? Today Is Memorial Day. X X t ? Monday is first Monday. t X X i ? The County Commissioners ?will meet Monday. t -t? r ? :The banks in the County will be closed today ? Memorial Day. -j ? t . t' ' ? It pays to read the advertise ments in the FRANKLIN TIMES, t X X ? Cotton was worth 13 1-2 cents a pound in Louisburg yes terday. ? t i J < ?Weatherman R. A. Bobbitt) reported an official temperature Wednesday of 101. ? III . ? , ?Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tucker announce the birth of a daughter on Monday morning. ? t t t i I ? Every one is invited to at-; tend Memorial Services in the Court House Sunday afternoon. X X X 'I ?Thursday of last week was' the hottest day of the year around Louisburg ? the government ther mometer registered 101 degrees. X X X ? The Citizens Bank & Trust Co., of Henderson, announces that it will' observe Memorial Day (today) by closing. It will be open again on Saturday. ? U. S. Navy Recruiting offi cers will be at Durham 2. 3, 4 of June, Henderson 5. 6 of June, and at Roanoke Rapids June ?tb. They will be located at< the post office at these places. X X X ? Dr. R. L. Eagles is arranging his offices in the professional building, and expects to have it ready for his dentistry practice shortly. He has already moved his family to . I.ouisbuvg. t X X --Mr. Dnugbtry, of the Sohellj gasoline company, was in Louis- ! burg Tuesday and informed the] TIMES that they expected to open the station aboul the first of June.) Painters were puttini; the finish-, ing touches on the HlHliQn that, day. LOUISBU RG DEFEATS WARRENTON The strong Loulsliurg golf team continued 1U winning streak on Wednesday afternoon hydefaat-l ing the Warrenton Club by lh<-' score of 27 Va to 8H in a tourna ment played on the Warrenton 1 course. The Loutsbnrg -boys lit erally burnt up Mie Warrenton' wane. Wi'bb lioy ?? -vtl the mml-i dog I6g No. 8 hole, which Is a 288 yard*, 4 par hole. This cave Loy > a low score of 73, 1 under par. which was tied by Buddy Beam. Kunner-up (or low score was. William Barrow, Jr.. who parred the course, with a 74. Joe Barrow sadi a 7t; Snooks Collier. 78; I and Kd Owens. 77. Barker WII-, liams and Cy Nunn tied at 78 Tor low score for Warrenton. On the first nine holes. Snooks Collier was 3 under par; but the heat, coupled with the fact that he is having teeth extracted, caused him not to be able to keep the pace on the Second round. Ruddy Beam and XV^b Loy each played the second round with 2 under par. Those making points for Louis burg were: Buddy Beam. 2%; Snooks Collier. 1 V, : William Bar row, Jr., 3; Joe Barrow, 2; Hug gins, 3; Loy, 3; Dr. Bagby. 3: Napier Williamson, 1; Cox, 2: John Tucker, 1 H ; Dr. Wheless. 2; Owens. 3. This gives the Oreen Hill Coun try Club seven victories against two defeats for the season. To day, they take part In the Invita tion Tournament, which is being played at the Carolina Country Club In Raleigh Twelve Louis burg player will compete for the Dillon Trophy. Natmciibe to the Franklin Time* $1 -SO per year In Advance BATTERY RECHARGED | IN 30 MINUTES We Have Just Installed a MARQUETTE Battery Charger and can charge your Auto mobile battery in 30 min utes. This will not injure the plates. GET YOUR BATTERY CHARGED WHILE YOU WAIT at Allen Sales Co. Nash St. Louisburg, N. 0. i Mr. H. C. Taylor, Jr., visited Raleigh Tuesday. I -t t Mr. Zeb Jones, of Spring Hope, was a visitor Oo Louisburg Tues day. * ? * X X Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wnddell visited relatives in Fair Willi, Sunday. X X X Editor J. C. 1 Lardy, of the Nor lina Headlight, was a visitor to Louisburg Monday. X J t Misses Edna Earle and Bobbie Parrish spent "the past week-end at Virginia Beach. X X X Mr. John C. Matthews, of | Louisburg, Monday. ? 1 t t Miss Maria Perry and Franklin A. Read. Jr., are visiting relatives in Washington, D. C. X x t- ? Miss Patsy Parrish is spending her vacation in Enfleld, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Whitley. X X X Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lufsey. of Warrenton, visited Mr. and Mis. W. H. Medlon, Sr., Sunday. XXX Mrs. J. A. Johnson visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Foust, in Durham, the past' week. i x t Mr. J. L. Collier spent the past week-end with his son? Corporal James B. Collier, at Fort Jaek-1 BOH, 8. O. X t x Mr. Webb Loy, of Eust 1 . . ? - ter, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. llawls, at j Tampa, Fla. t X t j Mrs. Boyd aud graudson, of i Petersburg, Va.. spent the past week-end wth her daughter. Mrs. K. B. Gupton. ~ t X X . Mr. and M|p. K P. Griffin and daughter. Maxine, of near lied Oak, visited her mother, Mrs. W. A. Johnson Sunday. X X X Misses Etheleen Medlin and Nadine Joyner and William Joy ner are visiting in Ford and Pet ersburg, Va., this week. ITT Mrs. Ovie B. Parrlsh and daughters attended the marriage of her son, Dick, to Miss ltosanna Winston, in Raleigh lasG Sunday. m_ _ X X X _ Mr. K7~C. Bartholomew, of New York City, spent the past week end with, his parents, ? Mr. _ and Mrs. J. W. Bartholomew, of I.ouis burg, Hout? 2. t X ? Dr. T). T. Smithwick, M. S. Davis aud W. F. Shelton visited Kaleigh Wednesday in the inter est of Louiaburg getting cans _ Vn^ fintfj pjfififj T.ang'g P'll or ^ 5? Center Sliced Native VEAL CHOPS, pound Large Selected Virginia RED FIN CROAKERS, lb r \ SCOUTS CAMP AT JACKSON Troop No. 20, Fioy Scouts un der leadership of Scoutmaster W. J. Shearin, Jr.. spent two days of delightful camping at Jackson'.-} pond the flit w?B> : The boys with i h.-ir Scoutmas ter pitched camp at their Campof re>e at Jackson's pond Friday af ternoon and enjoyed lishing, swimming and the several games until 8und?ty afternoon when they returned home. Those attending t lie camp were as foHows^ Gail Watkins. Blllte Watkins. Larry Lewis, Cheatham Alston, Jack Cooper, Clyde Col lier, Jr., Bro. Hall. James Ed wards, O. B. Edwards, Bill Her man, Lamar Wheeler. John Per Ty, Howard Bagger t Edgar L VP. Perry, Nick Perry. Brid Grainger, Thomas Bass. Jinunie Kacland. Fenner Spivey. RKV. BROOKS I'ATTEN AT MKTHODIST CHt'RCH The Rev. Broods Patten will he guest speaker at the LOuisburg Methodist Church, Sunday morn-j ing at 11 : 00 o'clock. Attbe7:3Ui service Mr. Heddcn will speak oni "Religion For This Hour." The. Church School w ill meet Sunday ? morning at 9:45 under the lead-j el-ship of Prof. I. P. Moon. Young. People Services at 0:45. We wel-i come you and urge your attend-| ance at Miese services. A New York City I'ood chemist, believes the entire population of 4 he British Isles could he- kept from starvation T>> airplane ship- 1 ments of dehydrated foods from this country. ? ? ? o ? ? ? ? The honeymoon is over when hej gets as much of a thrill at the' thought of meeting her as , he would out of the thought of meet-, ing the Installment bill collector.] ; l/H'IHBUIMi CIRCUIT AXNOVNCKMEXTS The following announcement has been made for Sunday, J>ine 1, by tb1. Evepin g worship.! Hill-King Cliith. r 8:00, P. M, Revival cpntinuftjj at- Piney Grove. Tbt;if will be no preaching ser-1 vice at the Ftunn Methodist i Chuivh Sunday pigbt, June 1st. Q ? . 1 IAMKS KOWAHU I'LKANA NTS On Feb. 5. , 1940, God in his love and wisdom sent a little Angel' with goldeu curly hair and bright , smiling eyes, to bless and brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. W P. Pleasants; This anget was in the form of a little baby son. James Edward. He was truly a ray of sunshine with bis sweet and lov ing disposition. He had learned to! walk and was learning to talk in j his baby way, so loved by every | one, when on May 13, 1941. Go0 again using his great wisdom- and lo\e, called little James Edward! back into his fold. His batjy mis sion on eart'h was ended. James Kdward leaves to mourn their loss besides lyis parents, one sister, Margie Lee, two bio I hers, W. P. Jr., and Cash: besides hts grandparent and a host of other relatives. Rev. S. E. Madren conducted burial services by the grave in the Ml. Gilead Church cemetery. Pallbearers were Wil ton Djike, W. H. Medlin, Jr., Da vid Pleasants and David Cyrus. Flower girls were. Dorothy andi Etheleen Medlin. Helen and Marie Nelms, Listine Wester and Nadtne Joyner. * . The entire community is in sympathy. " BISIIOI' HKN1CK WIIX PRKACIi SI SilMV AKTKRNOON .1:10 - ? ? M "Sunday, June lsT oeing Whit sunday. services in St'. Matthias Episcopal Church will be as fol lows: 11:00 A. M. Morning pray- 1 er and message. 2:30 P. M. Church School. 3:30 P, M Visi tattoir rrTthc Ittstiop The lit. Itcv. ; Edwin A. Penick. D.D. He will | administer/the right of Confirma tion to sy^eral candidates. after which W' will preach. We extend a vcry'cordiai invitation to all of, our friends to hear this gospei message which will be beltuMful, instructive and impressive. Wu art* anxious to have a large ~con-~ gfegaiion at this hour. We are jskin^ for :l tthpi'iit In im used for Missionary work in Lbe Diocese of North Carolina. CEOUGK P. POLl,ARIX .VflfifiloVary. ? o ?' Private in the Dole Army ? Kin you give me Some work?' Citizen ? Yes, but 1 won't. Dolist* Shake hands, mister. You're O K. 1 was terrible skeert that you was goin' to offer me a lob. "Lady You Would stand more chance of getting a Job if you would shave and make yourself more presentable. Tramp- Yes. lady, I found that out years ago. i- Tourist ? IVi yau get much iu'. the way of motor traffic down here? Native No, sir; 1 wouldn't be past 84 if 1 did. Modern Ode: "Mary hud a little lamb; it doesn't follow far. for Mary does not walk to school, she has a motor car." Fontf Mother ? Well, sob. what have you been doing all after noon? Tough Youngster ? Shootin' | era pit. Fond Mother ? That must stop. Those little I Kings have as njuch right to live as you have. ? ? o FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE 283-1 T JEWELRY ife too valuable to be thrown around or half repaired. Bring it to me. My work is guar anteed and my prices reasonable. IK VOU WANT \V.\TCHKfJ. ? 'IXM'KS, KINGS, OR.. OTHER .lEWEL/RY IT WIIX PAY YOV TO SEK ME. 1 am no longer located w iih !tavnor\ Jewelry Sho|>. Your o|d friend, LOUIS W. PARRISH M Bull A Hall's on Nasli Sticci KOIISHIRG, N. C. / (ioWet, YeJJow \ I BANANAS 4- 25< 1 nw AND 1 FIAVORFUL - ? TOMATO JUICE !rmours 20? 4n oz. cair- ? ? MUSTARD JKg? S" 10 3 - 46 oz. Cans iAc GRAPE FRUIT JUICE f 3 Cans "Campbell's" 7Cc TOMATO SOUP . ?? Kellog's 1 Ec CORN FLAKES, 2 Pkgs. .... M Hazelnut, Blk. Walnut, Coconut lAc COOKIES, 10 ox. Pkg. . No. 2** Can Fresh ICc PRUNES or PLUMS 38 oz. Jar APPLE BUTTER \T MAP Delicious for Sandwiches JCc and many other ways, can . ^3 FOR BETTER HEALTH ^ GOLD MEDAL Vitamin and Minerel 10 ADDED FLOUR, 241bs *' "KITCHEN TESTED" ftfff |T "Swift's Prem him" ?'UU? Quality "CALO" 3 cans DOG FOOD, 25c 4 Tcl 29c It's Now Time For "Jello" ICE CREAM MIX All J JO Flavors^ cans ? ^ GRAPE JUICE 3 "U. 35c PANCAKE FLOUR 5C Western 30 T-Bone Steak, lb. Fresh Pc Brains, lb Fresh Pc Sausage, lb, Fresh Pork J j jc ? ? ? Fresh Pork 20? Veal Stew, lb 12c Kingan's Reliable 00c Skinless Franks, lb. ^ Dressed Fryers , Fresh Shrimp Fresh Fish 6. W. MURPHY U SON Phone 254-1 YOUR COMPLETE FOOD MARKET Phone 256-1