Around The | Town I By W. F. SHELTON "The Star Spangled Banner" was officially adopt?d as our National Anth.vmn byNCongress in 1931 after it was brought to the attention of the pubHe-t??\ I to be it Ripley that the United \ States had no official anthyui/ even tl\ough this song liad long/ been regarded as such. In town winners were Mrs. Claude Mnr phy and Mr. Dan McKurtand. Out-of-town winners were Miss Virginia Frances l'eryy. ?r Ijoubiburg Route 4, anW Miss Marian Matthews of Route 8. Thanks to all of you who sent in answers. If you were not lucky last week try again on this question. How many V ice Presidents of the United States have become Presidents? In passing we would like to give credit for the National Anthyiu question to Miss Adelaide John son who first suggested it. If you have in mind a question that we could use send it in. Contributed questions that we use will win contributor a show ticket. n? 1 n We have recently returned from New York City after accom paning our friend Rufus Weath ers thai far on his trip to the Will Rogers Hospital at Saranac Lake, N. Y, The last t/hins Rufus asked o? us that we publish his heartfelt thanks to those Louis burg organizations and individ uals who have been so kind to him in his time of need. Your kindness will not be forgotten. We put Rufus on the sleeper for. Saranac Monday night and then retired to our hotel on 45th St. On Tuesday we spent the entire d:\y at the World's Fair and t'oi our second time beiield the mar vels of science and industry in op eration there. General Motors Highways and Horizons was as u^uai standing people in long Hues for three or four hours as they waited to see this exhibit ac kn6wleged by all to be the great est show of the fair. 11?11 We also had our first experi ence with the Life Saver para chute jump. Mot only was this our first, but definitely our last parachute jump. Just as soon as our feet wen' on the ground we resolved then and there to never again ride arfy such con traption as this. The Kodak Cavulcade of Color is even bet ter this year than last. 11?11 Gene Autry. Kepubiic Pictures two-gun movie cowboy, always kept one of his guns in IHs Cali fornia home, for burglar^. The other night they got it. _ n? H The newspapers say that an epidmie of head colds spread through Berlin on account of the British air raids causing the populace to spend long hours irr damp air raid shelters. There was probably a greater epidem ic of cold feet. 11?11 Pictures sometimes indicate that Hitler's invading armies have quickly succeeded in " converting conquered peoples to the Nazi sa lute. A British short-wave broad cast told how this was managed in Paris during an open-air mili tary band concert. "Suddenly tht music stopped and in the result ing silence a voice from the loud spakers said, in "French: Those who do not' speak German, r^lse your hands!' ' ' As practically nobody in the crowd knew Ger man, thousands of hands were raised. A flash! All were photo graphed standing with arms ap parently raisted in the Hitler sa lute. H? H Doing business without ad vertising is like winking at a girl In the dark. H? II If we could have our wish the fall of the year would be Hitler's. H ? H An * old American Gtneral once said. "The only way to win a war l? to get thar fustest with the mostest men." Nowa fit. HERE S HAPPY REL,E? If you suffer from backache multini from fatigue or ex poaure ... If aore muscles or a stiff neck have (tot you laid up . . . SORETOM: ia what you need. It la a medicinal, analtrc-uc aolu tion developed by the famo'ia drujj house. McKeaaon A Rohbinn. SOBBTONR act* fa*t ? give* aoothlnr; re lief right where relief ia needed -apeeda the superficial blood flow to the a fleeted *re:l. AIho help* to prevent infection. Not an an, ma! preparation? made for htimnn bein?cn. Wonderful, a.'wo. for aore. tired feet. S'o'c I rut I ojcr Mail thia coupon, with | 5 4 in coin or *'.am|i*, to ; McKeiaun ? Robbina. I Bridgeport. Confi., Dept. I B-l. j NAJUS. | AODtRU , L ? ? J days It's (jol thar fastest with the uiostot planes. 11?11 Mr. Willkie must be carrying a | heavy load inasmuch as the aver age weight* of an elephant is tive tons. And speaking of Mr. Will kie it .seems to us that gentleman is loosing ground fast. Kvery time he speakB we become less and less impressed with him and his party. L H? II Then there was the little hoy M'lio, u|>on being asked how Ioiik it would be before Ills fa ther would be utile to return to work, replied tliut lie didn't know lieeuuse eompensiitioii had 'set in. 11?11 While the National Guardsmen are encamped in the Armory here the government is allowing $1.51 per day. per man, for food and Miis feeds each man exceptionally well. We have had occasion to sample some of the food at the Armory and the meals and their preparation is of the best. On Sunday Chief Cook Uraham Hol mes used the following in prepar ing the three meals. 35 pounds of sausage, UO dozen eggs. 10 dozen bananas. 110 pints of milk, SO loaves of bread. 65 pounds of dressed chicken, 20 No. 2 cans of green peas. 30 pounds of potatoes, 3 quarts of pickles, 10 gallons of ice cream, 100 lemons. 110 indi vidual cakes. 60 pounds of beef steak. 24 cans of beans, 55 pounds of. sweet potatoes, 15 cans of sliced pineapple and 5 pounds of coffee to make 30 gallons of Java. SEVEN PATHS NEWS On Sunday afternoon we had a> targe crowd at' church. Our pas-| tor Kev. Scofleld preached a fine sermon. His text was found in the sixth chapter of Calatians, verse 14. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wilder havel moved hack in our midst after! living in Louisburg the past few] months. We welcome them hack. ] Mrs. Grafton Moore spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Jas-j per Perry, of Justice. Miss Blonnie Green was in the home of her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ddiuon Green Sun day P. M. Mrs. 1.1. S. Gay and children and; Mrs. N. C. Moore were the din-j ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gay. Sunday. Mr. L. S. Gay spent Sunday with his father. Mr. W. F. Gay and sister. Mrs. C. E.- Moore. Mr. C. E. Dehnam was the diu uer guest' of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wilder, ijunday. Master Xuburn Wilder spent Sunday afternoon with Henry White Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wilder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Wilder. Mrs. Lula Butler, of Pennsyl vania. spent last week with Mrs. Alice Gay. We are glad to report Mrs. Evelyn Strickland is some better. We were glad to see in his ac customed place at cliuch Sunday Mr. J. M. Lamm. Although he can't walk Uncle Jaines still loves to come to church. Little Mis3 Dot Wilder spent Saturday afternoon with the Miss es Nevanne. Elizabeth and Eve lyn Wilder. "BILL." EDWARD S. HAYMAV Edward Sanley Hayman. 87. died Friday at the home of a daughter. Mrs. W. P. Long, Justi east of Louisburg, Mrs. Long and two sons. John H. Hayman. of Greenville, and E. M. Hayman, of Norfolk. Va., are the only sur vivors. Funeral services were conducted from ' the Long home here at 3 p. m. Sunday. Inter ment followed In the family cem etery at Justice. l (ou JLfUl tiAK)f,tcr Sand for FREE racfe* book, kiirw , ?.in fant Ming rowd?f ? to* t. Bwwford. >? I. j , FARMS FOR SALE We have .several desir able cotton and tobacco farms for wile for cash or on reasonable terms. Why not look at these before you buy? W, L. Lumpkin AGENT GOLF MATCH AT WARRENTON The first in a series of exhibi tion golf matches will' he held j Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Warrenton Country Club I when Billy Peete. club champion, and James Casper, club pro. meet a Raleigh two-some on the local fairways. Peete and Casper will repre sent t'he Warrenton club and Kenan Smith and Ked Jones will | make up the Capital city two : sgme. ' Kenan Smith is o?e of the most ' consistent golfers in Raleigh, and ! is master of a wide assortment of i shots. He has played in practi cally every amateur tournament of note in North Carolina and has finished high in the first flight. Only this tall t-he veteran shot maker was runner-up to the City title, losing the title on the last itwo holes. In Smith t'he local golf fans will have an opportunity ' to see a golfer who can recover from most any situation that 1 arises. Red Jones is the newest sensa | tion in Raleigh. To begin wit'h Red is Hilly-Billy at heart and plays in a radio and stage act of hilly-billy musicians. On the tee lie hits the longest ball Capital City circles and although he is somewhat erratic the fans crowd to see his booming tee shots and iron shots. The Raleigh two-some will be opposed by Billy Peete. club champion, and one of the most promising young golfers in East ern North Carolina. Peets has his game tuned to fine edge. Teaming up with Peete will be James Casper, club pro, who will be making his debut as an exhi bition players. Casper took up golf at the Car olina Pines, in Raleigh, several years ago, after graduating from the caddy ranks. His first appear ance publicly was as a member of the Raleigh High School goli'l team which won the State. South ' Atlantic and Southern titles in I one season. That team was call-t' ed the greatest high school team; in America by O. fi. Keeler, vet eran golf writer from Atlanta, i The next spring Caspev held three thousand golf fans breath less as he battled A! Dowtiu fori 37 holes for the Eastern Carolina ! tifcle at Carolina Pine*. Casper lost the match when hU* tee shot j hit a spectator 25n yards down the fairway. The match will start at> 2:00 j o'clock and the public is invited I to attend. There is no adinis jsion charge. ? \ TESH-IllXX Miss Mildred Bunn became the' bride of Mr. John P. Tesh Satur day morning, Sept. 21st in a pretty church ceremony at Win ston-Salem. The vows were spoken before jail altar of gladiolis and roses, in I the St. Paul's Episcopal Church. jThe Rev. W. S. Turner , Rector of j j the church officiated. The bride wore a blue dress all of her accessories were of: brown. She wore a shoulder cor sage of valley IIMieg and yellow | rosebuds. ! Following the ceremony the I bridal party was entertained at' jan informal breakfast at the Smoke House by Miss Johnson j Nelson and Mr. Eddie Garve. j J Mrs. Tesh is the daughter of' :.Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Bunn. of [Spring Hope. R 2. and Winston Salem. She is a graduate of Ed ward Best High School and North, j Carolina Baptist Hospital. Win-; .ston-Salem. N. C. I Mr. Tesh is the son of Mr. and (Mrs. C. R. Tesh. of WinsUm-Sa- ' ilem. and is a gradute of Clem-' ! mons High School and Commer-j jcial Business School, lie is now' Connected with R. J. Reynolds To liacco Co., Winston-Salem. N. C. After a short bridal trip the couple will make their home at 213 S. Hawthorne Koad, Win ston-Salem, N. C. ( Oltl.VTH BAPTIST CIU IU'H The TIMKS is requested to an nounce that Kev. J. B. Davis, of Youngsvllle. will preach at Cor inth Baptist Church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Sept. 29th. The public is cordially invited to at" tend these services. There are twice as many mo tor vehicles in the United States as in the entire rest) of the world. How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of FAT Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Double Chin * Lost Her Sluggishness Sained a More Shapely Figure ind the Increase in Physical Vigor and Vivaciousness Which So Often Comes With Excess Fat Keduction. Thousands of women are getting fat and losing their appeal just be- ' cause they do not know what to do. , Why not be smart ? do what ' thousands of women have done to get off pounds of unwanted fat. Take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water first thing every morning to gently activate liver, bowels and kidneys ? cut down your caloric intake ? eat wisely and satisfyingly ? there need never bo a hungry moment! * Keep this plan up for SO days. Then weigh yourself and sec if you haven't lost pounds of ugly fat. lust see if this doesn't prove to be the surprise of your life and make you feel like shouting the good news to other fat people. And best of all a jar of Kruschen that will last you ' fpr 4 weeks costs but little. If not joyfully satisfied ? monev back. NEW LOW PRICES * FEEDS & SEEDS BY SOUTHERN STATES, WOODS, and LOCAL GROWN Wheat - Oats - Barley - Rye Vetch, Etc. CRIMSON CLOVER 13c lb. FRESH WATER GROUND MEAL $1.10 bu. FRANKLIN FARMERS EXCHANGE Phone 366-1 Louisburg, N. C. EHv ? f LOUISBURG ii House Of Flowers FUVERAL ANI> WEDDING ELOWERS CUT E LOWERS POTTED PLANTS ?I|?T NOVELTIES All Work Guaranteed (A 1,1- :?7-l EOR DELIVERY % Mrs. H. R. Chesson, J Manager LOUISBURG. X. C. ??I II I I II HtlH-'l'H'IW'M' Zce-GalOet Ql assic AS FEATURED in LIFE "798 4 Fashioned in "Failleda" a new Duplex luxury rayon fabric ?woven with Celanese* yarn tt licther you're twenty, thirty or fifty, there's flattery in store for you with an EVE CARVER . . . you'll wear it si\ times to every one of your other dresses. You'll tlirill to the groomed simplicity of it and you'll liavo the joy of owning a dress tint, doesn't go out of style. EVE CARVER Classics have won a "yes-yes" vote from the smartest women in America . . . women who have found that the fine fabrics, the careful tailoring, suit an EVE CARVER to college life ? to bridge? to matinees and business, too. Why not have one in black? one in color. Two dresses for loss than $16.00 arc indeed a find! In black, blue, brown, green, wine. Sizes 10 to 20 anil 36 to 42. ?Rrg. v. ? fat otj ? n FOX'S LOUISBURG'S BEST DEPT. STORE - More Ulan one out of very five jobs in this country are provided by manufacturing industry. Due to industrial research, phonograph records can now bo played by photo-electric light. Two ways to look at Good News |VT 1 is to examine the chart shown below. le V'dy I'lU? X shows the step up ? hased on a scientific test used by us and many of our competitors ? in the anti-knock quality of Good Gulf and Gulf No-No*. You won't need technical knowledge to see that these improvements are truly important : J : make a real difference in the performance of your car. huge step up PlLGASaUHIS No. 2 is to actually try a tankful of either Good Way ^ Gulf or Gulf No-Nox, as you prefer: Right away, you'll discover that Good Gulf ? now boosted so high it exceeds North Carolina's specifications for premium gasoline ? will make your engine run more smoothly ; : . more quietly; -f Or you'll find that Gulf No-Nox, which even before the step-up was knock proof under all normal driving conditions, is now truly a super fuel: It's 'way above North Carolina's specifications for premium gasoline : : : will make your modern, high-compression engine purr like never before: I Better try these Better Fuels BOTH GOOD CULF AND GULF NO-NOX .EXCEED NORTH CAROLINA'S SPECIFICATIONS FOR PREMIUM FUELS! FnFF "21 Way* to Save Gaaoline Money." This helpful booklet la youra for the a*kir <* ?; at your local Good Gulf dealer'*. Get your*, right /> away at the Sign of the Gulf Orange Di*c.