Community Church Notices St. Paul's Episcopal Second Sunday in Lent 10:00 Church School 11:00 Morning Prayer and Ser mon Wednesday: . ' / '? 10:10 Holy Communion 7;30 Litany and Address Friday: 7:30 Vestry Bunn Baptist Week of February 10, 1963 SUNDAY: 10:90 The Church In Bible " Study 11:00 J The Church In Worship The guest speaker will be the Rev. James Foster. This ser vice Will begin In the School of Missions. 6:30 The Church In Training 7:30 The Church In School of Missions Mrs. Freeman Russell, home missionary to the Spanish speaking, will be the speaker. MONDAY-FRIDAY: 7:00 Graded Mission study 8:00 Missions Speakers MONDAY -Roy J. Smith, state missions TUESDAY-Mlss Eva -Sanders, Nigeria WEDNESDAY- O. J. Hagler, stewardship promotion THURSDAY-Wllson D. Jones, .home missions ' FRIDAY FRIDAY - -James P, Morgan, state missions St. Delight Baptist Services for the following week are as follows.' 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, Bruce Leonard, Supt. 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning Worship - "What Will Happen. When Jesus Comes Back?" 7:30 p.m. Sundayevenlng Wor ship- The Lord's Supper. Wednesday: 7:30T>.m. Hour of power You are cordially invited to attend each of these services. Union Chapel The Union Gospel Tabernacle services for neat Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship and Sermon "Looking Toward The Cross" 7:30 p. mi Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Night prayer Meeting and Choir Practice We Invite you to worship with n* it each service. Wesleyan Service ^ Guide Meets The Wesleyan Service Guild met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Norman Chadwlck. Dur ing the business meeting pre- , sided over by the president, Mrs. W. A. Andrews, Sr., plans were made for the delegates who will attend the Guild Con ference In Goldsboro on March 23 to carry a gift for a special conference communion service. The past year's officers were re-elected for the year 1??3 Mra. Genevieve Perry gave ?he worship program for the evening opening with a prayer after which the group repeated the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. E. F. Thomas was in. charge of the program which was entitled Crusade Scholars. The guest speaker for the evening was Louisburg Methodist Week of March 10 Sunday: 10:00 Bunn 11:00 HU1 King 7:30 ShUoh 'Tuesdays 7:30 M. Y. F. at Hill King Thursday: 7:30 Prayer Meeting at Leah's Friday: ' 8:00 Choir Rehearal at Hill King Please note Quarterly Con ference at Leah's Chapel on Sunday March 17 at 7:30. Rev. G. S. Eubank will preach. ? Piney Grove 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, W. H. Ball, Supt. 11:00 a.m. Worship Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Prayfc'r Service 6:00 p.m. M. Y. F. Mr. Smith will speak on Darwin's Evo lution 7:00 Youth M. VY. F. conducted by Dorsey Wrenn, Jr. Randells Chapel Sunday: 10:00 Sunday School, James Hunt, x Supt. 11:00 Worship service Wednesday: 7:30 Choir Practice The school of mission will be gin Sunday March 10, at 7:30 p.m. Public Is cordially Invited to attend. New Hope Services, for Sunday, March 10th and the following week: 10:00 Worship Service ^ 1 1 .00 Sunday School 7:30 Monday evening, the Ella Strtekland Circle with meet at the home of Mrs. Cavls Chamblee 7:30 Wednesday evening, Choir Practice. Louisburg Baptist Congregational and Organiza tion meetings of the Louisburg Baptist Church for the week be ginning Marctf 10, 1963. SUNDAY: 9:45 Church School, G. M. West Superintendent 1 1 :00 The Church At Worship 11:00 The Elizabeth W. Bob bitt Sunbeams 7430 Missionary Address MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Mission Study 8:00 Missionary Address March 10th begins week of special emphasis on Christian Missions. The Rev. John M. Glenn, Pastor of the Raeford, N. C. Baptist Church will bring the message Sunday morning. _ During the week the various areas of Southern Baptist Co operative Mission concern will be presented. Six missionaries will participate in the program with a different speaker each night. The W. M. U. will observe their WEEK OF PRAYER for ? HOME MBS IONS In conjunction with the School of Missions. Red Bud Week of March 10 Sunday: 10.00 Sunday School, demon Nelms, Supt. 11:00 Worship Service with a Missionary to speak. /Thursday: 7:00 Prayer meeting, Choir practice immediately following. Monday - Friday: School of Missions Centerville 'Sunday March 10,: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, B. M. Griffin, Supt. 7:00 p.m. Evenlnf Worship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Choir Practice Please attend these services. Louisburg Methodist Circles Meet The Mary Burt Person Circle met Monday night at the home of Mrs. H. C. Perteraon with six members present. In the abaence of the chairman, Mrs. E. C. Bulluck presided over the business meeting. The program entitled Lord Teach Us To Pray was lead by Mrs. HelenStephen son. A social hour followed the pro gram. The Maude McKlnne Circle met Monday night with Mrs. John H. Hodges. The group wel comed Mrs. Juanlta Pleasants as a new member. During the business meeting, plans were made to service the Methodist Mens Club dinner on March 11. Mrs. Dorothy R, Wilson was In Charge of the program using as her topic "Lord Teach Ua To Pray." In her talk she used the five senses connecting those with our prayer, life. A aoclal hour followed the meeting. Mrs. M.M, Person, Jr.'s home was the site of the monthly Alicia Suarei, a student at loulaburg College, who was Introduced by Miss Roth Mer rltt. She spoke on llfe ln Chile and entertained members with hymns of her native country as well as a selection of our hymns on an accordlan. meeting of th? Oulda Furgurson Circle Tuesday morning. Nine members were present and a special guest, Mrs. Florence* of Burlington, who Is on the staff at Loulaburg College. During the business meeting, announcement was made of the District meeting to be held on March 28 at the Highland Metho dist Church, Ridge Road, M lelgh. Mrs. Turlington, the con ference president, will speak at this meeting and all members were urged to attend. v Mrs. F. N, Splvey was -In charge of the devotional and Mrs. Aubrey Bailey spoke on the subject, "Lord Teach Us lb Prav ?' At the conclusion ofthe meet ing, Mrs. Person Sehred light refreshments. The Evelyn Smlthwlck Circle met Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. J. A. Hodges. Rirlng the business session presided over by Mrs. J. B. Hlght, the chairman, announce ment was made of the general meeting to be held on March 18 and she urged each member to attend. Mrs. Howard Guln gave an Interesting talk on "The Pledge," emphasizing Chrlst Jan stewardship. The hostess served delicious refreshments to thirteen mem bers present. Baptist Churches To Hear Missionaries Thirty-five missionaries will assist the churches of the Tar River Baptist Association In "f" ? Schools of Missions the week of _ March 10-15. "Two rears of ?&reful planning has preceded " these schools, and the churches . anticipate a revlal la mlsslon _ - try eqeeeen, "-staled J. Parker McLendon, Association!] Mls slonary. who Is serving as Dl rector for the Schools of MIs slons. Each participating church will be host for a visiting mission-* afy, and the speaking schedule will be arranged so thai each church will hear seven different missionaries representing as sociation^, state, home,' and foreign missions. Assoclattonal missionaries and persons serving through the varied ministries of the Baptist State Convention will participate. Home Missionaries serving under the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Con vention will come from Texts, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kentucky, , Virginia, Maryland and the Dis trict of Columbia. _ Foreign missionaries to Ni geria, Southern Rhodesia, Ko rea, the Philippines, and Brazil will represent the major fields being served through the Fo reign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. ' Each participating church will have missionary speaker^ for tt*l worship services Sunday mdrnlng and evening. The week night services will consist of mission study classes for all age groups followed by a Joint service during which the visit ing missionary will speak. ? Anyone sharing an Interest In Christian missions Is Invited to attend the services In anypar- _ ttclpatlng church. The In dividual church -schedule should be consulted-tQ determine the time of the services and the names of the missionary speak er*. ' * The ~ Morning Chapel of the - Air (radio station WYRN, S:05 ??15 a.m.) will feature Inter views with six of the visiting missionaries during the week. NOWDRIFTl 3 Lb. TIN $8451 49? SUN VALLEY MARGARINE j 2 Lbs. 29< MAGIC i m _ . BISCUITS 450 6 cans . ARMOURS nnmvung treet : 39c "BIG DEAL" TEXIZE BLEACH BLEACH (?fopomf* '/2 GALLON JUG MORE ORDER SUGAR390 8W6ET PR1CER -Yl'i. \ TRY OUR DELICIOUS STEAKS TIIIC WFFV CLOSE TRIMMED TENDER I 111 J TV LEU AND FLAVORFUL PRICED FOR A BIG SAVING- J-BONE SIRLOIN BONELESS RIBS BONELESS ^ 1 ROUND STEAK l, HYGRADE'S TOP QUALITY BACON ib 45* /<>' DeJ/aot/S FANCY GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES 'TEXY" DISH 22 Oz. BOTTLES m DETERGENT MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT 10 Oz. JAR COFFEE 99* SAFETY MATCHES 5* FANCY GREEN 2 Lbs. YELLOW Q LARGE 38 Oz. SIZE * - ^ C% WESSON -- JAA MOIL WC r?, ' P0CAH0NTAS out fa ?y. BEANS 2 ^ Zy HUNTS CALIFORNIA %mh peaches 5? i 49* ^ EGGS DEAN FARMS GRADE A LARGE EGGS 4(|? DOZEN ^ J ? ~~+*r ?' n GORTON'S FISH STICKS Pkg1' 35< MR. 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