EUROPEAN WAR NEWS (Continued from i*age One) ?ry)( Young Men Stay Despite the haste to remove (iermans from Bessarabia, which Russia acquired ' from Rumania by ultimatum last' August, only old inien, women and children werej i being repatriated immedi ately., to the Reich. The Germans kept all men of military age, most of whom had served in the Rumanian army, close , to vast Nazi-const'ructed ImrnBkfl. There was no official explana tion, but German informants said the same practice was being fol lowed in connection with the re; moval of 75,000 Germans froiii Ruaslan-occupied northern Bitco* viuaj and BulgarUn ^occupied Doljjmja. British quarters reported 10 (Jeipnan army corps (an Army nirps usually includes at least twcj pivisions of ^ 15,000 to 18,000 met, each) were, marching. in thus direction, but Mnftfmation was lacking. SIGNS POINT TO SPREAll' OF WAR IX BALKAN AREA Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 15. ? Reports of t'wo German troop movements in the Balkans raised new ifears tonight o'l an extension of the war, and there was talk that Soviet Russia is negotiating a military assistance pact with pro-British ^Turkey, Men in $ofia, Bulgaria, who are' triendly to the Soviet declared they! had been informed t-bat Mos cow; was prepared to promise the Turks armed support if Germany and Italy should try to seize the Dardanelles. They added on the authority of "high Communists" thati Russian-Turkish negotiations had "every chance of success." JUDGE PARKER HOLDS COURT (Continued from Page 1) violate any criminal law of the State for two year, and pay costs. An Order: Due to the fact that Wednes i day, October 16th, 1940 is Nation ' al Registration Day for the draft, and t'hat every American citizen from 21 to iS years of age must register for the draft on that day. Court will recess until 10:00 o'clock, Thnrsday morning. Octo ber 17th, 1940. Court reconvened yesterday and begun work on the docket. GQQQ.AaviCE! ' j ".J ' ' y 1 * A 1.1VBWI" 1 . 1 X Mfcy s am/ -This would HELP7 At the close of our report at noon _the case of Sam Radford, for the murder of his wife had not been begun and no informa tion was available when it would be called. The Grand Jury was still in session. This is only a one week term and will adjourn on Saturday. FERTILIZING SMALL GRAIN (By H. L. M EACH AM. Agricul turist of the Arcadian Grower) Prepare in the fall for grain in the spring is the south profitable advice offered by the successful grain farmer. This can best be done by sowing high quality seed on a well prepared seed bed and using a well balanced mixed ferti lizer under the crop at> planting time, or have the grain follow a heavily * fertilized crop such as I cotton. Our Experiment Sation recom mends that we fertilize small grain for most profitable yields at> planting time with 200 to 400 j pounds per acre of a 4-8-4 mix ture on coastal plain soils and 200 'to 400 pounds per acre of a 4-10 4 fertilizer on piedmont or moun tain soils. The mixed fertilizer in the fall gives plant food bal ance to help the grain withstand the hard winter, then an applica tion of 100 to 125 pounds per acre of quickly available nitrogen early in the spring is recommen ded for proper timing of the ni trogen supply. North Carolina farmers find more profits from their laud where diversification of crops is followed and small grain grown in a well planned rotation system. More acreage of these crops should be grown since the demand jtor wheat' and oats as food and I feed is increasing along with the ; number of livestock in the South. A grain pamphlet showing the [results of these crops grown with and without fertilizer at' plant ing time has been prepared by ithe distributors of Arcadian. The I American Nitrate of Soda, and is I in the hands of fertilizer manu facturers for free distribuMon to farmers. | One fact we cannot overlook in MR. MOTORIST! The time of year has arrived for Good Tires, Good Batteries, Good Gasoline, Prestone and ? SUPER SERVICE ? Follow your neighbors to our Station for ATLAS TIRES 1 The only tire in the world sold and furnished with a written guarantee to last unconditionally one year, adjustment made upon delivery of this guarantee to any one of the 99999 Esso Stations any where in America. ATLAS BATTERIES THE KIND THAT START AND KEEP STARTING UPON '7 PRESSING THE BUTTON. ESSO AND ESSO EXTRA GAS01KE Need No Comments. . ? ??. ?? OUR OIL CHANGE, LUBRICATING, WASH AND POLISH SERVICE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. ASK ANY ONE OF OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. Drive in and let us clean your glasses, # check your tires, and water. IF IN NEED OF ANY OF ,THE ABOVE PRODUCTS, WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK AT ALL TIMES, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU COURTEOUSLY AND THANKFULLY. YOUR FRIEND, ~ J J , # ; EDGAR J. FULLER The ESSO Dealer "T In Front . of L^ubbure Post Office v "The Finest in Photography at Popular Prices",, SOMETHING SPECIAL! > > 7 i . , % Mr. Ray Compson, Expert Photographer from the Belk-Leggett Studio in Durham will be here in our store all day Monday, October 21st to make your Gift Photos. This gives you an opportunity to have the Finest Photos made right here in Louisburg at the same Popular Prices offered in the Durham Studio ! . - a 0 These Photos* make the Perfect Gift for those special ones on your Xmas List. r . % All Sitting? will be madie by appointment y .. only. . See Miss Lynne Hall or Dial 353-1 for your now ! < 6 Knit Selection of Proofs submitted. 0 Mr. Compson will also accept orders for copying and restoring old photos. "LEGGETT'S LEADS IN LOUISBURG" growing small grain is that it gives excellent grazing during winter months and this alone is, worth more than t-lie cost of fer Two baby beef, calves were pur chased by 4-H boys in franklin County to be fed out for Eiistern Shows at State tf"air Friday. The calves purchased weighed approx imately 500 an<{ 800 pounds res pectively aud have been started, on feed. Q. S. Leonard exhibited! one calf at State Fair placing j seventh. This calfwas sold dur-J ing sale for 15 ^4c per pound. i i Douthit's Prolific and Wood's Hybrid red cob appear to be lead-' ing in variety tests being conduc-j ted la Franklin County. Checks to date have been made on tests of C. T. Dean, Louisburg. R 4, and T. H. Weldon, Henderson, R2. Four program planning meet ings were conducted at Youngs ville. Cedar Rock. Franklinton and Cypress Creek Townships | with an average of 17 farmersl attending these meetings. Ten meetings were conducted in Franklin County Friday night. Oct. 11. for the purpoBe of elect ing township committeemen and delegates. The following farm erg were elected chairmen of township committees: Ira T. In scoe, Peter S. Foster, O. W. Hicks. Norwood Faulkner, R. T. Renn. William Hill. S. V. Hill, Bennie E. Lewis, P. M. Sykex and Arthur Strickland. Did you hear the story about the Loulsburg man who lost con trol of his car, ran across the sidewalk. and crashed Into a building? When he came to. his flrat words were, "Iti wasn't my fault. I blew my horn." ? FOR HALE CHKAP One 6-horse power Engine, one Cole's Hot Blast coal stove. ' MRS L. V. PARKER. 408 N. Main St.. 1 0-18-1 1 Loulsburg. N. C. HALF or abandoned school) PROPKRTY Under and by vlrtiue of anj order of The Board of Education I of Franklin County, the property hereinafter described, having keen abandoned for school purposes, and a sale thereof ordered, the undersigned will, on MONDAY. THK fflUi DAY ?F NOVKMBKR. I04O at or about the hour of noon,! offer for sale at public auction, bo the highest bidder, (or cash, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land ?ltuate in Cedar Ro<* Township, outvty of Franklin, State of Vorth Carolina and lying and o^tng on the norUi side of thfc ".^?j'.sburg-NaBbTlia road1 ahd ( bounded on the north by the W. It. Kulghum share of the Jesse Fulghunt lands, on the east, by the K. S. Fulghum share of | the Jesse Fulghum laud, and on the south by the I.ouisburg-Nash-j ville road, and on the west' by! (he road leading from the Louls Liurg-Niishvllle road to the J. W. Sledge lioniM place, and contain ing six acres, more or less. It be-j ing the lot upon which are situ-| site the buildings formerly used; tor the T3edar ltock School. This property will be offered j us follows: the buildings thereon with the privilege of removal : therefrom within ninety days from, ielivery of deed to purchaser; tlie j land without the buildings and i the land and buildings together. I All bids will be received sub-| lect to the approval or rejection; of the Board of Education of Franklin County. This the 17th day of Octolj>er, 1M40. DR. H. G. PERRY, Chairman W. R. MILLS. Secretary Board of Education of Franklin County. 10-18-5t NOTICE North Carolina. In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COUNTY OF FRANKLIN v. R. H. Williams, surviving hus band of Sadie J. Williams. Ro bert Wilder Williams, unmar ried. and Annie Miles Williams, unmarried. The defendants Robert Wilder Williams, unmarried, and Annie Miles Williams, unmarried, will t?ke notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted and is now pending in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affecting certain lands in Franklin County, to which suit t-he defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court' of Franklin County at his office in Louisburg. on or before the 30th day of November, 1940, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in his said complaint'. - ? Dated this the 16th day of Oc tober, 1940. W. V. A VENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews. Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-18-4t Duo-therm i* outsail ing all other fuel oil heaters in America? This amazing heater gives 3 time* better heat distribution ? from floor to ceiling! The Power- Air blower ? ex clusive with Duo-Therm ? gives same positive heating as modern furnaces . saves up to 25% on fuel, over a heater without Power -Air ? M oat efficient burner made . . radiant door for direct heat . . . handy dial control See the many beautiful mod el* ? for heating 1 to 6 rooms! T, SAVE UP TO OC% IN FUEL COSTS WITH A Jf DUO-THERM^ NEW POWER^AIR UNIT! FUEL OIL HEATER with POWER-AIR tats amazing record ? gives same forced heal as modem furnace! ? ? ? # The new Power-Air blower ? found only on Duo-Therm ? drioes heat to the floors and 'to far corners ? you can heat the whole house fatter and better I _ Duo-Therm heaters have the world's most efficient burner . . . special Waste Stopper . . . radiant door to release floods of direct heat . . . handy dial control. See the 12 beautiful models today?for heating 1 to 6 rooms. EASY TERMS J Let us haVe an experienced heating repre sentative call on 70a and Aiscuss your heating problems. All sizes in stock at present and we can make prompt delivery. Don't confuse DUO THERM with the aver 1 * a ge oil heater. There is a difference, enough difference to pay you to investigate. 1 , , ? 1 SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE FAR ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY Cft R. Lee Johnson, Mgr. Louisburg, N. C. ? .*t<4

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