Professional Column J. E. FULGHUM, M. D. Ix>uisburg. N. O. All those wh? have nnl their accounts are requested to call, or see Mrs. \V. H. Horton, Jr. at Dr. H. <1. I'eri'j's office or Phone 438-1. DR. H. 6. PERRY Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Lionlsburg, N. O. Phonea : Office 287-1 Home 387-2 Hours? 10 to 12; 2to 4; 7 to 8 Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Exami nation, Diathermy and Ultra-Vio let light treatment. DR. ARCH H. PERRY General Practice Wood, X. C. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist %onisburg, N. C. Office over Hose's Store DR. M. C. KING Pranklinton, N. C. Residence Phone 240-1 Office Honrs: 0 to 11 A. M. ? 2 to S P. M. 6 to 8 P. M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law Lonlsburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over / Pleasant!) Book Store General Practice in all Courts G. M. REAM Attorney at L>aw Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney Ixtuisburg, N. C. Office fn First-Citizens Bank Building Practice State and Federal Court* W. H. YarborouKh Hill VnrboiouKh Yarborough & Yarborough AtorneyN & Counsellors at l*aw Office in Egerton Building Over Tonkel's "Store Ixtulsburg, \ . C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Raleigh E. H. Malone J. E. Malone MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Lonlsburg, X. C. General practice, M-tllement of estates- fnwdi Intmlwl. One member of the tirm always In offiot. OLD CLOTHES CAN BE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! Get out your old clothes and, though they may look hopeless, send them to ns. We'll clean them and renew tbem and return them to you looking like new clothes. Call Cs .'bone 440-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP P. C. Bight B. Nash St. Louis burg, N. C. CLEANING & PRESSING RELJABLE .SERVICE When jonr clothe* are In oar hands yon may be sore that they will h?Te the beat ?f care. Try na today ! Call 436-1 For Pick-Up Service Louisburg Dry Cleaners ItWO NICK UK(iK ROOM!) KOIt KENT ? Se?- R. B Mitchell at' Franklin Farmers Exchange. I 5-2-tr NOTICE OF SAIiK Under and by virtue of the ay thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, dated 26 May 1941. en teredjn that certain tax foreclos ure suit No. 18 D, entitled "Coun ty of Franklin v. W. Page Harris, ? et ai.", whk'h sttid is duly docketed in Tax Judgment I! at' page 155, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner j will offer for sale to the highest f bidder for cash at rtie courthouse door in the Town of 1.4>ui8burg. I Frairktin County. North Carotins. ; at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 2H JUNK lt?4l the following-described lands in Gold Mine Township. Franklin j County, Noi;th Carolina: Containing 556 acres, more or , less, and being the lands convey ed to F. R. Harris by deed of Geo,. I B. Harris, et at., "dated 30 August 1918, and recorded in Bojjlr 227 at page 516, Franklin ""county Registry, to which refei;t>Ace is hereby made for a further and more adequate description. See description recorded in Book '278 at page 29, said -'registry, and in Rook 270 at page 572, and in Book 278 at'page 158. The lands described above wiljl be offered for sale subject to the| j lien of taxes for the year 1941, the ' amount of which is not yet deter mined. The successful bidder will be required to deposit wil'h the Com missioner a sum equal to tive per centum (5%) of the amount bid, to secure compliance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 26th day of May. 1941. JOHN F. MATTHEWS. 5-30'4t Commissioner. VOTM K OF KKAM,K Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in Una certain order of re-sale entered l>y the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Caro-j lina. Oil 23 May 1941. in that cer tain lax foreclosure proi ding entitled "No. 21D, County ;it Franklin v. Brady lidwards, ah", which is of record in Hook of Tax ^Judgments 3 at page 154. in the office of the Clerk of the ty. the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder at the courthousc door in the Town of Louisburg. Franklin County. North Carolina, at- lie n bout the hour ?Jf t??tve o'clock noon, on TCKSI1A V, 10 -ll'NK HI4I the following-described lands iiii I.ottlshurg Township. Frankttn County, North Carolina: Limed for lavatiion lor thy yuar 1 !? 3 2 . as 1 3-4 acres Raleigh road, and being the land formerly own ed and occupied by Amanda Kd wards and husband, Granville f Kd wards, adjoining I h + lands of Polly Hawkins. He! tie King, the Louislmrg-Krankllnton highway, or extension or Main Street In Mir Town of Louisburg. and separated front the lands of O. H. Harris by a branch; and being the lands conveyed to Granville Kdwards by deed of J. P. Tlniberlake. -dated [12th day ot April, ,1899. and re corded ill Tlook 124 at page 215. Franklin County Itegistry, to Which reference is hereby made for a further and more adequate description. The said lands will be offered! and sold subject to taxes for thej year 1941. The successful bidder will biv required to deposit with the Com-' inissioner a sum equal to five per! | centum (5%) of the amount- hid.] to secure compliance with the | terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 23rd | dav of May. 1941. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 5-30-2t Commissioner. \ TKI HTKK'R HALK OK I5K.AI, KSTATK (lly Substituted Trustee) Pursuant to t-he power and au-' Vhority contained In a certain' deed of trust dated the 23rd day of October, 1939. executed by C. P. Pearce and wife, Kate Eliza beth Pearce, to T. C. Abernethy, Trustee, which deed of trust in duly registered in the ofTice or the Register of Deeds of Frank lin County. North Carolina, in, Book No. 360, pages 501, 502,; 503. securing a certain note pay-| able to HOME OWNERS' LOAN: CORPORATION, default having been made for a period of morej than Thirty (30) days in the pay ment of said note as provided therein and in (>he performance of certain covenants set out in said; deed of trust and demand of fore closure having been made by the; holder of said' indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee, having been substituted as Trustee, for T. C. Abernethy. said substitution being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds .of Franklin! County. North Carolina, will of-| fer for sale at public auction to! the highest bidder for cash at the; Court House door in Louisburg.l Franklin County. North Carolina.' at* 12 o'clock noon on the 10th DAY OF JITNK, 1941 the following-described real es tate. to- wit: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Youngsville, County of Ftanklln. State of North Carolina, and more partic ularly described and defined as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land lylm* and being situate on the North side of Persimmon Street In the town of Yonngs Tllle, North Carolina, now owned ? by and in possession of the Home Owners' Loan Corpora Hon. boun ded on the North by Stephen Holden, on the East by Hettie yolden, on the South by Persim mon Street, and on the West by W. A. Massey lot and Sirs. It. l'earce, and more particularly de si libed according to plat made by M. S. Davis. surveyor, on the 2nd day of -Way, 193G. and now on tile in the office of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, as follows: BK GLNNLNG at a cedar post corner for the lot hereby conveyed and the W. A. Massey lot on Persim mon Street, thence along said Persimmon Street South 89 de grees East 69 feet to a post on said street Corner for ^ the lot hereby conveyed and the Hetlie Holden lot; thence along the Hol (lcn line North 1 degree East :!Ul feet to a post corner for t-be lot hereby" "conveyed BetUe Holden and Stephen Holden; thence along the Stephen Holden line North ST j degrees 30' West 58.1 feet to a (cedar post Corner for tile lot here ? by convejted and Stephen lloldeu and AJjfC II. Pearce lot-; thence alojMf [lie Pearce line South 2 de sires West 7(1 feet to an iron stake; thence along the Pearce line North Sit degrees 4 5' West 9.N feet to a stake corner for Mas sey, Pearce and the lot hereby I conveyed: thence along Massey's I line South 1 degree 30' Has:* 133.2 j feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing three tenths of an acre, according to said survey und comprising the lot conveyed to Denmark Loan Fund Inc. by deed of W. R. Pea t'ce. Trustee, dated" I November 4. 1932 ailtl recorded in Hook 290. page 511. Registry [of Franklin County and by deed! of t-he Denmark Loan Fund. Inc.. to Lottie Mae Freeman, referencei being here made to said deed plat' and record above mentioned for further description. This property will be sold sub ject to 194 i taxes. The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of t'he purchase, price to show good faith. This the 19th day of May. 1941. 1{. PAl'L JAMISON. Substituted Trustee. Charles 1\ Green. Attorney. 5-23-4t I OI! K< I .OS I It K \< )TI< K rmli'i- Hint i?y viitae (if the power contained in u I >et'd of Trust executed to the undersign- i ed trustee by ('. Dickens,' un married under date of the 5th day of March. 1940. recorded in rite office of the RenlitVr of |)wj? for Franklin County. North Caro HTfu in Hook ITtr or Deeds ? TTT Trust , on page, 119. default hav ing been made in (lie payment of. the note therein secured, and at 4he -rwimeat of lha Ijultlci^of KH ill : note I will on MONDAY, THK llilli DAY ?>!?' .11' NK, 1U41, Ht l o'rlof k ? Noon --at lUc- , Court House door in l?oulsburg. Franklin County. North Carolina. offer tor ssrle and sell at pifblic a tut ion for cash' to the highest bidder the following described pro|terly : Situate on the West- side of U. s Highway No. l. Inmed lately i South oT tile Town of Fra llkllll lun. and being n purl of the II. f. Kearney land, bounded as fol lows, viz: Beginning at an iron j stake. w<tat of said Highway and! about in line with a metal ctll-1 vert under (-he highway, corner) for F. H. Watson in line of Mrs. Km ma Hani*; thence with Wat son line along a fence N 4 tie grees 2(1 minutes East 216. .r> feet to corner post of fence; thence N1 26 degrees 15 minutes E 76.5 feet to corner post of fence; thence S1 85 degrees 0 minutes E 153 feet! to the center of highway, marked | by an iron stake 30 feet West of. the center of highway; thence along the center of highway S 34, degrees 35 minutes W 150.3 feet.! S 25 degrees 30 minutes W 164,8 feet; thence N 83 degrees 45 lllin-l ut-eS W 4ft. 6 feet to the point of] the beginning, as surveyed by F. N . Kgerton, Registered Engineer,, Feb. 28, 1340. It being a part of' that land conveyed by Deed to K.1 T. Moore by K. W. Watson, re corded in Hook 35T at Page 111.! Franklin Registry. This tract! Includes the service station. This May 7th, 1941. JASPER B. HICKS. . | 5-16-4t \ Trustee. ; KOKK< l/OSl'RK NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power contained In a Deed of Trust executed to (he undersign ed trustee by Marvin M. Boonej and his wife Velina Boone under; date of the 12th of January, 1940, recorded in the office of the lleg-| ister of UeedR for Franklin Coun-, ty. North Carolina in book 360 of Deeds of Trust on page 598, de fault having been made in the; payment of the note therein se cured, and at the request of the holder of said' note I will on MONDAY, THE 16th DAY OK JUNE, 1041, at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the Court House door in Loulsburg. Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for sple and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described i property: That certain tract of land in) Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, being the store lot, and bounded as follows: Beginning in the center of the Louisburg-Spring Hope road, 100 feet Eastward from Claud Bow den's line; thence S 14 1-4 de grees West 150 feet to a stake m the field; thence S 79 degrees East 223 feet to the center of the aforesaid road; thence along the center of said road, N 37 degrees West 164 feet; thence N 68 % West 108 feet to the beginning, containing one-half acre, more or leu as per survey of P. R. Inscoe, Surveyor, of January 6th,* 1940. It being a part of the traet of land I purchased hy Velum Boone frojn V B. Weaver and w in |?33 sis recorded in Hook ",117 page ;!4" Fin 11k lin County. vs, i This 7th day of Majr. 1H41. JASPKli li. IIICKS. j 5-16-41 Trustee.] KOKKCMISIIU: NOTK'K j Under and by \iriiie of " the power contained in a Deed if Trust executed by S K. Lancaster, unmarried, to the undersigned | Trustee, under dale uf February ! 22, 19 40, which Deed in Trust is recorded in the offhe of tlif ties j ister of Deeds for Franklin ('<jun-j ty, North Carolina in Book :i ?; 7 ' of Deeds of Trust on Page i 'J . de-t fault having been made in the, liotv therein secured, and at tin request of the holder of said note.i I will 011 MONDAY, THK Ullli DAY OK .K'NK, 1T1TI, hi 1 '> ? 00 o'clock Noon at the! Court House door in Louisburg, j Franklin County, North Caroline.) offer for sale and sell at publici auction for cash to. i lie highest ' bidder the following described! I property: { Beginning at a point- ?11 Hau-1 jsoms Bridge Road twenty-five feet South S3 degrees West from ' all iron stake driven on the North1 jside of road; theme along said j road South 89 degrees Fast ljlti.ti [feet to a point In said road li! feet 1 Southward from a small elm standing on the ? North side of road; thence North 1 degree Fast sixty feet to a stake driven 9 feet North 52 degrees Fast from the Northeast corner irfv Mh- store ' house; thence Norih' ,X9 degrees! West 97.7 feet to a slake in llur jiett's line; thence South 3:! de gree* Wuft. 72 feei 10 beginning, containing 7026 square feet'. This 7th day of May, 1941. I JASPFIt B HICKS. 5-1 tt-4t Trustee.! KAKCTTOR'SVOTICK Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Martha I,. New man, deceased, lale of Franklin County. N or.t'h Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas-l, ? d 10 exhibit iheni 10 life under- , signed at* Henderson. V on or ( lirlore the 25th day of April, 1942 -or this notice will he pleaded in bar of t heir rerovecv All persons Indebted-to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24l-h day of April. 1941. CITIZFNS BANK .V TIH ST CO.. Fxecutor 01 l.'siaie of , 4-25-61' Mrs. .Mitrtha I.. Newman. THI STKK'S SAI.K OK I, A Ml ? ? -4 ??>rh'i' ? tmtl by virtue of the - power of sale contmned in i li:i t < deed or trust uT 1 su rji h perry. 1 Widow, to .1. K. .Ma lone. Trustee. dated December Hih. 1H39; and : TeHfrfled tirttoofcrvt" vtr> page ' ? in the office of tlie llegister of Deeds of Franklin County. de fault liiiviUK been JiiiiiLv__ Ul the| payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby mid. demand having ni'i'ii rn ?i (I i1 ? rin 1 mi' ? fm ?'iio5n ? i* ? t<be|*eof by tin holder of ait Id in debiedness . tin- undersigned irus tee will Qffer for sate at puhlie, M HCt loll for s It to tin- highest' "bidder at or about the hour o^ ^Ntxm tnr ?hi; gftit l>lv iimi, at the Court House door at Louis-! burg, N. C.. the following describ ed tract or parcel of land: That certain H'act oi* parcel of land, situate in Franklin County,! Fran klint on Township. State of North Carolitm. and bounded on j the North by Hie lands of the J. N. Perry Estate. Oil the East by; the lands of C. N. Sherrod, on the South by the Tract sold Otfut j Perry and on the West by the Jen nie Edwards land, containing 63 x/t acres, more or less, it being the residue of the 12 4 acre tract j of laud conveyed by deed of W. II. Allen to Martlet Perry, dut-j ed April 6. 1H03. recorded in Hook 124. page 57!?. Franklin Registry,! after cutting oil and conveying \-j acre to the Keystone Grand Lodge by dee'd recorded In Hook 202. page 127. said Registry and 6" acres to Otha Perry by deed re-, corded in Hook 270. page 257, said Registry, reference being here made to all of said deeds, and records for a more particular! description of the tract of land hereby conveyed. This t'he IHtli day of April. , 1941. J. E. M ALONE, 5-2-5t Trustee, j; SALE OF I,ANI> 17NDEH and by virtue of an order of llie Superior Court of Franklin County entered in that 1 Special Proceeding entitled,) "Clilora Ellis Molt, Admrx. of W. [? B. Ellis, Deceased, et' als, Kx( ; Parte," the undersigned commis sioner will offer for sale at pub lic auction to ihe highest bidder < for cash at the f'ourt House <ioor ( in Louisburg, . X. C., on MONDAY, TICK 2nd DA V OK JUNK, 1941, , ut or ahottt' Oic hour of Noon, the following described tracts or par- ; eels of land : l Tract 1: Beginning al a rock and stake corm'r on Kast side of ; road; thence along the road N. 10.35 chains; N. 15%d E. 4 chains; N. 31d E. 7.20 chains to a rock corner on East side of road; t-bence S. 37d E. 7.20 chains to a stake; thence S. 27 %d E. 16.90 chains to a stake; thence N. 82 % d W 17.10 chains to the beginning and containing 21.76 acres and being the first tract described in deed of Jere E. El lis and wife to W. B. Ellis, re corded in Book 202, page 167, Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina. Tract 2: Beginning at a stake corner of Lot No. 6 in line of Lot No. 4 Division of Jere Ellis landa; tibence S. 88d E. 171 poles, It links to a stake and pointers corner of No. < in Jim Thomas Uu; tkenee S. lHd W. 19 poles FARM LOANS 4 Low InUrwt /U?T? 4 Fair Appnbal 4 Prompt ftarvio* W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N C. 17 link* to a rnck. Thomas' cor nel'; thence s. tZ 15- 4ft W. 1 pole 15 links to a stake corner of No. 8 in Thomas line; tbwijce N. 88 3-4 ci \V. 150 poles to a stake. | Corner of No. 8 in line of No. 4; Mienec N. 29Vid VV. 39 poles to I the beginning containing acres J more or less and being Lot No. of the JUue K. Hllis division eon- I veyed to W. B. Kills by deed of | (). 10. Kills, et Is. recorded in Book 280, page 5J?. said Kegistry. The above described two tracts of land having been allot w?d to Hat t ie Kllis as her dbwer In the lands of W. B. Kills. dweaic^ th< reversionary interest after the dower only will to offered for Mlf Tract ?, : Beginning ?>t H < *? - dar Stoke; thence S. 4 9 *2 d \V. 10.06 chains to a rock the old Boddie and Perry corner; thence N. 82,<yd \V. 850 chains to rock corner; thence X. l-4d chains to Iron Pin, corner; thence X. 89 3-4(1 W. 17.25 chains to rock corner: thence along divis ion line N til l-4d K. 20.50 chains* to a rock corner; thence S. ,'15d K. 10.08 chains to beginning con taining :?0 acres and being the second tract described in said ileed of J ere K. Kills and wife to W. B. Kllis recorthid in Buiik a 1 page I ?? 7 satd Registry. 1 Tract 4:- That t rari or parcel . of land containing 57.8 acres and being Lot No" 2 of the Phimnier I la via or McKinne Farm -ubdivid- ! hJ loitbe Virginia Trust Co. ;is [ the samr appears on Plat made bv | J. T. Inscoe and recorded in .Map ; Book No. 2 at page 118 in said j ItegisTry. The ? In !*? <-w-o- above de? ? 1> bribed have been allotted as , Rt?meHi*'i?<l to 1 la 1 tie Florence Kl- ' lis, minor, during the term of her , minority, the reversionary inu*r? est only In said last two ?descrlbfif tracts of laud will be offered for | saTe. This th<? :10th 71a v of April. 1941 ? ^ K. MALONK. 5-2-5t Commissioner i:XK< TTOK'N NOT1CK Having (jualldcd as execuior -of the instate of K. M. Newman. decease I. late of K r 1 a kl in County. NorMi Carolina, this is to not ify all prnmrt* having W?ims mainst the entitle of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the undet - signed at- Henderson. N. C.t 011 or ? before the 25th day of April, 1942 or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person** indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2 4 Mi day of April. 1941. ClTIZKNS BANK * TUU8T CO.. Kv**riitor of Kstate,.of 4-25-61 K. M. Newman. VOTH K OK S.\I,K I NIIKIt ?>KKI> OK TIM ST Under and I ?y virtue of author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed liy Frank K. Hight and wife, to Security National Bank. Trustee, on the 20th day of .inly, 19:19. recorded in Book ;::t2. Page 449, Registry of Kranklin County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby, whereby I4ie entire amount of said indebtedness be came due and payable and de mand having been made by the holder of said note upon the trus tee named therein to advertise and sell the properly described ill taid deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash at pub lic auction at the courthouse door in l.ouisliurg, Franklin County, N. C? at noon on MONDAY. JI NK 2nd. 1941. I he following described real es tate: All that certain piece, parcel jr tract of land situate in Youngs lille Township, Kranklin County, N. C., bounded on the North by Runn and others; bounded on (he Kast by lit Marie Perry; bound ed on the South by Kiug; bound ed on the West by Hart, and more,' particularly described as1 follows: . Beginning at an iron stake in loWw'iJ. Vor Bunn and Iza Marie Perry , thence along the Iza Marie Perry line, S. 30d W. 2933 ft. to a stake in cqjiier for Iza Marie Per ry and King; thence along the King line N. 88d W. 655 ft. to rock in corner for King and Hart line; thence along the Hart line. N. 3d E. 2680 ft. to an iron stake in corner .for Hart and Ruffin lines; thence along the Ruffin and Bunn lines, S. 85%d E. 1976 ft. to the point of beginning, con taining 80 acres, by survey of Phil R. Inscoe, June 19, 1939. The successful bidder will be required, at the time of the sale to make a cash deposit of 10 per per cent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee of compliance therewith in the event t-hat no resale is ordered. Dated this 30th day of April, 1941. SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, Trustee. By; J. If. Sink. Jr.. l-l-tt Asetotant Trut Offloer. FEED YOUR HENS r FRIDAY & SATURDAY ? we will sell 100 lbs. first quality 50-50 SCRATCH for $1.75 Limit - 500 lbs. to each customer. . ' " / ? . , Due to the fact that we were well covered on most of the lines that we handle, before the recent advances, most of our sales today are being made at less than replacement value. SAVE your FRUIT AND VEGETABLES EAT what you can and CAN what you can't. NATIONAL ALUMINUM PRESSURE CANNERS '11.50 Extra Large Enameled Cold Pack Canners '2.25 RED TOP PLASTER ROCK LATH - SHEET ROCK LIME - CEMENT FINISHING LIME ROOFING - NAILS HINGES, etc. ate. Sprayers - Dusters - Arsenate of Lead - Rotenone, etc. NEW OHIO MOWERS Oil Bath - Hyatt Roller Bearings Two Speeds. Repairs for Ohio - New Thomas McCormick-Deering - Wood and others. 1 COTTON HOES CULTIVATORS \ and Cultivator Steels SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS SCREEN WIRE AND MOULDING SEABOARD STORE CO., INC D. F. McKINNE, President Pay Cash and Pay Less ' WHOLESALE ? RETAIL

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