? BARGAIN ? A Ijrge Company ku sold all of the farms it owned In Franklin County except one property. It desires to sell this (arm at an early date. 11 you are Interested in a bargain, this is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. - y S. G. Layton 20he 23rd day of August, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 22nd day of August, 1940. 8-23-6t R. A. PERRY, Adm'r. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ' Having qualified as Administra tors of the estate of Q. S. ijBfcayd. deceased, late of Franklin CWJKty, [North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before t-he 30 day of August, 1941, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This 29 day of August, 1940. .MRS. SALLIE W. LEONARD GREY R. KING. 8-30-it Admir's. A DM I X ISTKATHKa'H NOTICE Having qualified us administra trix of t-he estate of Charles J. > Griffin, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at Franklinton. N. C., duly verified, on or before the 23rd day of August, 1941, or ibis no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This l'.tth day of August, 1940. MHS. MARY G. KING, Admin istratrix of Charles J. Griffin. W. L. Lumpkin, Attorney. 8-23-61 \I)MI\ ISTRATOB'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Mrs. John Hedgepelh, deceased, late of Krauklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to I'lie undersigned on or before tile 1 23rd day of August, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please niaktt immediate payment. This 22nd day of August, 1941). 8-23-6t I-. F. DENNIS, Adm'r. XOTICK OK KAI.K rXDKIt DKKD OK T It I' ST Under and by virtue of au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Willie Thomas Jones and wife, to Se curity National Bank, Trustee, on the 1st day of October, 1938. re corded in (took 345, l'age 654, Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina, default having j been made in the payment- of the | indebtedness secured thereby, whereby the entire amount of said indebtedness became due and pay able and demand having been made by the holder of sai'l note upon the trustee nuincd therein to advertise and sell the property described in said deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, Franklin County, N. C., at noon | on MONDAY, SKI'TKMUKH .Kltli, 11140, the following described real es tate: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying, and being ; in Franklin County, State of i North Carolina and more particu larly described as follows, to-wit': BEGINNING at a point on the Simms Bridge Road; thence N. 28d 30' E. 845 ft. to a point at the intersection of the Simms Bridge Road and the old road to Simms Bridge in the line of F. W. Wheless; thence along the F. W. Wheless line, N. 27 Hd E. 828 ft., N. 37d E. 159 ft., N. 27 l-4d ! E. 188 ft., N. 36d E. 192 ft., N. 3 Id E. 104 ft., N. 26 3-4d E. 92 1 ft., N. 35 %d H. 104 ft., N. 24d E. 258 ft., N. 21 d E. 183 ft., N. 24d E. 435 ft., N. 29'id E. 173 ft., N. 27d E. 171 ft., N. 20d E. I 167 ft., N. 30 3-4d E. 136 ft., S. 85 3-4d E. 269 ft. to an iron 'stake in the Simms Bridge Road; thence along the Simms Bridge Road, S. 1 3 Vi d E. 885 ft., S. 6 I l-4d W. 274 ft'., S. 36 l-4d W. 635 ft., S. 50 3-4d W. 400 ft., S. 54', 4d W. 380 ft., to a point on | the Simms Bridge Road In corner I for J. A. Brown; thence along the J. A. Brown line, S. 49 3-4d E. 227 ft., S. 8Cd E. 1500 ft., to a point in corner for J. A. Brows and Mltchiner 14 % ft. from a stake in corner for Yarboro; thence along the Mltchiner line, 8. 3d 36' W. 1736 ft. to a cedar stake In corner in Mltchiner line; thence along the Mltchiner and O. L. Cooke lines, N. 79d W. 2975 ft. to point of beginning, con taining 132.5 acreB, as shown by plati of Phil R. Inscoe, Registered Surveyor, dated September 22, 1938. The successful bidder will be required, at the time of the sale, to make a cash deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of tbe bid as a guarantee of compliance there with in the event that no resale is ordered. Dated this 27th day of August, 1940. SECURITY. NATIONAL BANK, SALE OK VALUABLE KEAL Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in thati certain deed of trust execut ed on the 18th day of August, 1926, by Geneva Davis, and duly recorded in the Public Registry of Franklin County in book 251, page 457, default having been made in the conditions of tbe said deed of trust, and at Mie request of the holder of said notes, I will, on ?MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1940, at or^Uiout the hour of 12:00 o'clt??k nyon, at the courthouse doo\ in Luuisburg, N. C., offer for ,sale\o the\bighest bidder for cash t'hat certaiiKtract or parcel of laud situate 111 Franklin County, Sandy Creek /rownship, State of North Carolina.apd' described as follows: BOUNDED on the north by tbe lauds of Mrs. W. A. Person's Es tate and others; on the east by i t'be lands of J. B. Smith; and on j the south and west by tbe lands of Mrs. Walter Tharringtou, CON TAINING S6-acres, more or less; laud being tbe lands this day ; bought of Annie A. Beam and < husband, known as the William Krct'dlove Dower Tract. This, the 29(h diiy of August, i 1940. Trustee. By: R. C. de Rosset. Malone & Malone, Attorneys. V. P. 9-6-4t ESTATE 9-t>-4t G. Al. BEAM, Trustee. SAI.K OK \ AIA'ABI.K HKAIj KSTATK I'nder an9 upon the Special Proceeding dock i et of said court, the undersigned commissioners will, on MONDAY, THK Ta It BAY OF OCTOBKB, HMO, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Louis burg. N. C., offer for sale to the , highest bidder, for cash, that cer tain tract of land lying and be ing in Harris Township, Franklin TAYLOR ii : CUSTOM - MADE ? i; CLOTHES ;; ?; Pick the figure you ? | want to pay and we | promise the BEST ? ' your money can buy. ;; YOU CAN TRUST IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE | WE GIVE YOU ! ! Osmond Hale Louiaburg, N. C. County, N. C., and more particu larly described as follows, to-wit: All that certain tract', piece or parcel of land situate in Harris Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, more particularly des cribed as follows: Bounded oil the North by the , lands of Clarence Dickinson and A. J. Underbill, bounded on the East by bhe lands of Lillle Cru- < dup, bounded on the South by the ' lands of W. C. Horton, bounded on the West by the lands of Elmo Horton, containing 120 acres, more or less, and being Lots 3 and 4 shown by map recorded in Book 192, Page 563, Franklin Kegistry and being the identical lands conveyed to W. S. Thar rington November 12, 1913 by G. D. Taylor and the Atlantic Coast Realty Company. This 2nd day of September, 1940. J. P. LUMPKIN, E. H. MALONE, 9-6-4 1 Commissioners, i TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE (By Substituted Trustee) Pursuant to the power and au thority contained in a certain deed ot trust^dated the 10th day of Septen}be(\ 1934, executed by Annie B., Green, single, to C. S.| Noble, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the of fice of the Register ot Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 318, page 305, securing a certain note payable to HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORA- _ TION, default having been made for a period of more than ninety j (90) days in the payment of said I note as provided therein and in , the performance of certain cove-i nants set outi in said deed of trust i and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the" undersigned, Trustee, having been substituted \ as Trustee, for C. S. Noble, saidp substitution being duly recorded .] in tlii' office of t-he Register of;. Deeds of Franklin County. North Carolina, in Book 370, page 453, ; will offer for sale at public auc- ' lion to the highest bidder for | cash at the Court House door in _ Franklin County, Louisburg. North Carolina at 1- o'clock noon I Tib 1>AY OK OCTOBER. 10 10, ' the following described real es-j tate. to-wlt: Lying and being in the Town, of Louisburg, Louisburg Town ship. County of Franklin, State oi | North Carolina, and more partic ularly described as follows Now owned by and in the possession ot Annie B. Green, bounded on the . Nort'll by the lands of II. G. Har rison, Mrs. Ruth Thomas, on the East and South by the lands of Webb Loy, oh the West by Alum Street and the town dfcl.ouisburg. and more particuUuV described according to plat bhereof made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor, on Au gust 13, 1934, as follows: BE GINNING at, a point on the Last side or North Main Street, corner of the lot hereby conveyed and II G Harrison, said point being 153 from Hie South curb of Green Street, thence South fc. . deg. lu- East 333 feet along He llurrison. line and along the Ruth Thomas line to a post, corner or the lot hereby conveyed, RuMi Thomas and Webb Loy. along the Webb Loy line South . deg. 60' East 100 feet to a post. _ corner for the lot hereby convey ?1 In said Webb Loy line. I thence Ul??g the North line of said Webb hoy line Nort-h 76 deg. 45 West :i:i7 feet to Main Street, thence along Main Street North ^ deg. 50* Wost 5*0 feet to the point 01 BEGINNING, it being fhe lot con veyed to Annie B. Green by deed ?f W H. Ruffin, Commissioner, dated August at August 30, 1924 In Book 2b2. at . page 71. Registry of Franklin County. N. C. The above men tioned plat being on file in the of fice of the Home Owners Loan Corporation and reference being , here made to said plat' and the above mentioned deed and record tor a further description of the lot hereby conveyed. L This property will be sold sub' ject to 1940 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will I be required to make a cash de- j posit of 5 per centi of the purchase price to show good faitb. This, the 3rd day of September, 1940. T. C. ABERNETHY, Substituted Trustee. Edward F. Griffin, Attorney. 9-6-5t RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! ruttrntial ? FARM LOANS 4 Low IntorMl / Long Twrm ? 4 FdrAppniwl / Prompt SwrriM W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. 0. Professional Column DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon 10X W. Nasli St. T/Ouisburg, N. C. Phones : Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hours ? 10 to 12; 2to 4; 7to 0 S|iecial attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases or Women, X-Ilay and Fluoroscopic Kvami nation. Diathermy and Ultra-Vio let light. treatment. DR. ARCH H. PERRY (.cneral Practice Wood, X. C. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist IjOiiisburg, X. ('. Office over Rose's Store DR. M. C. KING Franklinton, N. C. llesidenee I'lione 24D-1 Office Hours: ? to 11 \. M. ? 2 to 3 P. M. 1. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law Louisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over l'lcusunts Hook Store (?enerai Practice in all Courts G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law l.ouisburg, X. C. Office in Professional Ruildiag lieu to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney l/Oiiisburg, X. Office in First -Citizens Rank Building Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborough & Yarborough Atorneys ti Counsellors at Law Office In ICgerton Ruilding Over Tonkel's Store Louisburg, X. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Kaleigh K. H. Malone .1. K. Malono MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Louisburg, X. C. GJeneral practice, settlement of estates, funds invested. One member of tlie firm always in office. A. R. STRANGE Registered Surveyor Route 4, Louisburg, N. C. Prompt and Efficient Service "s THE POOR FISH SAYS There are at least three more months of good fishing. Get your John son Motor now. And go out where the Big ones are. See the models on display and buy from Get' a Johnson Sea-Hone outboard motor and have Iwiti the fun? thU year and for yesrt t? comtl Don't put it oC Price* are 1 our. Compart! See u? for a demonstration. JOHNSON DEALER'S NAME AND ADDRESS BROWN FURNITURE HOUSE % TEEMS IF YOU WANT THEM. J. L. Brown Prop. Yousfsrille, N. 0.