/ .V v Hi HO RUBBER STAMP CONGRESS It doesii 't look as if this is going to be a rubber stamp Congress, despite the President's precedent-breaking re electiou. The final election returns were hardly in be fore Congress refused to adjourn ? in the face of White House pressure ? and passed the Walter-Logan Act, which is something the White House definitely did not want. Significant point is that both these decisions were and could have been achieved only through a Republican coalition with a substantial number of Democrats. It is true beyond question that many Democratic congress men are bothered by what they regard as a predisposi "f tion toward one man rule on the part of the President. The President himself has thrown no bombshells since y the election, and in his statements and press conferences lias taken a moderate stand. QUO THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday US Court Street Telephone awa-l A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES Om Tear flJO Six Months 70 Bight Months 1.00 Four Month* 00 Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION New fork City Entered at the Postofflee at Lonlshurg, N. C. as second class mall matter. i WHAT IS CAPITALISM? The head of one of Americans largest banks recently had thisjfcf say concerning capitalism: "Business must j have capital. What is capital* Savings. Whose sav ings? The people's, yours, your friends, your neigh bors. "Everyone who saves something from his earnings and puts that money to work, or has it put to work for him, is a capitalist. "That is the American way, the way in which Aiueri- 1 ca has been built. Capitalism is democracy ? at work."i That's simple, and it's sound. Capitalism is a term too often used to mislead the uninformed and create po litical discord. The truth is that capital is the collec tive invested savings of millions of people ? the man with a hundred dollars, the woman with live hundred. That's what the capital in the nation's banks consists ! of. The average bank deposit is small. But put mil- ; lions of those accounts together and you get real money j ? the money that goes to build homes, to start business- ! ee, to expand industries, to make jobs, and to do the j thousand aud one things necessary to keep American industry expanding and employing labor. The nation's bankers are simply the custodians of this i capital. They don't own it. They are hired managers, | responsible to their depositors and controlled by the j strictest kind of laws. It's their job to put it to work where it is safe ? and where it will* be employed in build- j ing up the wealth and the resources and the economic j and social values of America. The great majority of American families are capitalists. There future secur- , ity depends on invested savings in industries, in life in- j surance, in land, etc. Any political trend which weak ens our private enterprise system, strikes at individual ' savings ? capital. 1 ? ooo ? ? THEY WOULD READ YOUR AD TOO, IF IT APPEARED HERE NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior 1 Court of Franklin County, North 'Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 1429, en j titled "County of Franklin v. Dr. j J. O. Newell and wife, Mrs. Jennie j D. Newell, et al,", which said judgment is duly docketed In Tax {judgment 3 at page 135, In the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for uash at t-he courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 23 JANUARY, 1941 the following-described lands in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: FIRST TRACT: Containing four hundred twenty-two acres, known as the Newell Place, boun ded on the north by t>he lauds of W. B. and J. A. Coppedge, on the east by the lands of J. W. Gard ner and F. O. Boone, on the south by the Coppedge Mill, and on the west by J. A. Dean and J. O. Newell. SECOND TRACT: Containing seventy-one acres, aud known as the Long land, bounded on the north by the lands of J. O. May, on the east by the lands of W. B. Coppedge. on the south by the lands of J. O. Newell, and on the west> by the lands of G. B. H. Mai lings. For further reference as to des cription of said lands, see tax note in Book 307 at page 327, Frank lin County Registry, and also Book 271 at page 552, said Reg istry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit* with the Com missioner a sum equal to -live per centuin (5%) of the amount bid, to secure compliance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 23d day of December, 1940. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 12-27<-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained In that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 17D. en titled "County of Franklin v. C. F. Best and wife. Lucy T. Best, et al.", which said judg-i ment is duly docketed in Taxi Judgment 3 at page 137, In the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, North Caroling, the undersigued Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at t'he courthouse door in the Town of Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THCR8DAY, ifii JANUARY, l?4I the following-described land in Frankllnton Township, Franklin County. North Carolina: Listed in the name of C. F. Best for the year 1931, and more particularly described as follows: That certain tract or parcel of land, known as Mie Cooke Place, containing Ave hundred twenty (520) acres, more or less, and bouuded in part on the south by Joe's Creek and being originally a part of the lands formerly be longing to Cieorge Winston, and devised by George Winston to his wife, Mrs. Bettle D. Winston Ut ley In Book U at page 349; and devised by Bettle D. Utley to C. F. Best for life, remainder to the children of C. F. Best, in Book W at page 140. For further ref erence. see also Book 307 at page 256. Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit! with the Com missioner a sura equal to Ave per centum (5%) of tbe amount bid, ! to secure compliance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 23d day of December, 1940. JOHN F MATTHEWS, 12-27-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain Judgment of thf Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain I tax foreclosure suit No. 15D, en titled "County bf Franklin v. Mrs. Vernon R. Hales, widow, et. ul ", which said j u d g ment is duly docketed in Tax Judgments 3 at page 138. In the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at t-he courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THUR8DAY, 33 JANUARY, 1941 the following-described land in Dunn Township, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina: Listed as 22V4 acres Thomas and described in Book 290 at page 323 as follows: Bounded on the east by Uie lands of Mrs. J. B. Wilder (Mrs. Minnie R. Wil der); on the south by the lands of Mrs. Ida Bailey; on the west by the Joyi^r land, and on the north by the lands of Willis Tant', and being a one-third undivided interest in the following tract of land containing 62 Vi acres, more or less, and being tract No. 1 in t-he division of the lands known |as the J. J. Thomas land which was divided into small tracts by the Montgomery Lumber Com pany. a map of which division is 'duly recorded in Map Book 1 at pages 124 and 125, Franklin j County Registry, reference to | which is hereby made for a full ! description by me?s and bounds, containing 62% acres, more or less, and being the lands convey ed to H. M. Richardson by deed from Montgomery Lumber Com j pany In Book 244 at page 68, ; Franklin County*' Registry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit- with the Com missioner a sum equal to five per icentunji (5%) ofithe amount bid, to H($;Ure compliance with the ? lerirts of the sale. Dated and posted this the 23d day of December. 1940. JOHN F. MATTHEWS.* * 12-27-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE ^ Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain Judgnlnet of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tux foreclosure suit No. 720. en titled "County of Franklin v. Percy Bibhy and wife, Bettle Bib by, et al.", which said judgment is duty docket in Tax Judgment 3 at page 135, in the office of t<he Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at tihe courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Franklin County. North Carolina, at or about thff hour of twelve o'clock noon, pji THURSDAY, 4ft JANUARY, 1?41 tlfe followiug4rescribed lands in Franklinton Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Being a part of the Simon Jones tract, containing 134 acres and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake and walnut trete, Mibchiner's cor ner; thence S Id W 40 poles to a stake, and pine pointers. Mitchl ner's corner; thence east 26 poles to a stake, Mitchiner's corner; thence N Id E 244 poles 10 links to a pine in Warren Hazlewood's line; thence N 87d W 67 poles 16 links to a stump and jointers, Hazlewood's line; theifci'N 89d W 37 poles 10 Mnks Jo a stake near a large i?lhe; tihence South 193 poles 8 links to a stake, near | a sweet gum in Mitchiner's line; thence S 88d E 78 poles to the | beginning. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Com missioner' a sum equal to Ave percentum (6%) of the amount bid, to secure compliance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this t<he 23d day of December, 1940. JOHN, F. MATTHEWS. 12-27-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Nash County, made in the special pro ceedings entitled "W. B. Cone and Wife and William B. Cone, Jr., 1 GREETINGS In extending our best wishes for you and your A V Merry Christmas ? ? and a vtfi^y Happy and Prosperous New Year We wapt to express our appreciations for the generous patronage you have givin us this past year. Your OLDSMOBILE and PONTIAC Dealers GUPTOPTS SERVICE CENTER Administrator of tlvfe estate of W. | B. Cone, deceased and otihers, vs. I Ola C. Strickland and Others," dated December 20, 1940, the un dersigned commissioner will, on the 4th DAY OF JANUARY, 1941 at or about 1:30, P. M., in front of H. Stalling's Store at Plloti, Dunn Township, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, offer for re sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land subject) to timber deed from I. T. Valentine, Commissioner, to P. E. Daniel: Beginning at a stake and poin ters, corner of No. 1 ; thence nouth 79 poles to a black jack and poin ters, Crudup's now Pace's corner; thence east 100 poles to a white oak; thence N. 79 poles to a stake and pointers, corner of Nos. 1, 3 and 4; thence west 100 poles to the beginning, containing fortiy nlne and three-eights (49 3-8) acres, being lot No. 2 in the divis ion of H. J. Bell land. See deed recorded In Book 217, Page 294, | Frankiln Registry. The same be i ing tract No. 4 as described in the original petition in this cause. This 20th duy of December, 1940. O. B. MOSS. 12-27-2t Commissioner. I NOTICE OF SPECIAL llOND ELECTION in the TOWN OK YOUNGSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA A special election will be held between 7 A. M. and 7 P. M.,| Tuesday, January 28, 1941, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of the Town of Youngsville the following question: 1. Shall an ordinance pass ed December 23, 1940 author izing not exceeding $3,000.00 bonds of the Town of Youngs- j ville for the purpose of com- j pleting the construction of t>he j waterworks system of said ' Town, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? Said question hereinabove set forth contains a statement of the purpose for which the bonds are authorized by the ordinance re ferred to in such question. If said bonds are issued, a tax will be levied for the payment of the principal and interest thereof on all taxable property in the Town of Youngsville. For said election the regular reglstration books for elections in said Town shall be used and such books shall be open for the regis tration of voters not theretofore registered, from 9 A. M. until 6 P. M. on each day, except Sundays and holidays, beginning Saturday, January 4, 1941, and closing Sat urday, January 18, 1941. On each Saturday during said period said rtN.s GRElUi^- 1 books shall renin In open at the polling place. The polling place and the nam es of the election officers, subject to change as provided by law, are as follows: Polling Place; Mayor's Office. Registrar: 0. C. Winston. Judges: 'C. K. Jeffreys. K. J. Young. By order of the linard of <'om-i missioners of the Town of: Youngsvllle. 12-27-lt 8. K. WINSTON. i 1-10-lt Town Clerk. | AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING *3,0M0.<H> WATKK BONDS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of t'he Town of Youngsvllle: Section 1. That the Town of Youngsvllle issue its bonds pur suant to The Municipal Finance Act, 1921, as amended, in an amount not exceeding $3,000.00 for the purpose of completing t'he construction of the water works system of said Town. Section 2. That a tax suffic ient to pay the principal and in terest of said bonds shall be an- 1 nually levied 'and collected. Section 3. That a statement! of the debt of tibe Town has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect when approved by tihe voters of the Town at an election as provided by law. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 23rd day of Decem ber, 1940, and was first published on the 27th day of December, 1940. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordi nance must be commenced within t-hirty days after its first publica tion. S. E. WINSTON, 12-27-2t Town Clerk. As long as a country has its revolutions, it/11 keep on going around in circles. I WIN YOUR RACE! For Business Supremacy By Advertising^ ST& m g: & & m THE SEASON of GOOD CHEER I 2a Finds us again eagerly awaiting the opportunity of expressing a warm and friendly GREETING to our hostB of friends in the community which it is our . privilege to serve. ? i ?> It is our sincere wish that we may con tinue those fine relationships that have t come our way. Sincere good wishes for a Joyful (Thristmas and A HAPPY NEW YEAR ? economy auto supply CO. R. Lee Johnson, Mgr. Louisburg, N. C

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