CHRISTMAS CARDS FREE Beginning OCTOBER 10th, 1940 The Franklin Times Louisburg, N. C. J will give one box of Christ mas Cards FREE to sub scribers paying one year ($1.50) back or in advance. For a two-year subscrip tion it will give two boxes of cards or will give one box of cards with the name printed on the cards. , This offer is made to raise some quick cash. Ther? is no limit to the number of boxes one person can get. CALL IN AND SEE THE SAMPLES and get your order in quick ly and get your Christmas Cards FREE! Lime and phosphate are mak ing for a better growth of white clover and blue grass in the pas ture of C. W. Allen, a Yancey County farmer, thus crowding out the broomsedge. Says Farm Agent R. H. Crouse. Jakn^ms) \ about tfie A4AC and alker N tXTCNSION WORK] ?' ) !? v V Nlw S f'lli Do you desire to take land out i of crops and plant forest trees? If so early application should be made for forest trees as orders will J)e accepted by Mie State For- : est Nurseries near Raleigh. N. C. ' in order of application. It takes 1000 trees to plant an acre. Ship ping season begins about Novem ber 25 at Clayton and trees will be delivered as near as possible to t>he requested date. The cost of one year old trees delivered per thousand is as follows: Loblolly pine. Shortleaf pine, Longleaf pine. Black locust. Cypress. Yel low poplar. White ash and Red Cedar? $2.00 per thousand. One year old black walnuts ? $10.00 per thousand. Orders should be placed through your County Agent or Vocational Teacher to be sent to R. W. Graeber, Exten sion Forestry Specialist at State College. Application blanks are available in the County Agents' Office in l.ouisburg I'lnn To I'll ri'tiH?r < 'rini.**on Clover Setfl Announced A purchase program for crim son clover seed has been announ ced by the Agricultural Adjust ment Administration and the Commodity Credit Corporation. Under this Program t-he Com modity Credit Corporation will purchase In 1941 any crimson clover seed offered by producers in Tennessee and neighboring States. Seed will be purchased from farmers cooperating in the Agricultural Conservation Pro gram who comply with acreage allotment provisions of t^he Pro grarti. Growers will be free to sell I their seed either to the Commod ity Credit Corporation at the pur chase program rate or to regular ! seed dealers. Purchases will be made at the How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of FAT Loxt Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Double Chin * Lost Her_Sluggiehnee* Sained ? More Shapely Figure and the Increase in Physical Vigor >nd Vivaciousnesa Which So Often Comes With Excess Fat Keduction. Thousands of women are getting fat and losing their appeal just be cause they do not know what to do. Why not be smart ? do what thousands of women have done to get' off pounds of unwanted fat. Take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water first thing every morning to gently activate liver, bowels and kidney* ? cut down your caloric intake ? eat wisely and satisfyingly ? there need never be a hungry moment! * Keep this plan up for 30 days. Then weigh yourself and see if you haven't lost pounds of ugly fat Just see if this doesn't prove to be the surprise of your life and make | vou feel like shouting the good news to other fat people. And best of all i jar of Krflschen that will last you for 4 weeks c<jsts but little. If no' ; joyfully satisfied ? monev back 'basic rate of 10 cents per pound' for recleafied seed which meets : the following requirements: 96. per cent purity, no noxious weeds. ' 85 per cent germination. Seed obtained by Mie Commod ity Credit Corporation will be transferred to the AAA for distri bution as a conservation material. Farmers participating in t<he pro gram will be able to obtain such seed in lieu of cash conservation payments. Timely Farm Q^u e s t i o n s Answered at State College yi'KSTION: How inucli wheal per acre may I expect under nor mal conditions? ANSWER: When properly I grown, on good land, wheat should yield ai least 20 bushels ' per acre, says E. C. Blair. Exten sion agronomist of N. C. .State College. In view of conditions caused by the European War, he advises that Miree acres of wheat be planted for every farm family this fall, or ten acres for every 'farm, whichever is larger. yl KSTION : When should spring-flowering l>iill>s be plant ed? | ANSWER: The sooner they can jbe planted, the better they will bloom, says J. G. Weaver. State TONKELS - NEW FALL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY. HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS AWAITING YOU. Boys' Corduroy and Tweedroy Jackets Sj.00 _ S J.49 _ $| .98 . Boy's Corduroy Pants, Knickers and L o n g i e 3 c to .98 Ladies' New Fall Coats Plain, with trimmed and untrimmed collars $J.95 to $2^^ Men's Lined Overall Jumpers Corduroy Collar and Cuff $|.98 Men's Leather Jackets Sizes 34 to 52 $?.95 - $<y .95 ? $ j.95 Shop Here and Save Each Time You Make A Purchase. / r*: TO NK EL'S DEPARTMENT STORE, INC. "Louisbur Shopping Center" College floriculturist. They should be planted in October, ut least. Prepare the soil well before plant iug any bulbs. The soil should be pulverized and worked to a depth of at least 10 inches. Commercial fertilizer at a rate of three pouiuls per 100 square feet may be used if mixed well with the soil. A complete fertilizer high in potash is recommended. A two-iuch layer of well-rotted manure may be used if it is worked thoroughly into the soil. Cover each bulb wit-h twice its own depth of soil. yi'KSTlOX: How can I obtain circular*, bill let In* and oilier publication^ on farming ami rural lioinemakinK subjects? ANSWER: Address a request to the Agricultural Editor. State College, Kaleigh, N. I'., and state the subject in which you are interested. All publications issued by the Agricultural Extension Service and the Agricultural Ex periment Station of N. C. State College are free to citizens of North Carolina. Use a postal card where possible in making the re quest and do not ask for addition al information on the card. Use another card or letter for ques tions regarding specific phases of work. All available publications are listed in Extension Folder No. ' 35 which will be sent free upon ! request. EXPRESSION ot THANKS We wish to thank everyone who have rendered us service and sym pathy in these darkest days of our lives. We deeply appreciate it all and we know tliat our beloved husband and father would say the same if he could only speak. The flowers were deeply appreciated. MRS. SPENCER GRIFFIN and Children. Poultry. improvement work un der the National Poultry Im provement Plan has expanded j steadily since the launching of the cooperative Federal-State program in 1935. Agatha? He wore my photo.-, graph overhis heart during the: war, and It stopped a bullet. Hiram? I'm not surprised, de:irj It would stop an;, 'hing. NOTH K Pursuant to order of re-sale by ' the Warren Superior Court in the| proceeding therein pending entl- . tied. Thomas M. Foster, vs. ilob;>. ] Foster, et als. the undersigned; 'commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest I bidder for cash at mid-day on the | (Itli DAY OK NOVEMHEK. I DM), at the courthouse door in Warren County. N. C.. the following des- : crlbed real property, the bidding to begin at $13:'. 00. viz: 1. All that tract of land iu Sandy Creek township. Warren County. N. C.. adjoining lands of Solon Southeiiand. Sandy Creek. Robt. Foster, containing 38.15 acres, more or of record Book 84. Page 457, Warren Reg istry. 2. All that tract of land in Hayesville township. Franklin County. N. C . containing 25 acres, more or less, adjoining the Dr. R. J. Ulll lands. Blout Solomon, et als, of record Book 1J4. Page ? 479. Franklin Registry. This the 21st October, 1940. U. P. McdUFFEK, 10-25-2t Commissioner. j Sentinels of Health Don't Neglect Them! * Nature deifntd tbo kidney* to do a marvelous job. Tboftr Uak la to keep the do win K blood atreaa (m of an itwm of toxic imporitio. The act of liriag ? lift itsilf ? Is cooatantl/ producing vast* matter tbo kidaera muat ram or a from the blood If rood baatb la to eadure. Whoa tba kldneye fall to function a a Nature lataedad, there la tetaatioa of - -- " fcedy wM> dia Freqoeut, Maatj ar bmtac 1 T are eoiMtlaace further eridauoe of kid aey or bladder dlatar baace. Tba raeognlaed aad proper traataaent ta a diuretic medial n a to kelp the kidney a Krid ef aaeaaa polaeuoua body waate. ? Dearfa FUU. ? approraL Are JDaaa'a. Sold at al dr*? atone. ? Doans Pills Father ? It says here in the paper that ail astrologer predicts ji t>hat the world will come to an end next Christmas. Son ? Will it be before or after j dinner? ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK j Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of A. W. Wil son. deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to (?he undersigned on or before the 25th day of October. 1941, or this no- i tice will be pleaded in bar of their | recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im- i mediate payment. This 24th day of October, 1940. S. E. WILSON. 10-25-6t T. C. WILSON, Admr's. j CLEANING & I PRESSING ? , . HUM MILK SERVICE When > our clothes are In j our hand* you may be sure j | Chat they will have the b est j of care. Try u* today ! j Call 436-1 For Pick-Up Service Louisburg Dry Cleaners j lioutiburK> Olilent OleAfivr* with Franklin Oounty't most modpru tMjuipinent. O. R. &yke* M Htuvtll PHONK Church A NmIi NM N. O. ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD BURNING HEATER I Ashley Automatic Wood Burning Heaters are as ef ficient a3 any $100.00 heating plants. They are the cheapest heating plants for country or town. Figure for yourself the many advantages anjl savings it has. Then come by our store and let us help you pick out toe style you need and the style you prefer. We have eight styles and prices to select from. FRANKLIN FARMERS ... EXCHANGE Agent Phone 366-1 Louiaborg, N. C. 1 THINK! ? THINK1 "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY! HAVE MONEY I DON'T BE "HOOKED" Hav&Money :t di/->i_i cm 11/-1/ ! i "i ? i ? i" ET-RICH-QUICK schemer V have "hooked" many a man and got his hard-earned money. These schemers are not all dead yet . . . and they have not quit "working" the "easy marks." Ask some Wvel-headed man before YOU bite or they may land you in their net. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CORNER MAIN AND NASH 8TRKKTH LOUISBURG N. CAROLINA BANKING HOURS: 0:00 A. M. TO 2:00 P. M. THINK! THINK! "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - HAVE MONEYI SAVE MONEY NOW WE ARE SELLING OUT OUR BIG STOCK OF Stoves & Ranges BOTH HEATING AND COOKING at a big REDUCTION in price that will guar antee their moving. Come in early, get your pick and save big money. Shot Guns and Shells i. WE HAVE THE FAMOUS Fox Shot Guns and the Winchester & Western SHELLS and can supply your hunting needs. COME TO SEE US FOR ANYTHING IN Hardware and Sporting lines. FREEMAN 8 HARRIS Numa F. Freeman H. Grady Harrli ? LOUISBURG, N. C.

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