? Louisburg tobacco market opens Tuesday, Sept. 17th. X t t ? Cotton was worth 10 cents on the Loutsburg market yester day. Ill ? The Welfare Department would like a home for a 13 year old white boy. I t t ? The editor is indebted to Mr. F. P. Knott fbr a nice lot of to matoes which were greatly en joyed. lit ? P. W. Elam is erecting a hftw residence on Spring Street to th'e rear of Mrs. S. P. Boddie's residence. f t X ' ' ?Franklin Superior Court for . Civil cases will hold anot-ber week Judge Clawson Williams, 'prestdlng. ? F. P. Knott ia displaying :Boin& line pumpkins at G. W. Mur phy & Son, some weighing as high as 79 pounds. tit ? Quite a good crowd was in Louisburg Monday, it being titae first Monday and opening of the September term of Franklin Su perior Court. t t 1 ?The Franklin County Wel fare Department wishes to take this opportunity to thank the peo ple who made it possible for Henry Clay Perry to get/ transpor tation to Boys Town. Especially we would like to acknowledge do nations from the people of Bunn, the Men's Bible Class of the Louisburg Methodist Church and the Louisburg Chapter of the American Red Cross. LOUISBURG METHODIST CHURCH The Fourth Quarterly Confer ence for this year will be held on iext Monday night. This was fii-Bt announced for Sunday night, but Rev. H. I. Glass, District) Superintendent, has had to change the time to Monday night. The Stewards have planned a sand wich supper in which every wife and husband of the official mem bers will be asked to share. This will be at 6:30 with the Quarter ly Conference following. On next Thursday evening, September 12, there will be the "charter night" meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. This is the new woman's organization which is t<he sue. cessor of the Woman's Missionary Society, in the united church. All -women of the church are invited to attend. - The Sunday morning service will be at 11:00 with sermon by the pastor. Sunday evening at> 8:00 the minister is requesting that all members of the Board of Christian Education and all work ers in the Sunday BChool be pre sent for consultation about promo tion Sunday and other educational interests. LOUISBURG BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. A. Paul Bagb^ preached on "Why I'm Glad to be Back" at the eleven o'clock worship on Sunday morning. Sermon topics for Sunday. Sep tember 8th are as follows: Morn, lug worship at eleven o'clock, "What is That irt Thy Hand?"; Evening worship at eight o'clock ,The Three Big Things In Life." Sunday School at 9:46 A. M. Let's grow in number)* and in tflMSfe. Training Union at 7:15 P. M, " List of Jurors The following Is a Ilati of jurors drawn for the October term of Franklin Criminal Court: Dunn ? Horace Pace, E. H. Gay, Berry C. Johnson, S. S. Wl|liams. Harris ? F. D. Driver Youngsville- ? B. E. Kinton, J. E. Hart, J. 11. Alford, O. 8 Dick erson, W. M. Woodilef, H. B. QUI, C. C. Sandford. Frankllnton? Klchard Dement, D. B. Nowell, R. R. Oolmes. J. C. Faulkner. Hayexville ? B. C. Ayscue. Har ry C. Ayscue, II. I). Waldos, T. L. Coghlll, K. K. Foster. Santy Creek? P. D. Moore, E. B. Qupton, E. (j . Cooper, Sidney Murpby. Gold Mine ? D. B. Wester, A. C. Gray, W. H. Foster. Cedar Rock ? T. J. Holmes, R. H. Pernell, H. W. Bartholomew. Cypress Creek ? N. R. Faulk, G. H. Champion. Loulsburg ? H. C. Gupton, F. 8. Wester, 8. T. Cottrell. MISS ALSTON ENTERTAINS Miss Jennie Cheatham Alston entertained at bridge Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. G. M. Beam In honor of Misses Viola Alston. Betsy Splvey and Jane Murphy, debutantes of the sen son. High score was won by Miss Peg Ford. Traveling prlxe by Miss Rose Malone. The honorees wore presented gifts by the hostess. An ice course with nuts whs served. Guest were Misses Viola Alston, Betsy 8plvey, Jane Murphy. Peg Ford, Rose Malone, Mildred Ho ward, Betty Johnson, Frances Ann Earle, Jane Fuller, Knther lne Rogers and Alice Cahlll. RENEW TOUR SUBSCRIPTION I .VT;, 77777/. Miss Helen Lea, of Washington, D. 0.| Is spending this week a( home. til Miss Leona May. of Rocky Mount, was week-end guest of her mother, t t X Mrs. Ella Holt, of Spencer, who has been visiting her sons has re turned home. ill Miss Athalea Boone left Tues day for Oak City where she will teach this year. v* * * Miss , Elizabeth Johnson left Tuesday to resume her teaching at Wadesboro. Zt * Mtss Christine Collier return ed tike past week from a trip to | Myrtle Beach, S. C? III Miss Eugenia May was guest of friends and relatives in Rocky Mount the past week. ass Miss Ethel Bartholomew, of Washington, D. C., is spending this week with her parents. 1X1 Mrs. J. F. Harris, of Tampa, Fla., is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Allen. m Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Edwards, who visited Georgia, Florida-, and other places of note have returs ed home. ttt Miss Charlotte Frazier has re turned from a visit the past week end with relatives in Fuquay Springs. t t t F. L. O'Neal and F. M. Fuller attended the annual meeting of the Base Hospital at Winston- 1 Salem this week. H 1 Miss Mamie Davis Beam left j Monday for Zebulon, where she j will be a member of the Wakelon' faculty this year. : tlx Mrs. W. E. Collier, Jr., Mrs. H. H. Hobgood and Mrs. J. R. 1 Gardner, of Danville, Va, visited Raleigh on Tuesday. I I I Miss Narcissa Clark and Mr.-i Edward Forester, of Baltimore, j Md., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phelps. I X J Miss Kathryn Berry left Satur day for Rocky Mount where sh? will spend some time with her sis ter, Mrs. H. R. Davis. m Mrs. E. C. Lander, of Bruns wick, Ga., who visited relatives and friends in and near Louis burg has returned home. Itt Mrs. J. R. Gardner and little daughter, Gloria Lee, of Danville, "Va., are guests of Mrs. Gardner's mother, Mrs. W. W. Webb. X X X Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Smithwick, of Fredericksburg, Va., spent the past week-end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Smltihwick. X X 1 Mr. Louis Jones, of the U. S., Navy, Radio operator stationed at Hawaii, is visiting his mother near Louisburg while on vacation.' lit Buddy Beam left Monday to begin his high school senior work in the Roxboro High School, where he will be t>his school year. XII Mr. and Mrs. Carey Berry hill, of Charlotte, and Miss Rose Mary Wilson, of StateBville, spent the past week-end with Mrs. J. O. Wilson. . ? * X Miss Lucy Wilson returned to her home Sunday after visiting friends and relatives in States vllle, Rutherford College, and Charlotte. Ill Miss Doris Gupton, Mr. Willard Leonard and Edward Radford, of Williamsburg, Va., spent the past week-end with friends and rela tives near Centerville. X X X Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boone, Misses Irene Boone and Theresa Howard spent week before last in Washington, D. C\, and returned through Skyland Drive. XXX Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Smithwick, of Greenville, S. C.. spent the past week-end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Smithwick, while enroute home from the Northern Markets. l it Mr. W. B. Tarry and sons, Wil liam and Jimmie, of BroQkneal, Va., visited Louisburg on Tues day of t-his week. Mr. Tarry was formerly with the Rural Reset tlement office here. 111 Mr. E. .1. Shearin, of Genevieve County, Missouri, was a visitor to the FRANKLIN TIMES office Wednesday. He is a former resi dent of Franklin County and is visiting his brother, Mr. W. J. Shearin, of near Castalia. XXX Mr. Roy Lane, of Henderson, Misses Lillian and Frances Per gerson. Miss Jewell Poythress and Mr. Henry Pergerson. of Louis burg, and Miss Rosalie Perger son, of Franklinton, spent the! past week-end at Nags Head and Manteo, where they attended the pageant. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Loy, and baby daughter, Snow, of Eustis, i Fla., .have arrived for a two monttiVVisit with Mr. Loy's moth er, Mr* J M. Allen. Little Miss AU?o Loy has 'been spending the summer with her grandmother; and will prtbabl? return home wit'h her parents 'in November. '? '? ijw> MRS. '.MttTRFHY HONORS DJWJ 1 ANTES , Honoring her daughter, Miss Jane Murphy, and Misses Betsy Spivey and Viola Alston, the three LenMburg debutantes who will be presented to North Caro lina society tonight at the annual ball to \>e held at Memorial Audi torium, tn Raleigh, Mrs. M. C. Murphy was hostess Wednesday afternoon at her home on North Cedar Street, from five until six o'clock at a lovely informal tea. The Murphy home was beauti fully decorated throughout with mixed summer flowers. Mrs. J. W. Mann received at the front door and directed cal lers to the receiving line which was formed in the living room, where a profusion of pink glad, ioli, pink asters and stephanotis were effectively arranged. The hostess, Mrs. Murphy, introduced the guests to the receiving line which was composed of herself, her daughter, Miss Jane Murphy Mrs. David Spivey, Miss Betsy Spivey, Mrs. T. C. Alston, Miss Viola Alston, Miss Margaret Katherine Lumpkin and Miss Edith Powell, the last two being Frapklinton's 1940 debutantes. Mrs. Frank Wheless, Jr., and Mrs. J. R. Earle receiving at the dining room door and invited | guests in for refreshments. A | green and white mot'if was car- j ried out here, with arrangements of white flowers and burning tapers. The table was beautifully , appointed with a centerpiece of white asters and white dahlias in a silver bowl, placed upon a re flector, and a garland of clematis extending down the center. The arrangement was flanked by burn ing tapers. Six girls of the younger set, ' namely. Misses Evelyn Smithwick. Selema Joyner, Martha Grey King, | Betsy Cobb, Imogene Phillips and Eleanor Beasley, beautifully gowned in evening dresses, served decorated sandwiches, refreshing punch and mints. I Mrs. Elmo Edwards, a recent bride, sister of the hostess, and , Miss Dorothy Dennis received in the hall. Goodbyes were called by J Mrs. W. D. Egerton and Miss Lynn Hall. Others assisting Mrs. i Murphy in entertaining her guests wc^e Mesdames Fred Leonard, j Claud Murphy, Herman Murphy, 1 Henry Holt, Forrest Joyner and Harvey Bartholomew. About 75 ] SOUTHSIDE WAREHOUSE Louisburg, N. C. ? ANNOUNCES IT'S ? OPENING SALE TUESDAY, SEPT. 17? Under Management of Your Old Friends. The Southside is one of the best lighted warehouses in the State, is well equipped ond offers plenty room. We will have no trucks this year but will use this expense to guarantee the grower more money for his sale. ? ? ? t n A Sam Meadows, with a life-time experience, Ben F. Wood, an old ex perienced tobacco warehouseman and grower, and Arch Wilson, a young man raised in a tobacco field and with many years of warehouse experience, will operate the SOUTHSIDE again this year. We have experience, we have capital, we have accommodation space and equip ment and will be glad to sell your tobacco for more money. Among our force this year will be William Boone, of Castalia, Syl vester Brantley, of Spring Hope, Bill Spivey, of Louisburg, Bill Alford, * of Seven Paths, all fine young men who will be glad to see that you get every courtesy and consideration possible. Get a load ready and bring it on tothe SOUTHSIDE on Opening Day, September 17th, and every Sale day throughout the season. We will get you the top for your tobacco. YOUR FRIENDS, Sam Meadows - Ben Wood - Arch Wilson of the young social set called dur ing t'he tea hour. 7 MISS NPIVEY ENTERTAINS Miss Betsy Spivey entertained at a breakfast Saturday morning in honor of Misses Viola Alston and Jane Murphy who are debu tantes Obis season with Miss Spl Vey. The guests found their places by attractive place cards. The ta ble had a beautiful centerpiece of [ asters. The following guests were pre sent: Misses Viola Alston, fane Murphy, Elizabeth Egerton, Fran ces Ann Earle, Mildred Howard, ( Betty Johnson and Kathefine I Rogers. LEGGETT'S BARGAIN HIGHLIGHTS - - Shop and Save at, Leggett's ? - ?} Where Quality is Higher Than Price Men's Hats Now Fall hats for Men in the latest styles and colors. Sites 6 3-4 to 7 1-2. 97c 1 Men's Shirts Good quality Shirts In many fancy pat* terns. Sizes 14 to 17. 59c Sweaters New fall sweaters for men and boys in all the new colors and styles. Zipper, button and slip-overs. See our large selection now ! 39c to $2.98 J UAUJJJ - 1A1A1 * ? J Pants 97c to $4.98 The latest styles arid fabrics in men and boys pants. Tweeds and worsteds. YOU'LL FIND YOUR BACK TO-SCHOOL NEEDS HERE AT PRICES TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET ? Leggett's Leads in Louisburg" r v PENDER Qua/ttif d Strtei > J I LOOK! LOOK! $4.25 Bbl. 4 $9.50 3 ?r&, F L OUR PURE LARD Xnd P-NUT BUTTER QtJar 19 SALAD DRESSING ? 19 FAT BACK Pound 7 RIB MEAT 3Pounds 25 AGED CHEESE ,b 19 PORK & BEANS 4 It 17 PINEAPPLE 2^27 FRUIT COCKTAIL 2? 25 cans SOLID PACK TOMATOES No. 2 Cc Can " SUGAR 10 *?? 45c 25 Pounds - $1.13 10c Size Sandwich BREAD, 2 loaves 15c PAN ROLLS, 2 pkes 9c

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