I ? Professional Column DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nush St. IxiuiKburx, N> C. Phone* : Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hours ? 10 to 12; 2to 4; 7 to 0: Special attention to office work,! Obstetrics and Disease* of Women, X-Hay and Fluoroscopic Kxami nation, Diathermy and I'ltru-Vio let light treatment. DR. ARCH H. PERR7 General Practice Wood, N. C. Office (o Service Drue C?. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist IxmisburK, N. C. Office over Rose's Store DR M. C. KING Franklin ton, N. C. Residence Phone 240-1 Office Hours: 0 to 11 A. M. ? 2 to 3 P. M. ? to 8 P. M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law Louisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice in all Courts G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Lonisbarg, N. C. Office In Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney I/ouisburg, N. C. Office in First-Citizens Bank Building Practice (State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborough & Yarborough Atorneys & Counsellors at Uw Office in Kgerton Building Over Tonkel's Store I/Ouisburg, N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United (States t'ourts at Haleigli E. H. Malone J. F. Malone MALONE & MALONE Lawyers LouiMburg, N. C. General practice, settlement of esUtes, funds invested. One member of the tirm always ! in office. A. R. STRANGE Registered Surveyor I j Route 4, Ixtuisburg, N./C. | Prompt and {efficient Service ORDER AUTHORIZING 91(1,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS WHEREAS, the County Board of Education of Franklin County has certified to this Board a reso lution passed by said County Board of Education on July 10, 1940, showing thai it is necessary in order to maintaip the consti tutional six months' school term in Franklin County to provide certain school Improvements des cribed in said resolution; and WHEREAS, the County Board of Education hits requested this Board to order the issuance of a sufficient amount of County bonds in order to secure the necessary funds for providing such school improvements; and WHEREAS, t*e Board of Com missioners has carefully examined the facts and has determinded and hereby finds as a fact that such statements of said resolu tion are true and that it has be come the duty of said Board of Commissioners, acting as an sfd minlstrative agent of the State in; providing a state system of public schools, to order the issuance of a sufficient amount of County bonds to provide all of such school improvements in order to maintain the constitutional six months' school term; now. there fore, BE IT ORDERED AND RE SOLVED by the Board of Com missioners for the County of Franklin: 1. That bonds of Franklin County be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act. as amended, in an amount not exceeding $16. 000 for the purpose of providing funds for constructing the school Improvements referred to in the first preamble of this bond order in order to maintain the constitu tional six months' school term, Slicb improvements consisting of the following: ? ? Installing water and sani tary facilities for the Pearce and Pilot graded schools in Dunn Township. Erecting a new negro high school building in Gold Mine Township. 2. That a ta(* sufficient to pay the principal and Interest of said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. 3. That a statement of the County debt has been filed with ' the Clerk and is open to public inspection. 4. That this order shall take effect thirty days after t'be first publication thereof after final pas sage, unless in the meantime a I petition for its submission to the voters is filed under said Act and that Id such event It shall take ef fect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said Act. The foregoing order was finally passed on the 23rd day of July, HM, and was first pufcltahed ?n the 2?th day of July, 194?. Amy \ action or proceeding questioning the validity of naid order must be commenced within ttoirty days after its first publication. GEO. W. -FORD, Register of Deeds and 7-26-2t ex officio Clerk ORDKR AUTHORIZING $10,000 REFUNDING ROAD AND BRIDGE BONDS BE IT ORDERED AND RE SOLVED by the Board of Commis sioners for the County of Frank-! lin: 1. That bonds of Franklin j County be issued pursuant to the! County Finance Act, as amended, iu an amount not exceeding $10,- 1 000 for t<he purpose of refunding a like amount of the principal of valid subsisting bonded indebted ness of said County which was incurred before January 1, 1929 for the construction of roads and bridges in said County, and was legally incurred for necessary ex penses of the County, and is evi denced by the following: $10,000 Road and Bridge Bonds, dated October 15, ! 1920 and maturing October 15( 1940. 2. That the holders of the $10, 000 Refunding Road and Bridge Bonds herein authorized shall be subrogated to all the rights and powers of the holders of the in debtedness so refunded. 3. That a tax sufficient to. pay the principal and interest of said Refunding Road and Bridge Bonds Bhall be annually levied and col lected. ? 4. That a statement of the County debt has been filed wit'h the Clerk and is open to public, inspection. B. That this order shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to t'he voters. The foregoing order was finally : passed on the 23rd day of July,* 1940. and was first published on the 26th day of July, 1940. Any action or proceeding questioning; the validity of said order must be commenced within t'hirty days alter its first publication. GEO. W. .FORD, Register of Deeds and 7-26-2t ex officio Clerk NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Pursuant to an order of resale made by the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County and under and by virtue of author ity contained in a certain deed of ti;ust executed by I.uther P. Stroud and wife, to North Caro lina Bank and Trust Company,; Trustee, on the 20th day of Octo ber, 1931, recorded in Book 305. Page 48, Regtstry of Franklin County, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned Com "rfriesioner of Banks, under and by virtue of authority contained in1 Chapter 67, Public Laws of 1939,! will offer for sale, at public auc-j tion, for cash, in front of thfe Franklin County Courthouse door on MONDAY, AUGUST nth, 1040 | at twelve o'clock noon, all that certain piece, parcel or tract ofi land, lying and being in Harris Township. Franklin County, State of North Carolina, described and defined as follows: AH that certain piece, parcel or! tract of land containing 100-i acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the road leading from the Tarboro Road to Tar River, about 6 miles S. from the Town of Louisburg in Harris Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference td plat 'thereof mad* by Jos. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, on the 29th day of February, 1912, and attached to abstract now on file with the Commissioner of the Word War Veterans Loan Fund. The same being bounded on the North by Tar River; on the East! by Tar River; on the South by lands of Eliza Edwards, and on the West by the lands of W. H. Allen; and being the identical tract of land conveyed by deeds from M. T. Howell and wife to Rosa Pearce and husband, Julius Pearce, dated Nov. 26, 1910, re corded in book 179, page 149; and by deed dated Dec. 30, 1929, recorded In book 278, page 380, to which reference is made for more complete description of same and more particularly des cribed as follows: Beginning at a water oak on Tar River, the North East corner of the lands of* Eliza Edwards, OLD CLOTHES CAN BE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! Get oat your old clothes and, though they may look hopelem, ?end them to on. We'll clean them and renew tliem and return them to you looking like new clothen. > , NOTE ? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BKN.N IK MANN. Eipert Hhae ' Repairer. Call Co Phone 440-1 SERVICE DBT CLEAN EBB AND SHOE SHOP r. C. High* t km* k. Kiwtm, n. c. I and rung due W. 247 poles; thence N. 3 1-4 deg. E , 121 poles to a stake and ashe pointers; tbence S. 86 deg. E. 11 poles, 1(1 links to Tar River; tbence down the River as it meanders to tbe beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less, according to survey of Jos. T. Inscoe, of February 29, 1912. Tbe successful bidder will be required, at tbe time of the sale, to make a cash deposit of 10 per cent of tbe amount of tbe bid as a guarantee of compliance there-, with in the event that no resale is ordered. Dated this the 19th day of July, 1940. GURNEY P. HOOD, Commissioner of Banks. Malone & Malone, Attys. 7-19-3t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of t-he estate of Pattie Foster Perry, deceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against tbe estate of the Baid deceased, to ex hibit tbem to tbe undersigned at' Castalia, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1, duly verified on or before the 6th day of July, 1941, o^ this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immedate payment'. This first day of July, 1940. JOSEPH T. INSCOE, Admr. Pattie Foster Perry. W. L. Lumpkin, Attorney. 7-5-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis-' trator of the estate of J. H. i Weathers, deceased, late of i Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of June, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- 1 debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This; 20th day of June, 1940. 6-21-6t D. T. DICKIE. Adm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of T. A. Jones, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of June, 1941, or this notice will be plead in bar of tibeir recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will come forward and make imme diate settlement. This the 27th day of June, 1940. 6-28-6t J. G. ^IGGS, Extr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified aB Administra-I tor of the estate of Mattie (Mrs. E. L.) Perry, deceased, late ot j Franklin County, Nort'h Carolina. I this is to notify all persons hav- j ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to j the undersigned on or before the 12th day of July, 1941, or thiK notiice will be pleaded in bar oi l their recovery. All persons in-j debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of July, 1,40. 7-12'6t C. L. PERRY, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of J. E. Har ris, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against t'he estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 12tb (Jay of July, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment-. This 11th day of July, 1940. JOHN D. MORRIS, 7-12-6t. Adm'r. FOR RENT 3 room furnished or unfinish ed apartment ? can include radio and frigidaire. AppPv to MRS. ROBERT PLEASANTS. Ill Elm Street, Louisburg, N. C. 7-26-2t | Sod (of absent-minded profes sor) ? Where's the car, Dad? Professor (scratching his head) ? Why, 1 don't know. Did I take it out? ? Son ? You certainly did. You I drove it down town this morning. Professor ? Well, now, that is qcite remarkable. I remember now that after I got/ out of the car, 1 turned around to thank the gen tleman who bad given me the lift and wondered where be had gone. 4 * l RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! WAN WANTED for (Hip family Rawleigh route. Permanent if you're a hustler. Write Raw leigh's, Depti. NCH-1 22-123, Richmond, Va. 8-2-lt WANTED? To buy second hand baby carriage in good condi tion. Call Tel. 486-1. 8-2-lt FOUND A fountain pen and an Ever sharp pencil at the fire that des troyed A. P. Johnson's residence on the Raleigh road Thursday of last week. Owner can get same by falling on A. F. JQHNSON, Louisburg, N. C. 8-2-lt ROOMS FOR RENT Two large bed rooms. Furnish ed or unfurnished. See^R. B. MITCHELL at the Franklin Far mers Exchange. WORK WANTED Employed half time. Make it full time by giving me your odd jobs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 261-6. GI.ENN BEASLEY, 111 Church St., Louisburg, N. C. 7-26-2t PI/ANTS Collard and Early Jersey Wake field Cabbage plants now ready for delivery. 15c per hundred, $1.25 per thousand. PALMER B. FOGG, T. K. Allen's farm, K 3, 7-l!?-3t Louisburg, N. C. ? TO ? HAVE ~ YOUR ? I PRINTING NEEDS - DONE BY Letter Heads Envelopes Bill Heads Statements Hand Bills j Posters Placards In fact Anything You May ' Need in the Printing Line THE FRANKLIN TIMES "Printing That Pleases" Phone 283-1 Louisburg, N. C. Doctors Soy KEEP BOWELS* OPER Boring Cold Epidemics When cold* are all around yon, der't let weak spots B> your defeoee aria* doe to eeeetipttiOB. "Km) Secular," maav phyildans advise. For constipation and Ita strength aapping symptoms; headache. Bil iousness, sluggishness, dizziness, aonr stomach, use a laxative that acta thoroughly but not harshly. An Meal one w Dr. Hitchcock's All Vegetable Laxative Powder, which ?eta thoroughly, but usually with rtlenaas when takaa as directed contains ? pleasant - tasting aro vatics, carminatives and wnat is known by medical authorities as a Catro-intestihal tonic-laxative. It lps tone sluggish bowel muscles. Dr. Hitchcocx s Laxative Powder ?oats less than lc a dose.* Get H at ?ay drag counter. 10c, 26c. (adv.) FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONG 288-1 ROOMS FOR RENT ? Call Krs. H. O. Perry, Loulsburg, N. C., Phone 287-2. 6-17-tt RENEW YOUR HUBSCRI1TION I AM FARM LOANS 4 Low Inlimt 4 Lone T?m ? 4 Fair AppraUal 4 Prompt Somrloo W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. "A lotta people Are havin' a lotta fun, With them Sea Horses. But us fishes wishes They wasn't So darn depend able." See the models on display and buy from Get ? Johnson Sea-Howe outboard motor and have twice the fun? thi* year fend for yean /? nmel Don't put i off. Prices are low. Compare! See us for a demonstration. JOHNSON DEALER'S NAME AND ADDRESS BROWN FURNITURE HOUSE TERMS IF YOU WANT THEM. J. L. Brown Prop. Youngsville, N. C. SUMNER FURNITORE Why not look around your home and discard that old out of date piece of furniture and call at our Store and replace it with the Season's latest design at Specially low prices? You don't have to discard old furniture, you can add to your home comfort and beauty. CALL IN AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, N. 0. PROMPT SHOE REPAIRS Ton get double value for your money when yon have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine savings in added use and comfort GANTTS SHOE SHOP H. * Bell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Louisburg 1

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