Prof e 83 io na 1 | Column DR. H O. PERRY Physician and Surgrvn ]0t W. Nash St. IxiuUhuiK* li. C. Fhonv : jf OCtcc 3H7-I Home SI87-2 Hour* ? to to 12; ?? 4; 7to t? Special attention to office work. Obstetrics ami lllvav* of Women. J-R*) and Fluoroscopic K\ami Diathermy and I'ltra-Yio M light irartmnil. DR ARCH H. PERRY (^aml Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service l>ruj; Co. D. T. SM1THWICK Dentist l.ouisburg, S. C. Office over Roh>'h Store DR M. C. KINO Kramklinton, N. ('. Residence Phone 319-1 Office Hoars: 0 u> 11 A.M. ? 2 to 3 P.M.! ? to 8 P. M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law loaisburg. North Carolina Office Ford Building. Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice in all Court.' ? 0. M. BEAM Attorney at Law lx>uisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building nest to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney ? .oaisburg, N. C. Office in First -Citizens linuk Baildlui; Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborougb Hill Y'arborougb Yar borough & Yar borough Atorneys Jt Counsellors at Uw Office In Fgerton Building Over Tonkel's Store tauisburg. N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in tbe I'nited States Courts at Raleigh K. H. Malone .1. K. Malone MALONE & MALONE Lawyers l/ooisburg, N. C. General practice, settlement of estates, funds invested. | One member of tbe Umi always in office. A. R. STRANGE Registered Surveyor Route 4, Louisburg, N. C. Prompt and Efficient Service OLD CLOTHES CAN BK MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! Get oat your old rlotbes and, though they may look hoprlmi, km) them to us. We'll clean them and renew them and return them to yon looking like new , clothe*. NOTE ? We have added 8 SHOE SHOP to oar business HKNNIK MANN, Ripert Shoe Itepairer. Onll Ca Phone 44A-1 SERVICE DBT CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP P. C. Might B. Naah Ht. I-aulabur*. V p.! CLEANING & PRESSING RKIjIABI/K SKKVKK When joor clothe* are In ?vlaadfi you may be Mire I tb*t they will have the b??t of care. Try a* today ! Call 4361 For Pick-Up Service Louisburg Dry Cleaners THE POCKETBOOK i of KNOWLEDGE ^ r-u -fi and v 14* r ? - ,.*.*% tf?iA ??*> <tXA?tty ,+? jKrxr ^rTm ? - *V?-<V * ST ..\.V v. v *Nr T? CtfAM ?* *JEM *>P **> BE nUM VTJ <: \l T%r :*.*?< >, .%? c?r yz7?*? \ vf <*/T. _NCTT ..V?\ *4$ ~*7^> r PREFACED! .-al Xi ~ ifCEs" sEa. MSTSTMCNTS A.ufH:OMfc COMPANY FVHES "*? ??**????? " W?Of?AM A9Lf "C MMS CA* *cet STEEL '-*** 3?V ~AF F?t **c 'C WACf M 4 <" HCwf A *?& According to reports < ompiieti by the National Livestock .\Ur keiins; Association, there will be smaller numbers of hogs on farms in the I'nited Stutes in t?41 taaa in the year Just closing. A Texas farmer is converting watermelon juice into a syrup by pressing the juice from the meat and boiling it down. ;?>n -aliens of juiee imtkine one sallon >>f deep red syrup Jurors are sworn to devide in favor of the side producing -:<ie most convincing liars uHe Advertised" nntatial FARM LOANS 4 Low InUiwt / Loo? Tarn / Fob Apprtbtl 4 Prompt Sorrlo* W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBUKG, IV. C. HIM i TAYLOR j CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES : Pick the figure yon want to pay and we promise the BEST your money can buy. YOU CAN TBUST IMPLICITLY IN THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOU ! Osmond Hale Loutabarg, I. C. Kj ir ; c* would be sort popula with soar people if they didn c take up so mch room in mine*; pie* ROOM> FOB REM Two large and two small steam heu'.ed tarsi-bed ro*m?. w?il lo cated. Cail or ?ee Mrs H. G. Perry. Louisburg X C i-IJ-*f FOR SALE i One Kish?r uprlgh*- putno in coed vendition for sale creap Call or write Mr* H G Perry. Louisburg. X C. *-13-tf H\l> Pt?>TEP All persons arv hereby forbid den to bant with dog or iun ast. or otherwise trespass on any iand belonging to me or in my posses sion in Franklin .tad Warren Counties. 12-2'>-4t . A s Bl'GG \I?IIM>T RA TOR'S NOTICE Having quaitied as Administra tor of :he estate of Martha T. Horton. deceased late of Frank lin Coun'y Xorth Carolina. ' this is to notify all person* having claims against the es%i:e of said decased to exhibit them to the undersitned on or before the 20th day of December 1941. or this notice will be pleaded iu ha; of their recovery All persons in debted to said .-state" will pleas* make immediate payment This l^th dav of Decmber. 1940 W H HORTON JR 12^20-<i Adm'r. NOTICE OK SALE I'nder and by virtue of the po wer and authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by J W Hunt and Maggie Hunt, his wife which is recorded in the of fice of the Register if Deeds of Franklin County. Xorth Carolina, in book 370. at page 132. default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said Deed of Trust, at the request of the hol der of the notes, the undersigned Trustee will. a& 12 o'clock. Noon tat the Courthouse door in Louis burg. Xorth Carolina. ofTer for sale at pahlic auction on TVESDAY. JANl'ARY 14. 1041 the following described real es tate All that' certain tract or parcel of land situated in franklintou Township. Franklin County, Xorth Carolina, adjoining the lands of J A Terrell. Geo T. Whitaker. J. O. Beasley and the . Cannady place containing 80 ' acres more or less and being that' tract of land upon which John iDunstan resided for many years and the same tract of land convey ed by John Donnslan 'o J W. Hunt and recorded in tile office of ?4ie Register of De?-ds of Frank lin County, in Book 347. at page 196. said deed being dated the 3rd day of Xobember. 1937. and subject to the terms thereof t.Thls the 11th day of Decem ber 194<"> T P GHOLSOX. 12-13-4:- Trustee NOTICE Xo 1392 ' Xofth Carolina In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Beforw? Mr^ctkrk COVXTY OF FRANKLIX \ Sallie Sills, widow. et\^l_ ) The defendants Mattie wnls Hodge, widow. Minnie Sill*, un married. John Harding Sills, un married. Blanche Sills, unmarried, [minor, and Luta Sills Arrington and husband. James Arrington. will take notice that an action as above entitled has been instituted in Franklin County, North Caro lina for Jhe purpoee of foreclosing tax liens of l/he said plaintiff agaittst twenty acre* of land in Cedar Rock Township. Franklin Coanty. North Carolina; and the said Mattie Sills Hodge, widow. Minis Bills, anmarried. Joha Harding SUls anmarried. Blanc ha 5il!i ?:rarr;?i ~ia or. and LaU Sills Arrtngtoa and husband. Janes Arriiig^ : will farther ?ike aotice ti?" "iey ire required aptear jefore .> Clr-i of the SafK.-ior Oo?rt : ?runk!ia Coca it Care l jc or before ; 3 J j. ail -7 j ia-?cr or dem*r to the -a.- J .xnpiain:: otherwise. the r wilt apply for the relief dc acie.1 ;c :ts sud complain? Pat-nl this th- ; >tfc d*y >( De :e=b*- 1*4*. w v. a\ -:vr 0 s c !5-13-4t of vr-ank!in County TRI STKE-S S\LF OK LAND IVfauil baviti beecmade ta the paymeat of '.ie iadeb:edne?s ? cared :a a dee<: { Tar execut ed by Olive C C .pton and ass iand. T R. Guptc ; dated May 12. liii. recorded in Bock 543 Page IT. Frankiin Co.-rv Registry. I will sell it pat : auction. for at tile cc : iouve doer in Louisbarg N. C ;? twelve o'clock boos, on SATVKDAY. JAMAKY II. 1IMU .the following la- i That certain tract- or parcel of land situate in Oc'.d Mine Town ship containing 4: acres, and be ing known as tir Olive Cheaves Guptoa Homep!a - and being folly de$crib?d metes and bound? ia a cert- deed from W L, Lumpkin and wife to Olive Cheaves Gupaon dated July 3(>. li-54 ecorded iz Book J20 Page 1JS Franklin C -nty Registry, reference to w h.i .< hereby spe cifically made fc a more com plete description The above lan '. sold subject to prior liens of . -;v:ord This 11th da; of December. IS 40. J 1.1MPKIN 15-13-41 Trustee. ADMIX ISTR.% TOR'S NOTICE Hav :r. ; ;uaiifitd as Admmtstra " " ?>:' ?.'?.? estste .? v.; Griffin dr- ?rased late of r"!i.: Cou: - ty. North Caroir- . . < ;* r > .; > fy ail p-rsons ".a - .: i against tie e<ta '? said deceas ed to - xhibtt th- - t> 'h- under visaed on or bef-. t.,e ruth day of November. Is 41 o- ;ius notice will be pleaded . ur of their re overy. All p? r. * indebted ?? said estate will p'.eu?e-:aa*e im m-diat. payment Thi> _>ih day of .November. 191 ? R. S GKIFFIS. Adm'r VOIH'E OK SALE I'ud'r and by v :rtue ofcthe au? thoricy of sale c . isied :n th. ' ee.tiiu jcdsmec: f the Superio Court ; Franklta c ruaty North Carolii .. entered i" that certain tax forevtosure sir.- No. 1>> D eu tled "County of r.anklia t. U It Williams. surviving husband of Sadie J, Williams, et al which fc.i?l judgment is duly dock-' ?'-d it- Tax JudgtretH 3 at US. in th? offce of the Cler the Sup-, .or Ourt of Franklitt County. Nor'h Carolina the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the hishest bidde. for cash at ? ...e courthouse ?loo: in the Town <t Louisburg Frankhu Cotintjr. Xont I Carolina. at or about the bout of twelve o'clock noon, on THCRSIt.U - J.IX AKV 1?41 the follow ist -described laud ui Cypress Creek Township. Frank lin County North Carolina I?ot N in thr division ot the lands if K N. Wilder, allot ted to Mrs Sadie J Williams, and described Book of Orders and Decrees 1 ? at pages 42 7*. and shown on map in Orders and Decrees 9 at page 203. to ?hicr. reference is hereby madiyjur a further a: d more ade-juat-- de? rriptioa. The successful bidder at ? 'h* above sale will be required lo de posit a ?ur.i e\|Ua! to live per centum <5r?> of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance Dated jud posted this "he 2nd day of December. 194v. JOHN F. MATTHEWS 1 2-2-41 Commissioner. AIWJXISTRA TOR'S NOTItK Having iualified as Administra tor. c.ta.. of the estate of Am ma Garner Mitchell, dceased. late of Franklin County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13t4i day o{ December. 1S41. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Alt persons in debted to said estate will please make imr. ?diate payment This 12lb dav of December. 194" C K. MITCHELL 12-1 ;-<t Adn .1 Tltl'STEE'S SAI.K Ol I.AN I' Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured its a de?d of trust execut ed by M. it Sykes and wife, lolia Bell sykes dated March 13. lit>. recorded in Book 338 Page 28T. Franklin County Registcy, 1 will sell at public auction for cash, at the Courthouse Door in Loute burg. N. C at twelve o'clock noon, on MONDAY. JA.M4KV 0. 1041. the following land: BEGINNING at a hickory stump, corner of M. K. Sykes and S. S. Sykes land; Mience along M R Sykes line. North l-4d W. 16? poles to a rock corner of the E. W. Green's land: thence along E W Green's line. 9. 99 S-4d E. "3 poles to a stake. ? corner of the J. M Lamm land: thence along the lines of J. M Lamm, Sidney Alford and A. E. Spirey. 9 Sd W. 1(8 pole* to an old pine, a corner of A. K Spivey ? tract;' thence along 8. 8. Bykee line. N. ' ?7d W. 74 pole* ? links to Hick ory stump to point ot beginning, containing 71 J -3 acres, and be ing tke M??tli?l tract of taad conveyed by d*ds :? M R Sykee by S. S Sykes *cd ?iii, winch deeds at* duly -evorded in tie ijJtir* o ( the R-gister of [Weds for Fraaklia Coaaty in Boo i i '~ Page 272. and la Boo*. 2?* "age 4 > tWcraiw to both M * fcici is h?r*by speeilcV'y made It: a TO vOaiFlfK* 13d pe-;eot des criptioa The lb*. \ e land U *o'.4 s.bje*.' to priv ien* j ( r?o:il This "it d-iy ot rVceitib^1 1 ???> J P Ll'MPKlN 12-13-4t T:u?'? TRVSIKK'S sALK ot LWO CVfault having be*m made it :he payment of the indebtedness Mt'irtd .a a d-^fd of trust exevu :?d by \V O tJriflfia and wile. Thelma J G":ffia. dai-.d Jan uary 4 reoc r ded in Book 33> . P.ti<r 2?4 Pr. ni'.i- County Registry I wilt s*:! it puu.f ac tion (or cist at be Cou-thoBM door in Louisburg X. C ^t ' 12 o'clock noon, on THVRSDAV. JAMARV ? tsMl. the following) land That cer.?m tract or parcel of land situate and lying in Cypress Creek Township. Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, bounded en the North by the Alford and Y ar bor? land: on the West by im press Creek: oa the South by Al ford and on the East by the Ai ford lands, containing 1ST acres, more or less and described by metes and bounds as follows. Beginning a: an iron stake cor ner (or Alford and Yarbo.o. .theace N S4l-?d W $21 feet to a pine siun.p and holly theace N STd W 236:5 feet to aa ash tree on Cypress Creek, thence along Cvpress Creek as it meanders S 2Sd W ?20 feet: thence J. 22S-J \V. $30 (eet. thence S. 2'>d W. 5S*> feet to a s:?ke and pointers: thence leaving Cypress Creek S. STd E. *S05 feet to a stake cor ne- for A'ford t'-ence N id E 1 -> *: 7 feet 1 1 the point of vtiia, and '"OU'-tiltliE^ 13? acres r- or les- b> sar?ey o( Joseph T luseee . Sa. veyor. made ?or V O Griffin on Devecibe J IS3S Tfc- above land is sold subjecf t*.1. p: ..en- ot rvoord This <th Jay : (Vw:ni.. I. <40 J P M'MPKIN l,2-I?-4t T asiee MITH'K No 541A COI NTY OF FRANK!. IN T fcl B Sills e: al heirs at law ?t l-ir 1 1*? - on Sills Jecea-ed The defendants Minnie S:.U -41; :n. Tied John Rltliai Sills uu r. ^rried Blanche ???:< miaor. un n rried Ma'tu Silts Hod. ? dow. and Lu! Sills Arriat' 1 and husband Jauies Airington w:l t.lkf UOt|c? '?* dt -ili 2lCt!OU a> above entitled ^.a* been instituted in Franklin County. North Caro lina Jo the pu pose ? 1 fo. eclos ir.g tax iieus of *4*.e said ptair.tiff against sixt>-si\ 1 ??> 1 acres ? ( land :u Cedar Rock Tow .ship Franklin County North Carolina and til* uid >:ll> u::r.a ? n-'d Jor.n Harding Sills niimar ried Biancht Sills unuia: rietl Mattie Sills H >d;t ?? do* ii: d l.ulu Silis Arrint" ti and hus band. James Arringion will t i - ther t?k?' notice that 'hev are in quired to app-at beforv the cie--k of the Superior Court of Franklin C unty. North Carolina on or be I'oie 25 January 194 1. to auswe or demur to the said complaint otherwise the plaintiff will appl> for the relief demanded in its said complaint l>ited this th? >>th da> of De cember. 1 '? 4" W. v \VKNT c s c 12-13-41 'f Franklin Countj NOTICK OF SALF. I \I?HR k.\h?ttio\ Nort+l Carolina. Franklin County. I'nder and by virtue of the po wer and authority contained in that certain writ of execution dated December 1 ? 4 " and is sued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of \Vak< County North Carolina, under that certain judg ment in favor of S. W Brewer, plaintiff, v James W. Murphy, which ha^ been duly trunscripted to Franklin County and which is docketed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of K"rank lin County in Book $ at page 275. the undersigned Sheriff of Frank lin County will offer for sale for cash at public auction, at the courthouse door of Franklin County. North Carolina, at or about, the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on * MONDAY. Hi JANIAKY. IMI ail t'be right title, interest and ? stttt? of the defendant James W Murphy. iu and to the following described property: FIRST TRACT: Beginuiug at a rock northeast corner of John S Timberlake tract-: thence north: yards to a rock corner of Mamie Perry and C. W. Roberts; thence west $4 yards to a 'rock: thence south .162 yards to a rock, corner of ti X. Stell: thence eas> ??> yards to the beginning, and containing seven acres, more or less, bein* the northern portion of the Amy Wright tract' of land For further reference see deed of lieof^ H Timberlake et al to Charles H. Roberts, recorded in Book 192'at page 324. Frank lin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a rock In ohe old Tarboro road and running nearly north with C H. Roberts line 210 yards to a stump. W. T. Glenn's corner in said Roberta line: thence nearly southwest with W. T. Glenn line 185 yards to center of the oldj Tarboro road, aaid Glenn corner;! thence with the center of the old Tarboro road 289 yards to the beginning, containing six acres, mora or leaa. and being the tract or parcel of Und coaWyad to Maria Tlmberlaks by Jaliaa AJ ford r.v-orded ia Franklin Com H V * "y R**iitry a: Book i" it paje '?5i And ::- '.artier -efere;:.* =ee deec of 0 N" Stei: ?t j.\~ to O H Roiwrti daed Febt^a-r ' l*l? as<! -.o.vde<i ts Bo. t . i a' p-ije !*" Fr-ank'.tn t "oir" Rezistry THIRI* TRACT Bernini :u the certo .?: be o!d Tirboro "-Uil I 1- '.tJ'J 2*"' :. with Joe J TitnocUk* a-d 0. :l R-'b ^rt* tier: ?> trS' Ji *a-ds : i :xk 13 C H Ho r<frti Use. -.early ? a;t ilOBt 0 H R:be--s '.ice ? - ' > -*ds to tie c*n:#r of the T- boro tieac* ?r: th-r center ?: :??* d Tirboro road J> yarjj to -e#-.n::tci coa '.a:=ic# "3*. :r.ore or le?? and >e:n* the iand Sou?it by 0. X Stell : -oas A V Bobbir AUo >e- de*d o; 0. \ St oil to 0 H tloN-.s via led January il. lJIi and :e*:o-ded in. Frunk.:n County Resatry c Booi a: paue 4$. FOl'RTH TRACT B<#.nn:::i i!i '--? c*at~: .{ the old Tirboro road it corner of 0 N Ste" Land thence aorttwest aloes wi'.ft *a:i | lin* TJ3 ya_di tc a root near a ?n:al! pine in line between ;k? Fearve 'and and the land of W. Robert* ai shown by plat and iarvey 2*d' for E W Ti3>c : likr by W N Fur.r " Fibrua.-y > lSJi thence aloe# ?i-.J :St ' N s4d W 3J0 yard* to a i tie ac cording to above sa'auctfi ?r T?y in tit T>Id Caroline Ttmb*:. lake land. thence S lod W !? poles and . i links to a Fine itump Tisberlake corner. tzence i N >Sd W I ? p?. t.' tio (MtCr :f vfco old Tarboro .-oad tio3oo alons: witi. tho 5^:d road S ^ : yards to tto corcor of tto G N Steli '.and* tie bejtnaict aid coataim^t forty ai-ros. ;os or loss, and b*.n# tto '.and puroias od of C W Robert* cy Ciar'.es H Kob*rr;s. by doed dated AprU T 1S13. and recorded in Franklin Countj Registry in Book 1*2 at pa#e 3?> i Except one acre con veyed to C H Gien". by deed -e tfv rded :c V>< oW J ' p-ce * " F-.auklii'. County Ke?.3f:> TUe uiU<t^ a^K>?r d^SC . '. 0*"C - - a p*i t of tilt- v .r '.aud? vf Jauie* W Murpt> .emainir-i .if er aiU't-.neut o 1 '. .- iot.1 'stead 1 br Ui . uidd- " "* * . '?e e^uired to d*r-?-.t wr.h ^et uu drrTH^"ivi a sur e^'.ial to of. the .? :?.:?'>?? bid .v tc?u.? >'Ox p'.iaucv ? Kb tV ?? - a? f ?->!e Dalod aud pv> -d ;M? 11 IV: ? ? m* :nb**r. JOHN r MOOKE Shvrifl of t'nu ; n iV-ju-y ; John F \lat?hrw#r Attorney :> F!aiuti: l-'-l'-4*. - U K \ Al l UU.h IIKAI \TK lude. aud bi tuiu' ot i r au thority io:itataeU in ? :iat cer.clu i*<red Trust, executed u'u the l>;u d.<> ?! Ay: li I by T!uv :i;as Grua and * Gleunte urcvQ and - vv- , de- i . r;.r . ' A - v? the He :_?.?.?? .?t I ?''* V1. ~ to: Fraukl.u Ctv.:u'y .iocs. .4" , ? ;:?> fca.vlng been made III 'lie coudi'n'tis t k::< -Aid ?fl?ed ?>f tru?:.. .m 4 at.tfci .?? ,UeSt Ot i' r ? i '.de >.i .i ... 1 will. or. MOMt.n. JAM \m t;?. ISMI. .' '. or about tile uk>i*. ot l? tf clock uoor. at the cou.tLouse door in Louisj:: i: N r oT-r to. st - to ' h - highest i>idd? (01 cast.. *Ua.' ceiiam tiac: m ikiwcl of land s:ua:e iu K auklifi v'ounty :-aii d> t' . k T *:iship St.i> ot No: ii Carolina aud desc :b-<l a* fol lows Uniicd about uute miles no.tU trout Li>ultbai(. X >' ou ' ti* llunt'> Uill lioad. .nd now ui t.w possession of Thomas I' Green . . bounded on th? X b> Hunt - Mill Road and thi- lauds of John l>au lels aud J Z. Terrell, ou fee E by the lauds of J 7. Terrell and \ir? J t' Thairiuftou and the fount* Home Tract aud the lands of Geo Hayes . and on the \V by the lands of Thomas Foster. and be:ug more particularly described according to a pla ? thereof made by Joseph T Inscoe. surveyor. October IS J J as follow* BUOlNMNlS at a point iu tht Ut w : oad. corner foi Thomas Fos ter: theme -ilona the centei of j said road X Tld 15 K <?'?> ft N ?3d E IM ft : X '.<>d B U>0 ft- . X 5 2d Jt> E ;5-> f thence. Jpat ing the road. ^ 30d 45' E. i'S ft. "X t. 10311 ft. to a riKk in Terrell s line. | thence !? Td 15 E . 304 ft to a rock, thence -S 34d E.. 1231 ft. | to a pine: thence ?. 114 15' E. I IS:! ft. to a maple; thence S. T?d 30' W.. T10 (t. to a stake: thence S. 3d 30" W 430 ft to a rock: thence N. SSd \V.. STo ft'., thence N. Td 30' E.. 160 ft. to a stake; thence X. S5d 30' \V . 930 ft. to a stake and dogwood, thence X. 20d 30 \V 1400 ft. to Vbe BE GINNING cout.ilni: ? ?S-.i t->s more or less. This sale is made subject to all prior encumbrances of record Pitted and pc>sted. this 13tb day of pecemtwr 1 4 0 U M. HEAM. K-J0-4t Trustee XUTH'K OK ULE t>K KK.U EST \TE t'cder and by virt?ie of the po wers of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed un der date of July il. 1S3T. by K. P. Hill and wife. Bettie B HUI. said deed of trust-, being duly re corded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Krauklin County, North Carolina, tn Book 338 at page 58. default having been made in the payment of Xhe note thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will on \ MONDAY. JANt AKV IS, 1IM1. at IS: 00 o'clock Noon, at the conrtbouae door of Franklin County, in Loulaburg. offer tor tale and aell to the highest bid der. for cash the property des cribed In said deed of trnat. the tame being aa follows: A certain tract of Iu4 lying and being la Prankiln Coult. atonaald. and more parties tart? descriN*! as follows: Beginning it i point 01 ike ??'!!: side of tfce RettrW Roadway wher<e the sa-te interVvts Main >' -' in. tie To *2 of U??b?rj. thence ^oatiwardtT i!?a| Man Strw "< fee: a <re r !?s ,ia lh? rijh: of v t) oi tie S-^board Air L::*- Railwiv . theaee in an east - ': direct: *n alons :i? riiiht of ? ay : said -a: '. road <* 1 ?> .rohes "no"1 o* iess to she <.t>rn?r f :it McKiane Storage Wane tc:? theaoe in j northerly di nsv r aloa* it western bound ary of said MeK'.nae S'orig* Warehouse lt>J *<e?et inore o less : > a point r. she southt-j -nig* of :Le Rtar.j Roadway said pout: being she corner of th*4.WcKian.? Storage n*ir?kotH lot on s aid roadway -.ieace in i v?urif di rection along --aid Hearfe Road w y to fie becmninf it (King the Sot oi .and npon which is situated Tie waretoni* and office fpl UHr iy iNv'D(i?d by P A K?ts Com pany and incladin? one-half of 'te brick wall s* pa ril ing the Kriv-j Warehouse and XcKiautr W?rehoas<e and also a right of way over tie sa;d Roadway be tween this '.ot and tile colored Episcopal Church tot to the same ?:i.ea; as if the saAe were i pub lu- scree: tie same having heer. iedi-iied is such by the forcer owners of the same And beiag tie parcel or !ot conveyed to K ? H:'.! by :fce Trastees of Wake "crest CoIIefe. Inc bv de?! dat ed July ii. J3T. Tits sa'e -j made subject to all tiles. This .'!?? day of No*emtwr. !?4-> ? M RROl'GH TON Truster \\ H Yarboroash J\ . Attome y . Raleigh X C. CO*MISiilO\KB> RK->llf OK V VLVABLE STAXDIXt; TWBER fade- aad by virtae of " i-i id. of --"a - -aad* >r. M . IVxva.b* It 1 ? 4 > Hy Honorable 'A V \v- ? i . .. the Sap*' ? '. t t"o : : :a Coanty. N 0 . ^ .haf <* "a ". Sp^v'iat r Vtwd'.r* eat." ed in ;ae Mas ter of J T lUi- Ou. -dian ot j-d bi B?.-- V " ''onpo* Mentis', thv -.-.d sioif-r '??. ; or Ti t:>l>\v. !>k< imiski; ;i. iwu. a* J. ? Us ?" " Ot t. a' ;! I'oa.thou*-. IV : l.oj-sbu .?. X <" . o f f e . f 1 :t he hi* *st Jidder f ?' >.asii. t:..^ . e". : t tract or ;>a v ' of st.iakiiu^ pi.i' nd vv plai Mrnber. ?'??sc: in - an.l .. > ? . h St-UCip s. .: -i s i lavie# from |rov>4. ittutt and ?:: *:uk certain t-.-.ct of 'and ? yiiu tit IU ri? .. id T^iun Towuf :i ; - ?. v ia ?' ? i !** N v\uita:niiii .? ; .?rosttvit^ly 3 S ? Mot- 0" less 3^? as the df. ual trait of 'aad inherited '? Kd'.> ' H kin- on his ste? ? ' V Bake: v cash depwit ot j will n* nNtutfyd os ih- h^h-*; bidder at said sale This I?ith day >>f IW ,:iV . lft' J T BAKKK * V I.u:- pkic. : Attorney 12-20-21 NOTICE North CtraliH; in The Frank';". Co Superior Court it?for? t-be Clerk IV p- - iv*nk a. Frtist Company Ad "j. ; r . > '.rator of the Ktint* of ' Davis. Deceased vs. ? M * Far. n >? Collins jDiivi* and | others ' , The defendant Charles Taylor, will take notice ;hat an action en titled as above ha# been commen ced a th>- Supe-ior Court o( Frauklin County. North Carolina, for 'he purpose of jelling itie real estate of J Pete Davis, deceased, to make assets for the payment of debts asainst his estate: and said defendant will farther '.nke notice that h*- is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun>> iti the Court House in Louisburu North Carolina, on the -Tth day of January. 1941. and answer or demur to the petition filed tn "aid action, or petitioner apply to .<? e Court for'the re i lief demanded in said petition. This the l<Sth day of IVcember. 1 ? 4'"? \V V A VENT. c. s. c.. li'-SO-lt of Franklin COunty. EXECVTORS NOTICE Having qualified under the will as executors of the e ate of Med Robertson. dec< o late of Franklin County. North Carolina this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of ?aid deceased to exhibit them pro perly verified to the undersigned at Louisburg. North Carolina, or to their attorney. B F. \Wyche. ' i Vance County. Hannwa. North Carolina, on or before the -.'nd day of November. 1941. or :?is notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 20th day of November. 1940 LI" LA ROBERTSON LEE ROBERTSON. B P Wyche. Executors. Attorney. ll-S2-<t ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified aa Administra trix of the estate of T. F. Ayscue. deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims ^gainst the estate of said deceased j to exhibit then to the undersign ed on or before the ith day of Dec.. 1141. or this notice will to pleaded la bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said eil talc wtU please make imasdlateV_ payment. This Ith day Of Dec lilt. BERTHA ft ATSCOB. lX-?-?l UWX

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