? foon't forget Old Santa. tit ? Christmas is almost here. ill ? Only 15 more shopping days before Christmas. i , ^,1 ? The cold' wave Wednesday morning; pinched lightly. I t t ? Cotton was worth 10 cents in Loulabui'g yesterday. XXX -?-Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ciupton announce the birth of a son ou Monday. I T ? -The City "authorities have erected a mass of colored lights about the streets to help add to the Christmas spirit'. Til ? The editor Is indebted to Hev. J. 0. Strickland, colored, of Cedar Kpck for a nice mess of spare fibs dud backbones. They were ially nice and enjoyed a Iftt. * 1~" t t t ?The tire Tuesday about noon was the house on Pig Trot just back of the Colored Episcopal Church occupied by Mat' Spivey. Only a small damage was done before the Fire Department had arrived and extinguished it. t t X ?The many friends of the fam ily will be glad to learn that James Lancaster, who was ser iously injured in an aut/oinobile wreck on Nov. 23rd. was suffic iently recovered to return to his home the past week-end. Others injured are recovering nicely, but no word has been received re cently from Kenneth Powell. KOK SAIjK ? Kxtra Bile lot of |>i(ls 1 2-6-lt J. A. MUNFOKIJ. JmmJVewj , aioafwt and ether OTCNSION WORK 1 rfronvtJte* JM (buntu : ;4n H Clevewilt* 7, Strain 2, leads in cotton variety tests conducted In Franklin County by W. T. Moss, Youngsville HI. and L. P. Gupton l.ouishuiR R2. with a production of 2272 pounds of seed cotton an acre announces VV. C. Boyce, County Agent. Messrs. Gupton and Mobs planted 10 varieties of cotton on uniform land. All va rieties were treated t-he same as to date of planting, feriilUation and cultivation. Coker 200. St. 1, impressed the demonstrators by its small open growth, heavy fruiting and early maturity. On Septem ber 21. 68% of mature bolls were open. The next earliest variety was local variety which was Cok er 100. St. 1. which 1*<I 53% of mature bolls open on same dale. The production was figured by calculating weight of actual pick ings on representative areas. The production of varieties are as fol lows: Coker 100, St. 3 2095 Wannainaker's Carolina Big Boll. St. 3 1909 Local Variety '1787 Coker 100, Sti. 4 2019 Coker 4, in 1. St. 3 2161 Mexican 128 6 B 1865 Wannamaker's S and C "Early-Wilt, St 2 2081 Coker 200, St. 2 2157 Coker 4 in 1. St. 4 2173 Clevewilt 7. St. 2 2272 m&scnah ' Mr*. I). K> MkKTuim* visited. leigh Monday. t t t Mr. K. H.' Malone visited Ply j mouth Monday. in Mr. W. A. Thomas, of States , ville, was a visitor to Lo'uisburg i l'riday. 4 * t Mr. Lawrence Cooper, of Claj j ton. was a visitor to Louisburg '.Monday. IT* Mr. II. 0. Crofoot, of Orrovilli;, Cal., is visiting friends in Frank |iin County. t 1 t -Mr. C. S. Adams, of Lynchburg, Va., was a visitor to l.ouisburg Wednesday. fe -ill *i Mr. and 'Mrs, Thomas Denton Visited friends at Richmond the jjast week-end.^ Miss Jessica . Creech . of Wil jmington, spent JPniinksgiving with Mrs J. R Earle. ' ? .f * l Mrs. W. H. Spencer and Miss Kdith Hideimt visited friends in [Wilson Thursday. ! i <*? f A 1 ?* | Sergt. VV. H. Spencer came jhonie from Kort Jackson Saturday jto spend t'he week-end. lit Capt. ("has. 1'. Green and wife, pof Kort Jackson. S. C.. were visi tors to Lonisburg Monday. tit Mrs. K. B. Itedwine. of Kaleigh, visited relatives in and near l.ouisburg the past week-end. t t X Misses Kate Ballard and Nora King, of lt:i leigh. were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Yar borough. nt Mr. uixd Airs. P. B. McKinne, of Goldsboro, spoilt the past' week end with Mr. mid Mrs. 1). P. McKiline. tt; Lieut. P. \V. Wheless. Jr.. of Fori Jackson. S. ('.. spent the past week-end with his family in Loiiislmi'K. I t t Mr. and Mrs. (lordon I'zzcll, of Atlanta, <!a.. spent Thanksgiving with Mr. (Izzeii's mother. Mrs. Alice .1. (*ZZ?I1. I I I Mr. A. Tonkel visited Itic'h liiond this week to replenish liis big stock at his stores in Louis bttrg and Clinton. STEVENSON THEATRE Henderson, N. C. On the Stage Sunday Only Dec. 8, 1940 Mat. 10c & 44c (Inc. Tax> Night (All Seats) 55c (Inc. Tax) "Parisienne Creations" Featuring June Carr 8 - Acts - 8 20 - Stars - 20 SAUSAGE GROUND 1 Cent ^ a pound No charge for mixing. Seasoning furnished at reasonable extra charge. Best equipment, satis faction guaranteed -<?- MEATS ? Best the Market affords at Saving Prices. STEAKS, -ICc ROAST, 10c All cuts, lb Pound PORK CHOPS, 7flc SAUSAGE, 10c Pound Pound ,,i Let your old friend JOHN HARRIS serve you best at CASH & CARRY MARKET Nash Street . Louiiburg, N. C. Chief C. E. Pace and bride re-, turned t-he past week from their bridal trip to Western North Car olina and in Tennessee. : i i I Mr. and >lra. H. K. Stout and LhunUx* of Siler City, spent S.uu-i day with Mrs. Stotit's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1) K. McKinne. _ ! I I I j llev. and _Mrs. R. ii. Jackson ;and children, of Hyrellsvilie. vjferi jited .Mrs. Jac1tson$ father. ftB\ ; |0. W. Murphy the past week-en. ttt ?? r> , Mrs. Julia 1'. Scott and MIbs, | Nancy Uriffn spent the ThanltB Igiving holidays with Major arid! Mrs. K. K. GrilTln at Columbia,1 la. C. ? ??> t t X ' Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Malone anc , children returned Friday from' | Wilmington where they spent] i Thanksgiving with Mrs. Malori^'s 1 parent:! t t t ; Mr. W. F. Blaekley. of Dallas, 'Texas, was a visitor to Louishurg! j Monday. He was born and raisedj I in Franklin, leaving here fifty ; 'years ago; ?,*. t * Mr. Claieuue Sttmpson and Mr. .and Mrs. Clareh<Se Sttmpson. Jr.,, of Statesville. spent the past, {week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. IF. McKtnne. i r. r Mrs. J. F. Mitvhiner, Mr. andi , Mi's. George Selby visited Mrs. j Mitchiner's daughter. Mr. and! i Mrs. Norwood Woodard. at l?ic-h- j mond Thursday, t 111 Mr. and Mrs. Crudup Rogers, Me. and Mrs. T. S. Shinn. and Dr. I !and Mrs. Karl W. Brian, of Ral jeigli, spent Thanksgiving with! ! Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bartholomew.) til. i Mrs. S. M. Phelps, who has ijeenl I ill at a hospital in Raleigh for' some timi'. has returned home and her many l'riends will be glad j to know she is much improved. Ill Those attending the Wilson-; Wagg wedding in Greusboro. No vember 28. from 1-ouisburg \ver.> Mrs. Mary Perry Wilson. Mil's Lucy Wilson and Mrs. .lames' Dick. T 1 ' Miss Elizabeth Johnson of the Wades boro school faculty, spent I' Thanksgiving with her sisters and brother. Dr. S. C. Johnson, Miss Adelaide Johnson und Mr. Janus Johnson. tit Mi . and Mrs U. Wi ftiicliols and ' daughters Misses Grace and Fran- 1 cct, of Bedford. Va.. and Mr. and , lMi'S. W. O. Good, of Raleigh,; spent Friday with Mrs. Kvelyn j W. Kulghuni. ; iti ... j .Mrs. Kvelyn W. Fulghum aij? guests. Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Ni<,h ols and daughters Misses Grace and Frances, of Bedford, Va., and Mr. and Mis. W. 0. Good, of lial eigh. attended the Duke-J?itt' foot ball game at Durham Saturday. ? I 1 I V Mite Lena Bailey ami mother, of Bethel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Johu Bailey and little daughters, of Burlington. and Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bailey and liMle daugh ter. of South Boston. Va.. spent last Sunday with Mrs. . R. G. Bai ley. Ill Among tfeose spending Thanks giving Day in Itichnioud were: Mrs. Ina House. Mrs. M. H. By nuin. Miss Marguerite House, of Haleigh. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Col lier. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas. Mrs. H. H. Hobgood, and Mrs. Eugene Betldingiield. Miss Lucille Johnson, Mrs. B. C. JoKn> son. Misses Lucy and Belle Mltch iner, of Bunn. (Jfou. Jhrvil vuxjOS, to". i! JhaMj^t t^out yiecc|o? Riuwjarti Bakwtg f^toisO.'TVie aMiioxm( tfie. duutcllovu) calf i^ri I U>~UU2. ALCj-fct" oavutoh! ta 06C o| Row|<rtJl . ' Stnd fer FRCf'^ip^ book 4diir? M< Hum fcrd BoKInn Po'vtflfer ? Box F, Rumferd. fr.l. j Double-Fresh, Golden Blend COFFEE 2 ,bs 25' 'Winning New Friends Every Day" Triple-Fresh, Our Pride V * BREAD 2- .... .. 15c BRAZIL NUTS ?lbs 25* STURDY PENDER FLYER WAGONS $4.9S IDEAL GIFT FOR THE BOYS Grocery Features FLOUR FLOOR Pender's Best Pender's Best 12 24 lb. Bag lb Bag 43? 83? SALAD PRONES DRESSING Mother's - Qt. Jar Small 0 Evaporated ** lbs. 23? 13? SWEET CRUSHED CORN, . 3 No. 2 cans 20c BULK COCONUT, lb 17c MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs 23c JUICY ORANGES, 10 lbs 31c FRESH COCONUTS, each 5c ONIONS, 3 lbs . 10c Southern Manor Sliced or Halves PEACHES 2 ??? 2r ; J FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS f 1 ? " ? CRYSTALIZED CHERRIES, lb. 31c CRYSTALIZED PINEAPPLYE, lb 29c CITRON, ORANGE, LElftN PEEL, lbl . 31c SEEDED or SEEDLESS RAISINS, 3 pkgs. . 25c 4X SUGAR, pk$. . . 8c DATES, 2 plt^s. . . 27c . .. ? .... ,? . ., j ARMY KK<IilITl\(i STATION ix ralkigh has vacancies FOR BTRY. "IV U3TH K. A., & HQ. IITRY. 1ST BX., I1STH K. A., VOl'XeSYIIJ.K Sergeant jenninsr'B. iWiith. of ficer in charge of the Army Ht cruit'fiiK Station, in Rali'iffh. qu-> '.MOllMis that the War department; ?"to* A ted his station two vaean- . eW^or Battery "It" 118th Kieldlj -artillery. from LouisbuVg, and: two tor Hoadtiuarters liattery 1st; Battalion 113th Field Artillery,; from Youngsville, also .seven vac-j ancles tor Company "B" 1 2o;-h Infantry from Wu rrtMptou. Those ' vacancies are for one year en- ; liniment* and men will he assign- ' ed from in or near the towns inl which I he(v organizations aiv j from. Those eligible musi bo between I the age of 18 to 85, single with [ no dependents, of good character) and in good physical condition. Young man under J 1 . must hate the consent of their parents. Eligi ble young men who want to enlist' for one year and be assigned with their home town company may. be enlisted at once by writing or ! applying in person to the Army ! Recruiting Station. Post Office i Building, Kalcigh, N. C. Men enlisting for these assign- ] ments will be accepted at Kaleigh. I md forwarded to "Camp Jackson, 3. C., for enlistment. Eligible men who are interest ed in ealigtfug for these assign ments fire urged to apply at once .o be sure to get in for one of .hem, as tbey are sure to be filled it once. ? Too much time is being spent v is li i up for things we could have f we didn't spend too much time wishing. I /OWES ROUS Dr. D. T. Smithwick and Mr. |C. T. Koberson last about 3000 pounds of meat the past week. when their hogs became sick and died. Veterinary examination disclosed possible hog flu as the cause. The hog* were ready for slaughter. FOR FIRST CLANS PRINTING PHONE aa.1-1 HOME Sortie HOLIDAYS - ?*. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Follow <w OLD Custom in a NEW Super-Coach One Way Rd.-Trip Or. Way Rd.-Trip , Columbia ftirlimoml 1.80-3.25 Fayetteville I.JTi-2.K(i Norfolk 2JM.90 , Wash, l>. Kalrtgti .5*?I.OO New York ii.'JHUtl.'M < hailotto a.0.V5..V> a GREYHOUND. UtNti BIG BARGAIN.? A v ?t -r*. v% _ y""\ - . WEEK With "Santa Claus" Just around the corner its a good plan to stretch your dol lars. and this is a good place to stretch t'nera, as evidenced by the values offered this week. 2 - 46 oz. Cans Grape Fruit ^Qc JUICE Small Meaty PRUNES 5' 2 CAKES PALMOLIVE SOAP, FREE 1 WHEN YOU B !Y LARGE 1 CONCENTRATED \ SUPER SUDS 2cakes> FREE/ 3 Cakes 1 Ac PALMOLIVE SOAP ^ 3 Pkgs. 'ICc KLEK 3 Pkgs. Reg. Con. SUPER SUDS 6 Cks. Giant OCc OCTAGON SOAP 6 Pkgs. Giant 'ICc OCTAGON PDR. ? o uks. uctagon riuc TOILET SOAP ?? 2 Cans Octagon Ac CLEANSER.. ^ 2"Pkgs. Octagon IQc FLAKES ....... W 2 Pkgs. Octagon IQc GRANULATED Pkg. Kc Palmolive BEADS " 1 - lb. Pkg. MARSH- 1 Cc MALLOWS Large Emerald WALNUTS. -ICc Pound 3 - 5c Pkgs. Table 1 Ac S A L T 1U Pkg. 6 Ext. Large Boxes Diamond 'Tic MATCHES LL 'WHITE HOUSE" VINEGAR Bring V) c Jug, Gallon FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS We Have Them All Dark and White llaisins. Currants, l)ato?, Cit ron* IMiicapple, ITierrlw, Lemon , Orantfr Spices Strained 1 Cc HONEY, 12 or. bot.W New NAVY Cc BEANS, lb. . W BRAZIL NUTS, Fancy Brites, lb 15c LARGE STUART PECANS, lb 20c Cal. ALMONDS, Ne-Plus, Soft Shell, lb. 33c RAISINS, London Layers, lb 10c CHOCOLATE DROPS, lb 10c HARD MIXTURE, Brilliant, lb 10c 4 No. 2 cans Full Pack 2^c TOMATOES... 2 No. 2 Cans SUGAR CORN 2 No. 2 Cans J^c COFFEE Mur?ound SpeciaI 10c MAZDA LAMPS ^ 40 50 60 w"" Elch 13c ? WEEK-END MEAT VALUES ? "Pitt Cooked" CAc BARBECUE, lb wl Fresh lAc ' PORK LOIN CHOPS, lb Fresh 1 Ac PORK BRAINS, lb. ...V. Western 1 Qc CHUCK ROAST, lb *" Home Made 1(|c SAUSAGE, lb. Country Pork 1 Ac SIDE or SHOULDER, lb - Fresh Fish and Oysters G. W. MURPHY AND SON "YOUR COMPLETE FOOD MARKET" PLENTY FRESH FRUITS ft VEGETABLES

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