' ii^Whew! But ain't it hot. ? * I ? ?Cotton was worth XI cente a pound in Louisburg yesterday. tit '-??Franklin Recorder's Court held "Jury Day" yesterday with several jury cases. ttt ? Steel beams are being placed oVer the store fronts in the Hotel building by Mr. F. H. Allen. Mt ' ? Louisburg was glad to see Representative-elect H. C. Kear ney on our streets Wednesday, tit ? Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Washing ton returned the past week from their bridal tour and are occupy ing'thefi' residence on West Sun set AvinAfe. '? " ' ' ' 1 "V: ' ? ? ? ... ?? j | ?Clerk of CoUrt W. V{ A vent 1? introducing a new tangled cool ing device in his office these hot days. It Is an electric fan of a new type and design. t t t ? With Leggett's. Fox's and Tonkel's big sales going on peo ple in this trade territory ought 'to have no trouble in buying what they need at a saving. ? ' XII ? ? The new store rooms on Nash Street that) replace the ones that burned recently, are a big Im provement and will be as nice as to be found Id town when com ; pleted. ttt ? Mr. H. A. Matthews informs ! ' thte TIMES that he will begin the first) of August to transforming Dr. H. H. Johnson's home on Sun 'Set Avenue into an up-to-date ap&rtittent house. ' j * * * ? The County Commissioners , met on Tuesday and passed the ( formal bond resolutions to finance School improvements and refund ing bonds. The proper resolu- I tions were adopted. The Board also heard a delegation in the in- ' terest of the public library and heard matters from the Welfare Department. ! ? Mr. Edward 0. Cobb, of War- < renton, has taken the position with the Louisburg Production Credit Association made vacant , by the resignation of Mr. Ed mondson. Mr. Cobb has had many years experience in this work and comes highly recom mended as a man of outstanding , ability and efficiency. Recorder's Court Franklin Recorder's Court held : a short session on Tuesday mor ning and disposed of several cas es. Prosecuting Attorney Chas. P. Green was assisted in prosecuting the docket by Mr. John F. Mat thews. The docket was disposed " of as follows: Curtis Inscoe. charged with op- 1 eratlng automobile intoxicated. ' assault on a female, was found 1 not guilty on both counts. The prosecuting witness, Mrs. Curtis Inscoe, was taxed with the costs. Hubert L. Perry was found guilty of abandonment and non Hupport), and given 2 years on roads, suspended npon payment into Court of $10 per month be ginning Aug. 3rd, and ah Initial 1 payment of $50 and costs. Garrett Massenburg was found guilty of receiving stolen goods, knowing them to have been stol en, and was given 6 months on roads. Appeal. Percy Foster was found guilty 1 of abandonment and non support Judgment suspended upon saving the County harmless. . , The following cases were con- 1 t(n ued : i < ' T. T. Beckham, anlawful pos session of whiskey, transporting. James Smith, Teckless driving. ! Isham White, disturbing public ? worship. B. B. Beckham, unlawful pos- ' session of whiskey, transporting, 1 pnblic drunkenness < Henry Dunston, forcible tres pass. ENTERTAINKI) Miss Lucy Alston, of Oxford, and Miss Jean Candler, of Hten derton, Were the house guests of Mr. a?d Mrs. Malcolm McKlfine jC for the week-end. Friday after nooB they were entertahpd. at a swimming party and pi?a!A' sup per at Balance Rock; 9*tarday morning Miss Elizabeth EgertOtt gave a delightful watermelon party in their honor and Satur day evening Mr. Philip McKinne gave a dance at Green Hill Coun try Club which was greatly en joyed. ^ CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends, neighbors, and relatives for their > many kindnesses and sympathy shown us during our recent sor row and bereavement. Their acts of kindnesB. words of sympathy and love, and their tributes of flower* will be remembered by each of us always. Mrs. T. W. Leonard, Mrs. R. T. Leonard and Children. Demand* for terracing have become far greater than the volume of work tke Lincoln Coun ty terracing anK can handle, re-i port* Assistant Farm Agent J. W Webster. . ' , FOB FIRST CLASH PHINTDIS T PHONE M-l 1 *X Miss Aileen VI yeara old. And it a made from laundered cotton basal Thli little dreaa for play or ?chool ia cut in ?is gore*, with tiny puff aleeves. Um Ju?t two large cotton bagi that originally contain ed flour or lugar. They are ?oft and 1 white when laun- 1 dered. The neck 1 and ileeves and bottom of the skirt are bound witii colored bias Upc, with an extra row about an inch above the bot tom edge, and little colored but tons to mate)) the* tape the only extra trimming needed* Only a few cent*? ana how delighted the email daughter will be I Extra cat ton bags can be obtained from ytfur nearest baker or dspai taseiit store. Other Cotton Bag Sewing ideas are illustrated in a free booklet. Read to Textile Bag* 1#0 N. L? SaDe St., Ckkago, or Natiaaal Cot tan C?wmU. Bax IS. ** jftsRH I>)UISbW} wins, tt-.-s OVER DURHAM STKKKS - - - ? i i . ; i i Louisburg tallied a run in the 10th inning and defeated ftie I)uV ham Steers, ?-5, Sunday after noon. v , i , ? , A walk to Earp, a sacrifice by Timberlake, and singles by Brant ley and Thompson produced the winning run. t , Williams of Durham hit a hom er in the second Inning with a man on. Thompson, with a triple and two singles for six, was Louis burg's leader. Score: R. H. E. Durham 020 012 000 0 ? 5- 8 0 Louisburg 002 021 000 1 ? 6 10 1 Barton #nd- Clark; Earp and Gr|ffin., i LOUISBURG ALL-STAR* DERAIL METE(}Rf>, t)-2 Louisburg All-Stars Wednesday turned back the Seaboard Me teors, 9-2. It was the Raleigh team's first loss in th? last eight starts. Ed Richardson pitched seven h it- ball for eight innings, and blanked the Trainmen. John Ple asants worked the final frame and gave up two runs and two hits. Lynwood Taylor, of Louisburg batted 1.000, with three singles. Bob Lassiter was runner-up, with two singles and a triple for four. Jerry Leonard led the Meteors, with a double and a single for four. Score: R. H. E. Seaboard 000 000 002?2 9 4 Louisburg 401 002 02* ? 9 12 0 Brannon and Smth; Richard son, Pleasants and Griffin. ROLKSV1IXK (iKTS TOP IN NKU8E It IV Kit UM)I' Nfii* River Ix-aKu^ W. L. Pet. Rolesville, July 24. ? Rolesville took over the top of the Neuse River League l>y handing Kiley a 4-2 set'back today. It was the Roll ers fourth straight victory. F. J. Driver led Uolesville's 8 h it attack on Boss Robbing. with a double and a single for three. Loonie Buffaloe was next, with a double and a single for four. Claude Driver topped Riley .with a pair of singles for t-hree. Mur ray held the losers to five hits. Score: R. H. E. Riley ... 101 (10(1 000 ? 2 5 3 Rolesvllle 201 000 Olx ? 4 8 2 Robins and D. Frailer; Murray and Buffaloe. Davis Fans Dozen Franklinton, July 24. ? Lefty Davis fanned 12 and hurled,th|-ee hit ball as Wake Forest shut out Franklinton, 2-0. here today. Wake reached Preddy for 10 hits. Frank Tlmberlake led Wake Foresti, with two for three. Har ris, two for four, led Franklinton. Wake Forest scored its runs in the first by mixing a sacrifice with singles by F. Tlmberlake, Frazier, and Branch. Score: R. H. E. W. Forest 200 000 000 ? 2 10 I frank. . . 000 000 000?0 3 2 Davis and W. Timberlake; Preddy and Harris. Rolesville Defeats Wake Forest Rolesville, July 20. ? Rolesvllle pushed over six runs in the first inning, and tlurned back Wake Forest, 8-6, here today. Roles ville outbit Wake Forest. 12-1 1. Loonie Buffaloe set the pace in the Rollers' attack, with three singles for four. F. J. Driver was runner-up, witto a triple and a single for five. Bill Holdford led Wake Forest, with three singles for four. Bill Frazier was next, with two singles for five. 8core: R. H. E. W. Forest 012 000 011 ? 5 11 2 Rolesville 600 000 llx ? 8 12 1 Dean. Catlett, Davis and F. Timberlake: Suggs. Murray and Buffaloe, Averette. Rolesville . . Riley Wake Forest Franklinton 12 8 .600 11 8 .579 10 10 .500 6 13 .316 Kranklinton Wins 8-? Franklinton, July 20. ? Frank linton cellarltes of tbe Neuse Riv er League upset tbe loop's top club by binding Riley an 8-6 set back here today. ?? Kranklinton Baited away vic tory wltib a four-run blast In the seventh inning. RAyttiond Hone led Franklin ton, with two singles for four. Boss Robbins led Riley, with a brace of singles and a double for Ave. Claude Driver was next, with two singles for three. Joe Pearce of Frankllnton took fielding honors. 8core: R. H. E. Riley ... 000 200 121 ? 6 14 3 Frank. . . 300 010 40x ? 8 12 2 F. Gay and W. Frazier; Preddy and Ross. Flue-cured tobacco marketing quota regulations for the 1940-41 marketing season have been ap proved by Secretary of Agricul ture Henry Wallace. Red Cross says aid to French will go on If It has free band. FOR RENT 3 room furnished or unfcrnish p*i anprtmrnt^-can Include radio and frtgldalre. Apply to MRS. ROBERT PLEASANTS, 111 Elm Street, Loulsburg, N. C. 7-26-2t FOR fiALK One nice hoifer. J. A. JOHNU HON, Jjoulsbfdt N. C. 7-l*-2t 5c A Bale For Cotton Defense M>UIS1UTK<; FAKTIKS Mrs. S. A. Newell was hostess to the Amecita Club Tuesday af ternoon. The hostess served re freshments^ Miss Peggy Ford was hostess Tuesday evening when she en tertained her club. High score I prize was presented to Mrs. Harail- 1 ton Hob^ood for members and _____ _^____ Miss Alice Cahill for visitors. A ralad course was served by t lie hostess, assisted by Iter mother, Mrs. E. 8. Ford. Bridge w;'s enjoyed at the home oV Mrs. W. C. Perry Tues day evening when she entertain ed her cltili and additional guests. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. W. N. Fuller. Jr., for members and Mrs. George Phillips for visitors. OUR PRIDE 18 (hincf Loaf 2 for 15c SANDWICH 18 Ugnre l.,mt 2 for 15c COLONIAL (With Vitamiiih IU) It. Ounce Loaf 7c After you've completed and paid fot* your regular grocery purchase and the manager or clerk, wait ing upon you, bus failed to mention or suggest' TRIPLK-FRKBH bread, you are entitled to a loaf of your favorite kind ? ABSOLUTELY FREE ! THIS OFFER EFFEC TIVE FRIDAY, JULY 26th. through SATUR DAY. AUCUST 3rd ? APPLE SAUCE, Colonial 3 No. 2 cans LIGHT MEAT TUNA, 2 cans SALAD DRESSING, New Treat, 32 ounce Jar " LYNNHAVEN MUSTARD, 2 Quart Jars ORANGE JUICE, Sealed Sweet, 4 No. 2 cans CORNED BEEF, Anglo Brand 10c No. 1 cah ..... 10 i lin.i i i i Southern Manor a i lb. Package 19c 27c W 17c 25c Vt1 A "Delicious Iced" \ * "*? \ lh. Package *3 Tender Sliced Bologna, 2 lbs 27c Ground Corn Meal, 2 - 5 lb. bags 27c Colonial Grape Juice, 2 Pint bottles 27c White House Apple Butter, 2 - 38 oz. jars . . 27c COLONIAL CtJT BEETS, No. 2 * can .... .9c N.B.C. PREMIUM CRACKERS, 2 pkgs. . . 29c DEVIL'S FOOD LAYER CAKE, lge. size . 35c ' 'W ? uU COFFEE 2"-J5' "i :i.l 41 . ( ' om ??;] ! ?? jj/f ;|| U. imimtwrfw ?nu Iwhi'wmf. -iTH-nT The hostess served a fruit salad course. Tbe Wednesday Bridge Club met with Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough. Mrs. J- L. Palmer and Mrs. James King tied (or high score. Mrs. Alex Veasey of Raleigh was the recipient of high score prize for visitors. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Vernon Woodall and Mrs. King in serving a luncheon plate. MrB. Ezra Denton , was hostess Tuesday evening to her bridge club. The event was also in cele bration of Mr. and Mrs. Denton's first wedding anniversary. Mrs. Denton served a refresh ment plate, assisted by Mrs. J. W. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Llnwood Gup tan won high score prize fo'r'mem b^rs and Mrs. Herman Berlin of Raleigh was high scorer for visi tors while th$ traveling prijjp went to Mrs. Walter Roberson. The Wecfnesday Bridge Club was entertained by Mr? T. W. Watson. Mrs. J. W. Mann receiv ed club high score and Mrs. Webb Loy of Eustfs, F'la., recced' visi tors' high score. Mrs. MaM?anO; Miss Ida Maie Yow assisted the hostess In serving a luncheon plate. HONOR MJSS STALLINGS Zebulon. ? Tbe home of Mrs. Durwood Stallings was tbe scene of an informal tea, Thursday af ternoon wben Mrs. J. R. Alfofd, Miss Mozelle Ray and Mrs. Dur wood Stallings honored Miss Beryl Stallings, bride-elect. Guests were met at the door by Miss Mozelle Ray and Intro duced to the receiving line com posed of Mrs. Durwood Stalling, Miss Beryl Stallings, Miss Wylma Woodard of Rocky Mount, Mrs. Robert F. Green of Youngsville, Miss Virginia Overman and Mrs. Richard Collins of Middlesex. Miss Kdith Williams directed guests to the dining room. i Mrs. Harold Alford presided over the punch bowl. Sandwiches, cakes, mipta. and nuts were serv ed by Misses Irene Ray, Loilise Baker, Colleen Stallings, Ann Bissqtte, and Mrs. Homer Wil liams. Mi 88 Bet lie Mae Bennett, of LtfuistiWg, tftvifled' feueife to , the I sun room, where they regis! 1. Mrs. J. R. Alford said the byes. Around 75 guests called. t (II.. i ... t SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! $ 3.00 Permanents .... $2.00 4.00 Permanents .... 3.00 5.00 Permanents . . . . 4.00 7.50 Permanents .... 6.00 10.00 Permanents ? 7.50 This Special will last until the first of September. Call 445-1 for Appointment. BEAUTY SALON Professional Building Louisburg, N. C. TONKEL'S GREAT SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE NOW GOING ON : ? . , /\ Hundreds and hundreds of New ? ' j . ? .it Specials a re being offered for Friday and Saturday. - FOR FRIDAY ONLY -- A BOX FULL OF GRAB PACKAGES FREE I I AS LONG AS THE LAST ! I * ' ? ' ?" ? XJ BIG PIECES OF ENAMELWARE, TCc ea. Values up to 1.00> On sale for ALL SUMMER WEARING APPAREL ON SALE AT REMARKABLE LOW PRICES. Come to Tonkel's Big Clearance SALE! TONKEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE, INC. "LOUISBURG'S SHOPPING CENTER" "Always Something New"