 86d W. 1594 feet to the point of beginning, containing 44 acres, more or less, and being a part of the Puce original land and bounded on the North by the lands of Jerry Stone on the East by the lands of T. B. Cone and G. W. Pace, on the South by the lands of Troy Strickland and on t'he West by the lands of W. H. Tant and H. M. Richardson. This land is sold subject to all unpaid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of I.uther D. Hodge and wife, Oi'a llodge. to pay oR' and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10% will be re quired from the purchaser at> the sale. This the 15th day of April.! 1940. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE j CORPORATION, Trustee. 4-26-4t Durham, N. C. I SALE OK VALUABLE LAM) Under and by virtue of tliei power contained in that deed of! trust) dated October 23, 1929, re-, corded in Book 272 Page 206, 1 Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and demand hav ing been made upon the under signed for the foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undersigned Frustee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder tor cash at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C., at or about the hour of noon on MONDAY THE 27th I?AV <>l MAY, 1 f>40, [he following described real" es tate: A certain tract of land lying and being in Franklin County aforesaid, and more particularly, described as follows; The two lots of land situate on t'he East side of the Town of Franklinton. being Lots No. 16 containing 5.75, acres and No. IS containing 5.12 acres, as set out and described i;i that map and survey made for J. A. Turner and others by J. A.J Clark, duly registered in Book 199 Page 170. Registry of Frank lin County, the1 above being thei land conveyed to t-he said R. B. White by deed of E. 11. Maloite of even date herewith. This the 26th day of April, 1940. J. E. MA LONE. JR., Trustee. Maloite & -Ma lone, Attorneys. 5-3-4t TKI STKK'S SAIiK OK KKAI, KSTATK By virtue of the power of sale contained in that' certain deed >f trust executed l>y H. C. Radford and wife. Annie C. Radford to the undersigned Trustee. 011 the 14th day of April, 1936. record ed in Book 251 at page 430, | Franklin Registry, default hav-j ing been made in the payment of] the indebtedness Secured ('here under, 1 will at or about the hour of noon on MOMMY THK tOlh l)AV OK Jl'N'K, ItMO, sell at the Courthouse Door in j l.ouisbtirg, the following' proper- 1 ty: Lot No. 2 in the division of tiie| Wesley Radford estate, and des- ; cribed as follows: Beginning at a stake corner of No. 3 in line of No. 1 ; t'hence N. 2d 13. 56 poles, to a stake, corner of No. 1; thence ,N. 88d VV. 86 poles 8 links to a stake W. A. Radford's cor- I ner; thence S. 3-4d W. 51 poles 2 j links to a stake W. A. Radford's j corner; thence S. 88d K. 76 poles IT links to a stake; thence S. 2d J W. 3 poles 20 links to a stake cor- 1 ner of No. 1 ; thence S. 88d 8 poles to a stake. t4)e place of be-! ginning, containing 27 acres, more or less, said division recorded in office of Clerk Superior Court, Franklin County in Order and Decrees No. 10, at 445, et seq. Dated and posted this 3rd day I of May, 1940. T. W. RUFF1N, j W. L. Lutnpkin, Trustee. 1 Attorney. 5-1 0-5t t NOTICK OK HALE By virtue of (he authority con- 1 tained in that certain deed of: trust executed by F. H. Allen, to Southern Loan & Insurance Company, Trustee, on the 1st day of January, 1936, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C.. in book 324, pages 592-583, de fault having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on the llth DAY OK JUNE, 1040, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Courti House door of Franklin County, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following des cribed property: All those three certain tracts of land situated in Franklin Coun ty. N. C., and known and desig nated as lota No. 1 A, 4 and 6 on that certain map of the sub division of the J. M. Allen Farm, prepared by U. B. Cooper, Regis tered Engineer. on March 18th. 1931. and described according to said map by metes and bounds as follows: 1st TRACT: Beginning in the center of a road 30 feet wide, in the Northeast corner of lot' No. 1 on said map, and running thence along tbe center of said road 8. 83d K. 227 feet: SA67^d E. 179 feet; 8. 47 %d E. 263 feet and 8. 65d E. 363 feet to the Northwest corner of lot No. 3; thence along the line of said lob No. 3 8. 23d W. 2620 feet to the run of Woir Pit Branch; thence along the ran ot Mid Branch Northwestwardly 660 feet to the Bonthea?t corner of lot No. 1; thence N. 23 H 4 H. 414 feet to a ditch; thence alone the run of said ditch Northward ly 1486 feet; thence N. 1 3-4d W. 860 feet to the point of begin ning, containing 38 acres. 2nd TRACT: Beginning at the Southeast corner of lot No. 4 A on the road which is 30 feeo wide and running thence along said road S. 47Msd E. 263 feet; S. 55d E. 363 feet; S. 46 l-4d E. 651.5 feet to the line of lot No. 5; thence along the line of said lot No. 5 N. 30d E. 1261 feet; thence IS. 87 %d W. 1546 feet, to the Northeast' coiner of lotitNo. 4 A; thence along the Eastern line of said lot No. 4 A. Southwardly to the point of beginning, contain ing 22.1 acres. 3rd TRACT: Beginning at the Northwest corner of lot No. 7 and running thence S. 2d 10' E. 2750 feet; Mience N. 7!id W. 660 feet; thence N. 16 l-4d E. 88 feet to Wolf Pit Branch thence along the run of Wolf Pit Branch Northwestwardly to the line of lot No. 3; thence along the line of lot No. 3 N. 28%d E. 2341 feet< to the center of a road .30 feet wide; thence along the center of said road S. 36%d E. 196 feet; S. 66d 15* E. 717 feet and con tinuing along the center of said road 459 feet to t'he point of be ginning, containing J0!f?l acres. The above properly will be sold subject to all taxes clue and un paid on the day of sale. A deposit of 5% of the amount hid will be required of the suc cessful bidder at the hour of sale. This notice dated and posted Miis 4th day of May. 1940. SOUTHERN LOAN & INSUR ANCE CO., Trustee. , By Worth & Horner. Attorneys, 5-1 0-5 1 Elizabeih City. N. C. XOTM'K or saij: By virtue of the authority con tained in that certain deed ?[? l" trust executed by K. (). Kakes. to Southern Loan A; * Insurance' Company.* Trustee, oil tjie 3>Mi' day of December, l!?36, recorded in the office of th?- Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. I'..' in book 337, pages 134-13K. de fault having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, 011 the flfli DAY OF .MM), 1940, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court* House door of Franklin County. N. (\, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following des cribed property: All those certain lands situa ted in Franklin County, N. C., and known and designated as lots Nos. 5, 7, 8, ??. 10. 11. 12, 13 and 14 on that certain map of Hie J. M. Allen tract subdivided for Virginia-Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank by C2. B. Cooper, En gineer, on March 18th, 1 B 3 1 , and described according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at the confluence of Wolf Pitt Branch with Tar Kiver and running thence along said Branch S. 84d W. 715 feet; thence S. 2f>d W. 1386 feet to the Northeast coiner of Lob No. 15; thence along the North line of lot No. 15, S. 7 5d W. 1053 feet; thence S. 26d 50' W. 1597 feet; thence S. 64>4d W. 1919 feet; thence N. 86 >*<1 W. 100 feet; thence N. 26d 5J' li. j 3010 feet; thence N. 21Vid E. 1221 feet to the Southeast cornel of lot< No. 6; thence N. 2d 10' E. 2750 feet to a road; thence along said road Westwardly 1414 M to the Northeast corner of lot No. 3; thence along the line of lot No. 3 N. 41', id W. 247.3 feet to | the Southeast) corner of lot No. 4; thence N. 30d E. 1261 feet; I thence N. 28d 30' K. 444feet; thence N. 45d 30' E. 444 feet to jTar River; thence along the run 'of Tar River Eastwardly and Southwardly lo the point of be ginning, containing 653.3 acres. | more or less. The above property will be sold subject to all taxes due and un ! paid on the day of sale. A deposit of of the amount I bid will be required of the suc Icesaful bidder at the hour of sale. This notice dated and posted |t4iis 4th day of May, 1940. SOUTHERN LOAN & INSUR ANCE CO.. Trustee. Ry Worth & Horner, Attorneys, 5-10-5t "Elizabeth City, N. C. _______________ K. D. Goodman, Cabarrus County farm agent, says that* L. N. Overcash of near Kannsipolis ! led his cows on silage all winter, and has enough left to feed his Iherd of 30 dairy cows all summer. FOR SALE Young Guernsey bull Calf, en titled to registration. Apply to A. G. Fuller, Wood, N. C. 5- 1 0-20 OLD CLOTHES I CAN BE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! ? let out your old clothes and, though they may look hopeless, send them to us. We'll clean them and renew them and return ,them to you looking like new clothes. NbTE ? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business ' BENNIE MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. Call Cs Phone 440-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP P. C. Hight E. Nash St. Ixinifcburg, N. C. THINK! ? THINK) HAVE MONEY! "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONBYI v . Make Farming a Business TiaveMoney APPLY business principles to your farming. ROTATE i your CROPS . . . raise sheep, cattle, pigs, chick ens ... so that you can have MONEY coming in ALL THE TIME. Try it ... it works. Don't let your MACHINERY rust in the field. Shel ter it. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking 6 u s i_n e 1 1 FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CORNER MAIN AND NASH STREETS LOUISBUEG, N. CAROLINA BANKING HOER8: 0:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. THINK! HAVE MONBYt "Home of The Thrifty" t THINK! t I HAVE MONEY I I HAVE PASTURE FOB RENT ? SOc per month per bead of cat tle. At Old Perry Farm. Also nice lot of pigs (or sale. Z. T. JOYNER, R 1, Louisburg, N. C. 5-10-St WANTED Colored boy for farm work. Apply at/ once to G. E. BALL, Youngsville, N. C. 5-10-2t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of S. F. Thar rington. deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased <o exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the llitli day of April. 1941, or this notice! will b^ pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This lltb day of April, 1940. O. F. THARRINGTON, Malone & Malone, Adm'r. Attorneys. 4-12-6t RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! FOB RENT 5 room bungalow, 61S N. Mala St. See H. R. CHESSON, Phone 337-1. 6-3-3t J|radrafial FARM LOANS 4 Low IntwMt / Lone Twin ?? / Fair Appraisal 4 Prompt Sonrioa W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. NATIVE PEAS .Whippiwill - Brabham - Black Giants - Mixed All Kinds Soybeans ROTENONE - CERESAN - SEMESON, JR. SEED CORN, WHITE AND YELLOW. BABY CHICKS - S7.00 Per Hundred. POULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS. Tires - Paints - Oils HEAVY GROCERIES and HAY. FLY SPRAY, SPRAYERS and DUSTERS (Hudson and Unico Lines) LIME SPREADER FOR RENT. FRANKLIN FARMERS EXCHANGE Phone 366-1 Louisburg, N. C. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THAT EXTRA PIECE FURNITURE The holidays are over and we have a num ber of articles we would be glad to dispose of at a big saving to you for quick removal to make room for regular stock. OIL BURNING HEATROLAS AT BIG SAVINGS ! ? Come in and see us. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, N. 0. PROMPT SHOE REPAIRS You get double value for your money when you have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine savings in added use and comfort. J GANTT'S SHOE SHOP Bait Nash Street Louisbnrg, H. a Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Louisburg

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