THE NEXT TEN YEARS Babson Says Long Range Forecastisg Necessary By Roger W. Babson Babson Park, Mass., June 30. ? While I have built my business on the long-pull outlook, I ordi narily confine my newspaper predictions to periods of not more than a year in advance. ?However, in view of the very broad changes which are tak ing place in U. S. business and political econo my, I now feel it BABSON advisable to look, much further ahead'. GENERAL BUSINESS OUTLOOK Re-negottation in most instan ces is not the wolf that most war producers thought It would be. Re-conversion to peacetime oper ations is, likewise, well in hand. While this may temporarily dis rupt labor and interfere with pro fits, the change-over will be grad ual and is already under way. It should not adversely affect busi ness or the stock market. Hence, for the first few years after the formal ending of World War II, good business In most lines should be in order. Industrial activity and produc tion during the postwar period should run about 50% above pre war figures but will, of course, show a decrease from the peak of war production. This drop, however, is already being absorb ed in hiany lines without fuss for the peak in war production was reached almost a year ago. National income, represented by wages, rents, Interest, dividends, etc., will probably average around $112,000,000,000 per year. This will support a large volume af business. Living costs may rise 25% but if so those who now pur chase well selected securities may perhaps get enough capital gains to offset increased living costs. NEW BUILDING With a high level of national Income, plus accumulated savings, I cannot see anything except a very large volume of retail sales. Such sales have expanded great ly during the War, but I believe in the postwar years that they may exceed in dollars their war time peak. Plans for the renew al of automobile production are being carefully worked out. A year or two after the War, pro duction may' approach 6,000,000 cars a year for two or three years. In Addition, all sorts of house hold appliances, home furnish ings, automobile accessories and other hard goods, along with an abundance of soft goods, will be available. These all will be in great demand. I fully expect, in the decade af ter the War, to see close to 6. 000,000 new homes built. This will naturally be a great thing for both skilled and unskilled la bor and should do much to keep up activity In the, cement indus tries, which last will also benefit from our new roaa-building pro gram. Homes are currently in great demand and ifrices ? partic ularly in suburban communities ? are expanding rapidly. It looks very much as though we would experience a real building boom. This la likewise true of produc tive real estate In general. I cannot now say that tbe entire country will participate In a land boom, but Florida, the South west and California now seem headed In that direction. OUR BEST BET After the Immediate and inevi table readjustments which the end of the War will bring, busi nessmen should not be too much concerned with worrying over the following four years. Our real problqpi and task will be to de termine how our coming prosper ity can be extended after 1950. In the early 1950's we will begin to gee signs of distress. It will be much harder then for business to provide reasonably full employ ment within the limits of our fre6 enterprise systenj. Furthermore, the postwar Inflation which many are now worrying about may take place at that time. - We shall not always be able to depend upon Washington to main tain our property or to provide a solution to our economic prob lems. Beyond the postwar de cade, the future depends upon the character and education of our young people and upon the intelligent and far-sighted guid ance of us parents and grandpar ents. Yes, I am optimistic for the next five years, but during that period we should prepare for another era of declining real estate, bond, stock and commod ity prices, accompanied by gener al unemployment after 1950. ODT has warned truck opera tors that there will be a shortage of heavy and medium duty truck tires for replacement purposes during the next 3 months. It al so urges truck operators to keep their vehicles in proper repair and thus make them last much longer. Patronise TIMES Ao.ertUert DEAF 95 CHANCES OUT OF 100 YOU CAN HAVE GOOD HEARING. Vacollte hearing atds are small and compact and be cause of a special patented frequency control they can be adjusted to the most minute precision fitting to your particular needs. Regardless of disappoint ments you may have had with other aids don't be disheartened. Thousands are happy who were dis appointed with others which cost much more than Vaco lltes. Vacolites are adjusted, to really fit at prices you can afford. INVESTIGATE VACOLITE N. C. Vacolite Co. 001 Security Bank Building RALEIGH, N. C. 2. AmXS UKI MAMC 4. kb mm mum 8. no "rMirr mm 6.WMBUW 7. unun caun 98 a ml run fCwn-ron* on. ROLIER-KOATER 5 J* Kwn-Tbn* TIIMS AsUwas 15$ aral PUSTK PATCH HOME FURNITURE COMPANY LOUISBUBO, N. 0. YOUR DEALER Until D Day Becomes V Day In the Army's Air. Transport Command, Wacb assigned to re cord files duty in the ATC have their hands on the very pulse ot the gigantic air service that! moves men and equipment over| vast reaches of land and water. The records In an ATC base file section are alive, up-to-the-min ute news accounts of the day to day progress of hundreds of flights that are winging us on to victory. File clerk is just one of many jobs being performed by members of the Women's Army Corps as signed to the Air Transport Com-, mand. The Wacs ot the ATC| are doing their work wltt\ the precise ability characteristic of | the American Woman? There is an opportunity today for Wac enlistees to choose not only "the job to which they wish to be assigned, but the branch of service ? Army Air Forces, Army Ground Forces, and Service For ces ? In addition to the . Army post or station at which they will commence th^ir duties as Wacs, within the Service Command In which they enlist. Women who are between the ages of twe.nty and1 fifty, Amer ican citizens, without dependents under fourteen years of age and with a minimum of two years' high school education, are ellgl-j ble for enlistment in the Wac. In j cases where substitutive qualifi cations exist, the educational re quirements may be waived. Mayor W. C. Webb, Civilian Recruiter (or Louisburg, states that now that the long awaited thrust in Europe has begun, H hour and D day is here now (or the women of our country. Thousands already are wearing the uniforms of their brothers, thousands more are needed. With the ever increasing casualties mounting dally, women are need ed not only as replacements but must be ready and trained to care for the wounded, the crip pled, the maimed. MORE OIL Raleigh. June 28. ? Household ers who heat tiielr homes only with oil heating stoves will be given extra fuel oil allowances equal to 10 per cent of their re newed fuel oil ration for heat when children under 6 years of age live in the household, Theo dore S. Johnson, Raleigh District OPA Director, said today. This allowance may not ex ceed the amount that is allowed for the same purpose In homes heated by central heating plants. This amount Is 50 gallons In North Carolina. Children's allow ances this year for all types of heaters are about the same as last year. Today's action makes an excep tion to the general rule that not more than 550 square feet of floor area may be counted for each oil heating stove in determ inlng the amount of the fuel oil ration. In North Carolina the celling for all types of non-port able oil stoves is increased to 950 square feet. This takes into account the milder temperatures of the South, where larger floor areas can be heated with a single stove. With this action, the special limit of 1,100 square feet for non portable heaters equipped with fans or blowers was eliminated. TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT I would like to thank each one for the promptness and consider ation shown in answering the call to my home on Sunday. ' MRS. PATTIE PITTMAN. ? On Pay Day, Buy War Bonds ? IF YOU SUFFER FROM ARTHRITIS or Rheumatism, you can now do something about it! Medical sci ence has recently come to the rescue with DMC PRESCRIP TION No. 49. Try this remark able new medicine or two weeks and you'll be surprised at the re sults. There is absolutely nothing on the markcf so effective for the treatment et Arthritis and Rheumatism as DMC PRESCRIP TION jlo. 49. BODDIE DRUG STORE Loulsburg, C. ATTENTION FARMERS We are now ready to receive the New Wheat Crop. WE WILL EXCHANGE YOUR WHEAT, WE WILL STORE YOUR WHEAT, OR WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT AT THE MARKET PRICE. GIVE US A CHANCE TO HANDLE IT FOR YOU, AND FOR SATISFACTORY BAKING, TRY OUR ZEB VANCE, VANCO AND VAN ITY FAIR FLOUR. Vance Milling Company, Inc. (Old Vanco Mills) HENDERSON, N. C. L. M. Bullock, Pres. W. J. Alston, V. P. & Treas. Patronize TIMES Advertisers ? On Pay Day, Buy Boa da? THIS is Invasion! Now in the hearts, brains and muscles of our American Youth lies the future of our country. Bow your heads. Pray with millions of mothers the country over, as their hearts reach out over the seas, each one seeking out her boy, to protect him with the shield of her love. | Believe that in this world there is definite strength in decency and honor. Believe that in our devotion there is moral force. Believe that our will to victory will aid that victory. V Seek and ye shall find! Let us seek added strength and fortitude for our men in our own sacrifice and devotion. Let us focus every thought, every action, and every prayer on the boys fighting for us. And, while each one bends to his task with ever-growing fervor and energy, let us adopt a common symbol as our faith in Victory. Let that Symbol be War Bonds. Let us pour our money in a gigantic flood of goodwill toward our sons and brothers, as a spiritual shield for them. t This is the Invasion. The lives of our boys are at stake. Let them see that the Soul of America is with them. Let it not be too late ? ? ? not nextmooth, next week, or tomorrow, but today ... now. - , M, * Buy Your Invasion Bonds Today *5? WAR LOAN This is an official U. S. Treasury advertisement ? prepared under auspices of Treasury Department? ?od Was Advertising Coopott FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Louisburg, N. C. -- - Franklmton, N. C.