I'AOCSE dT*1 f'j'Jwwirs ? Cotton was worth 9 V4 cents a pound in Loulsburg yesterday. tlX. ?If we didn't get more than we give, how could we pay our bills? t t X ? Gantt's Shoe Shop has in stalled a new Landis shoe stitch ing machine, of the latest model, ilt ? Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Harris announce the birth of a son, Thomas W., Jr., on Monday eve ning. t t t ? Tuesday brought nice show ers that will bring great relief from the long dry spell, here since August. ? I * . ? They will never take t-he permanent wave and lip stick away, come communism, fascism or revolution. . t t t ? The TIMES is requested to state that- the showing of the pic ture "Golgotha" at the Armory has been changed to Friday, Nov. 29th, at 8 o'clock. * x 1 ? -Quite a big lob of tobacco w.i^ on the market Monday and grad es of any real quality was bring ing satisfactory prices. The heavy bodied leaf is the one that is not selling so well. t t t - ? Mr. Willie Pearce came near experiencing a big fire loss one day the past week when burning grass came near catching a big feed stack and would have spread to nearby buildings. Ill ? The FRANKLIN TIMES is requested to state that the Social Agencies in Franklin County will meet in the Commissioner's room in the Court* House Friday, No vember 22nd at 3:00 o'clock. Every civic and religious organi zation is urged to be represented. Plans for Christmas cheer will be made. H. B. GUPTON PASSES H. B. "Gupton, of Wood, died Tuesday night, -October 22, at his home. He had been in failing health quite a number of years. He suffered a stroke on December 6th from which he never recover ed. Had been confined to his bed since February. He was 70 years old March 12, was married 44 years on Oct. II, to Gertrude Shearon, of Halifax County, who survives with nine children, three sons. Arthur Gup ton, of Wood, Ned Gupton. of Panama City, Fla.. and Hardy Morris Gupton, of Baker, Oregon, 6 daughters^ Mrs. G. D. Wester, Mrs. Willie Leonard. Mrs. Henry Kadford, Mrs.. Burton Burnette, Miss Elizabeth Gupton, all of Wood, and Mrs. N. V. Tucker, of Norlina, eleven grandchildren, three half brothers. Major Gupton, Martin Gupton, Eddie Gupton, all of Wood, one half sister, Mrs. Forrest Sledge, of near Louls burg. The funeral was conducted in t'he home Wednesday evening at 2 o'clock by the Rev. Wood row Brook8hire, of Taylorsvllle, and burial took place til' the D. K. Gupton cemetery. THANKS We wish to express our heart felt appreciations and thanks for the sincere assistance and kind nesses that have been afforded us in the loss of our home by fire recently. The untiring efforts of thoae who aided so greatly dur ing the disaster are especially ap preciated and the sympathies and kind deeds of help are tenderly cherished. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Murphy and Family. A program for 1941 which con tinues naval stores conservation as a part of the general Agricul tural Conservation Program has been approved for terpentine and rosin producers of the South. Mr. L. I- Davenport, of Nash ville, was a visitor to Louisburg Tuesday. * * 1 Miss Mary Nowell spent- the past week-end with Miss^ Hazel Moye, ot Raleigh. Ill . ? Representative John H. Keri. of Warrenton, was attending Court here Tuesday. I 1 1 Mr. J. S. Lancaster, of Newton, is visiting his brother. Mr. J. J. Lancaster, near town. tt* Mr. Thomas W. Ruffin, of Ral eigh, was in attendance . upon Court) here Tuesday.' J 1 1 Miss Betty Mitchell spent t-he past week-end with relatives and friends in Richmond. Mr. Sam R. Livesay. of Wil son, was guest of his people in Louisburg the past week-end. Messrs. T. and A. W. Ghol son, of Henderson, were attend ing Court in Louisburg this week. Mr and Mrs. D. A. Willey and family, of Gates, N. C., spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jes sup. lit Mr. T. F. Ayscue left Sunday for a hospital in Durham where he will undergo a major opera tion. * * * , i The H. M. Beams and Mrs. .1. A. Beam, of Roxboro, spent Sun day wit-h Judge and Mrs. G. M. Beam. * * X Dr. Sadie C. Johnson attended the State Convention of Chiro practors in Goldsboro the past week-end. 1 1 1 , , . Rev. F. D. Hedden arrived in Louisburg Wednesday to take-un his work as t'he new pastor at, Louisburg Methodist Church. ? * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Grifiin and soil. Gene, of Washington, D. C.. were guests the past week-end of her parnets. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Perry. .2 11 Mrs. Julia P. Scott and grand daughter. Nancy C. Griffin, spent the past ^'eek-end in Columbia, S. C., witfi Major and Mrs. E. K. Griffin. \ lit Rev. J. d. Phillips returned Monday from Conference at Wil mington to make preparations to move to his new pastorate ;???? Bethel. ? ? ? Miss Helen Kemp, of E. C. T. C., and Miss Mary Elizabeth Phil lips, of Macclesfield, spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kemp. Ill Miss Edith Kemp, of the fac ulty of Belvoir School, and Miss Willine Manese, of Troy, spent' the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kemp. ? t t Messrs. J. E. Malone. Jr.. and T. K. Stockard. Attorney and Clerk, respectively, of Mie Town of Louisburg. visited Raleigh yes terday on business. til Misses l.ula Foster Gupton, Louise Murphy and Linda Lancas ter of E. C. T. C., spent the past week-end at their respective homes near Louisburg. t t 1 Misses Kitty Jo Beasley. Helen Welch Tucker, Virginia Howard, Talmadge Thomas, and Janice Perry attended the Duke-David gon football game last Saturday in Durham. tt t Capt. and Mrs. Chas. P. Green, of Fort Jackson, S. C., spent sev eral days in Louisburg this week in order Oiat) Capt. Green could attend Franklin Superior Court, now in session. I 1 t Mayor and Mrs. W. C. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas. Mrs. W. W. Webb. Talmadge Thomas GUPTON'SSERVICE CENTER Invites you to visit its show room on South Main Street to see complete New Line of General Motors Household Products. Frigidaire Refrigerators FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES AND WATER HEATERS ZENITH RADIOS Coleman Oil Stoves EASY WASHERS Free Demonstrations Prices and Terms to Suit Your Budget. See Us Before You Buy PHONE 211-6 South Main Street Louiaburg, N. C. and Louise Ellis Webb spent Sun day in Danville, with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gardner. It* . Mrs. F. W. Wheless. Jr., re , turned home Saturday from Co lumbia, S. C.. where she had been summoned to the bedside of Lt. Wheless; and reports having left him much improved. ilt Among the members of Battery B, stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C., who spent the week-end at j home were Sergts. 11. W. Alston |and M. C. Holmes and Elmore Williams. X t t Chief of Police C. E. l'ace went lover to Henderson Friday to see l Mr. Graham Griffin who was re ported to have been Injured iu an automobile accident near Hender son the night before. He report ed Mr. Griffin right badly Injured, but resting as well as could be expected, in the local hospital, til Hon. Kalph McDonald, a candi date for Governor in 1936, was a visitor to Louisburg the -past week, en route to attend the fun eral of W. E. Fenner, of ltocky ; Mount. He was accompanied from ? Louisburg by Senator W. L. Lump i kin and Editor A. F. Johnson. I t J | Among those attending the j piano concert of Artur Ruben stein ab Memorial Auditorium in ' Raleigh on Tuesday evening of I this week, were: Prof, and Mrs. | I. D. Moon. Miss Jane Moon, Mrs. ! V. R. Kilby, Mrs. O. Y. Yarboro | and houseguest, Miss Kate Blan | chard, of Hertford. Mrs. A. F. Johnson. Mrs. E. F. Thomas. Mr. Luther TafT, of the Louisburg ; College faculty, and a number of | Louisburg College students. I". I?. MEETING Mrs. D. T. Smithwick was hos I less to the Joseph .1. Davis Chai> jter II. D. C. Nov. 5. 1?40. The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance to the flags. Some i important leWers were read and (business transacted. Interest has grown and we are having some f-rery interesting programs. Charlotte was the subject for I t'h is meeting and appropriate ar j tides were read. "Charlotte Dur ; ing the Confederacy," among them, mentioning that the last ; meeting of the Jefferson Davis cabinet* was in Charlotte. We hope that more of the former | members will consider being re I Instated, the chapter needs tliem. 1 Delicious refreshments were serv ed in two courses by the hostess, 'assisted by Miss Lucy Smithwick. SUE T. ALSTON, Sec'y. FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE 283-1 MISS JARM.W IIOSTKSS i Miss Loulia Jaruian was hos tess to Hie Current* l.iteraturi' Club 011 Tuesday ni^ht. November 12, at her home. Following a short business ses sion the following program ou "Writing Materials" was given: "How Papyrus was made," by Mrs. Malcolmn McKinne; "Prep aration of Parchment," by Mrs. T. C. Amick; "Minor Mat rials Used for WrlMng," by Mrs. A. Paul Bagby. The hostess then served a de licious salad course, assisted by ; her two nieces, Mrs. W. W. Tol leson and Miss Ksther Andrews, and by Tier little grand-neire and nephew. Betsy and George Toile son. Members present were: Mrs. C. M. Watklns, Mrs. Malcolm Mc Kinne. Mrs. M. C. Pleasants, Mrs. |M. S. Davis, Mrs. J. G Phillips, | Mrs. Walter PaMen. Mrs. T. C. Amick. Miss Mary Yarborough, Mrs. A. Paul Bagby, and the hos tess. - One (IT hew special guest, i be sides those already mentioned, was Miss Kdith Yarborough. ! Subscribe to the Franklin Timet . ? I I Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt "The First Lady" In Lecture l " Relationship of the Citizen to the Community" Tuesday, Nov. 19th High School HENDERSON, N. C. - . 8:15 P. M. Price $1.50 ~ Business and Professional Women's Club SOUTHERN MANOR SALE ! ' "Extra QualityWt No Extra Cost" 12? 25c 21c 23? 29? 29? 29c 27c 15c 23? 27? corn ioc PEAS Tinyj2 29c Additional Money-Savers ! PURE LARD Bu,k 3 ,bs 20? BLACKEYE PEAS ?T 5? PORK & BEANS 3 L? 13? COLONIAL 2 15c " ' " TOMATO CATSUP, 14 oz. Bottle FRUIT COCKTAIL, 2 cans " BARTLETT PEARS, Large No. 2* can FRESH PLUMS, 2 No. 2H cans PEACHES, Sliced or Halves 2 No. 2* P I N E A P P t\E, Sliced 2 No. 2 cans' ASPARAGUS, All Green 2 - 10* oz. can] LIMA BEANS, Tiny Green 2 No. 2 cans STRING BEANS, Stringless No. 2 can WHOLE BEETS, Fancy 2 No. 2 cans SWEET PEAS, Fancy 2 No. 2 cans ?V-< HOUSE FOR RENT I have for rent on Decem ber 1st the C. M. Cooke Homeplace on North Main Street. Call or see W. L. LUMPKIN. 1 1-8-21 ROOMS KOK KENT Furnished or unfurnished. See Urn. Ruth Hobgood, 305 Noble Street, Louisburg, N. C. 11-15-lt i Oregon Experimunl Station workers have found that defolia tion of holly sprays and wreaths during shipment at> Christmas time may be prevented by dipping the holly in u nupthaleneacetlc acid. A Gentle Laxative Good For Children Most any child who takes this mod e. n laxative once will welcome it ' iic:;t time sluggish bowels have him i bilious, headachy, listless or upset. | Syrup of Black-Draught's fine fla vor appeals to moat children. By simple directions, its action is usu- i ally ijmtle but thorough. Principal* ingredient helps tone bowel mus- ( clos. Two sir.es: 50c and 25c. Next ' Ume, use Syrup of Black-Draught. ? HKAl.ru DEPAItniGM * ? ? I* l>r. R. P. Yu Thorough, * * County llculth Officer * ? ? ???*????? L)i-. Peck assisted by t-he Frank | liu County Health Department is i giving the students of the Frank lin County High Schools the tub erculin test. This test Is simple and does .not us some laymen think produce tuberculosis. The test if positive indicates the person tested has at some time been exposed to tuberculosis and may harbor the germs some where in the body. . Childhood Tuberculosis, which is the type high school students have, can only be positively diagnosed by X-Ra.v examination. Any student showing a positive reactiion to the tuberculin test should be X-Rayed. A positive tuberculin test does not mean that a person has tub erculosis but' a negative test does Til can he has no tuberculosis. Tile X-Ray tells positively a person has or has not tuberculosis. The Health Department hus ar ranged to have au X-Ray examin ation of all high school students showing a posiMve tuberculin test. When parents are financially able to pay a charge of J l.jpO will be made for the X-Ray elimination ,to pay for the films, when par ents are financially unable to pay $1.00 if they will present a certi ficate from t'he Principal of the child's high school the Health , Department will try and arrange I tor a free X-Ray. i Notice of the date and place of X-Jlay examination will be made j and parents whose children have ! positive tuberculin test will please | come to the Health Office and (deposit $1.00 so the number of ! films may be on hand. FOR RENT Two' room apartment with kit chenette and private bath. Call 318-1, Mrs. M. S. Clifton. Louis burs, N. ('. ll-15-2t Full Pint 95c ARTIFICIALLY COLORED^ PnptnJ by Gretnbms.tnc.CMLQ. LIBBY S FINER QUALITY CANNED FOODS FEATURED THIS WEEK, THAT YOU MAY STOCK UP ON QUALITY GOODS AT CONSIDERABLE SAVINGS ? "LIBBY'S" No. ;UK{ fans - Hi/.r 2 SUGAR PEAS 1 can 17c 6 cans 95c 12 cans $1.75 "LIBBY'S" No. 2 Tuns - Nlzf I SUGAR PEAS 1 can 20c 6 cans $1.10 12 cans. . $2.10 "LIBBY'S" \<>. it 14 . Sliced & Halves PEACHES 1 can 19c 6 cans $1.00 12 cans $1.90 I BUY THEM BY THE DOZEN OR CASE AND MAKE THESE EXTRA I SAVINGS ? PACKED 2 DOZEN TO THE CASE. "lilllBV'S" \<>. 2 >2 C ANS FRUIT COCKTAIL Can -ICc 6 $1.32 12 $9-47 w Cans * Cans " ??LlHliVS" \?. a r.wxs PINEAPPLE JUICE Can 13c 6 Wc 12 $1.39 Cans Cans * 1 "MKHV'S" No. '2% CANS BARTLET PEARS Can ^Cc 6 $1.35 12 $7-50 "W Hans * Hans " "lilBHY'M" So. I CANS FRUIT COCKTAIL Can ICc 6 OA 12 $1.55 Cans Cans 1 I ITEMS LISTED DIRECTLY BELOW ALSO "LIBBY'S" QUALITY I 2 - 12 oz. Cans LOGAN BERRY JUICE . 2 Picnic cans Med. Green ASPARAGUS TIPS . . 2 No. 1 cans All Green ASPARAGUS TIPS . . 2 No. 2 cans Sliced PINEAPPLE 2 No. 2 cans KADOTO FIGS 2 - 47 oz. cans PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 - 14 oz. Bottles CATSUP....:... 2-12 oz. Bottles CHILLI SAUCE 2 No. 2 cans Crushed PINEAPPLE 2 No. 2 H cans DELUX PLUMS 55c 29c 45c 35c 30c Cloth Bars ?'Franklin" SUGAR, 10 lbs. . . . 4DC & Lbs. New AP. NAVY BEANS . . LOG 2 No. 2 cans j p. APPLE SAUCE . I DC 2 No. 2 cans 4 SUGAR CORN ... IDC MEAT VALUES ? Friday & Saturday Small Cured Hams, lb 20c "Certified" Cured Picnics, lb 16c Co. Pork, Side or Shoulder, lb ?. . . 16c "Fancy" Table Dressed Fryers, lb. ... 33c Fancy Table Dressed Hens, lb 25o Fresh Fish and Oysters t W. MURPHY AND SON "YOUR COMPLETE FOOD MARKET'* Save Your 'Wheaties* Box Tops, Gr?t Electric Train Free - Ask Us.

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