must bk right Raleigh. Dec. 9. ? Investigators for the beer Industry will visit 1 every North Carolina county dur- I log 1941 to make certain that re tail beer dealers conduct* reputu- 1 ble places of business. Edgar H. Bain, of Qoidaboro, State Director of the Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors committee, announced today tihat the industry's "clean up or close1 up" campaign has resulted in the! elimination of 136 undesirable beer outlets in 41 counties ? 109 by revocation, three by surrender of license, and 24 by refusal to re-license. "A great majority of beer deal ers conduct reputable places of < business," Colonel Rain said, "but ; there is a minority which disre gards the law and public decency. Our campaign is directed at t is another of 1 the strange commentaries on life In our times thnt the money these religious figures bring from 1 countless Ainericun homes will probaMy go Into t-he planes and guns of aggressor nations to bring; death and slavery to those small-, er nations and people that resist , the dictators of Italy and (Ser-j many. I II? K j| Take u look through this , newspaper. Notice the adver That Na2oa? Unas bwrnlac. acastj at too Ir/qsaot Try Dtmtt Ma. OaaWa katp tka UbinU pssa s( ktmM ma? My Thj7 ksrs had BMW tkaa tall a ?"re Doan SPILLS tlsements und the new* about the things you need or want to buy. The newspaper advertising columns arc open to the makers and sellers of ever}' legitimate product. When a man builds a better electric iron or packs a better can of beans or makes a fortunate purchase of dry goods, he tells you about it. Here in these columns, you can compare values, learn new things, new uses. You thus { equip yourself to kuow when, i where and how to get the most for your money. THANKS We wish to'express our thanks and appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown toward us by our many friends during the recent illness and death of our dearly beloved mother und wife, Mrs. W. C. Privette. W.^p. Privette and Family. Peach UQPtUR k'??w00fJ Full Pint 95c ' ARTIFICIALLY COLORED Prepared by Green bros. Inc. CinH. Q STEVENSON THEATRE Henderson, N. C. Sunday Only Dec. 15, 1940 Mat. 10c & 44c (Inc. Tax ? Night (All Seats) 55c ( Ipc. Tax ) On the Stage "Stars and Stripes Revue" On the Screen "SO YOU WON T TALK" with JOE. E. BROWN Cash Income from American farm marketings and government payments in October totaled $1, 126,000,000 as compared with $908,000,000 in September and $1,042,000,000 in October of last | year. Marcellus ? I dreamed last' night that I passed away. Cambo ? And the heat wok? ! you up? A city visitor to the country, after having collected aa many things to carry back to town as he could carry. Inquired of a farmer standing near the road: "Shall I take this road back to town?" The farmer carelessly replied: "You might as well, for you have taken most everything else! " To relieve PAT i\n Misery of lULlJ J ljiquia Tablets Halve No?e Drops Cough Dioftei Try "Rub-My-Tl?m"-? Wonderful Uniment snnTR, KecoMteMdo A WARM HOUSE For More Enjoyable CHRISTMAS DO AWAY WITH SOOT AND ASHES; FIRE MAKING; FUEL GATHERING; IRREGULAR HEAT; boLD FLOORS. INSTALL A SAFE, ECONOMICAL nilO-THFRM HEATER TODAY ! DUO-THERM'S Power-Air Unit Saves up to 25% ?n Fuel! fA?k (t *msi DUO-THERM FUEL OIL HEATER with POWER-AIR sets amazing record ? gives same forced heat as modern furnace) ? ? ? The new Power-Air blower ? found only on Duo-Therm ? drives heat to the floors and to far corners ? you can heat the whole house faster and better! Duo-Therm heaters have the world's most efficient burner . . . special Waste Stopper . . . radiant door to release floods of direct heat . . . handy dial control. See the 12 beautiful models today- for heatinf to 6 rooms. Duo-therm is outsell ing all other fuel oil heaters in America! This amazing heater gives 3 times better heat distribution ? from floor to ceiling! The Power -Air blower ? ex clusive with Duo-Therm ? gives same positive heating as modern furnaces . . . saves up to 25% on fuel, over a heater without Power-Air. Moat efficient burner made . . radiant door for dircct heat . . . handy dial control. See the many beautiful mod els?for heating I to 6 rooms! Let us have an experience*! heating representative call on you and discuss your heating prob lems. All nixes in stock at pres ent and we can make prompt delivery. l>on't confuse DUO-THERM with the average oil heater. There is a difference, enough difference to pa> you to investi gate. ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY CO. R. Lee Johnson, Mgr. Louisburg, N. C. Only 10 Shopping Days Until Xmas ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD BURNING HEATER h Pjttnlttf. Tine Tfsttd" *ni Tfit 4 1979 1940 We will sell many ASHLEY HEATERti before then. If you have not already bought one it will be a mighty good idea to buy one now ? or start paying on one to put up then. It will be the best CHRISTMAS PRESENT you can give to the whole family. Come By and See Our Line of Poultry Equipment. We have plenty feeds of all kinds and baby chicks. Also plenty good Wheat, Oats, Barley, and Rye. FLOUR and HEAVY GROCERIES. We have one of the best Electric Fencers on the market, and it sells for only $18.00. Why not run just one strand of wire around that corn or bean field and let your stock gather some good feed that is going to waste. This Fencer is a combination battery or electric set and is guaranteed and fool-proof. Come by and see it. We would like for you to try it. < FRANKLIN FARMERS EXCHANGE Phone 366-1 , Louisburg, N.C