THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday US Court Street Telephone 283-1 A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manuger gUBSdUPTION RATES One Tear ...91.00 Bight Months . . .'. 1.00 Six Months 78 Foar Months SO Forelga Advertising Btpraenutln AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION New York City Entered it the Poetofflce at Loulnbarjc, N. C. a* second Tin? mall matter. ! '? ' . V 1 1 WHAT'S THE USB ? "North Carolina needs a Mar ? ahal Foch to tell motorists that " 'they shall not pass,' " Ronald Hocutt, director of the Highway Safety Division, declared this week In commenting on t?he fact that several people were killed in the state last month as a result of improper passing on the high ways. Hocutb said close to 30 persons have been killed in North Caro-i lina this year as a result of pass- j ing or attempting to pass on cur ves, on the crest of hills, at inter-! ?actions and at other places where j common sense should have told them it was dangerous to pass. "Knowing where to pass is ini-| portent, but it is just as important if not more so to know when to( pass and how to pass," Hocutt' said. "When you have overtaken! another car and wish to pass it be sure there is suflicient' space ahead. Give a left turn signal to, notify the driver behind you that you are changing lanes. Thenj sound your horn so that the drlv-! er in from* will know that you intend to pass. Look to the rear to see If any car is passing you. Always pass the other car ou the left. A good way to judge whenj you are safely past a car is when you see t'he left headlight in your' mirror. Then you can return tot the right hand side of the road."i Good advice. But after all; this what's the use? MOTHEK SH1PTO.VS PROPHKCY Following is a clipping from the Sampson Independent, of Clinton,; concerning uhe prophecy of Moth-1 ?r Shipton. who was born in Nor folk, England, and died in 1449. 48 years before Columbus discov-; ered America. A Carriage without horses shall go; Disasters All the world with woe; In London. Primrose Hill shall be. Its center hold, a bishop see. Around the world men's thoughts shall fly Quicker Mian the twinkle of an eye. And waters shall greut wonders do ? | How strange, and yet it shall i come true. Then upside down the world shall i be, And gold found at the root of tree; Through lowering hill proud men, shall ride. Nor horse nor ass move by his side. Beneath the waters men shall! walk; ttfeall ride, shall sleep and event " talk. And in the air men shall be seen, j In white, in black, as well as< green. And great men shall come and go, For prophecy declares it so. In water, iron then shall float As easy as a wooden boat*. Gold shall be found in streams or stone In lands that are yet unknown. Waters and fire shall wonders do, And England (ball admit the Jew. The Jew that once was held in | scorn Shall of a Christian I'hen be born. A house of glass shall come to pass In England? but alas! alas! A war will follow with the work Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk. The states wilt lock in tierce] strife. And seek to take each other's life | When the North shall divide the, South, The eagle build In Lion's mouth, ' Then tax and flood and cruel war Shall come to every humble door. I Three times shull sunny, lovely France, Be led to a bloody dance; Before the people shall be free The tyrant rulers shall she see Three rulers In succession be> ? Each sprung from different dy-j nasty. Then when the fiercest light is done, England and France shall be as one. The British olivet next shall twine In marriage with the German trine. Men walk beneath and over streams, I Fulfilled shall ,bo our strangest! dreams. All England's sons shall plow the , lands, Shall oft' b* wvn with book In:, hand. ' I, I The poor shall now most wisdom know, 1 And waters wind where corn did grow. Great houses stand in far-flung ?ale I All coverecf o'er with snow and; hail. I And now a word in uncouth rhyme! Of what shall be in future time ? , For in those wondrous, far off day?. The women shall adopt a craze To dress like men and trousers: wear And cut) oft their lovely curls of j hair. They'll ride astern with brazen > brow. As witches ou a broomstick now ; j Then love shall dleajid marriage! cease, The wives shall fondle cats and , dogs And men live much the sameas' hogs. lu nineteen hundred and twenty- j six . ^ I Build houses with * straw and | sticks. For then shall mighty war be planned And fire and sword sweep the land. But those who live the century through In fear and trembling this will do: (W Flee to the mountains and the dens ? To bog and forest and wild fens, For storms shall rage and oceans roar. When Gabriel stands on sea and shore, And as he blows his wondrous horn Old world shall die and new be born. ? Mt. Olive Tribune. [ Timely Farm Questions Answered at State College yt'KHTION : In a purr-bred sow! necessary in swine production? ' ANSWER: If the production ol j slaughter hogs i? the sole aim ofj the breeder. Ellis Vestal, Exten sion swiue specialist of State Col-! lege, says the females selected do not have to be pure-brcds. Even in t-his case, though, be says it1 will usually be advisable to select a few pure-breds. Offsprings from, these can be used to replace the HAZEL ROBERSON Florist I Invites You to See the display of Christmas Wreaths Potted Plants Novelty Dish Gardens and other Oift Suggestions. WREATHS, correctly styled to please the most exacting taste $1.25 up. POTTED PLANTS, 50 Cents up Fresh Cut Flowers , i Don 't buy until you see our display and our prices, 'ji SroB 25c t 7 for 25c 6 for 25c SEABOARD STORE CO. Incorporated lAHJISBl'RU. S. C. I less profitable sows in the herd. The boar should be a purebred registered animal. The sow gjpuld come from a line of breeding that produces large litters. Pure-breds for foundation sows have the ad vantage of a known registry. QUESTION: What varitles of cotton are recoiimiendedjor North Carolina? ANSWER: The State College Extension Service, in Circular No. 234, recommends the following varieties of cotton: For the Up per Coastal Plain area, Coker 100, Mexican and Farm Relief; for the heavier soils of the Lower Coastal Plain. Coker 100 and Car olina Foster; for the Piedmont area. Coker 100. Mexican, and Farm Relief. Good wilt resistant' varieties are Dixie Triumph. Clevewilt, and Humco Dixie. FOB FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE 383-1 | one ij arm AficipE, qou ca/n uAtlxuMt^J. A I . -r^ rt l7 i*v^ tfcz. cuvutum]( call&zJi |trt. Ha |u|u/tMU| auf ^ptciaf ^aaAuiliZa Strt dpEanjl iljp?4 l>a)k^ polDiU Sond for MEE ro cipo book Addrott. ftv? ford Boiling fowdtr ? Box F Kumford. ft. ? Professional Column DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Louisburg, M. O. Phones: Office 287-1 Hume 1387-2 Hours? 10 to 12; 2to 4; 7 to 0 Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and DiMtMi of Women, X-Hay and Fluoroscopic Exami nation, Diathermy and Ultra-Vlo let light treatment. DR. ARCH H. PERRY General Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service Drag Co. D. T. SMITHW1CK Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Office over Hose's Store DR. M. C. KINO Franklin ton, .N. C. Residence Phone 240-1 Office Hours: 0 to 11 A. M. ? 2 to 3 P. M. ? to 8 P. >1. EDWARD Ff GRIFFIN Attorney at Law Louisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Bnilding, Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice in all Courts G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney ulsburg, X. C. Office in First, -Cit Izeus Hunk Building Practice Stnte and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborougli Yarborough & Yarborough Atorneys & Counsellors at I -aw Office in Iigertou Building Over Tonkel's Store Louisburg, N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Kalelgh E. H. Malone .1. E. Malone) MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Louisburg, X. C. General practice, settlement of ! estates, funds invested. One member of the lirm always in office. A. R. STRANGE Heglstere# Surveyor Route 4, Louisburg, N. C. Prompt and Efficient Service RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! I I SAVE AT TAYLOR'S TOYS - All Kinds ] USEFUL GIFTS TRICYCLES . $1.39 WAGONS .... $1.00 BICYCLES . $24.95 DOLL $1.29 CARRIAGES . * "LAY-AWAY Pl^AN" Try Our A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT ON ANY GIFT ? WE WILL HOLD SAME UNTIL XMAS. FOOT BALLS 89c up AIR RIFLES . $1.25 POCKET Knives 25c 22 RIFLES $5.00 BASE BALLS . 25c II - 1 ? 3 Pc LIVING $-m5? ROOM SUITES . . 07 3 Pc. BED $OC.OO ROOM SUITES . . WW KITCHEN CABINETS 32 Piece DINNER SETS $2.85 ELECTRIC IRONS $1.89 PYREX CASSEROLE . HUNTING COATS $3.95 t SHOT GUNS $7.95 i FISHING ROD & REEL . . . $2.75 ; Enamel Roaster . $1.33 Knives & Forks . $1.25 Electric Toaster . $1.98 Electric Hot Plate . 89c g33SE% GIVE FURNITURE Gifts Everlasting 9 x 12 Linolieum Rugs . . $3.75 Fitted Cases GLADSTONE BAGS. $6.50 i ALADDIN LAMPS.. $4.95 1 ELECTRIC LAMPS. $1.00 COOKING RANGES $22.95 Hfi TAVTAH HARDWARE ? V* lAl livil & FURNITURE THE STORE WITH A \ THOUSAND GIFTS Do Your Xmas Shopping here where you'll find a large stock of excellent i GIFTS at real savings ? \ SHIRTS Arrow Shirts $2.00 Archdale $1.50 Bonaire $1.00 a White; fancies and solids % ] Til? 6 Silk or llEia- Woolen 25c - 48c and $1.00 GLOVES Pigskin, kid, suede and woolen, 48c and $1.98 MUFFLERS Silk or woolen, 59c and 97c KEY CHAINS Tarnish Proof in gold or silver, $1.00 ROBES A perfect Gift ~ Silk, Rayon or Wool ? \ $1.98 to $4.98 IV A C V m Interwoven ^ "? Socks in cotton or part wool, 35 & 50c Other Socks. . . 10c - 15c - 25c JACKETS Suede, horse hide, Zelan cloth and cape skin, $2.98 to $7.95 HANDKERCHIEFS -- Pure Irish linen - box ed - with or without Initial - 25c SLIPPERS A useful gift that will be appreciated - $1.98 Get your Gifts at Leggett's and have them Be Sure to Visit Our i, Toy and Novelty Department \ , ? , < _ pfc. ? -- " * wrapped in Gift Boxes free of charge ? LEGGETT'S "Leggett's Leads in Louisburg"