SCRAP TOBACCO I am prepared to buy your Scrap tobacco at the best" market price. Write or phone me when yours is ready. Thin year the producer will have lo sign his name on the back of his Sale Blip to comply with, the marketing quota regulations. 1 K. S. MARSHAL!., 9-27-tf Wake Forest, N. C. ROOMS FOR RENT Two large and two small steam! heated, furnished rooms, well (oil cated. Call or see Mrs. H. (J.I Perry, Louisburg, N. C. 9-13-tf^ FDR HALE Dim Fisher upright* piano in Rood condition for Hale cheap. Call or write ^ Mi's. H. (5. Perry, Louisburg, N. C. 9-13-tf NOT1CK I have too many potted plantH to carry through the winter many in pretty hand-made pots that I will sell cheap, also wool lllled silk comfort, blankets and rugs, etc. Come in and see them. MKS. H. U. PERRY. for first clash PRINTING PHONE 283-1 Office Hours: I'hones: - 10-12 A. M. 2-5 P. M. Office SU4-1 Tbnrs. 9-12 A. M. Only Residence 371-1 DR. SADIE C. JOHNSON Chiropractic 213 Court Street l^ouUburg, X. C. BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES ON ALL MADE TO MEASURE AND STOCK PICTURE FRAMES Get Yours Now and Save. ALSO JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF NICE CHAIRS Come in and see them. The prices are very attractive. B o B B I T T FURNITURE CO. R. A. BOBBITT, Proprietor SUMMER FURNITURE Why not look around your home and discard that old out of date piece of furniture and call at our Store and replace it with the Season's latest design at Specially low prices? You don't have to discard old furniture, you can add to your home comfort and beauty. 4 CALL IN AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. HAtN STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. PROMPT i SHOE REPAIRS You get double value for jour money when you have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine savings in added use and comfort. GANTT'S SHOE SHOP Cut Hub Street Lonlibtug, If. 0. Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Louisbnrg ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate- of G. V. Brant- 1 ley, deceased, late of Franklin j County, this is to notify all per- 1 sons having claims against the es- 1 tate of said deceased to exhibit- 1 them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of Oct., 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in ' , bar of their recovery. All persons j Indebted to said estate will please' make immediate payment. This, 2*th day of Oct., 1940. 1 Ojt-2 5-6t J. G. WIGGS. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT1CK Having qualified as Adminis Itrator of the estate of A. W. Wll- | son. deceased, late of Franklin! County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said I deceased to exhibit them to t-he | undersigned on or before the 25th day of October. 1941, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their j recovery. All persons indebted t o : said estate- will please make lm- ? mediate payment. This 24th day of October, 1940. S. E. WILSON. 10-25-6t T. C. WILSON, Adinr'f. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICK Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Maggie .\1. Raker, deceased, late of Franklin County, Nort-h Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas-< ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 11th day of October. 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th dav of October, 194 0. MRS. J. T. Tl^RKlU.AKK, 10-ll-6t Adm'rx. NOTICE Pursuant to order of re-sale by the Warren Superior Court in the proceeding therein pending enti tled, Thomas M. Poster, vs. Robk \ Foster, et als, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest i bidder for cash at mid-day 011 the mil l)AV OK NOVEMBER. IIMO, at the courthouse door in Warren County. N. C? the following des cribed real property, the bidding to begin at $132.00, viz: 1. All that tract of land in Sandy Creek township. Warren County. N. C? adjoining lands of Solon Southerland. Sandy Creek. Robt. Foster, containing 38.15 acres, more or less, of record , Book 84( Page 45", Warren Reg istry. 2. All that tract of laud in Hayesville township. Franklin County, N. C.. containing 25 acres, more or less, adjoining the Dr. R. J. Gill lands. Blont Solomon, et als, of record Book 124, Page 479, Franklin Registry. This the 21st October. 11I40. D. P. McDUFFEE, 10-25-2t Commissioner, j TRUSTEE'S SALE OK MM) Pursuant to the power of sale contained in thai' deed of trust from Silas Edgerton and wife, ( Mary Edgerton to W. L. Lump kin, Trustee, dated December ? . 1925, recorded in Book 259, Page 393, Franklin County Reg-' istry, default having been made, in the payment of the notes' thereunder secured, I will on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IJJtli, 11)40, at or about noon, sell at the Courthouse I>oor in Louishurg. X. ('., to the highest bidder, for cash, the following land: That* certain lot of land lying in Franklinton Township, Frank, lin County adjoining the lands of; R. D. Collins and others and con taining 7.20 acres, more or less, same being Lot No. 7 of the orig inal Wm. H. Long land, refer, enre is hereby made to Map, Book No. 1 Page 90, Registry of Franklin County for a full and' more complete description of, said lands. Said lands being con-1 veyed to H. E. Long by W. L. ] Lumpkin, Commissioner, 011 Sept-. 29, 1925 in that special proceed ings entlted "Frank White, et als. Vs. W. C. Hester, et als.' The above described property is sold subject to any prior liens of record . Dated and posted t-his 11th dayl of October, 1940. W. L. LUMPKIN. I 1 0-1 8-4 1 Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COUNTY OF FRANKLIN ; T. R. II. Williams, surviving hus band of Sadie J. Williams. Ro bert Wilder Williams, unmar ried, and Annie Mile* Williams, unmarried. The defendants rtobert Wilder Williams, unmarried, and Annie Miles Williums. unmarried, will take notice that an actiou entitled as above has been instituted and is now pending in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affecting certain lands in Franklin County, to which suit t-ho defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Courti of Franklin County at bis office In Loulsburg, on or before the 30th day of November, 1940, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plnlntllT will apply for thrf relief demanded In bis said complaint). Dated this the 16th day of Oc tober. 1940. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F\. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff/ 10-18-4t PHONR SMS-1 RENEW TOLB BCtttH'HIPttONI SAI.K OF ABANDONED SCHOOk! PROI'KRTY Under and by virtue of nil, order of The Board of Education i of Franklin County, the property hereinafter described, having been: abandoned for school purposes;.! and a sale thereof ordered, thej undersigned will, on MONDAY, THK 18th DAY OF XOVICMBKIl, 10-10 at or about the hour of noon, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land situate in Cedar Rock Township, Couivty of Franklin, State of North Carolina mid lying and being on the noit>h side of the Louisburg-Nashville road and bounded on the north by the: \V. R. Fulghum share of the' Jesse Eulghum lands, on the eastj by the E. S. Fulghum share of the Jesse Fulghum land, and oii| the south by the Louisburg-Nash-j ville road, and on the west* by the road leading from the Louis burg-Nashville roud to the J. W. pledge home place, and-contain- 1 ing six acres, more or less, it be- ' ing the lot upon which are situ- 1 ate the buildings formerly usec^ for the Cedar Rock School. This property will he offered as follows: the buildings thereon with the privilege of removal therefrom within ninety days from delivery of deed to purchaser; the land without the buildings audi the land and buildings together. All bids will be received sub-j ject to the approval or rejection of the Board of Education of Franklin County. This the 17th day of October,! 1!M?. lilt. H. G. PKItltY. Chairman W. U. M1L1.S, Secretary Hoard of Education of Franklin County. 10-18-51 NOTICE or SAMS Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Nash County, made in the special pro ceedings entitled ' \Y. B. Cone and wife, and William B. Cone., Jr. Administrator <?l the estate of W. B. Cone, deceased. And Oth ers Vs. Ola C. Strickland And Others." dated October 8. 1940, ! the undersigned Commissioner will, ou the 01 h DAY OF XOYK.MIlKIt, ISMQJ at ONE o'clock, P. .M.t in front of 11. Stalling's store in the village of Pilot* on U. S. Highway No. 64. offer for sale to the highest bid. der for cash that certain tract or parcel of land lyinu land being situate in Frunklin County, North Carolina, described ;is follows: Beginning at* a stake and poin ters. corner of No. 1 ; thence south "i? poles to a black jack and poin ters. Crudup's now Pace's corn er; thence east ion poles to a white jiak; thence N. 7N poles to a stake and pointers, corner of Nos. 1. 3 and 4; thence west 100 poles to the beginning, contain ing forty-nine and. three-eighths (45) 3-8) acres, being Lot No. - in the division of H. J. Bell lung. I See deed recorded in Book 217.1 Page 294, Franklin Registry . Tlie| same being tract No. 4 as des. cribed in the original petition in Mi is cause. The said Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest hidder for cash in front of J. II. Massey's store in the village of Rocky Cross, Ferrell's Township. Nash County. North Carolina, at or about the hour of TWO o'clock, P. M., on S.\Tl'KI>.\V, NOVKMItKK II, HMO, the following described tracts of; lands: Tract No. 1. Beginning al a; corner stake, corner of Lot iNo. I ; thence S. 4',*d W. 110 4-5 poles to u corner stake, corner to Lot 3; thence S. 8Hd K 58 poles to a corner stoke, corner to l.ot No. 3; thence N. 5'/jd E. 110 4-5 poles to a corner stake; thence'N. 85'^d W. 58 poles to the beginning,) containing 40 acres; and being Lot. No. in the division of the) lands of D. S. Cone, allotted to T. B. Cone, Nash County Registry. Tract No. 2. Beginning at un iron stake, old sawmill llugins line. Cone corner; thence S. 5d W. 7 1 3-5 poles to a stake on , path W. B. Cone's corner; thence1 his line N. 86(1 W 12 poles to a j stake, W. B. Cone's corner; i thence said line S. 6d W. 13 poles' to a stake W. B. Cone's line, J.i M. Strickland's corner; thence his' line N. 89d W. 25 poles to a stake,) V. P. Cone's new corner; thence his line 5d E. 125 poles to a stake in Hngins line; thence S. 54d E. 19 poles to a stake in said Hugins line; thence 8. 4d W. 30 poles to a stake in Hugins corn er; thence S. 88d E. 20 poles to t-he beginning, containing 22 3-4 acres. See deed recorded in Book 238, Page 530, Nash Coun ty Registry. Tract No. 3. Beginning at a point In the southern margin of the Zebulon Road and running thence in a southwesterly direc. j tion to a point' In A. T. Taylor's line; thence along the said line of I \ T. Taylor's S. 12d 30' E. 302.5 | feet to a stake; thence N. 76d E. j 94 feet to a stake ifa the western margin of Middlesex Road; run ning ttoence along the said west ern margin of the said road N. 12d 30*' W. approximately 442 i feet to a point In southern mar- 1 gin of Zebulon Road; thence along the said Zebulon Road S. 57d W. to the point ot beginning, containing 1.19 acres, more or less, and being a portion of tAat tract or parcel of land conveyed by Spencer Strickland to Alsey Taylor by deed recorded In Book 85, Page 220, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Nash Coun ty. See deed recorded In Book 376, Page 201, Nash County Reg istry. The said lands will be sold ?abject to Umbtf dead from I. T. Valentine. Commissioner, to P. Miserable with backache? VV/HEN Irtnw UcliM btdlf?id i, wall Wdcichc, nba^bMy^L Krt)f or too ktonl ?MMrtannlhg up *t sS^stdSI-tSt0"' Ml OpMV ? ? ? VIC l/OM S mHL\ Dom'i n op?d*Ry lor poorly working kidney*. Millioan of boies we wed cvciV yur. TWy an recom mended the country over. A lie your neighbor! DOAN SPILLS E. Daniel, covering timber on tracts Nos. 1 and 4. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required at the time and place of sale by tbe highest' bidder or bidders for said lauds. This 8th dav of October, 1S40. O. B. MOSS, 10-18-41 Commissioner. REDEMPTION NOTICE #74,000 TOWN OF UH'lSnriKi. NORTH CAROLINA BONDS HATED JUNE 1, 198.1 All of tibe outstanding, $48,000 Refunding Water, Sewer and Light Bonds. $14,000 General Refunding Bonds and $12,000 Refunding Electric Light Bonds of the Town of Louisburg. North Carolina, dated June 1. 1935 and maturing June 1, 1955, have been called for redemption on Decem ber 1, 1940. The bonds so call ed for redemption consist M : $48,000 ^Refunding Water, Sewer and Light Bonds. num? ^ bered 1 to 4 5. and 47 to 49, inclusive. $14,000 General Refunding Bonds, numbered (all inclus ive I 1 to 5. 7 to 17 and 20. $12,000 Refunding Electric Light Bonds, numbered 1 to 12. inclusive. 1'ayinent of the < principal amount of all of said bonds so called for redemption on Decem ber 1. 1940 will be made oil or after said date upon presentation of said bonds iu negotiable form, accompanied by all June 1. 1941 and subsequent' coupons at the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company, 70 Broadway, New York City. No interest accruing on said bonds after December 1. 1940 will be paid. Coupons ma turing December 1. 1940 and prior thereto will be paid upon the presenUition and surrender of such coupons. Dated at Louisburg. North Car olina. this 14th day of October, 1940. T. l\. STOCKARD. 11- 1 -It ToTv n Clerk. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! $1.5U Per Year In Advance OLD CLOTHES CAN HE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! (Jet out your old clot lies and, though they tuny look hopeless, send them to us. We'll clean them and renew them and return them to you looking like new clothes. NOTE? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BENNIE MANN, Erprrt Shoo llojulrrr, Call Us I'hone 440-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F. O. Higbt E. Nash St Liouiflborg, N. O. TAYLOR CUSTOM - MADE CLOTHES Pick the figure you j want to pay and we j promise the B E S T 5 your money can buy. YOU CAN TRUST IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! Osmond Hale Looisburg, N. 0. Every girl tries to be myster- ! ious. The trouble is she can't keep from talking. It is a short lane that has no gas stations, billboards and hot* dog stands. i HIGHEST PRICES for SCRAP TOBACCO Planters Warehouse LOUISBURG, N\ C. jdrodnifial FARM LOANS 4 Low Inttml / Long Tana ? 4 Pafar Appraisal 4 Prompt 9m iIm W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent i LOUISBURG, N. C. ^ Phone 211-6 For Your FUEL OIL t Requirements We give discount and service on Fuel Oil Stoves of all types. Pure One Fill Antifreeze - Pure Safety Anti Freeze - Prestone and Alcohol. Try our New Fall Premium Bumper to Bumper Change-Over Service. RADIOS - TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES ACCESSORIES. Try GUPTON'S Budget Plan. GUPTON'S SERVICE CENTER WE GIVE MOVIE CASH COUPONS PHONE 211-6 South Main Street Louisburg. N. C. ATTENTION MR. COTTON FARMER Why sell your Cotton for 9i cents per pound, when you can borrow from 9.85 cents per pound to 15.55 cents per pound through the Government Cot ton Loan. i See me before you sell your Cotton. J. S. HOWELL WAREHOUSE Garland Greenway, Mgr. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS ! Better still, come inside and let us show you around, and price the goods', that you expect to buy this Fall. ASHLEY WOOD HEATERS; DUO THERMS or most any kind you want. It is a source of Pleasure to trade, where your trade is appreciated. We try to prove this, by the service we render. See us for anything you need in my line. Prices and Terms 0. K. browh :: FURNITURE HOUSE 5, terms if you want THXM. J. Ik Brown Prop. Youngsville, N. 0.

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