? Cotton was worth 10 3-4 cents a pound in Louisburg yes terday. It? ? Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Baker announce the birth of a baby girl, Doris Jeanne, July 14th. X X X ? Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Wil half announce the birth of a son, Chas. E. 3rd, on Friday. x x x ? Mr. L. V. Woodlief has leas .< ed the old "Murphy Boarding v House" on East Nash Street, ttt ? Officers Krazier and Gilliam brought) in a still on Tuesday that they captured in Harris; township in the Denton section. ?xxx. '?! ? Mr. E. W. Russell, of Dur-i bam, is "pinch bitting" at' Pen i. der's this week for Manager E.; p. Joyner, who is taking his va^ cation. , ; V t t : ? Mr. and Mrs. Quinton PJ Hinton, of Spring Hope, Rt. 1, an-' noonce the birtih of a son, Bill Wilder, on July 12, 1940. Mrs. Hinton was formerly Miss Coleen Wilder, of Louisburg. XXX ? Born to Mr. and Mrs. Row land Nash in Rex Hospital, Ral eigh, a daughter, Sylvia. Mrs. Nas^i was formerly Miss Josephine Bostlick of Raleigh; and Mr. Nash is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Nash, of Bunn. MRS. RCSKKLL BAILY HONORS MISS KDITH HARRIS On Tuesday night Mrs. Russell Bailey entertained quite a num ber of guests at her home in Raleigh, honoring Miss Edith Harris, bride-elect. Blue asters mixed with pink zinnias and purple and white I gladioli were used for decorating t'he living room. The bridal colors of green and white were used throughout the whole evening. | Many games of Bingo were: played, high score being held by Mies Fannie Belle Woody, of Dur ham, cousin of the bride-elect. A question game called "A Floral Wtdding" was played which was very appropriate for the occasion. Miss Harris was presented with China In her chosen pattern. Mrs. Ed Richardson. Jr., recent bride, was remembered with a linen luncheon set- and linen dish tow-, els. The hoAess assisted by her mother, Mrs. Fenner Spivey, ser ved a salad course consisting of '?the following and ice tea: sand 1 1 'wiches. pickled olives, baked spi ced ham, stuffed celery, potato chips and tomatoes stuffed with bam salad. Ice cream and cakes were serv ed, the cakes being iced in green and white with Edirti and Frank written on them. Those present were: the hos ess, Mrs. Russell Bailey, the bride-elect. Miss Edith Harris, Mrs. F. ;N. Spivey, Miss Jane Ful ler, Mrs. Ed Richardson, Jr.. Miss Frances Edens. Miss Martha Hol den, Miss Frances Pergerson, Mrs. J. G. Phillips. Miss Annie Laurie King, Miss Lillian Perger son, Miss Grace Hunt. Miss Fran ces Bost and Miss Fannie Belle Woodly, of Durham, cousin of bride-elect, Large Crowd Attends Canning Demonstration ? 1 A large gTOUp of Negro farm men and women attended the can-| ning demonstration held at thei Copeland Perry School on Wed nesday of last week. The demonstration was under' the supervision of Miss Wllhel mina R. Laws, Negro Subject Matter Specialist. A. & T. College, Greensboro, N. C. Demonstra tions were given In the canning of vegetables by hot water and pressure cooker method. Those present were very well pleased with the Information given. Granville wilt has made its ap pearance on a small number of Greene County tobacco farms, ac cording to J. W. Grant, assistant farm agent of the State College Bitefision Service. UNCLE DAVE s.tl J' Uncle Dave Macon who will ap pear an the itage of the Louls burg Theatre, Tueaday, July 23, with hi* Mn Dorrls and company ( of entertalnera. Uncle Dave "The DUfe Dewdrop" la alio in the fea ture picture m one of th?' atari I of ('GRAND OLB OPRY.""' I Mr. John W. King visited Hen I derson Tuesday. Ill Miss Atbelea Boone is spending | the week at Virginia Beach. ? I 1 Miss Betsy Cobb is spending j this weel^ with relatives at Pine tops. It? j Mrs. W. H. Spencer spent yes terday with ber parents in i derson. * * * : Little Billy/ Oakes, of Raleigh, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. V. A. Bailey. , 1 1 I Miss Grimm, of Oxford, is the house guest i of Mist* Betsy ' Blue, Jtardon,. - ,,.j , , * * * Hon. and Mrs. Rarrpr T. Jbhn son, of Tavares, Fia., a*e visiting Mrs. W, JP? Neal. , ? > -.v, , * * t Mr. E. J. fuller, Jr.. of Raleigh, wdfe gtiesV 6f hiS; people near Louisburg' Tuesday. .1.1 .... .)> .i t t I Mj. William Stovall, of Suffolk, Va., Was guest of relatives in Louisburg the past week. X J I J. A1 Hodges, Jr., of New York City, is spending a two weeks' vacation with his parents. til Miss Ann Mitchell returned t.he past week from a few days visit in Richmond with friends. Ill Miss Emily Burt Person re turned this .week from a visit to friends at Areola, Miss. til Messrs. W. A. Raynor, How ard Drew and Linwood Gupton visited Washington, N. C. Sunday. Ill Mrs. J. M. Glenn, of Gatesville, was a week-end guest of her niot-her, Mrs. Susie B. Yarbor ough. I t 1 Mrs. R. T. Mills and children, of Southern Pines, were guests of her people in Louisburg the past week. I I I Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Read and sons were guests of relatives and friends in Palmer Springs, Va., Sunday. i ' 1 A Rev. Forrest' Weaver aud bride, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived Tues day to visit his father, Mr. J. W. Weaver. v ^ t t Miss Elizabeth LaSsiter return to Louisburg Tuesday after a two week's vacation at her home in Raleigh. : J t Mr. and Mrs. Valon Liles and son, of Raleigh, were guests of relatives in Louisburg the past week-end. I t t Christine Wester spent the past two weeks with relatives in Raleigh, and with her sister in I Thomasville. Ill Mrs. Julia P. Scott left this | week for the Northern Market? to purchase her stocH of millinery and dresses. X t 1 Judge and Mrs. G. M. Beam and Buddy Beam spent yesterday in Roxboro, guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Beam. Ill Miss Martha Gray King and Jim King, Jr., left last night tor a month's visit with t'heir aunt at Appalachicola, Fla. ill Mr. Earl Murphy is taking his vacation from his duties at the Postoffice, during which he will visit Florida points. iti Rev. and Mrs. Roger Jackson and children, of Harrellsville, were guests of her people in Louisburg this week. Ill R. Glenn Davis, Bill Hugging, E. F. Thomas, and C. G. Bedford, of High Point, spent the past week end in Washington, D. C. tit Mrs. Winfield Jordon left Mon day for her home in Burlington after spending sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lea. i X Z Mrs. A. H. Veasey and children, Alex, Jr., and Perry Burt, are spending this week with Mrs. Veasey'* parentis, Dr. abd Mrs. S. P. Burt. ' tit Mr. and Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough and Miss Kate Blanchard, of Hert ford, left yestrdity <-for a1 two wfeeks' visit to their brothers in Chicago. | tit Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Robertson and Miss Vernell Robertson left Wednesday for Norlina, and from there Thursday to Richmond for a few days. t t t Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yarbor ough and little daughter, Mary Brooks, of Charlotte, were recent visitors to his mother, Mrs. Susie W. Yarborough. t t t Messrs. Sam Livesay, R. Live say, of Wilson, and Edward Mitch ell. of AhoBkie, were guests of relatives and friends in Louisburg the past week-end. t It Mrs. Hubert Spencer and dau ghters, Mary Glynn and .Evelyn, spent last week with their sister and aunt, MCf-/John Russell Ed ward, of Raleigh. "itt Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mohn and daughter, Miss Bettys stopped oy er. and visited friends in Louis-; burg Monday, while en route from Florida to New York. STARTS THURSDAY JULY 25? THE GREATEST VALUE SHOW OF THE YEAR A Real Gala Event ! A Carnival That Will Bring Joy To You and the Child ren. Everything is Set for a Real Treat. FREE Balloons to Kiddies, FREE Peanuts. - Bargains Galore. New Summer Merchandise at Prices That Will Add to Your Joy ! SEE OUR BIG 4 ? PAGE CIRCULAR READ ALL FOUR PAGES . . . AND PLAN TO BE HERE THURSDAY MORNING WHEN THE STO^tE/ OPENS. YOU'LL RECEIVE THE SURPRISE OF YOUR LIFE ! df R ruse hen that will last yt>0 fes * weeks costs but little. If not Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McFailand. j Miss Ernestine MoFarland. Resi-j nald McFarland, and Mr. and Mrs. C. McFarland. of Martins-' ville, Va.. attended the funeral of! the Messrs. McFarland's mother held in Sanford last Saturday. Ill .Mrs. J. O. Hrugg, of Detroit' and Lynchburg, and little grand daughter. Miss Frances Sholes, ofj New Orleans, returned to Lynch burg Sunday after a week's visit ( with Mrs. firagfc's sister. Mrs. W.I W. Webb. ttl Maj. and Mi's. E. F. (Ji ilTin and daughter, Miss Nancy Carlisle. Sirs. E. F. Early, and Miss Sulliu Pleasants, of Chapel Hill, left yes terday for New York City to visit the World's Fair; and from there. Miss Pleasants will visit friends in the State of Maine. ? ??. ????????{ ? IIOMK DEMONSTRATION ? ? DEPARTMENT ? * Llllle Mae flraxlon, Home * * Demonstration Agent * * ?????????? Home A|{nit? Schedule July 22-27 Monday ? Mattress Training School, Louisburg. Tuesday ? Morning, Pilot; Af ternoon, Pearoe; Wednesday ? - County Picnic, Ira Weldon's pond. Lakeview. Thursday ? Morning, Wood; Afternoon. Hickory Rock. Friday ? Mattress Project, Lou isburg. Satu rday ? Office. FOR SALE One nice heifer. J. A. JOHN SON, Louisburg, N. C. 7-19-2t NOTICE OF HALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Pursuant to an order of resale made by the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County and under and by virtue of author ity contained In a certain deed of trust executed by Luther P. Stroud and wife, to North Caro lina Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, on the 20th day of Octo ber, 1931, recorded in Book 305, Page 48, Registry of Franklin (County, North Carolina, default having been made In the pay ment of the Indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned Com missioner of Banks, under and by virtue of authority contained in Chapter 67, Public Laws of 1939, will offer tot tale, at public auc tion, for cash, in f*on( of the Franklin County Courthisute door on MONDAY\ AUGUST Sth, 1040 at twelve o'clock noon, all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lytog and being ia Harris ToWnsbip, mttlii County, State of Ntfrtj^g*MQna, described and Protector for Women || Kvery day, nor- en are finding the headachrs, nervousness, cramp-like I ain of Junction! I dysmenorrhea (fue to malnutrition are relieved by CAKDUI. It visually increases ap petite, livens flow of gastric juices and so improves digestion. Thus it 'nrlps to build resistance to periodic iji: tress for many. Others find help fir periodic distress by taking C ARDU1 a few days before and tiering "t'.e time." CARDUI has ' e'n pcp'jlsr for over 50 years. defined as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing; 100 acres. more or less, situate, lying and being on the road leading from the Tarboro Road to Tar Hiver, about 6 miles S. from the ? Town of Louisbtirg in Harris ! Township. Franklin County, State of North Carolina, having sucli shapes, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference to plat thereof made by Jos. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, on the 29th day of February, 1912, and attached to abstract now on file with the Commissioner of the Word War Veterans Loan Fund. The same being bounded oo the North by Tar River; on the East by Tar River; on the South by lands of Eliza Edwards, and on the West by the lands of W. H. Allen; and being the Identical tract of land conveyed by deeds from M. T. Howell and wife to Kosa Pearce and husband, Julius Pearce, dated Nov. 28, 1910, re corded in book 179. page 149; and by deed dated Dec. 30, 1929, recorded in book 278, page 380, to which reference is made for more complete description of same and mOre particularly des cribed as follows; Beginning at a water oak on Tar Klver, the North East corner of the lands of Eliza Edwards, and runs due W. 247 poles; thence N. 3 1-4 deg. E., 121 poles to a stake and ashe pointers; thence S. 86 deg. E. 11 poles, 10 links to Tar River; thence down the River as it meanders to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less, according to survey of Jos. T. Inscoe, of February 29, 1912. The successful bidder will be required, at the time of the sale, to make a cash deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of the btd as a guarantee of compliance) there with In the event that no resale Is ordered. Dated this the 19th day of July, 1940. , GURNET P. HOOD1, , CosdtortsiOAer M