Professional Column DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Louisburg, N. C. Phones: Office 287-1 Honi? 287-2 Hours ? 1 0 to 12; 2to 4; 7 1 o 9 Special attention to office work, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Kvuml ?ation. Diathermy and I'llru-Vio let light treatment. DR. ARCH H. PERRY General Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. SMITHWICK j Dentist Louisburg, N\ C. Office over Rose's Store I DR. M. C. KING Franklinton, N. C. Residence Phone 249-1 Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. ? 2 to 3 P. M. I ? to 8 P. M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law Louisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Hook Store General Practice in all Courts j G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building ?ext to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney Louisburg, N. C. Office in First-Citizens Itank Building Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborough & Yarborough Atorneys & Counsellors at Law Office in Egerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Louisburg, N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin^ ing counties, and in the United i States Courts at Rideigh E. H. Malone J. E. Mai one MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Louisburg, N. C. General practice, settlement of estates, funds invested. One member of the Arm always In office. A. R. STRANGE Registered Surveyor Route 4, Louisburg, X. C. 1 Prompt and Efficient Service SMART MONEY KNOWS WHERE TO GO AFTER READING THE ADS ^ IN THIS "* NEWSPAPER CHRISTMAS CARDS FREE i The Franklin Times j Louisburg, N. C. will give one box of Christ mas Cards FREE to sub scribers paying one year ($1.50) back or in advance. For a two-year subscrip tion it will give two boxes of cards or will give one box of cards with the name printed on the cards. This offer is made to raise some quick cash. There is no limit to the number of boxes one person can get. CALL IN AND SEE THE SAMPLES and get your order in quick ly and get your Christmas Cards FREE! \ MIMIIUMIIIIIIIH EXAMPLE' Washington, Nov. 15. ? A Federal district judge senten ced Fdward do Boulhac Blount, former government worker, to a two-to-six year prison term today wi "an example to oth ers" wlio would threaten the life of the President. Illount, 30-year-old former clerk in the Census Bureau, liud pleaded guilty to uttering tlu-euts against President Boos evelt on two occasions. He was alleged to have made obscene remarks about the Chief Kxecu tive and to have said that lie would kill him at the first op portunity. Secret Service and District of Columbia i>olice arrestWl Blount aboard his motor boat on Octo ber V. Federal Judge K. Dickinson Letts, a former Republican Representative from Iowa, said that "these are difficult times and make the offense more grievous than in peacetime." He added that the punishment should be "substantial" and serve as an example "to others throughout the country who might be inclined to "abuse the rights of citizenship." ENJOYS FRANKLIN TIMES New York, Nov. 19. ? If you were to visit Burrelle's Press Clipping Bureau in downtown Manhattan, you'd find a hundred young girls doing nothing but reading newspapers and maga zines. The offices, which overlook the Hudson River, are as quiet ( as a library reading room, and all you see are newspapers stack- I ed in piles ready to be read and : clipped. Harold Wynne, a young , college graduate, who is the pres- I ident of tfiis unusual organization j says: "Our girls enjoy reading j the FRANKLIN TIMES, Louis- j burg. N. C., because it contains j so many interesting items about' our clients." Burrelle's Press Cipping Bu- j reau was started back in 1888 w it'll two readers and a handful j of papers. Frank Burrelle. the 1 originator of the clipping bureau j idea and founder of Burrelle's, } overheard one man ask another il he had seen the article in the morning paper which mentioned his name. From this conversa tion began an organization which j today has branch offices all over ! the world and spends more than j $40,000 a year for newspaper and 1 magazine subscriptions. j The loss of European markets | as a result of t'he war cut ex ports of American food products to $15,279,000 in September as ! compared with $28, 693. 000 in the J same month a year ago. The 1940-41 world's cotton [ crop is placed tentatively at 30. 500,000 bales as compared with ! 28,900.000 last season, reports i the U. S. Department of Agricul ture. There are too many such cases: Gert? Poor man! He suffers ' from matrimonial dyspepsia. Myrt ? What's that? Gert ? Oh, his wife doesn't [ agree with him. FOB FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONK 283-1 \ Gentle Laxative Good For Children Most any child who takes this mod ern laxative once will welcome it ne.-.t time sluggish bowels have him bilious, headachy, listless or upset. Syrup of Black-Draught's fine fla vor appeals to most children. By simple directions, its action is usu ally penile but thorough. Principal ingredient helps tone bowel mus cles. Two sizes: 50c and 25c. Next time, use Syrup o I Black-Draught. TAYLOR CUSTOM - MADE CLOTHES Pick the figure you wtant to pay and we promise the BEST your money can buy. YOU CAN TRUST IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! I Osmond Hale i Louiaburg, N. 0. | i Forum Urges America Mobilize Economic Strength j Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., Chairman of General Motor#, set* forum them*, "Mobilizing America's Economic Strength," at luncheon given by him for 500 of the country's leaders to hear an expert discussion of this important phase of the national defense program. Participating In the forum (left to right) were: Paul G. Hoffman, president of Studebaker Corporation; C. F. Kettering, of General Motors research fame; George V. Denny, Jr. (standing), Town Meeting of the Air, who served as moderator; Mr. Sloan; Or. Harold G. Moulton, president of Brookings Institution, and Dr. 8umner H. Slichter, Harvard University economist. With it* vast untapped resources of men and materials America has an economic potential of sufficient reserve power to take the defense program in 1U stride and emerge stronger and greater than ever be fore in its history. This was the ringing challenge Issued recently to 500 of the na tion's leading industrialists and business men in New York at a forum discussion of the subject "Mobilizing America's Economic Strength." As guests of Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., Chairman of General Motori, the luncheon gathering heard two prominent economists, an Industri alist and a research engineer. Join In urging industry not to curtail unnecessarily the normal flow of goods and services in this period of emergency but to mobilize Its strength on all fronts. A strong right arm and a rugged I constitution to back it up was the prescription recommended by these ! authorities. Defense has first call on the country's resources, they said, but America has sufficient re serves of power to build high its defense ramparts without having to neglect those foundations of normal productivity which underlie both the ramparts and the way of life behind them. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! ' i |1 (OM.MISSIOVKR'S RK-SAI.K OK 1 1 VAM AIIIi! ST.A\HlN(j TWI.IIKK Under ;ind by virtue of an. J order of re-sale made on Monday.!" November 18. 1 !? 4 0 by Honorable W. V. A vent . Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County; N. C.. in thai certain Special ' Proceeding entitled "In the Mat ter of J. T. Bilker. Guardian of ' Edward H. Baker. Non Compos Mentis", the undersigned commis sioner will, on FRIDAY. DKCKMHKH 41. 11MO, |l at or about the hour of twelve1! o'clock noon, at the Courthouse,] Door in Louisburg, N. . offer '< for sale to t'he highest bidder, M for cash, that certain tract or ] parcel of standing pine and po- i plar timber, eight inches and it above, at the stump, stump six|' inches from ground, situate and J growing on that certain tract oft: land lying in Harris and Dunn.! Townships, Franklin County. N. < C.. containing approximately 360 jf acres. More or less, and being thei< identical tract of land inherited Ijy Edward H. Maker from his father. John A. linker. A cash deposit of !><; will he required 61' the highest bidder at <aid sale. This 1 '.i.'h day of November. 1 940. J. T. ItAKEU. IV I'. Lumpkin. Commission >r Attorney: 11 ----t "i S.Al.K OK VAMAIiLK HK.\I, EST AT K Under and by virtue of the au hority contained in that certain leed of trust executed by E. O. Eakes on Dec. 4th. 1936. and re corded in the Public Hegist'i'y ol' Franklin County, in book '1 !? 9 , lage 519. default having been made in the payment of the notes therein secured, the undersigned rrustee. will on MONDAY, DKCKMItKIl iSJ, IIMU, it or about' the hour of 12:00 I'clork noon, at the courthopse loor in l.ouishurg. N. C.. offer for sale at public auction to the higli jst bidder for cash, the following I ' ' ?' (described tract* or parcel of land; situate in Franklin County. Lonis burp Township. State of North Carolina, and described as fol lows: J Adjoining the lands of K. II. 'Davis, Henry Joyner and others, and bounded as follows, viz: j HOUNDED ON the N by the 'lands of Daniel liazlewood Kh j Uite ; 011 the K. by the Virginia | Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank; jolt the S. by Joe Crudup; and on the W. by the lauds of K. II. Da vis. containing 208. X acres, more or less; and being composed of the three tracts which were con veyed to F. II. Allen by deed re corded in Franklin County Reg istry* book ;?1M. pages 579 and 610; AND also, by died record ed in Franklin County Registry ; in book 329. page 199. reference j to which is hereby made for more (complete and accurate descrip tion of the same. This deed of it rust is given for the balance due | upon purchase price of atiove j tract of land. Dated and posted, this 19th day of November, 1940. G. M RKAM, ? 1 l-22-4t Trustee. RECONDITIONED D CAE We carry in stock at all times from 50 to 60 high grade Used Cars of all kinds, Buicks, Dodges, Oldsmobiles, Pontiacs, Plymouths, Fords, Chevro lets. These cars are reconditioned and guaranteed on our 50-50 Guarantee. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 1939 Oldsmobile Coach, new tires, clean Only $695.00 1938 Chevrolet Coach, two-door, with trunk, radio and heater, new tires Only $495.00 MOTOR SALES CO. HENDERSON, N. C. PHONE 832 Local Representative ? Joe Harris OLJtannamacipo ... BIG ? D REDUCTION " IN FURNITURE PRICES Now is the time to purchase the New Furni ture for your home when you can get it at al most your own prices. Bed Room Suits, Par lor Suits, Dining Suits, special pieces all have been greatly reduced in price. Come in and let me show you. Consider furniture for Christmas presents. It gives lasting remem brance. BOBBITT I FURNITURE CO. [ R. A. BOBBITT, Proprietor J STEVENSON THEATRE HENDERSON, N. C. Matinee: Children 10c Adults 44c (Inc. Tax) - Night: 55c (All Seats) SUNDAY ONLY, NOV. 24, 1940 (WE BELIEVE THIS STAGE ATTRACTION TO BE THE BEST OF THIS SEASON). TALENT BACK FROM TRIUMPHANT 20,000 MILE EUROPEAN TOUR THE WAR FORCE DJ HEM BACK,* ffiSfNSATIONAl ARTISTS 15 GLAMOROUS HIES 9**' ? ^ T e *u 1 cofn,c? today IVllYli^ flLURD TktW?rl4< iMwt lewtifwi , m fc-wT, **~xj | The general level of prices re ceived by farmers in mid-October 1 at local markets throughout the, country was two points higher I than in mid-September, reports' 'the IT. S. Huron u of Agricultural [ Economics. / FOll FIRST CLASS I'KlXTINCi I'HONK 28.1-1 Customer I want to exchange this unbreakable doll. Clerk ? Is t?here something wrong with It? Customer -No. but the baby's broken everything else in the house with it. Subscribe t^? the Franklin Tim** 5ee^ica'S 1st Choice in OH Heat **? SAVE UP TO ? ' * ' ' ' t:r. IN FUEL COSTS WITH DUO-THERM'S , NEW POWER-AIR UNIT! ? ?. "45 . ' ' ' ? ? I, .MjV* ' ' * V'?t. DUO-THERM FUEL OIL HEATER with POWER-AIR sets amazing record?gives same forced heat as modern furnace! The new Power-Air blower ? fon nd only on Duo-Therm ? drives heat to the floors and to far corners ? you can heat the whole house faster and better! ? Duo-Therm heaters have the world's most efficient burner . . . special Waste Stopper . . . radiant door to release floods of direct heat ... handy dial control. See the 12 beautiful models today~-for heating 1 to 6 rooms. Mftv ftumsi DUO-THRRM is outsell ing all other fuel oil heaters in America I Thin amazing heater gives 3 times better heat distribution ? from floor to ceiling! The Power-Air blower ? ex clusive with Duo-Therm ? gives same positive heating as modem furnaces . . . saves up to 25% on fuel, over a heater without Power-Air. ? Moal efficient burner made . . radiant door for direct heat . . . handy dial control. See the many beautiful mod els ? for heating I to 6 rooms! \ Let us have an experienced heating repre sentative call on you and discuss your heating problems. All sizes in stock at present and we can make prompt delivery. Don't confuse DUO-THERM with the aver .v age oil heater. There is a difference, enough difference to pay you to investigate. ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY CO. <# R. Lee Johnson, Mgr. f Louisburg, N. C.

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