SCRAP TOBACCO 1 am prepared to buy your Scrap tobacco al the best market price. Write or phone me when yours is ready. This year the producer wiir have to sign his name on the back ot his Sale slip to comply with the marketing quota regulations. K. S. MARSHALL, 9-27-tf Wake Forest, N. C. ROOMS KOR RKNT Two large and twaspiall steam heated, furnished rooms, well lo cated. Call or see Mrs. H. G. Perry, Louisburg, N. C. 9-13-tf TOR SALE One Fisher upright' piano in good condition (or sale cheap. Call or write Mrfc. H. U. Perry. Louisburg, N. C. 9-13-tf NOTICE I have too man; potted plants to carry through the winter ? many in pretty lytnd-made pots that I will sell cheap, also wool filled silk comfort, blankets and rugs, etc. Come in and see them. MRS. H. G. PERKY. FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE 283-1 Office Hours: Phones: 10-12 A. M, 2-5 P. M. Office 304-1 Thurs. 9-12 A. M. Only Resilience 371-1 DR. SADIE C. JOHNSON Chiropractic 215 Court Street Louisburg, X. C. ? BIG ? REDUCTION IN PRICES ON ALL MADE TO MEASURE AND STOCK PICTURE FRAMES Get Yours Now and Save. ALSO JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF NICE CHAIRS Come in and see them. The prices are very attractive. B o B B I T T FURNITURE CO. R. A. BOBBITT, Proprietor SUMMER FURNITURE Why not look around your home and discard that old out of date piece of furniture and call at our Store and replace it with the Season's latest design at Specially low prices? You don't have to discard old furniture, you can add to your home comfort and beauty. CALL IN AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. MAIN STREET LOOISBURG, N. 0. PROMPT ^ SHOE REPAIRS You get double value for your money when you have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give yon genuine savings in added use and comfort. GANTT'S SHOE SBOP Kut Nash Street Loniibnrg, N. G. Sell Tour Cotton and Tobacco in Looiabnrg FOR KALE CHKAP One ti-horse power Engine, One Cole's Hot Rlast coal stove. ll-l-2t MRS. L. V. PARKER. Statement of the Ownership. Man. I ?Cement, Etc., Roq Hired by the; Act of Congress of August 24, una, Of THE FRANKLIN TIMES, published weekly at Louisburg, j In. C? for Oct. 1. 1940. State of North Carolina ? County of Franklin ? ss: Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county ; aforesaid, personally appeared A. F. Johnson, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes | and says that he is the Owner of i I the FRANKLIN TIMES, and that ' the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a 'true statement of the own ership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, re quired by the Act of August, 24, 1 1912, embodied in section 411. Postal Laws and Regulations, j printed on the reverse side of I this form, to wit-: 1. That the name and address 'of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager is: j A. F. Johnson, Louisburg. N. C. 2. That the owner is: A. F. Johnson, Louisburg, N. C. 3. That the known bondliold-, era, mortgagees, and other secur ity holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgagee, or other se curities are: None. A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4 Mi day of Nov., 1940. KI TH \\\ THOMAS, N. P. Mv Commission expires J'tn. IS, 1941. NOTK'K OF RK-S.ALK Under and by virtue of the po-, j wer and authority of saje con tained in that certain judgment j and order of re-salo (kited Mon day. 4 Nov.. 10 40. and rendered j by \V. V. A vent, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, in that special proceeding entitled I "Joe Wiggins v. S. T. Wiggins, let a!.", Mie undersigned Coininis I sioners will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the eoqrt I house door of Franklin County, at or about the hour of twelve i o'clock noon, 011 WKDXKSD.W, 20 NOVKMHMH 1 940 1 the following-described lands: A certain lot of laud siMiated ! in the Town of Youngsville. County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. 1. Gay and others, and hounded as follows: Beginning at a rock in College Street West side in said Town of 'Youngsville; thence Soutii 60 feeti | along said Street to a stake in said Street; thence West 18.'5 feet' to a stake corner for the W. I.' (Jay land; thence NorMi 60 feet to a stake, corner for W. I. Gay land; thence East along said Gay line 183 feet to the beginning,! and containing one-fourth acre, more or less. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Com missioners a sum equal to ten per centum (10%) of the amount bid,, to insure compliance with the. terms of the sale. Dated and posted, this 4th November. 1940. CHARLES P. GRKKN and W. 11. YARBOROUGH, 11-8-21 Commissioners. | KXK< I TOR'S NOTH'K Having qualified as Kxecutor of the estate of Joseph Troy Wilder, deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, this is t?o noti fy all persons having claims j against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigi# ed at Rocky Mount*. North Caro- 1 lina, on or before the 1st day of November, 1941, or this notice 1 will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 1st* day of November, 1940. THB PLANTERS NATIONAL HANK & TRUST COMPANY, Executor: Joseph Troy Wiler. 1 1-8-61 DESIRABLE Franklin County TOBACCO FARMS FOR SALE We have listeil for salo several jfoo40. See or write W. L. Lumpkin Louisbnrg, N. 0., ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ; Having qualified an Administra- , tor of the estate of G. V. Brant-, ley, deceased, late of Franklin i County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against Ihe es- 1 (ate of said deceased to exhibit j them to the undersigned on or i before the 26th day of Oct., 1941, | or this notice will be pleaded in j bar of their recovery. All persons | indebted tn OLD CLOTHES CAN ni: MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! (iet out your old clothe* and, though tliey iniiy look hopeless, send them to us. We'll clenn them and renew tliem :ind return (hem to you looking like new clothes. NOTE? We havfe added a SHOE SHOP to our business BEN NIK MASS, Expert Shoe Itepairer. Call C? I'hone 440-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F. C. Might E. NbhIi .St. Ijouisburg, N. C. TAYLOR CUSTOM - MADE CLOTHES Pick the - figure you want to pay and we promise the BEST your money can buy. YOU CAN TRUST IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! I Osmond Hale $ * Louiaburg, N. 0. path W. R. Cone's corner; thence his line N. 86d W 12 poles to a stake, W. R. Cone's corner; ? thence said line S. fid W. 13 poles to a stake W. R. Cone's line, J.i M. Strickland's corner; thence his' line N. 8?d W. 25 poles to a stake, V. F. Cone's new corner; thence | his line 5d K. 125 poles to a; stake in llugins line; thence S. 54d E. 19 poles to a stake in said) Hugins line; thence S. 4d W. 30 poles to a stake in Hugins corn-; er; thence S. 88d B. 20 poles toi Mie beginning. containing 22 3-4, acres. See deed recorded in;1 Rook 238. Page 530, Nash Coun-1 ty Registry. Tract No. 3. Reginniug at a point in the southern margin of the Zehulon Road and running thence in a southwesterly direc. tion to a poinO In A. T. Taylor's line; thence along the said line of A. T. Taylor's S. 12d 30' E. 302.51 feet to a stake; thence N. 76d E. | 94 feet to a stake in the western! margin of Middlesex Road; run ning t-hence along the said west-: ern margin of the said road N. ! 12d 30' W. approximately 442 ( feet to a point in southern mar gin of Zebulon Road; thence along the said Zebulon Road 8. 57d W. to the point of beginning, containing 1.19 acres, more or less, and being a portion of t'hat! tract or parcel of land conveyed; by Spencer Strickland to Alseyj Taylor by deed recorded in Rook' 85. Rage 220, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Nash Coun ty. See deed recorded in Rook _376, I'age 201, Nash County Reg istry. The said lands will be sold subject to timber deed from I. T. Valentine. Commissioner, to P. 10. Daniel, covering timber on tracts Nos. 1 and 4. A deposit of 10 per eent will be required at the time and place of sale by the highest' bidder or bidders 'for said lands. This 8tli day of October. 1940. O. R. MOSS. 10-18-41 Commissioner. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! $1.50 Per Year In AdTanc* HIGHEST PRICES for SCRAP TOBACCO Planters Warehouse LOU1SBURG, N. C. FARM LOANS 4 Low Interact 4 Long Twin ? 4 Pair Appraisal 4 Prompt Sarrlea W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. ? BARGAIN ? \ large Company has sold all of the farms it owned in Franklin County except one property. It desires to sell this farm at an early date. If you arc interested in a bargain, tlifs is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. S. G. Layton ?NMi,") Blossom Street . Columbia, South Carolina. HIlOKKItS' COOPERATION WELCOMED. Phone 211-6 For Your FUEL OIL Requirements We give discount and service on Fuel Oil Stoves of all types. Pure One Fill Antifreeze - Pure Safety Anti Freeze - Prestone and Alcohol. Try our New Fall Premium Bumper to Bumper Change-Over Service. RADIOS - TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES ACCESSORIES. Try GUPTON'S Budget Plan. GUPTON'S SERVICE CENTER WE GIVE MOVIE CASH COUPONS PHONE 211-6 South Main Street Louisburg, N. C. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS ! Better still, come inside and let us show you around, and price the goods, that you expect to buy this Fall. ASHLEY WOOD HEATERS; DUO-THERMS or most any kind you want. It is a source of Pleasure to trade, where your trade is appreciated. We try to prove this, by the service we render. See us for anything you need in my line. Prices and Terms 0. K. _ BROWN FURNITURE HOUSE ? TERMS IF YOU WANT THEM. J. L. Brown Prop. " Youngsrille, N. 0. I ? ? ?