Around The Town By W. F i SHELTON I For the past several months we have been writing this column for our weekly puper under the above tide. Several times friends have suggested that the name of the column is unsuited to the many different subjects we attempt to cover. So this week we are (searching for a new name and the name we select will win some body a theatre coupon book worth $1.60. .lust send suggested names for this column t?ime at Box 59, in Louisburg. YJu may be the one to win the ^/coupon book. fl? 1 II The succfSH of b'rankliii County's first Com Show held last Saturday in the Armory luui assured the sponsors that it should be made a yearly event. There were many pleas ed 4-H boys and many proud papas as the useful and valua ble prizes were handed out. This show is an inspiration to Ihooe who didn't place first to try to do so next year. . . An all around effect of an annual Corn Show would not only tend to improve the quality of the crop but would bring about more cordial and friendly relations between the town and the ru ral residents. Another ^ fact worth mentioning is that such ( show as this is emblematic of our system of competitive en ferprise which lias established keen competition as the icreat fst stimulant of all to produce (he better product whether it lie a farm crop or a manufac tured article. 11?11 I.ast week a Louisburg lady in rued a Louisburg man to the (?urn Show. Said the man. "No thanks, I'm on the wagon." If ? IT They aiv still talking aland l he Technicolor musical hit "Ikmn Argentine Way" anil the great comeback of very at tractive actress liettty Grable. Miss (.arable's grand part in the norc recent "Tin I'an Alley" should put this young lady on the top mugs of stardom. 11?11 A theatre in Fayette, Mo., has sparkin' nights. A gingham and overall clad couple are admitted on one ticket*. At nine o'clock the lights are turned off for three minutes. Patrous are advised that, "If you do not know what to do. call t-he manager." 11?11 Several people who own farms around the county have been feeling indirectly the ef fect of Uncle Sam's defense program inasmuch as several of their tenants who are jack leg carpenters have migrated to Fort IJrngg and immediate ly secured jobs on the many buildings being built there. There are several thousand car penters now working at liragg and all you have to do to get a .rob is own or have borrowed a square, a hammer antl a saw and be able to saw a fairly straight line and you cun get a rob starting at fifty cents an hour. H ? IT There is a very interesting ar ticle concerning football in this month's Reader's I)igest> written by a prominent educator. This man calls on schools to openly subsidize football players by pointing out the evils of secret subsidization as practiced by tihe leading universities all over the country. This man states his be lief that in the long run this open and above-board subsidaUon would place college football on at least as honest a level as pro footbal. Pointing oat the fact that t>he way leading players are recruited now In onr leading col leges is a stain upon the high academic ideals these college* are supposed to stand for and teach, he requests the opening bo heal ing light the shady and secret ways that star football players are paid. The writer remarked rhati as a whole the college presi dents were ignorant or claimed ignorance of these practices and TO THE RESCUE /Look! \ ^A,py reasoned that most of the subsi dation was carried out by alumni I organizations. U? II Last Saturday night six liap py and rarcfiw youngsters were riding towards Louisburg bent on entertainment. Their car was rolling along wlini I tragedy struck. One dead, two critically hurt and three seri > ously injured. These things happen daily, sometimes here, many times a day in the coun ? try. Vet we do not seem to learn that an automobile he sides being one of the greatest ! of all man's numerous inven tions is also the greatest killing and maiming device ever made. It docs not take an ex|iert to safely drive an auto. Any per son %%itli reasonable intelligence and reasonable care can safely drive a car. The tragedy comes when two people relax their vigilance just for a moment, and then, sudden death. Home heautittcation has bcis selected as the major project* for ! I-H Clubs of Bertie County dur ing the coming year, says R. D. Smith, assistant farm agent of the State College Kxtension Sei vice. In an effort to control weeds i in their tobacco plant beds. Aca Mewbom and U. B. Kdmundfeoa, Greene County farmers, are con ducting a cyanamid demonstra Itiou. says Assistant Farm Agent I J. W. Grant. Amateur Actor ? I play the role of a married man. Friend- -Why don't you hold out for a speaking part? I When we fail to acquire some : t hings we wish, there is often con solation in contemplating some of | t?he things we already have. "Build-Up" for Women Periodic distress, such as head aciie-i. nervousness, cramp-like pain, 1 May be symptoms of functional dysmenorrhea due to malnutrition, o often helped by CARDUI. By i increasing appetite, stimulating How of gastric juices and so assist ing digestion, it helps build physi ca1 resistance to periodic discom fort. It also helps reduce periodic ? J. -tress for many who take it a :'ew days before and during "the time." Try CARDUI. Used 50 years. < HKAI.TH DKr.AHTMHNT ? ? ? * Dr. R. I''. Ynrboroiiicti, * Couuty Health Officer * ? ? ????????? Mr. Satterwhite. Head Tech nician from t'he State Sanatorium, will be in I.ouisburg Tuesday, I December 10th, to X-Ray posi i tive reactors in the recent Tuber cular Clinic. If you were posi tive come to the Health Office and deposit $1.00 to pay for film. If financially unable to pay $1.00 bring statement from your teacli . er or the Welfare Department i stating you are financially mi' able l*> pay $1.00. To KrgM la ll I s Registrants for Selective Ser vice who received blood test at ,1116 Health Department' in Louix burg will please come there for their report. Jerry? See here, what do you mean by going around telling peo ple I am a first-class idiot? Perry? 1 didn't say firsli-class. When You Need ii FL OWERSj! ) | for any occasion call ns at \ j ' ' our new location ?*** 313 Sunset Avenue or ? Phone 337-1 ' ? It 0 ? !? ? and our pleasure pleasing 1 < ? you. , I! LOUISBURG | House Of , Flowers ? MRS. H. R. CHESSON ? Proprietor l was told they! were looking for a universal sol-; vent. Father ? What's that? Student A fluid that will dis-j I solve anything. Father That's n great idea. : When you find it. what arc you l^oing to keep it in? COLDS Misery of ^ ^ ^ liquid W w Tablet* DOG Nose Drops Cough Drop* Try "Kub-My-Tistn"-a Wonderful Liniment a. -jvue cfai|"Co 'Ou| "RuAwptj BafeUt^ I (4 /itffauL wt&tit t&it k^?f?4 |piw&t