? BARGAIN ? A Ijrge Company has sold all of tbe farms it owned In Franklin County except one property. It desires to sell this farm at an early date. If you are interested in a bargain, this is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. S. 6. Layton 200S Blossom Street ? Colombia, Sonth Carolina. BROKERS* COOPERATION WELCOMED. Office Hours: Phones: 10-12 A. M, 2-5 P. M. Office 304-1 Tburs.' 9-12 A. M. Only Residence 371-1 DR. SADIE C. JOHNSON Chiropractic ^15 Court Street Louisbnrg, X. C. D BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES ON ALL HADE TO MEASURE AND STOCK PICTURE FRAMES Get Yours Now ^nd Save. ALSO JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF NICE CHAIRS Come in and see them. The prices are very attractive. 0 BOBBITT D FURNITURE CO. R. A. BOBBITT, Proprietor SUMMER FURNITURE Why not look around your home and discard that old out of date piece of furniture and call at our Store and replace it with the Season's latest design at Specially low prices? You don't have to discard old furniture, you can add to your home comfort and beauty. CALL IN AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE. ?? W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. HAIN STREET LOUISBURG, N. 0. PROMPT SHOE REPAIRS You get double value for your money when you have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine V savings in added use and comfort GANTT'S SHOE SHOP But Vaah StrMt Lauisbug, K. a Bell Tour Cotton and Tobacco in Louis burg Timely Farm Questions Answered at State College QUKMTION: How math wheut may be planted on a farm cinder the AAA rules? ANSWER: As much as 10 acres of wheat may be planted on any farm, or if no wheat- is sold from the farm, three acres may be planted for each family on the farm, although this amounts to more than 10 acres. The Triple-A encourages farmers to produce ample food and feed on their farms. QUESTION : What kind of fer tilizer should be bought for to bacco plant beds? ANSWER: Tobacco plant bed! fertilizers should conlain 4 per: cent nitrogen, 8 per cent phos phoric acid, and 3 per cent pot ash. The addition of one per cent available magnesia will be bene licial in certain cases and it? in clusion is generally recommend ed by L. T- Weeks, Extension to bacco specialist. However, he says that injury due to excess of chlorine has been widely observ-j ed in tobacco plant beds. Since fertilizers are applied to plant beds in relatively large quantities even a small percentage of chlo-* rine may cause injury. Only such materials as are practically, free of chlorides should be used for making plant bed fetilizers. QUESTION: Wlini should lr< |hhIi>ui Ik* harveMed? ANSWER: The Cominon. Ten nessee 76. und Kobe varieties rir pen for seed about November 1 or at the first killing frost. They should t'lien be harvested as soon as possible to prevent losses from shattering, says K. C. Blair. Ex tension agronomist. Korean seed, will remain on the stalk live or, six weeks after they mature. In fact, they do not' loosen enough to permit the use of a seed pan) until three or four weeks after ripeninfc. Korean usually ma tures early in October. Despite the Kuropean war and the national defense program, living costs in the United States are unlikely to increase by more than 2 to 5 per cent' before spring. "WORRY AND IT'S CURE," by Rev. P. D. Woodall is on sale at Roddie's Drug Store and Heasley's News Stand. Price 10 cents. 10-4-20 APARTMENT FOR RENT ? Fur nished or unfurnished. Apply to Mrs. W. I.. Beasley, 111 Church St., Louisburg. N. *C. 10-11-ltj LOST ? LARGE RED BOOK "Home Rook of Verse," by Stevenson, book of poems four in ches thick, belonging to Louis-1 burg College Library. $2.50 re ward is offered to finder by J. O. Phillips, Methodist Minister. 9-27-tf. I - FOR SALE One small used fuel oil heater, cheap for quick sale. Mrs. W. H. Spencer, at Marguerite's Beau-| ty Shoppe. 10-4-2t? NOTICE I have too many potted plants to carry through the winter ? 1 many in pretty hand-made pots that I will sell cheap, also wool filled silk comfort, blankets and rugs, etc. Come in and see them. MRS. H. G. PERRY. , ROOMS KOR RENT Two targe and two small steam heated, furnished rooms, well lo cated. Call or see Mrs.^ji. G. Perry, Louisburg, N. C. S*l3-tfi SCRAP TOBACCO I am prepared to buy your Scrap tobacco at the best' market price. Write or phone me when yours is ready. This year the producer will have to sign his name on the back of his Sale slip to comply with the - marketing quota regulations. K. S. MARSHALL, 9-27-tf Wake Forest, N. C.j I CLEANING & PRESSING RELIABLE SERVICE When yonr clothe* are In our hand* you may be sure that they trill hare the bent of c?re. Try u* today t Call 436-1 For Pick- Up Service Louisburg Dry Cleaners imibam'i Oldest Olmtim with Franklin Ooonty'? moat ?ulm equipment. a n. lyka M PHONE 4M-1 kfll Recruit: "Doctor, 1 am partic ularly liable to seasickness. Can j you tell me what to do in case of an attack?" Doctor: "It isn't * necessary. You'll do it." The tree of liberty must be re-j freshed from lime to time with1 the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. ? Thomas j Jefferson: Lett?*r to W. S. Smith,] 1787. School buses carry more pas sengers daily than all New York City subways. FOR SALE One Fisher upright) piano in good condition for sale cheap. Call or write MrS. H. G. Perry, Louisburg, N. C. 9-13-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of H. A. New ton, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all person^having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 20th day of Sept., 1941, or -tills notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate w'ill please make immediate payment. This l'.tth day of Sept., 1940. 9-20-6t H. E. NEWTON Adm'r. ADMINISTRATIS IX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of S. T. Leon ard, deceased, late, of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them tii the under signed on or before the 20th (lay of Sept., 1941, or t*iis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19tli dav of Sept., 1940. DOL.LIE G. LEONARD. 9-20-Ct Admr'x. AIMIINIHTRATOK-S NOTICE Having qualified an Adminis trator of the estate of M. ,H. Prt vett, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against Mie estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 20th day of Sept.. 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This litth day ol' Sept., 1940. H. D. PRIVKTT, Adin'r. 576 lialeigh Street, 9-20-tit Rocky Mount, N. C. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTU'K Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Maggie M. Baker; deceased, bite of Franklin County. Norl-h Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the lltli day of October. 1 H4 1 . or this notice will be pleaded in bar <>r their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This I nth day of October. 1940. MRS. J. T. TIM BKRLAK K. 10-ll-6t Admix. XOTM'K Pursuant to order of resale made and entered l>y I lie Warren Superior Court- in the proceeding* therein pending entitled Thoinus M. Foster vs Kolit. Foster, et als. the. undersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at' the courthouse door In Warren County. North Carolina, at mid-day on Monday the 21st day of October 1940, the herein after described real property, the bidding to begin at $132.00, viz: 1. All that' tract of laud in Sandy Creek township. Warren County, N. C., adjoining the Solon Southerlaud lands, Sandy Creek. Kobt. Foster, containing 38.15 acres, more or less, of record Book 84 Page 457 Warren Reg istry. 2. All that tract of land in Hayesville Township. Franklin County, N. C., containing 25 acres, more or less, adjoining Dr. It. J. Gill lands. Blont Solomon, et als. of record Hook 124 Page 479, Franklin Registry. This t'he 3rd of October. 1940. D. P. McDUFFKE, 10-1 1 -2t Commissioner. XOTICK OK HK-SAIjK Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority of sale con tained in that certuln Judgment and order of re-sale dated Mon day, 7 Oct., 1940, and rendered by W. V. Avent, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, In that special proceeding entitled "Joe Wiggins v. S. T. Wiggins, et al.", Hie undersigned Commis sioners will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the court house door of Franklin Cdunty, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THl'KHOAV, 24 OCTOIIKK 1040 the 'following-described lands: A certain lot of land siMinted in the Town of Youngsville, County of Franklin, State Of i North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. I. Gay and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock in College Street West side in said Town of Youngsville; thence Sout-h 60 feet along said Street to a stake in said Street; thence West 183 feet to a stake corner for the W. I. Gay land; thence North 60 feet to a stake, corner for W. I. Gay land; tbenee Eaat along aald Gay line 183 feet to the beginning, and containing one-fourth acre, more or leae. The successful bidder wll be 1 ? required to deposit with the Com missioner a sura equal to ten per centum (10%) of the amount bid, to insure compliance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted, t'his the 7th day of October, 1940. CHARLES P. GREEN and W. H. YARHOROUGH, 10-ll-2t Commissioners. NOTICE OK SALE OK 1.AX1) WHEREAS, on the 25t-h day of January, 1939, Charlie H. Wil liamson and wife, Ida Williamson executed and delivered unto W. O. McGibony, Trustee for Land Bank Commissioner, a certain deed of trust which is recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 332 at Page 356; and WHEREAS, default' has been made in t-he payment of the in debtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the trustee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to exercise the power of sale therein con tained: NOW. THEREFORE, under and by virtue of t'he authority con ferred by the said deed of trust the undersigned Trustee will on th? 14th DAY OK OCTOBER, 1040, at the court house door of Frank lin County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate:' All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing One Hundred Seventy Five (175) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being about one-fourth mile from the Gold Sand-Alert) Road about 14 miles Northeast of the Town of l.ouisburg. North Caro lina, in Sandy Creek Township, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, known as the Charlie II. Williamson hoineplare. bounded on the North by the lands of W. G. Ball; bounded tui I 'he East by the lands of Mrs. Lucy Ayscue; bounded on the South by the lands of R. Lfc Burnett; boun ded on the West by the lands of I W. G. Ball. The property is more fully described by metes and bounds in the deed of trust above mentioned, to which reference is made. This property is being sold sub ject to an outstanding deed of trust executed by Charlie H. Wil liamson and wife, Ida Williamson to The Federal Land Bank of Ct> luuibia. recorded in Book 332, Page 354, in the Office of the ' Register of Deeds of Franklin County, Nort-h Carolina. No bid will be accepted or re ported unless its maker shall de posit with the Clerk of the Super ior Court of said county at the close of bidHng. us a forfeit and guaranty of compliance wil-li bis bid. ten I 10) per cent of his bid where it does not exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars anil live (&) per cent of his hid where it exceeds Five Hundred ($500.00) OLD CLOTHES CAN BK MADE TO IA)()K LIKE NEW ! Get out your old elothe? nnd, though tliey may look hopeless, wnd them to u*. We'll rlran them nnd renew them nnd return them to yon looking like" new clothes. NOTE ? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BEN NIK MANN, Expert Shoe llepairer. Call en ' . . Phone 440-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F. C. Hlght E. Nash St. Lonlsbnrg, N. C. I TAYLOR ii CUSTOM - MADE ; j CLOTHES j| ; ; Pick the figure you ; ; < ? want to pay and we < ? > promise the B E S T j ? ? your money can buy. ? ' YOU CAN TRUST ;; IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! ' ii: Osmond Hale :: Louisburg, N. 0. lit Dollars, said deposit to be credi-j ted on tbe bid wben accepted. Notice is now given thati said lands will be resold at the same place, and upon the same terms, at two o'clock P. M. of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made. t Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly return ed to the maker. This the 12th day of Septem- ] ber, 1940. W. O. McGIBONY, W. L. Lumpkin, Trustee. Agent 'and Attorney for Trustee. ' 9-20-4t NOTICE OK EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Smith-Douglass Company, Inc. v. M. C. Pearce. By virtue of an execution direc.i ted to the undersigned from the' Superior Court of Pasquotank County in the above entitled ac-| tion, I will, on MONDAY, the 4th DAY OK NOVEMBER, 1 1140, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at' the Court House door of Franklin County, Louisburg, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the light, title and interest which the said M. C. Pearce, the defendant J has in t'he following described j real estate, and all the right, title aud interest which the said M. C.j Pearce, defendant, had in the fol lowing described real estate on t>he 21st day of May, 1940, at which time attachment was levied ill this proceeding, to-wit: That certain tract of laud con taining 346. !?5 acres situated on| the Youngsville - Oxford KoadJ Horse and Buffaloe Creeks Youn-I gsville Township, Franklin Coun. j ty, North Carolina, described by metes and bounds as follows, to wit: , Beginning at a stone by a small pine K. C. Underwood's corner! and L. A. Davis line; tlience with said .Davis line N. 2 3-4d E. 19.251 chains to a stone, thence North! SiHjid W. 38.80 chains to a poplar I 011 Bulla loe ('reck; said Davis corner in Dr. .J. H. Harris line;; thence up said creek 16.60 chains, the following being the hearings!' taken in the survey N. 20d W.i 3.57 chains; to a stake in or near the old road N. 52 l-4d W. 1.44 1 chains to a large poplar N. 80 1 3-4 d W. 2.80 chains to a poplar. j, S. 85 3-4d W. 2.43 chains to an ash;- N. 76V?d W. 3.82 chains to a stake; N. 88(1 VV. 2.63 chains to) a stake said Harris corner; thence I with said Harris line N. G'/fed K. 1 11.60 chains; to a stake; thence S. 86d K. 3.52 chains to a stake, iu a pile of stone, thence with said Harris line to and with Press Da vis line N. 4 3-4d E. 22.50 chains 1 to a pile of stone J. B. Allen's I corner; theme with said Allen's! line N. 5 3_4d K. 11.60 chains toi a stake; thence S. 8 4 3-4d E. . 21.36 chains to a stake; thence S.l 1 3-4d W. 0.50 chains to a stake on said Allen's corner; thence) wit'li said Allen's line to and withi J. F. Mitchiner's line; S. 85 3-4il E. 3!K35 chains to a stake on thei West bank of the same creek; W.I I,. Green's corner in said Mitch- 1 ell's line; thence with said Green's ' line down said creek 58.80 chains! the following bearings taken S.| 13d E. 3. 1*0 chains S. 32d 30' K. ' 16 '2 chains S. 2 2 d E. 3 chains S. s o-4d W. 6.7 4 cbaiM S. 1 2d E. 11.31 chains S. 15d 30' W. 12.23 chains S. 12 3-4d E. 5.20 ? chains to H. C. Underwood's line thence wit-h said Underwood's line N. 87 3_4d W. 25 1-4 chains to the beginning containing 346.05 acres and being the iden tical lands allotted to Geneva Kelly Moore in the partition of the William T. Young estate which division is duly recorded in the Clerk Superior Court's of fice for Franklin County, N. C..L in Book of Orders and Decrees: 10, Page 00. and also recorded in the Register of Deeds office fori Franklin County, N. C.f in Book 180, Page 18 7, reference to which is hereby made for a more com plete description. A deposit of 5% of the pur chase price will be required at t?he time of sale. Dated and posted this 17th day of September, 18>40. J. P. MOOKE, Sheriff 10-4-4t of Franklin County, N. C. , I TIMBER FOR HALE I have a lot lit good pine tim ber for sale, have been offered $1,500.00 lor same. Any one In terested is invited to see me oe wj-lte and submit your bid. The timber is In Cypress Creek town ship. SID HARRIS, R 4, Louis burg, N. C. 10-11-lt Jdnubntial FARM LOANS 4 Low IntwMt ^ 4 Pair Apprml*al / Prompt Sorrloo W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. 0. Professional Column DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Snrgeon 101 \V. Nash St. l-ouisburg, N. C. Phones: Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hours ? lo to 12; 2to 4; 7to 9 Special attention to> office work. Obstetrics anentist liOuisbui'i;, X. CT. Oflice over Kosc's Store DR. M. C. KING Kranklintou, \. ltesidence I'lione 240-1 Office Hours: ? to 11 A. M. ? 2 to 3 P. >i. ti to 8 1*. M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law l,ouisl)iir?, North Carolina Office Koriii'K. X. < '? oilier In FirsM 'II lienx llunk Hullillng I'riicllro Slate anil Federal Courts W. H. Yailiorouuli Hill Yni-lM>rough Yarborough & Yar borough Atorneys & Counsellors at I>aw Office in l^gerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Louishurg, C. Practice in Kranklin and adjoin* ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Kalei|gh K. H. Malone J. K. Maloue MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Louisburg, N. C. Cieneral practice, settlement of estates, funds invested. One member of tl^p tkrui always in office. A. R. STRANGE Kcgistercd Surveyor Route 4, l/oulsburg, N. C. I'runi|it and KITirlent Service TAKE A LOOK AT THIS ! Better still, come inside and let us show you around, and price the goods, that you expect to buy this Fall. i ?l ASHLEY WOOD HEATERS; DUO-THERMS or most any kind you want. It is a source of Pleasure to trade, where your trade is appreciated. We try to prove this, by the service we render. ? See us for anything you need in my line. Prices and Terms 0. K. BROWN ? FURNITURE HOUSE 1 TERMS IF YOU WANT THEM. J. L. Brown Prop. Youngsrjlle, N. 0.