Professional Column DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Louisburg, N. C. Phones : Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hoars? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 9 Special attention to office work, Otwtetric* and Diseases of Women, X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Exami nation, Diathermy and Ultra-Vio let light treatment. DR. ARCH H. PERRY (ieneral Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist liOuisburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store DR. M. C. KING Prankllnton, N. C. Residence Phone 249-1 Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. ? 2 to 3 P. M. 0 to 8 P. M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law LouLsburg. North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book Store Oeneral Practice in all Courts G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Loulsburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building next to TheiFranklin Times Practice 'in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney LouiNbarg, N. C. Office in First-Citizens Bank Building Practice State and Federal (Jourt* W. H. YurborouKh Hill VarburnuKh Yar borough & Yarborougb Atorneys & Counsellors at Imw (IITliv iu ICgerlon Building Over Tonkel'n Store IxMiisburK. N. C. I'rattice in Franklin and adjoin ing cuuiiUcs, and in tlie United States Courts at itnleigli K. H. Maloue J. K. Malnne MALONE & MALONE liawyers Louishurg, N. C. practice, settlement of estates, funds invested. (>nr member of the tirin always in office. A. R. STRANGE Registered Surveyor Konte 4, Louisbur^, N. C. Prompt aud Efficient Service OLD CLOTHES CAN BK MADE TO IXM?K LIKE NEW ! (Jet oat your old clothe* and. though tliey may look hopelesa, send them to an. We'll rlran them and renew them and return them to you looking like new clothes. NOTE ? We have added ?i SHOE SHOP to our business BKNNEB MANN. K Xpert Shoe Bepairer. (.Ml Or Phone 446-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP | F. C. Hlght 8. Nub St. Louiabnrg, N. O. TURN COUPONS INTO DOLLARS ! Thousands of homes, rich und | poor, in every section of the country, save coupons from soap and other grocery commodities. These coupons are used to obtain premiums ? household articles, useful gifts, and u great varie'jy of things for young and old. Now a new use hus beeu fouud for these coupons. They can be converted into cash for the bene fit ol' religious, fraternal und charitable institutions f Many churches, dA aj/u other 1 groups are taking advantage of this opportunity to add? f* cash income. Substantial sums of mon ey can be obtained for the cou jpons pile up quickly since they jcome with such popular every-day | brands as Octagon Soap Products, Health Club Baking Powder. Hal liards Obelish Flour, and other ijirticles. j>The regular rate allowed for It'hese coupons is $4.00 for each 1 1,000 and an extra inducement for the balance of this year is now being offered in the form of a bo nus certificate worth 260 coupons. Thlafccertificate can be used as a "neat Vss" to start a coupon col lection and will be sent to any ichurch upon request. ! The certificate is redeemable iu cash, if a minimum of 2,000 cou pons is gathered by December 31. Any organized group, wishing to have full details of this simple, effective money-raising plau, is invited to write to Premium De partment, Church Plan Division, Jersey City, N. J. MRS. HICKS HOSTESS AT CHRISTMAS PARTY Franklinton. Mrs. Donald C. Hicks was hostess to her contract club Thursday afternoon at a (Christmas party. A turkey plate i with accessories was served with hot coffee and Inter stuffed dates jwere passed. High score club prize was pre sented Miss Frances Winston, while guest prize was awarded | Mi's. Wllmore M. Jenkins. Mrs. | Hicks' guests included Mrs. W. H. M. Jenkins. Mrs. W. L. Stone, Mrs. W H. Green. Mrs. C. S. Wil iliam.s. Mrs. Beulah Dale. Mrs. H. jC. Kearney. Mrs. George I.. Cooke. I Mrs. George Gilliam. Mrs. Margar Jel Hay Lumpkin. Mrs. C. L. Mc jGhee. Mrs. L. VV. Henderson. Mrs. 1.1. O. Green, Mrs. A. B. Wester. Jr.,- Mrs. A. H. Vann, and Mrs. I'lummer Jones, of Wake Forest. The American Legion Auxiliary ilield the December meeting Mod-: ?day evening at the home of Mrs. 10. W. McGhee, with Mrs. McGhee, Mrs. A. K. Henderson. Mrs. G. B. j Harris and Miss Minnie Harris as Joint hostesses. Mrs. J. A. Cox | presided. Mrs. A. B. Wester. Jr., i was program chairman. Mrs. G. B. Harris read all art-icle. Mrs. Veasey held a contest. Mrs. J. O. Green won the prize. The hostesses served sandwich es. cookies and hot tea. The Junior and Senior classes !?f the Frankllnton High School presented their annual play Fri day evening in the high school 'auditorium. The play was direct ed by Miss Mary Lee Scales of the high school faculty. The Juniors and Seniors taking part were Misses Mary E. Pearce. Frances Green. Elizabeth Pearce. Eliza beth Joyner Wester. Gloria Brown; James Stallings. William Avery Cox. Kichard Sawyer, Jim Sidney Joyner. Tarbert Perry and Hugh Cash. GREYHOI NltS CATCH Tt'RKKYS f Greyhound bus line employees throughout the country ure whet ting their appetites in preparation for feasting on 10,000 plump Christmas turkeys this year. Ac cording to reports from Mie offices of various Greyhound Lines, each Greyhound employee will be pre sented with a turkey as a Christ- 1 mas present from the manage- | ment of the company. These YuleMde birds, which ' have been purchased from various I packing houses throughout the < country, will be delivered to em ployees on December 23rd. < With grateful acknowledgment of your courtesies and the evidences of your Good Will that have made service a pleasure to us, we wish ^ ou A CHRISTMAS OF GREAT JOY. BROWN J> ? FURNITURE HOUSE V /^ \ ? Open until 9 o'clock evenings until Christmas. J. L. Brown Prop. Toungsville, N. 0. f-x A 2* I' FRI6tDAIKt ? ? I eitctric 8AN68 I ?with all these important featuresl Sj; a Cooking Top Lamp ? Automatic Time Signal ? Thermizer Well-Cooker ??? ? Automatic Oven Heat Control m ? Sliding adjustable shelves ? All Porcelain Finish ? Speed Heat cooking units with 5 speeds ? Big Twin Unit Oven ? High Speed Broiler 85 m m m, g: ? m ? and dozens of other quality features never before offered for so little money. cMeA&i New- Kindt of (loom cMeateA. ? ? RADIANT-CIRCULATOR! Alll w # AA AT At an unusually low cost, ONLY Jj/*W fh*8 new Coleman Oil Heater gives you pene trating, quick-warming. radiant heat, plus health ful, warm-air circulation. Provides a perfect two way heating serviccfc^or homes ? har cf-to-hcat rooms, offices, cabins, service stations. Distinctive grilled cabinet ? fine looking ? at tractive finish. Easy heat regulation, automatic fuel control. Come in and sec for yourself the big value you get in this heater. Coleman & ft e, m m m YOO C/W S*V? A9O0?Y /f yoo ev* yoox 4 #_ WHILE PRICES ARE GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY THAN EVER before MODEL SVS 6 only $114.75 Easy Terms n <9 g -> Look at all the Features and Advantages j yon get at this amazingly low price J ? Meter-Miser Mechanism, never needs oiling ? Large Frozen Storage Com partmrtit ? 4 Big Ice Trays with Auto matic Tray Release ? Fast-Action Super-Freezer ? Exclusive F-l 14 Refrigerant ? One-Piece. AH Steel Cabinet ? Automatic Interior Light ? Automatic Reset Defroster ? Unimatic Cold Control ? 5-Year Protection Plan ? Starless Porcelain in Food Compartment ? Satin-Smooth Dulux Ex terior . . . and many other Frigidaire features m C OMC IN, lot ut prove to you why if poyi to buy a Frigidaira right now! w w .j^> *%* &uut My<^-Miia frsHcp CMip&kl,X& i/fy, tifcte* *cc&iny i* &U&. Juru44$jf Hrte W0i&tJf & & w 2? ?& :& :S ?? & ?A SEE THE NEW , 1941 3 SPIRALATOR g P WASHERS I AMAZING BUY!, Get your EASY now while price* & are low. Here's an EASY packed *3^ full of value selling for $10 to $20 less than last year's models 4Sr of similar design. Spiralator action produces efficient roll over wash ing of 50% to 100% more clothes 45* per tub full. Saves time. Saves wear on clothes. Sfreamiined ^ wringer safe, efficient. Adjustable Qf pressure ? for everything from work clothes to woolens. Safety -n* release bar protects busy fingers. Automatic Feed Board. Sediment ? Trap to sift dirt out of water. Countless other features to save Hi time and energy. Don't wait. ^ fcitivkf | I the BIGGEST BUY % I N W A S H t R 5 : '? 1 2* AGREE THIS IS FINEST PRICE ?? ? YOUR MONEY BACK W W & & w ?%> w 4$ & w w & & w w w w & CAN GIVE YOU i ALL THESE ! ; _ J * tf-ecUusieA '? AT THIS LOW PRICE! NOW ONLY $79.95 MODEL ?S543Z ? 14-inch Concert Grand Spoakor ? 8 tubes, including roctifior ? 64 Position Radiorgan Ton* ? Rotor Wavemagnot ? Electric- Automatic Tuning | GUPTON'S SERVICE CENTER | ! LOUISBURG, N. C. ' "Term* To Suit Your Budget" ?