Observations B> W. K. SHKI/TON This ?wk marks the in itial appear ance of our effort* under the new head ing of "Ob ?ervati o n ?. " Thin particu lar title out of the many good ones Hubm I t t e d seemed to just . suit our all the others who offered sug gested by Mr. E. W. Furgurson of LouLsburg and Mr. Furgur son wins theatre coupon book. Thanks, Mr. Furgurson and to all the others who oeered sug gestions. n ? u Unless the difference between rhe radio stations and the Ameri can Society ot Composers, Au thors and Publishers are settled! before January 1st. America will rind most of it's favorite music missing from the air waves comes the new year. For many years; ASCAP has collected royalties for rt's members via a straight licens ing agreement with the broadcas ters allowing music, written or published by ASCAP members to be broadcast. Up until the pres-j ??nt the agreement has been re newed yearly. To combat ASCAP rhe networks have formed Broad cast Music Inc. which is rapidly! trying to build up n music library suitable to radio usage. Both par ties to the disagreement are wrangling over t'he amount of the li< easing fee which ASCAP claims is small compared to the benellt received and which the broadcas ter:! say is much too large inas much as the publishers and writ ers of music benelit most from radi'/s popularization of their lunes. Tlie right of ASCAP to col oct a licensing fee has been up Ueld in various courts if the licen id business presents the music ei ASCAP members as whole or ;)urt of a>i entertainment, for pvo ni. The tight to break the socie ty's monopoly on practically all iiie popular and semi-classic tunes Is as eld as the organization it self with all amusements using Music ..a tching the light with more than a passing interest. .ery theatre, either movie or ivgltiniulc. every ballroom, hotel, night club and radio station has for years paid- tribute to the ASCAI* colters and these business es are hoping the radio industry ucceeds in breaking the society's dictatorial music power. If the broadcasters break ASCAP's pow er it will not only save tliein hull fifed;: or thousands yearly but v> ill furnish the opening wedge to r ",e theatres to remove the pain ntlly high music tax they have ee;i paying directly to ASCAP "or years. 11?11 Those who have slated the) would like to see "Gone With rhe Wind" again will be pleas <"d to learn that the picturi/a tion of the Margaret Mitchell epic will be released generally in January to theatres in the full original length to play at prices scaled from .40 matinees to .55 at night. 11?11 We've all heard of kilowatt Mom's? which are a measurement 'or a tertain amount* of electric ity. But few realize Just how much energy one kilowatt hour repre nents. In a recent laboratory test, a strong, younR ex-pugilist was liut to work driving a hand gener ator until exhaustion forced him to stop. He produced just a lit tle over one per cent of one kilo watt hour. More than two hund red men took turns operating a bicycle-driven generator ? and their combined efforts kept up un til they were too weary to go on, produced t?n cents worth of elec tricity. A Alowatt hour purchas ed from tne municipal power company costs from two to seven md one-half \ents. Electricity Is t'tae greatest bargain an American can purchase If he brings into ac count the tremendous amount of energy fie is purchasing for so very little. 11?11 A humorous anecdote it go ing I he rounds about a local minister, who canvassing for members in the Ked Cross drive, happened lif on a poker game going full blast, Report* are rather vague but it seems j the membership drive scored 100% among the players gath ered around the table. lied Cross membership cards were drawn by nil. H? H The Motion Picture Herald stated in the latest issue that theatres In the larger towns and metropolitan centers spent more than 90 per cent of their adver tising budgets on newspaper ad vertising. on which they depend to draw practically all of their patrons. The effectiveness of news paper ada has long been proven to every branch of the amusement industry. GKTK ST1I.I.S ABC Officer Fred Frazier has reported a great deal of activity in the enforcment department the latter part of November. Stills ta ken recently include a steam out fit' complete with boiler, worm, cap, various tubs and equipment seized in^ Cedar Rock Township. Earlier a* 50 gallon copper still and 150 gallons of beer were seiz ed in Louisburg township and two still locations were gone over the first netting officers a small amount of mash while the second yielded 300 gallons of mash. Of ficers accompanying Frazier were Sheriff Moore, Z. H. Wheeler. K. K. Joyner, C!. S. Gilliam and Clin ton Swanson. Krazier also reported the seiz ure of a .still in Franklinton town ship and Mie taking of 11 gallons of non-iax-paid whiskey. Sheriff j Moore and officers Joyner, Swan i son and Gilliam participated in a I raid on a recent Saturday when ]ii?' oiliicm came upon two men tin the act of moving their st'ill. ? Jlie man. .Milton Mangum. was ! irreslod as he carried the cap and worm on his hack out of the words. Alio! her man -escaped, lis gallons of whiskey and the ' !;?: 1 1 equipment was seized ill this raid. mis* s*>irrn wkds sn>\KV MCKI'IIY On Sai uriluy, November f". ai 7:::0. Miss Corine Smith and Sid ney Murphy were united in mar riage lii a ceremony performed i.y Use Rev. John Edwards at his Jionie. i. Tile bride a lid bridegroom en j ??red unattended. The bride wore ! i dress of soldier blue trimmed j .villi white with hlnck accessories. | ller corsage was of white ehry I mnthemunis. Mrs. Murphy is the daughter I if Mr. and Mrs. .left; E. Smith, of ' Louisburg. She is a graduate of Kdward Best Iligh School and at tended Eastern Carolina Teach ers College, Greenville, N. C. Mr. Murphy is the son of Airs. | Lticy Murphy and the late J. C. Murphy. He is a graduate of Cold Sand High School. He is en I gaged in agricultural interest and , is actively connected with civic i affairs. Following the marriage cerc ! mony Mr. and Mrs. Murphy left | for a short wedding trip, after ' which they returned to Oold Sand 'to make their home. : Woke Lazy Insidcs All-Vegetable Way [ Here's * laxative that generally acts thoroughly, but is a gentle per ? suc.der if used by simple direction*, j Take BI.ACK-DR AUGHT at bed time. There's usually time for a I good night's rest. Morning general ! ly brings a thorough evacuation; 1 relief for constipation's headaches, j loginess. Try spicy, aromatic, all I vegetable HI. ACK-DR AUGHT. It's I economical, too: Ii5 to 40 doses, 25c. For Bargains In USED CARS See J. L. GUPTON or M. M. REYNOLDS Prices and terms are right. We have on hand for sale at Bargain Prices the following cars and pick-ups, guaranteed as represented: 1 - 1937 Buick, 4 door Sedan with heater, radio, trunk and white sidewp.ll tires, perfect con dition. 1 - 1936 Master Chevrolet, 4 door sedan, clean, new tires, completely reconditioned. 1 - 1939 Chevrolet Pick-up, like new, 13,000 miles. 1 - 1937 Ford V-8 Pick up. 1 - 1935 Ford V-8 Pick-up. 1 - 1930 Ford A Coach. GUPTON'S SERVICE CENTER PHONE 211-6 South Main Street Louisburg, N. C. To Hold Annual j Meeting Institute of Government Head Announces Mooting iind Invites j KraDklin County Supervisor Chapel Hill. ? The Franklin) County tax supervisor Ims been invited by Albert Coakes, Director | of the Institute of Government. i to attend the annual meeting of1 the North Carolina Tax Supervis-I ors' Association to be held in the| Institute of Government building | in Chapel Hill December 12-13. ! The Association in conjunction] with the Institute of Government.! has been making a state-wide sur-' vey of county practices with res-' pect to penalties charged for late-j listing, and the use of tax maps. | The result's of this survey will be' considered at the meeting, togetli-] er with other problems of imnie-l diate practical importance to all] tax supervisors. The program will Include such vital topics as Taxi i Exemptions. Tax Mappings, Me'.h-j ods of Listing Heal and Personal Property, Methods in the Valua-j tion of Ileal and Personal Proper ty, The Listing and Valuation ofi Intangibles and Distribution of| Revenues Derived Therefrom, and ' Miscellaneous Problems presented) by tax supervisors. The tax supervisors will attend three sessions of Miree hours: each, with registration at 2:30 I'.1 M. Thursday at the Institute of | Government building. The first session begins at 3 P. M. Thurs-1 day, while other sessions are scheduled for 7:30 Thursday evening and i? Friday morning. The final session will close at noon Friday with a luncheon of all lax ! supervisors anil their guests. KOK K K X T Apart lucilt, sou Mrs. John W. jKinp. l.ouisbnrg. N. 0. 12-6-lt' Battery "B" News (By Pvt. B. C Johnson and Corp. Willard Perry. I Fort Jackson, S. CV -This is ; the first- of any news to be sent in of what the hoys in Battery B l have been doing since their en- j campment at Fort Jackson. Most . of the boys are liking it just fine, and are working hard in order to better their ratings. The first few weeks of training dealt with First Aid. Care and Use of Equipment. Close Order Drill, and Military Discipline. For t>he past few1*' weeks training has been specialized That is the boys have been assigned to different sections and are working at these. There was a possibility of some of the boys getting a little home sick last week for they were giv en axes & grubbing hoes, and put to work cutting bushes. But' after two or three days of this they seem to have gotten over it. Each Sunday morning ati S:30 A. M. the whole Regiment gathers for regular church service, and Chaplain for this Regiment. LI. Riddle is going to start a regular Sunday School, and gave every body a Testament' who went to his tent and asked for one. Lt. Frank W. Wheless, Jr. has been assigned to 1st Battalion Headquarters Battery and Battery Commander. Be sure to watch each week for news of Battery B I'KKACHING D.ATK < ii ANGKO The FRANKLIN TIMES is re quested to state that the Mt. Gi lead Christian Church prcaching service has been changed from the t-hird Sunday afternoon to the second Sunday morning al eleven | o'clock. The itev. Mr. Grissoi'i will do the preaching. The public I is cordially invited to attend all I services. MARYLAND STRAIGHT RYE WHISKEY THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS 010 ? 80 PROOF WILLIAM JAMESON & CO., INC.. HEW YORK Was $2.35 "Quart Now $2.10 Quart j SPECIAL BACK IAMI 1 FOX'S Pre Christmas Clearance! COATS AMD PRESSES - Large Groups of FALL READY-TO-WEAR NOW ON SALE ! And At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! COME EARLY To Get The Best Selection ! FOX'S Louisburg's Best Dept. Store DR WATERS APPOINT ED AS HEALTH SUPERVISOR Administrator John A Lung to day announced the appointment of Dr. George E. Waters, of Black stone, Virginia, as State Health j Supervisor for the NY A. Dr. Wa-j ters took over his duties in the ] State office on Monday morning. November 25, 1940. Ill this capacity Dr. Waters will! have general supervision of the| State Health program, which will | include physical examinations for all NYA enrollees; inspection and promotion of health work at res ident' projects, and health educa tion. Dr. Waters comes to the NYA from the Maryland State Health Department, where he has been engaged in public health work for the past' three years. He attended1 the niackstoni' Military Academy,! West Point Military Academy, the! University of Richmond and the University of Virginia Medical School, and did post' graduate work at the School of Hygleuo and Public Health of John Hop kins University. He was for two and a half years director of the j Peninsula Health District with t-he Virginia Health Department. DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE -RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY ? When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged -up bowels, do as millions do -take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning - thorough, comfortable relief, helping you star^4he day full of your nor mil energy ?nH pep. feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doenn't disturb | your night's real or interfere with work the 1 | next day. TYy Feen-A-Mint, the rhrwing ! I gum laxative, yourself. It tastee good, it's ' I handy and economical . . .a family supply j FEEW-fl-MINT T61 THANKS We wish to extend our great est appreciation and deepest' grat itude to all those who rendered service In any way during the long illness of our dear daughter and sister. Their kindness will al ways he remembered. MHS. WILLIE G. HOWE and Family. PT.AY AT YOlTNGSVIMiK The FRANKLIN TIMES is re quested to state thai the Senior Class of the Yoangsville High School will present; on Friday night, Dec. 6, ut 7:30 P, M.. its annual play. This is a royalty play, entitled "The Absent-Mind ed Professor. Enjoy an even ing's entertainment with plenty of laughter and fun. RECONDITIONED USED CAES We carry in stock at all times from 50 to 60 high grade Used Gars of all kinds, Buicks, Dodges, Oldsmobiles, Pontiacs, Plymonths, Fords, Chevro lets. These cars are reconditioned and guaranteed on our 50-50 Guarantee. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 1939 Oldsmobile Coach, new tires, 1938 Chevrolet Coach, two-door, with trunk, radio and heater, new MOTOR SALES CO. J clean Only $695.00 tires Only $495.00 HENDERSON, N. C. PHONE 832 Local Representative ? Joe Harris "I'VE OPENED MY PACK. COME IN AND PEEK!" The season's biggest gift discoveries are here! ? Therc'ii a real adventure ahead for you ? if you haven't yet seen our gift collection! You'll find .stunning necklaces, enchanting silver pal terns, and gay. inexpensive little gifts, appreciated for their fashion. And when we hear you say "Oh!" and "Ah!", we'll know you've discovered our fascinat inp new Christmas l.lgins! Here is beaut) of design at its Ix-rt ? dainty, gentle. lovely in the women's K I gins ? handsome, vig orous. and masculine in the men's. F.lgin prices are from $24.75 to $750.00. launch your voyage of discovery now. Come in and sec our thrilling selection today! A Silveruare ?bright with the richness and glow of the Christmas spirit. A wide rd return of lovely patterns. ? ? Merit Dish uith uW/ and tree. Beautifully designed border in a finely -conceived motif. The gift for home. C ? Brilliantly created IS-jewel Elgin?the traditionally perfect gift. Exciting beauty for a charming lady. $24.75. 0 ? Ring* of exquisite loveliness and enduring sentiment in a pleasing variety of entrancing styles and stones. 8 ?The fli/t of unquestioned taste and charm ? a jeri-elmd cross and chain. Ideal choice far discriminating teamen. F ? Utility and appearance in a striking pen and pencil set. G ? Pocket knife , matching chain. Handsome gift for men. N ? The ultimate in distinguished appearanee and mascu line style. 17-jctcel Elgin "Da Luxe " pocket watch. $35.00. I ? F.ver -pleasing* ever-popular ? one of many styles in hrocelvts, from jetcrls and gold to .trinkets and charm*. R A Y N 0 R ' RADIO AND JEWELRY SHOP LOUISBURG, N. C. Botwron Tonkel'* and Kox'r l)ppt. Htorw Expert Repairs on all Radios, and Jewelry Beginning Monday, Dec. 9th-, our Store will remain open evenings , until /9 o'clock till Xmas.