OLD CLOTHES CAN BE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ! (Jet oat your old clothes and, though they may look hopeless, ?end them to us. We'll clean them and renew them and return them to you looking like new clothes. \ I Call Da i'boae 440-1 SERVICE -4 DRY GLEANERS AND j / SHOE SHOP 1 ? I F. O. Bight B. Naah St. Lonlaburg, N. O. When a man's really sick., ha cares more for kindness than for beauty. f%. PRKIjI M IX a ry ck rtifh atk OF DISSOLUTION State of North Carolina. Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come? Greeting: Whereas. It appears to my sat isfaction. by duly authenticated record of tjie proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my of fice, that the Home Furniture Co., Inc., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated on Main Street, in the Town of Louisburg. County of Franklin, State of North Carolina (W. B. Joyner being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with the requiremejlts of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," prelimi nary to the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution: , Now ThereforS? I Thad Kure, Secretary of State of the State of Nort'h Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 29th day of August. 1941, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing & The ? ^ HUM/TM/G SEASON M / The season for Hunting and Fishing is at hand. Get your supplies early and enjoy every minute of it. HUNTING LICENSES We have taken the Agency for Hunting and Fishing Licenses and can issue them for you. Gome in and get yours. We have a full stock of Guns. They are of the best make and marked at reasonable prices. Gome in and see them. We have the famous Winchester and Super X Shells variously load ed for your needs. Prices^ at Rock Bot tom. Let us supply you. All popular bores. FREEMAN & HARRIS Noma F. Freeman H. Oradv Harrla LOUISBUEQ, N. 0. Sell Your Tobacco in Louisburg PROMPT SHOE REPAIRS Tou get double value for your money when yon have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables ns to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine savings in added use and comfort GANTT'S SHOE SHOP last Nash Street Louisburg, 5. 0 Sell Tour Cotton and Tobacco in Louisburg to the dissolutuu of said corpora tion, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said con sent ;ind the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on , file in my said office as provided j by law. ill Testimony Whereof. 1 have hereto set my baud and affixed my official seal at Kaleigh, this! 29Mi day of August, A. 1J. IH41. [ THAD EITRE. j ft- 1 ft -4 1 Secretary of State. j K.\ ECl'TOH'8 NOTICK Having qualified as Executor of j ihe undersigned on or before the 19th day of Sep- 1 teuiber, 1942, or this notice will | be pleaded in bar of their recov-! cry. All perspjls indebted to said, estate will please make immediate payment. This 18t'h day of Sept.,. 1W41. ?-l?-6t C. C. HOLMES. Extr. TRUSTEE'S SAl.K OK LAND Pursuant to the power of sale| contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Paul Strickland' and wife. Daisy H. Strickland, on July 15, 1937, recorded in Book 388, Page 57, Franklin County Registry, default having been made in rt" ? land lying and being in the Town > of Youngsville. Franklin Colin- ; ty, and more particularly demerit)- : ed and hounded as follows; On i the north by Main Street, on the i east by Nassau Street, on fhe s S011M1 by Persimmon Street, on . the west by the lands of J. A. ; Williams. John Edwards, Cheath-,; am Brothers, and I. W. Mitchell, j| and being the entire lot of land j described and bounded as above t mentioned, containing thro- and | one-half acres (3V&), more or j less, and being land allotted to ) 1.. ? It. Hatch in the division of J : her father's estate, D. W. Spivey, ! deceased. , Dated and posted this the :ld by H. C. Bowden; Begin ling at a stake in Louisburg and Spring Hope Koad running West .'15 feet to a stake: thence South i X feet; thence nearly West 238 eet> to Pine Street; thence North lions said street 75 feet to -a itake; thence East or nearly East 140 to the center of l.ouisburg ind Spring Hope Koad; thence South along said road 11.5 feet o Mie beginning, and being the dentical tract of land conveyed o J. G. Wheless by Warranty Seed of H. C. Bowden and wife, klildred Bowden, dated Novem >er 2. 1925. and recorded in Book .'70. Page 1HH, franklin Registry. The successful bidder will be ?equired to deposit ten per cent 110%) of the purchase prlce^ on he date of said sale. This Monday, August! 25, 1941. W. I.. LUMPKIN, ? - 5 - 4 1 Commissioner. Brodinfial FARM LOANS / Low Interval 4 Loot Tarm 4 Fair Appraisal 4 Prompt Sarrlo* '? W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. Professional Column DR. R. L. EAGLES Dentist Lotiishui'K, X. ( Dfflee Hours: 0 a. ill. to p. m. Office next to Reality Salon. J. E. FULGHUM, M. D. liOiiisliui'K. X. (7. All those who have not settled fheir accounts are requested to rancor see Mrs. W. II. Morton, Jr. ?t Dr. H. slelitn mid Surgeon 101 W. Null St. IjOiiNburg, X. O. Phones: Office 287-1 Home W7-2 Hours ? 10 to 12; 2to 4; 7to 0 Special Hltention to offlre work. Obstetrics mid Diseases of Women, X-Itay mill Fluoroscopic Kxanii* nation, Diathermy anil I'ltra-VIo let light treiilinent. DR. ARCH H. PERRY (irnrriil Practice Wood, N. C. Office In Sortlcc l?rug Co. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist I.oulsburg, N. C. Office over How's Store DR. WILL YOUNGE \ ? " j Physician , H Surgeon IjOiiishurg. X. Office MB South Mnin Street (?eiicral Practice DR. M. C. KING Franklin! on. \. Residence I'lmiie 240-1 Office Hours: 0 to It A. M. ? 2 to 3 P. M. ? to 8 P. M. HAMILTON HOBGOOD Attorney-at-Ijiw I.oulsburg, N. C. Office over Pender's Store EDWARD F. GRIFFIN ? -Attorney at Law Lonlsburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building. Over Pleasants Book Store General practice In all Courts G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. C. Office In Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney I.oulsburg, N. C. Office in First-Citizens Bank Building Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborough & Yarborough Atorneys & Counsellors at Iiaw Office in Kgerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Looistrarg, N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and In the United States Courts at Raleigh B. H. Malone J. E. Malone MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Loalabarg, N. O. General practice, settlement of estate*, funds invested. One member of the firm always la eMce. BUY YOUR SEED NOW Most all prices are steadily advancing1, and it is becoming- increasingly difficult to obtain some varieties. NEW CROP Turnip Seed Crimson Clover Beardless Barley .Winter Rye Abruzzi Rye Oats and Vetch PRICES REASONABLE FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY NEW OHIO MOWERS AND RAKES Oil Bath - Hyatt Heavy Duty Roller Bearings. ? TWO SPEEDS ? WE HAVE ON HAND Palm Olive Octagon Toilet . Giant Octagon . . Oct 5c 6 for 25c 6 for 25c MOWER REPAIRS NEW OHIO - THOMAS McCORMICK-DEERING WOOD and others. ? ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES HOW'S YOUR ROOF? Buckets Won't Stop Leaks, but Foster's IBM Roof Coating WILL STOP ANY LEAK THAT CAN BE STOPPED WITH ROOF COATING. 50c Gallon In 5 Gallon Steel Pails BICYCLES ELECTRIC FENCES SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. D. F. McKINNE, President Pay Cash and Pay Less WHOLESALE ? RETAIL