? Cotton was worth 9 3-8 cents a pound in Louisburg yesterday. XXI ? Mr. and Mrs. James E. Burns, of Baltimore, Md., announce the birth of a son. Richard Louis, on Oct. 29 at University Hospital. Mrs. Burns was formerly Miss Ruth Southall. ? t X -?Mrs. Mary Fulghum, 91, North Carolina's oldest woman voter, of Cedar Rock township, appeared at the polls early on Tuesday and as usual voted the straight' Democratic ticket. * HEALTH DEPAItTUENT ? ? ___ ? * Dr. R. P. Yarborongli, ? * County Health Officer * * ? ????????? There were 22 white and 30 colored _birWi8 in Franklin Coun ty during October and 6 white and 17 colored deaths. Reportable diseases: Diphth eria 3, Influenza 2, Gonorrhea 9, Scarlet Fever 2, Syphilis 6, Tu berculosis 1, Typhus Fever 1. All quarantinable diseases have been quarantined and placardable diseases placarded. Syphilitic treatments 355, gonorrhea treat ments 2, Wassermann test 76, gonorrhea slides made 37, urin alysis made 5, diphtheria swabs taken 14. toxoid given 109, ty- ! phoid immunization 1, yeast dis- 1 tributied 23 lbs., milk distributed 1 122 small cans. Office visits 1126, consultations 75, county Jail visits 1, inmates! seen 1, home visits 14. dressings 3, tetanus anti-toxin 2, tuberculin bested 56, applications made fori Morrison Training School 1, State j Sanatorium 1, diphtheria letters sent out -54, teachers health certi ficates issued 3, meetings attend ed 4, Examinations made through the office Included: School child-] ren examined 453, Pre-school ex aminations 2, Marriage 9, Ven ereal 7, Servants 11. Food Hand lers 3, WPA 12, NYA 4, Pre-! natals 6, prisoner 1. School visitB made 6. Four hundred forty-seven children were examined for pediculosis and scabies with 14 cases of pediculosis and 12 of scabies be-, ing found. One Diphtheria clinic was held with 51 children being given f toxoid at this clinic^ One Maternity, Pre-Natal 'and | Infancy clinic held. MidwlveS pre sent 3, mothers 10. babies 10, j pre-natals 3, making a total at- i tendance of 26. Three days during the month were devoted to making blood test on the registrants of the County, 485 test were taken dur ing this time. Dr. J. B. Fulghum made tiest on 47 which were sent in through this office. A total of 532 test were made. SEVKN PATHS NEWS The nice (all weather continues on bo people are very busy with harvesting their crops. Miss Adell Spencer, of Wil mington, was the week-end guest of Misses Mae Lynn and Aelease I Moore. Miss Maggie Lou Moore, of Wilmington, Mrs. Frank Jones, of Asheville, Miss Bett<ie Moore and their mother, Mrs. Carrie I Moore, of Spring Hope, were vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore, Sunday. Miss Ruth Collie, of Williams burg, Va., "and Estelle Wester ! were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kuft' Collie this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilder were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. i Rodger Moore Sunday. Mr. W. P. Gay has been on the i sick list for Mie past three weeks. Am glad to report be is Improv ing. Miss Ruby Cone, of Harris, was at home this week-end. Miss Estelle Strickland spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strickland. Mr. A. A. Wilder spent' a few days at Raleigh this week visit ing his brother, M. T. Wilder, who Is on the sick list. He reports bis brother no better. 1 Mrs. Monk Wilder is at home for some time with Mr. A. N. Wilder. Mr. James Cooper, of Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Almon Wil der last Sunday night. Mrs. W. A. Coppedge and fam ily spent Saturday with Mr. J. E. ' Green and family. Misg V ester Ethrdge, Mrs. Do ver Lester and little son, were Sunday guests In the home of Mr. J. E. Green and family. Miss Sadie Murray, of Raleigh, and Miss Marjorle Murray, of Spring Hope, visited Misses Mae bell and Nevada Green Sunday afternoon. We are very sorry to report Mr. Tommie Wilder Is on the sick list. Mr. Johnnie Gay, of Spring Hope. Mr. Burn Wilder, of Bunn, were at Mr. C. E. Moore's Sun day visiting Mr. W. F. Gay. We are very sorry Mr. J. M. Lamm does not improve as fast as we had hoped. "BILL" SMART MONEX KNOWS WHERE TO ,(m 60 AFTER VI READING THE ADS, IN THIS m NEWSPAPER 7I&/Lscmnh Coroner R. A. Bobbitt visited | Raleigh Wednesday. .? til Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Welch vis- | tied Raleigh yeBterday. t t t Judge and Mrs. G. M. Beam vis ited Koxboro yesterday afternoon, til Miss Kale Blanchard, of Hert ford, is visiting her sister. Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough. lit Chief of Police C. E. Pace and Mr. Harry Glickman returned Monday night' from a trip to Bal timore, Md. I t t Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Matthews, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mitchell, of Henderson, were guests of Mr. Matthew's and Mrs. Mitchell's parents, the past week end. tit Miss Elizabeth Lassiter, accom panied by Grady Harris, Edmund Kabll, Jack Cooper, James Ed wards, Wyatt Freeman, Creipmon Mullen, Elliott Matt'hews, Clifford Joyner, will attend the Royal Ambassador Conclave at West Durham BaptiBt Church, Friday and Saturday. ut Among those attending the Opera, the Barber of Seville, pre BenOed at Memorial Auditorium. ' Raleigh, on Wednesday evening of this week were: Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough, Mrs. Susie H. Jack son, Mrs. Alice J. Uzzell, Misses; Ida Maie Yow, Nancy Hayes, Max- j ine Bailey, Talmadge Thomas and] Evelyn Smithwick. ? HOMK DEMONSTRATION ? department ? ? l.illie Mas Braxton, Home * ? Demonstration Agent * ? ? ???*?* Home Agents Schedule . Nov. 11-1(1 Monday ? Epsom 4-H Club; Youngsville Woman's Club. H. R.-W.L. 4-H Clubs, Oswego Woman's Club. Tuesday ? Edward Best, H. R. W. L. 4-H Clubs. Oswego Woman's Club. Wednesday^ ? Harris - I'earce 4-H Club, Wood Woman's Club. Thursday ? -Office - Mitchiner's t Woman's Club. Friday ? Office - Clifton Wom an's Club. Saturday ? Office. Club Women (let Meat Canned ut Canning Demount rat ion The club women of Franklin County cooperated with Mr. D. E. Hall of the Burpee Can Sealer Company in putting on a demon stration in Mie Armory Monday, Nov. 4 on canning meat in tin. Mrs. Morris Person, Mrs. C. C. Holmes and Mrs. W. J. Cooke furnished chicken for the demon stration and Mrs. W. A. Eaton | was responsible for a veal which j Mr. Hall and the women canned. In discussing canning meat in tin, Mr. Hall says the Important' thing ! to remember is to have the meat ! hot in the cans when they are sealed. Several women brought ' their cookers and Mr. Hall tested tihe pressure gauges on them. ! Some he was able to remedy, oth ers had to have more partB which ; most of the women ordered. Now is an excellent time to check on pressure cookers. It will soon be meat canning season and meat 1b not absolutely sate unless cooked , in a pressure cooker after being ! canned, whether in glass or tin. During August, $4,600,000 { worth of blue surplus food stamps ; were distributed through the Food j Stamp Plan in the 125 areas! throughout the United States where the plan is in operation. I RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! ? LOST Gold school Bracelet, J. M. '40 j on front, B. M. W. on back. Re turn to Dr. Fulghum's office fori reward. 11-8-lt HOUSE FOR RENT I have for rent on Decem ber 1st the C. M. Cooke Homeplace on North Main Street. Call or see W. L. LUMPKIN. 1 1-8.-2 1 FOR SALE Nine Essex pigs, (our gilts, make good breeders. R. il. WELCH, Louisburg, N. C. 11-8-lti NOTICE OK SALE UNDKll EXECUTION North Carolina, Franklin County. Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority contained in that certain writ of execution made and issued on 19 October, 1940, by the Clerk ol the Super ior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, under that cer tain judgment of Citizens Bank & Trusti Company, Henderson, North Carolina v. R. E. Cash, et al., being Judgment No. 8228 and docketed in Book of Judgments 8 at page 207 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County,- the undersigned Sheriff of Franklin County will of Professional Column DR. H. G. PERRY Physician uud Surgeon 101 \Y. Nash St. TiOuislnirg, X. C. Phones: Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hours ? 10 to 12; 2to 4; 7to 9 Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Kxami nation, Diathermy and llltra-Vio let light treatment. DR. ARCH H. PERRY tjeneral Practice Wood, X. O. Office in Service Urui; Co. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist l.ouisburg, N. C. Office over Hose's Store DR M. C. KING Franklinton, X. C. Hesidence Phone 240-1 Office Hours: ? to 11 A. M. ? 2 to ;? P. M. ? to 8 P. M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at I .aw l,ouisburK, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Hook Store General Practice in all Courts G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law l<oulsl>urg, N. C. (MTice in Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney l.ouisburg, N. C. Office in First -Citizen* llank Building Pract Ice State and Federal Courts W. H. Varbo rough Hill Ynrborougli Yarborough & Yarborough Atorneys & Counsellors at Liiw Office iu Kgerton Building (Her Tonkel'H Store Lonisburg, N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and In the United States C<ourts at Raleigh K. II. Malone J. K. Malone MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Ixraisbnrg, S. C. General practice, settlement of estates, funds Invested. One member of the Arm always in office. A. R. STRANGE Registered Surveyor Route 4, IiOulsburg, N. C. Prompt and Kfficient Service ATTENTION LADIES We nre happy to unnouncc the return of Miss Annie Laura King, one of our country '8 most popu lar Beauty operators, who for over seven years has been serving you through this shop. Pergerson's employes only the best of operators to serve you, nnd yon, Miss Public, can feel assured that no bet ter service, and no greater pleasure can be enjoyed than from the service these operators render: MISS ANNIE LAURA KING MISS POLLYANNA PARRISH MISS MARGARET MOORE H. C. PERGERSON, Mgr. PERGERSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE - Open at Night by Appointment - Dial 4371 fer (or sale for cash au public auc- I tlon at the courthouse door of Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve j o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, H UKCKMBKK, 1940, nil of the right, tlMe and interest of the defendant, It. E. Cash, in and to the following-described property : ' First Tract: Containing 30V.! acres, mori or less, adjoining the j lands of P. B. Clifton, Mrs. Lata- 1 t?r and others, being the W. H. j Harnett tract conveyed on 1 Feb- J ruary 1926 to 1{. E. Cash by J. E. j Harris, mortgage, by deed recor- 1 ded in Book 274 at page 212. For j further reference see Rook 250 at ' page 649. Second Tract: Containing 136.- j 28 acres, more or less, being lots Numbers 1 and 2 of the Jordan May home place, as t'he same is shown in Book of Maps 1 at page 151, situate on the Youngsville Louisburg highway, adjoining the 1 Haley Perry tract of land and be- | itig the land conveyed by D. L. Herring and wife to R. E. Cash on ; 27 October 1923, by deed record- j cd in Book 249 at page 97. For ( further reference see Book 259 ! at page 564. Third Tract-: Containing 112 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. W. Lafater, P. B. Clifton, J. T. Clifton, and others, situate on Crooked Creek and being the lands conveyed 30 No- . vember 1918 to R. E. Cash, by deed of G. F. Hall and wife, re corded in Book 227 at page 14. For further reference see Book 250 at page 649. Prom the above lands, how- ' ever, Hiere is excepted from this sale the following-described tract, ] which has been allotted and set I apart to the said R. E Cash as his homestead : ? - Beginning at a stake in the ! line of C. H. Roberts; running thence along the Louisburg [Youngsville road, 1,050 feet jsouth; thence leaving the road and running east, 420 feet to a stake; thence parallel to the road and running nort-b, 1,050 feet to a stake, C. H. Roberts' line; thence west, 420 feet to the. be ginning, containing ten (10)' acres, more or less. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the un dersigned a sum equal to ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale. Dated and posted, this 4th day of November, 1940. J. P. MOORE, Sheriff of Franklin County. John F. Matt-hews, Attorney for Plaintiff. ll-8-4t ) INTRODUCING! ?>j The New And Better GOLD MEDAL "Kitchen Tested FLOUR* ONE DAY ONLY - - - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th "GENERAL MILLS" SALES REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE ON HAND ALL DAY SATUR DAY TO DEMONSTRATE TO YOU THE FINER QUALITIES OF THEIR ^RODUCT^. MUSIC WILL BE BY ELECTRICAL TRANS CRIPTION, AND YOUR REQUEST NUMBERS WILL BE HONORED AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. HEIiOW \VK OI'KKIt Ol'It IMUCKMKNT FOR YOU TO TRY THIS HIGH gl'Al.lTY I'l.Ol lt. ? K FKKI, THAI \VK TAX TRITHH I,1,Y SAY THAT THKHK IS NONK MADE BKTTER. FREE! FREE! 1 - 6 Bottle Carton "COCA COLA" ( Deposit will be required on bottles) and 2 - 1 Lb. Cartons "Vegetole" Shortening With the Purchase of ?"4 ?? GOLD MEDAL ' K5" FLOUR for 99" FREE! FREE! 1 Pkg. "Wheaties" or "Kix" With the Purchase of 1-6 Bottle Carton ^ 0c "COCA COLA" for *3 Total ^ou % Value 3? Save OVER 50% Save Your "WHEAT1ES" Box tops FROM NOW UNTIL DECEMBER 21 st. WIN AN ELECTRIC TRAIN FREE ?ASK US FOR PARTICULARS. SEE THE "AMERICAN FLYER" TRAIN IN OUR WINDOW. OOc SPECIAL NOW ON WHEATIES AND KIX, 2 Pkgs ?? Kit FREE! FREE! 1 Pkg. "WHEATIES" <** With the Purchase of 1 - 4 Lb. Carton "Vegetole SHORTENING" for 3 / FREE! FREE! 1 - 1 Lb. Carton "Vegetole" Shortening With the Purchase of 1-12 Lb. Bag FLOUR'" 52' SEE OUR MASS DISPLAYS OF OOLD MEDAL FLOUR - KIX - WHEATIES - COCA COLA AND VEGETOLE SHORTENING. PEX <18 m ALSO SATURDAY ONLY - "PET MILK" 2Ac 3 cans ?? 1 32 Page "MARY LU TAYLOR" Illustrated Cook Book FREE! Macaroon Style <j<jc C O C O N |I T, 2 pounds L W 1 . '< ?"V ?* , \ Nice Sua , ORANGES, No. 1 Quality, dozen 2 Large Cakes IVORY SOAP 7 Large Cakes Octagon Laundry Soap 3 Lbs. Fresh FIG BARS 46 Oz. Can! "Campbells" TOMATO JUICE 15? 25? 25? l ? 20" FREE! Valuable basket of Groceries will be given away on the hours of 10 - 12 - 2 - 4 - 6 and 8. ? BE ON HAND ? REGISTER AS YOU ENTER STORE . / , , Friday & Saturday Meat Values Fresh Pork Loin Chops, lb. . . 20c Fresh Pork Neck Bones, 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Country Sausage, lb. . 20c Wes. Rib Stew Beef, lb 12?c Fresh Pork Bfkins, lb.. 10c Western Rib Roast, lb 20c G. W. MURPHY 8 SON YOUR COMPLETE FOOD MARKET

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