*##*?*####* If g ? KEEP FAITH I with us? \hy buying WAR BONDS YOU NEED////t'd- "That the en tire- Board of Town Commission ers, together with the Town At torney inspect the drainage proo lem at the residence of Mrs. L. I, Joyner, on N. Main Street and Clifton Avenue." The Board adopted the follow ing prices on Cemetery lots in the Oakwood Cemetery of Loulsburg, N. C.: For residents of the Town of Louisburg. S. C., $75.00 per lot. For Non-residents of Louis burg, N. C., $75.00 plus a main tenance fee of $25.00 per lot. These prices to become effective after October 6th, 1944. Commissioner F. H. Allen made the following motion which was seconded by Commissioner W. O. Lancaster. "That the Tow:i of Loulsburg advertise for bids on gas chloi inators, according to certain specifications approved by the Light & Water Committee, as provided by law." , This motion was passed unanimously. The Board approved a number of invoices for payment. Tl^ere being no further business the meeting adjourned. Died of Wounds Information received in Louls burg by Mrs. W. H. Brantley Tuesday stated that her husband, Lt. W. H. Brantley, died on Sept. 12th from wounds received in the big battle in Belgium on Sept. 11th. About two weeks ago Mrj. Brantley was notifled of his be ing wounded. ? On Pay Day, Buy War Bonds ? TOBACCO SELLING WELL MUCH OF THE WEED SOLD THIS WEEK Full Sales Each Day With No Serious Block; Farm ers Enjoy General Satis faction Each of the three big warehous es have enjoyed full sales each day during the past week with no serious blocks to inconven ience their customers. The prices have been considered good and generally satisfactory by the many growers. All gradeB are in strong de mand, except of course, vthe non descript, and the buyers show an eagerness to take all they can use. Louisburg invites all growers to [Visit the dally sales and join with us in helping to make living bet ter for the farmers. Lions Will Put On A Minstrel Show The Louisburg Lions Club vot ed unanimously Tuesday night at the regular meeting of the Club to sponsor a minstrel show in the next few weeks. Lion Dean Moon will direct the affair using the talent of the local Lions. This is the Club's first attempt at an entertainment of this sort and it is not known Just what undis covered talent will be brought to light. However, twenty-two of the members have signified their willingness to try to become black faced comedians. Reverend Edgar Fisher, who is conducting a revival meeting at the Methodist Church this week, was introduced to the Club by Lion Pres. Hedden. Kev. Fisher j poke 011 The Characteristics of a Good Civic Club Member. H Youngs villp, J. L. Brown, chair man, $780.00. Frankllntom, Rer. Brqoe Hart sell and Rer. S. S. Mercer, l chalrnyi, $1,000.00. JENKINS GIVEN 10 TO 20YEARS IN FRANKLJN CRIMINAL COURT NOW IN SESSION Hon. W. H. S. Burgwyn, of Northampton County Pre siding; Solicitor W. Y. Bickett Prosecuting For State; Many* Cases Dis posed Of; Most All Get Good Sentences; Grand Jury Not Through When Report Closed The regular October term of Franklin Superior Court conven ed on Monday morning with Hon. W. H. S. Burgwyn, of Northam ton County presiding and Solici tor W. Y. Bickett. of Raleigh, prosecuting for the State. "The laws are made for the purpose of making those ot us who are not willing to comply with the proper demands of so ciety conform to them by forcing compliance," said Judge Bur gwyn in a most Interesting and impressive charge to the grand ^iry. "The laws," he said, "are made for the benefit and protec tion of our people and it is the solemn duty of the grand jury to see that they are enforced." Judge Burgwyn said some people think the laws are made for every body else except themselves. Pay ing a tribute to many of Frank lin County's citizens said this county has played an important part in this great State, mention ing the names of such men as Joseph J. Davis, C. M. dooke, E. W. Timberlake, T. W. Bickett, W. H. Yarborough, E. H. Davis and many others. He told of visiting a Veterans hospital in New York where a large number of wounded soldiers were being treated, and added that if those of us who complain of the little sacrifices and inconveniences they experi ence, hear what these soldiers think of them they would not want to get up in the morning, and their contempt for the strik ers, would cause them not to want to wake up any more. Wo have ahead of us now a dark and difficult path to travel and stress ed the importance of the mem bers of the jury sening that the laws are enforced. B. C. Johnson was appointed Foreman of the jury and G. C. Parrish was appointed officer. The new jurors drawn at this term were Tommie Clark. P. L. Collins, B. C. Collins. E. C. In scoe, Bobbie Peoples, F. B. Leon ard, J. G. Wiggs, S. C. Kearney, A. D. Young. Those holding over from the former appoint ment were B. C. Johnson, G. G. Phelps, M. H. Moye, A. B. Inscoe, Otho Hayes, R. H. Layton, G. B. Foster, D. B. Gardner, W. C Privette. Following the charge the dock fctt was taken up and disposed ot as follows: State vs H. T. Hayes, seduc tion, tenders plea of bastardy, judgment suspended upon pay ment of $8U0 to prosecuting wit ness and costs. State vs Charlie Peppers, rob bery from person, defendant la Sanitorium, continued. State vs Will Perry, house breaking and larceny, pleads guilty, given 6 months in jail, suspencted upon payment of costs and $25, for Ave years. State vs Joseph M. Kearney, robbery, a nolle pros was taken as the defendant had been turned over to the Military authorities. State vs Tommie Pearce, lar ceny, nolle pros taken as defend ant is confined in State Asylum. State vs E. L. Murray, resist ing officer, remanded to Record er's Court at request of Solicitor. State vs Herman Lee Foster, operating car while license was revoked, defendant pleads nolo contendere ? given six months la jail, condition that he sell car and pay costs. state vs Newell Jeruigan, oper ating automobile intoxicated, a nolle pros taken because defend ant having died since suit com menced. State vs Dave Jenkins, Jr., as sault with deadly weapon with intent to kill, found guilty as charged, ordered to be conttned in State's P/ison for a term of not less than 10 years nor more than 20 years. State vs Jarvls Perry, breaking and entering, five cases, pleads guilty, riven 6 months In each case to run consecutively. Sus pended upon payment of costs and placed on probation. State vs Nelson Crudsp> house breaking and laresay, Judgment suspended . State vs Nelson Crude p, break ing and entering, nine cases, plsads guilty, given 6 months on loads In each case and f,Q run concesntlvely. State vs Jamee Cooley, a>"?* on a female, pleads guilty, ( Continued on Page