PROFESSIONAL COLTJMB Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and burgeon 101 ?. Nub Nt. Loulsburg, ltd P bones: Office 287-1 Home 287-S Boom? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to I D|iil?l attention to office work, OtaMrk* and of Women. 1-IU; and Fluoroscopic Biamlna ttoa. Diathermy and I'ltrvVtoln) light treatment. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. C. Office In Service Drug do. D. T. Smitbwick Dentist Loulsburg, N. O. Office over- Roue's Store Dr. M. C. King Franklin ton, N. C. Residence Phone 240-1 Office Honrs: 0 to 11 A. M, ? 2 to 8 P. M. 6 to 8 P. M. Edward P. Griffin Attorney at Law Leuieburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice In all Courts 0. M. Beam Attorney at Law Louiaburz, N. O. Office in Profeuuional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Loutsburg, N. C. Office in First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal OonrU W. H. Yarborougfa Hill Yarborough Yarborougb & Yarborough Attorneys M Counsellors at Law Office in Bgerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Loulsbnrg, N. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoln btg counties, and In the United States Courts at Baleigh R. B. White R. B. Halow J. B. Malone White & Malone Lawyers Louiabnrg, N. O. General practice, settlement of es tates, fundi" invested. One mem ber of the Arm always In office. A. R. Strange Registered Surveyor Rt. 4, Louisburg, N. C. Prompt and Efficent Service WANTED! To Rent a fairly good Mole for two or three months. Write what yon have and rent expected above upkeep, to X2 Care Franklin Times, Louisburg, N. G. WELDOVS POND Offers Picnic accommodations, swimming and Ashing to churches, organizations, and private parties FREE. Phone or write for ar rangements. J. IRA WELDON, Prop., R 3, Louisburg, N. C. 7- -4t WANTED Old Mattresses to rebuild, $3.50 nnd up. Write, phone or call SUREREST MATTRESS CO., Youngsville, N. C. 7-5-3t FOR SALE 2 (arms near Louisburg. Reduc ed price. Make me an offer. Rea sonable down payment, 20 years on balance. ELLIOT POOL, 104 West Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. #-28-3t .in n.^ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of T. A. Jones, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28tb day of June, 1941, or this notice will be plead In bar of tihelr recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will come forward and make imme diate settlement. This the 27th day of June, 1940. 6-28-6t J. Q. WIGGS, Extr. NOTICE North Carolina. In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Before the Clerk. Bettle Blbby, Admx. of Amanda YouBg, deceased, ?. Ada Bryant, et al. The defendant Cecil T. Young will take notice that a special proceeding as above entitled has been Instituted before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County for the purpose of selling certain lands of Amanda Young to make assets with which to pay her debts. And the said Cecil T. Young will farther take notice that he Is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court ol Franklin County at his office Is Louisburg on or before the lOtt day of Aagust, 1940, and answei or demur to tb? amended peti | tion. which has been filed in Bait office, and that in default of sue! appearance, answer or demurre the plaintiff will apply to lh< court for the relief demanded ii ) her gaid petition. This 26th June, 1940. W. V. AVENT, l Clerk Superior Court. I John P. Matthews, I Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-28-4 NOTICE OK FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of tb< power and authority contained l! that certain deed of trust givei by C. D. Johnson and wife, Berti* Johnson, to R. D. Gorham. Trus tee, on the 9th day of December 1938, and recorded in Book 340 Page 178, Franklin County Reg istry, default having been madt in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured as thereir provided, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction tc the highest bidder for cash on SATURDAY, THE ISth DAY OK JULY, 1040, at or about the hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M. before the court bouse door in Louisburg, N. C., I the following described real es tate in Dunn's Township, Frank i lin County, State of North Caro lina, to-wit: Bounded on the north by the lands of J. W. Pearcei on the east by tbe lands of B. C. John son, on the south by the lands of J. B Baker Estate, and on the west by the lands of B. C. John son, containing Hfty-nine (69) acres, more or less, and kpown as the C. D. Johnson home place. THE ABOVE PROPERTY will be sold subject to lien of deed of trust or mortgage securing in debtedness to Federal Land Bank I of Columbia, S. C? in the ap proximate amount of $1,700.00. This 11th day of June, 1940. R. D. GORHAM, Trustee. Wilkinson & King, Attorneys. I 6-21-4t i I. : NOTICE OK SI MMONS North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Lutie Belle Jones, Admrx. of Ben J. Jones, and Lutie Belle Jones, Widow of Ben J. Jones, in her own right Vs. Robert Jones and wife, Esther Jones, Bennie Jones and wife, Lallie Jones, and James Jones and wife, Elizabeth Jones. The defendants, James Jones and wife, Elizabeth Jones, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled special pro ceeding was issued against said defendants on the 19th day of June, 1940, by the Superior Court of Franklin County, which summons was returned by the Sheriff of Franklin County en dorsed "James Jones and wife, Elizabeth Jones, not to be found in Franklin County." The defendants will also take notice that said special proceed ing is for the purpose of allot ment of dower to Lutie Belle jjones, widow of Ben J. Jones, de ceased, in the lands of the said Ben J. Jones, and for the sale of the lands of Ben J. Jones, de ceased, subject to the allotment of the said dower, to make assets to pay debts of the estate of the said Ben J. Jones, deceased, the said lands consisting of a tract or parcel of land containing 16.6 acres known as the Lowry Tract upon which the said Ben J. Jones resided at the time of his death, together with Lots 7, 8, and 13 in Block "B" of Lincoln Park sub division in Franklinton Township. Franklin County, and a lot on Main Street in the Town of Frank linton, Franklin County, North Carolina. And the said defendants James Jones and wife, Elizabeth Jones, will further take notice that they are required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Franklin County on or before the 2nd day of August, ! 1940, and answer or demur to the I petition of the petitioner filed herein, or the petitioner will ask for the relief prayed in said pe tition. This the 19th day of June, 1940. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court of I 6-2 1 - 4 1 Franklin County. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of J. H. Weathers, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of June, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of June, 1940. l6-21-?t D. T. DICKIE, Adm'r. NOTICE OF SALE OF NOTES 97,000 TOWN OF IX>ITSBUR<?, NORTH CAROLINA ROND ANTICIPATION NOTES Sealed bids will be received un !m1 11 o'clock A. M., July 16, 1<J40, ; by the undersigned at its office jln the City of Raleigh, North Car olina, for >7.000 Bond Anticipa tion Notes (Wuter and Electric Lights) of the Town of Louis burg, North Carolina, dated July 1, 1940, and maturing annually 1 on September 1, $1,000 1940 and ' 1941 and $6,000 1942. without ' option of prior payment. Tbert will be no auction. DENOMINATIONS: Two (2) 1 Notes of $1,?00 and one (1) oi ; $5,000; principal and interest pay ' able at such plaee and bank oi 1 trust company therein as pur 1 chaser may name la bis bid; cou1 ' pon botes with interest payabh - September 1, 1(40, aad semtafc i Dually thereafter. Bidders are in ti vited to came the interest rate, rinot exceeding 6% per annum, in s!a multiple of one-quarter (1-4) 1 1 of one percent ( 1 % ) . The notes will be awarded at | the lowest interest cost to the ' town, such cost to be determined I by deducting the premium bid | from the aggregate amount of in 1 1 te'res't on the notes to t'heir res 1 pective maturities. , Bidders must present with bids a certified check upon an incor ; porated bank or trust company j for $35.00 payable uncondition ally t? the order of the Treasurer , of the State of North Carolina. | The right to reject all bids ife re served. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COM MISSION, By: W. E. Easterling, 7-5-lt Secretary. ' j NOTICE North Carolina, , in The Franklin Co. Superior Court W. O. Roberts, Administrator of the Estate of C. W. Roberts, deceased, et al. v. Morton F. Roberts, et al. Tbe defendants Mrs. Mary Cha ney Wilson and husband, Mack Wilson, Maynard Chaney and I wife, Mrs. Maynard Chaney, Keeling Chaney and wife. Mrs. Keeling Chaney, Helen Chaney Banks and husband, Jack Banks, 'Jessie Chaney, unmarried, John ; Ed Chaney, minor, Ernest Chan ey, minor; Ezekiel Chaney, min or, Lucille Chaney, minor, Alton Chaney, minor, Lynn Chaney, mi-; nor, and Evelyn Chaney, minor, . will take notice that an action en- : j titled as above has beeD Instituted and is now pending in the Super ior Court of Franklin County, being a special proceeding to sell lands to make assets, to which suit the defendants above named ! are proper parties. And the said defendants above 1 named will take notice that they , are required to appear before the < Clerk of the Superior Court of 'Franklin County at his office in Louisburg, on or before the 10th day of August, 1940. to answer or (lemur to the said complaint; ^otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in his, said complaint. Dates this the 21st day of June, 1 1940. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. Charles P. Green, ; Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-28-4t NOTICE OF SALK OK I.AM) Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred in that certain deed of trust dated iJuly 30, 1932, executed by J. W. i Crew, Jr., to Thomas Dolan III, Trustee, and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 296, at page 447, and re corded also in the office of the Register of Deeds of Nash Coun Jty, North Carolina, in Book 363. at page 563, (the undersigned having been substituted as Trus-| tee in the place and stead of thei 'Trustee named in said deed of, trust, who is now deceased, by a paper writing executed by the {holder and owner of the note se-, cured by said deed of trust, dated May 22, 1 9 4 M , and recorded in the! office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 37.0, at page 340, and re corded also in the office of the Register of Deeds of Nash County. | North Carolina, in Book 450, at, page 127 )? default having been; made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust, and the holder and owner of the said j note having requested the under signed Substituted Trustee to sell I the lands described in said deed j of trust, I will on MONDAY, JULY 22, 1940, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the1 Court House door of Franklin ! County in Louisburg, North Caro lina, offer for sale and sell at pub- j lie auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described I | land, to-wit: * J "That certain tract or parcel of: land situated in Nash and Frank-! lin Counties. North Carolina. [ known as the Fortis Gold Mine Property, containing 953 acres. , more or less, formerly belonging ] Minni??iniimn TAYLOR ij CUSTOM - MADE ; ; CLOTHES jj Pick the figure you want to pay and we promise the BEST I ! your money can bny. ; YOU CAN TRUST IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! { Osmond Hale Louisburg, N. 0. IIMHW to the late Thomas J. Dolan, am being the identical tract of lane conveyed by and described in thi { deed of Lelia A. Sturgeg to A. C i Denniston dated January 25 1909, and recorded in tbe otfic< of the Register of Deeds foi j Franklin County, North Carolina '? in Book 156, at page 578, and ir I the office of tlie Register ol Deeds for Nash County, North .Carolina, in Book 174, at page ' 402, reference to which said deed is hereby expressly made foi greater certainty of description." The land above described is sit uate mainly in Franklin County, i but partly also in Nasb County, an|l the sale will be made at the i Court House Door of Franklin County In Louisburg, North Caro lina, under the provisions of tbe deed of trust above referred to, giving the Trustee power to ap point a time and place of sale, and also under the provisions of Section 2590 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina. ? This nineteenth day of June, 1940. OSCAR LEACH, Substituted Trustee. Smith, Leach & Anderson, Attorneys, Raleigh, North Carolina. 6-28-4t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of t-he estate of Pattie Foster Perry, deceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to ex hibit tbem to the undersigned ati Castalia, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1, duly verified on or before the 5th1 day of July, 1941, or this notice j will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make j inimedate payment'. This first day of July, 1940. JOSEPH T. INSCOE, Admr. Pattie Foster Perry. W. L. Lumpkin, Attorney. 7-5-6t j NOTICE OK SI MMONS North Carolina, In Franklin Co. Superior Court. NELL JAMES HOLTON Vs. J. T. HOLTON The defendant. J. T. Holton, alias Jack Anthony Holton, will t?ke notice that a summons in tbe above entitled action was is sued against the 'said defendant on the 22nd day of April. 1940. by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, which : summons wag returned by the! Sheriff of Washington County en dorsed "fhe above named deft J. I T. Holton not to be found in j Washington County," and that thereafter, on the 2nd day of ' July, 1940, an alias summons was issued to the said defendant by the Superior Court of Franklin County, which summons was re Mirned by the Sheriff of Franklin Cotinty endorsed "the defendant herein named is not to be found in Franklin County." The defendant will turther take 1 notice that said action UJnstitut I cd by t'he plaintiff (or divorce ab ? solute from the bonds of matri . mony hertofore existing between , the plaintiff and the defendant } and for the custody of the minor r "child born of said marriage and , lor suitable support for said child, i And the said defendants J. T. Holton. alias Jack Anthony Hol ton. will take notice that he Is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County on or before the 2(Jt'h day of August, 1940, and answer or demur to the Complaint 'of the plaintiff filed herein, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed in said Com plaint. This the 3rd day of July, 1940. W. V. AVENT, C. S. C? 7-5-4t Franklin County. NOTICE OF SAIiE | Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority of sale con tained in that certain Interlocu tory Judgment of foreclosure en Itered on 1 July 1940 in Tax Judgment Docket 3 at page 134, by the Clerk of the Superior Court, in that action entitled "County of Franklin v. Lula E. W. Ragan, widow, et al.. heirs at law of J. C. Winston, deceased," the undersigned Commissioner, will, as therein directed, offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door of Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about' the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THl'KSDAY, 1 AUGUST 1040 the following-describ?d lands: All the right, title, interest and estate formerly owned by J. C. Winston at the time of his OLD CLOTHES CAN UK MAI1E TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! * * (.'et out .voiir old clot lie* and, though they may look hopeless, send them to us. We'll clean them and renew them and return them to you looking like new clothes. NOTE? We have added 8 SHOE SHOP to our business BENNIE MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. Call Us Phone 440-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F. C. Highf E. Nafch St. Ixmipburg, .V C. THIN*! ? THINK I "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY I - - HAVE MONEY I Make Farming a Business HaveMoney APPLY business principles to your farming. ROTATE I your CROPS . . . raise sheep, cattle, pigs, chick ens ... so that you can have MONEY coming in ALL THE TIME. ? |, mi it Try it . it works. Don't let your MACHINERY rust in the field. Shel ter it. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY OORNER MAIN AND NASH 8TRKETS LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA BANKIWO HOIRH: ? :?*) A. M. TO ?:00 P. M. THINK! - a THINK! ? "Home of The Thrifty" 4 xomse ma* two *emi mm DMT BOCH, WHICH HAS 3 M* 4 iSCO ?n>om? mmoMS h* wmmsrm f 7ht WAR tVNKH LASTfO IfO V69BS iN WHICH WT O** SHOl HAS F*?D HOR A PeXSOAJ KHLtD ^ OR VMUNCXD BtHMARt Tumu .mtmom mur has Mvnomuo *j mmb tmc HAmS LISTKO W A /I7*-PA6M /*etw *orx T*LCPt-K*M omaomv AMD WOWS TMC PofHHATt ON Of f wnv AmttotAu cm oe mom THAH S.OOO IHMASim#TS *O0 mvujty cca bus j/ncm /too* tK \ Mr. Znfall can also tell yon immediately the day of the week oa rtflch any date fell daring the last 300 years, and can da the same thing or 500 years in the fotnre. As a ehU he had a very poor memory, read nany books oa the subject of remembering things, accomplished his cm ark able feats through an Involved system of associating one fact n number or name with another. * In 1711 England declared war on the Tnrks, bnt never did anything tbout it beyond stopping official commnnications. The whole matter was :leared np more than a century later by formal treaty. Neither Sid* eally won. death, and being a one-child in terest in and to the following described lands, situate in the Town of Youngsville, Youngsville Township, Franklin County, North Carolina and defined by a line beginning at a rock, corner of Persimmon Tree and Railroad streets in the Town of Youngs vilie; thence S 88d W with Per simmon Tree street 7 poles to an' iron stake for J. S. Timberlake; thence N 9d W with Timberlake's line 7 poles 21 links to a stake, corner for J. W. Duke; thence N 86d E with Duke's line 7 poles to center of ditch in Railroad street,; : thence S 9d W with said street 8 I poles to the beginning, contain ing one-third acre, more or less. For further reference and des cription, see Book 124 at page 595. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Com missioner a sum equal to 10% of the amount bid, to secure com pliance with the terms of the sale. Dat?-d and posted this the 1st day of Julv. 1940. CHARLES P. OREEN, 7-5-4 1 Commissioner. ROOMS FOR RENT? Call fttrs. H. G. Perry, Louisburg, N. C., Phone 287-2. 6-17-tf RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! rudwtial FARM LOANS / Low IntMwt / Long Tarn ?> / Pair Appraisal / Prompt Sarrloa W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. SUMMER FURNITURE Why not look around your home and discard that old out of date piece of furniture and call at our Store and replace it with the Season's latest design at Specially low prices? You don't have to discard old furniture, you can add to your home comfort and beauty. CALL IN AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, N. 0. PROMPT SHOE REPAIRS You get double value for your money when yon have your comfortable old shoes repaired .and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give yon genuine savings in added use and comfort. GANTT'S SHOE SHOP lut Naah Street Leuisbvrg, V. 0. Sell Tour Cotton and Tobacco in Louisbnrg

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