Ma r ridge " Announced ? MRS THEODORE UPCHURCH EAVES Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Gardner, Sr. of Route 1, Castalla, N. C., announce the marriage of their daughter, Minnie Lolsrto Theo dore Upehurch Eaves of Donald son Air Force Base, South Carolina, sog of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eaves of Henderson, N. C, The marriage took place on March 1, 1963 at the home of Reverend Harold Steen, Louis burg, N. C. The bride Is a senior at Ed ward Best High School. The groom is a 1961 graduate of Epsom High School. Mrs . Kelly Leads fFSCS Program Mrs. W. H. Kelly, program chairman, conducted a program on "What Shall We Tell Our Children About Race" at the meeting of the W. S. C. S. of t he Buifn Methodist Church; - Monday night. Mrs. John Wood Speaks To WMS Mrs. John M. Wood spoke to the W. M. S. of Ransdell Chapel on "The Bible, Essentially Mis sionary" at Its meeting Mon day evening In the home of Mrs, Mrs. Wood tfkve Illustrative readings selected from the first book of the Bible to the lut showing the missionary charac ter of the Bible. The hostess served hamber gers, sugar wafers and soft drinks to the, nine members and two visitors. Assisting In the program were Mesdames Charles Richardson, Carl Richardson, Irene Nevlls and Miss Roxle Underhlll. Mrs. M. T, Pearce read the scripture and Mlas Lula Bed dlngfleld led the group In pray er. Mrs. Martha Eiuils served as secretary In the absence of Mrs. Pauline Jeffreys, secretary. Mrs. Kelly served lemon lay er cake and coffee. (M.K.) Long, Long Trail * , Jones - "Good evening, old man. Thougni I'd drop mand see you about the unbrella you bor rowed from me last week." Brown - "Tm sorry, but I lent It to a friend of mine. Were you wanting .It?" Jones - "Well, not for myself , but the fellow I borrowed It from says fhe owner wants It." Teenage Chat By Batty Wrtnr I The Y.W.A.'s of the LoulsBurg Baptist Church met Monday night (or their periodic study course at the home Of Donna ?. Weaver. Those present were Donna Weaver, fWtfy wrenn, Judy Wilder, Faye Rudd, Bar-, bara White, Lois Griffin, and Dorothy Knott. The study course was entitled The Vacant Heart - " *ed 'pres^ntSwT SyTois " GrWBT" and Dorothy Knott. R was most Interesting because It dealt with the Baptist work among (he deaf, the migrants, and Just everyone who Is unfortunate. Refreshments consisted of va nilla Ice cream, vanilla wafers, and COkes. An amusing fact about this particular meeting was that Donna forgot all about it. In spite of this, everything - turned out just fine, much to her s relief. T- ?" I was Informed that Edward Best Is having a Monogfcm Supper th^s Saturday night. I hope It Is a mg success, but that you'll get out In time to come to the dance at the Armory. The seniors have ask ed me to Invite you all to come and they assure you that you'll have a .very nice time. - Donna Weaver told me sM has recently made a trip to Raleigh: As a result, she Is quite excited and happy. Seems she did some shopping tor her wedding. With that who wouldn't be happy. Lots of luck to you both, Earl and Donna! Strange things are happening or so I've he?rd. For one thing, "Hawk" was out In the back ? -a yard last week, with a shovel, a pick, a, "monkey" wrench, ""j a cuP- Just what were you I going to do with all of that stuif, "Hawk"? Another Incident I heard about was that the soldier on the monument on North Main St. fired his gun last Friday night. This Is a little far fetched, but I was told that It really happened. Kathy Kennon got her driver's permit recently. Finally grit up enough nerve to take the test. Congratulations and good luckf Kathy. Cynthia sure was glad to have Jake home last week. She can't wait till he comes home again. What's this' about' a certain Youngsvllle boy asking a girl number during the tournament. Watch It boys, you're going steady. Seems D. & J. and B. L P. have decided that they can have fun double dating, no matter where they are. By the way, have any of you been taking any tests lately? The Juniors of L.H.S. took the National Merit test this week. Heard that it was Just a little bit difficult. Sorry, but 1 Just don't have any more news. Please write or call in your news, besides 1 know you have some. Remem ber I would appreciate it very much. * Miu bump. Mi. Owhui Pledged Vow Friday In the Parsonage of the Union Gospel Tabernacle on Friday evening March 1st at eight o'clock Miss Patricia Anne Crump of Charlotte became the bride of Colin P. Overton of Charlotte and Lou is burg. The Rev. jobe Overton, lather of the groom officiated using the double ring ceremong. The couple entered the living room together and spoke their vows before an improvised al-' tar of green and white. The bride, who Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Crump of Charlotte, chose for her wed ding i sUit of light blue wool with matching accessories. Her corsage was an orchid. She is a graduate of Mint Hill High School in Charlotte and is em ployed by Ralston- Purina in Charlotte as Secretary. , The groom Is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Jobe Overton. He Is a graduate of Bunn School and Is employed- by The Federal Bureau of Investigation In Char* _ lotte. After a short wedding trip the young couple will make their home at 1944 Woodcrest Ave., Charlotte, N. C. ^ Immediately after the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Crump were hosts at a reception for the immediate family and friends who were present. ff Oman's Club Dance Plans Mrs. Sykes Has Centerville Club Mrs. Frances Fuller, our new . Home Demonstration agent, met with the Centerville club Tues. March 5th at the home of Mrs. P. M. Sykes. Mrs. N. H. Griffin, club pre sident,, opened the meeting with a sons, Old North State, follow ed with scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. Steen. The following leaders gave reports, Mrs. N. H. Griffin, Home Beautificatlon; Mrs. Lewis Neal, Home Food Supply; and Mrs. P. M. Sykes, Public Relations. Mrs. Fuller gave a very help ful demonstration on planning bath rooms. During the social hour Mrs. Lewis Neal played a game with the group with Mrs. J. A. Thomas winning the prize. Circle 1 Meets Frankllnton ? Circle No. 1 of the W. S. C. S. of the Frank llnton Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. R. j. Rose Monday afternoon. During the buslnel&s session, a collection was taken for the orphanage child whom the cir cle sponsors. Plans to contri bute money to the Treasure Chest for missions were made. Flower assignments for the church sanctuary were given for the month of April. Mrs. J. E. Whitfield gave some interesting" facts' about Marline Harmon of Gastonla, who Is a missionary to the Congo. # Mrs. ft. J. Rose presented a, program aUJUt t fie Crusade Stu dents. Miss Nelle Joyner and Mrs. J. O. Green, Sr., assisted with the program. Announced The Junior woman's Club of Louisburg Is ushering in spring with a dance, on March 22, from 9 P.M. to 1 P.M. at the Louisburg Armory. The music is to be provided by Billy Jo Austins Band. Everyone is working hard to make this an enjoyable evening for all who attend. Club members would love to have you; so won't you come out on Friday, March 22 and enjoy an evening of dancing and by doing so, help the Junior Woman's Club with their many worthwhile projects. Tickets are now being sold by the members of the Junior Woman's Club and will also be sold at the door. 9 Fannie Heck Circle Meets Frankllnton ? The Fannie Heck Circle of the Frankllnton Baptist Church met at the church Monday afternoon. In the absence of the chair man, Mrs. H. F. Fuller pre sided. A financial report was given by Mrs. L. W. Hender son. The group voted t'o give $15.00 to the Annie Armstrong Fund. Mrs. T. P. Barrett presented the program entitled, "Spiritual Life Development." Mrs. Ful ler, Mrs. Norman Mitchell and Mrs. Hugh Daniel had parts on the program. Mrs* -Qj^rlie Cates was wel comed as a Visitor. Definite Rebuke liome.a,^#(1 ^ 1 her i "And what did she say?" "She said she'd send me a photo of it." BaptistrSpeakers For Mission Week Named Special representatives *bt ' Southern Baptist World Mis- I slons will be with the Louis- I burg Baptist Church each nlfht < this week for the SCHOOL OF < MISSIONS. Sunday morning the ( Rev. John M. Glenn will preach. Sunday nlfht Mrs. 'Ymogene Alexander McNealy, Mis- ' slonary to Brazil will repre- ' sent the Foreign Mission Board. 1 Monday ni McKlnne, G. M. Beam, Jr., George T. High, M. M. Person, Jr.,; Warren Smith, J. Leon Nelms, E. F, Yarborough and ' Betsy S. Lavender. Between progressions, the hostess serv ed Cokes and snacks. Following several progress ions, high score prise was pre sented to Mrs. Nelms whUje the .consolation prize went to Mrs. Beam. Mrs. Lee served s delicious fes9ert course. Entertains Bridge Club Frankltnton--Mrs. H. A. Mc Ghee entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening. Her home was decorated with artlfical tlowers. Mrs. Fred Blount received high score prize for club while second high went to Mrs. W. A. Shearon. Mrs. J. W. Hamm was the recipient of guest hlgu. Assisted by Mrs. C. H. Wjts ton and Mrs. Thilbert Pearce, the hostess served a- dessert course and coffee. ' Special guests were Mrs. Hamin and, Mrs. W. L. lie Ghee. FRANKLIN COUNTY LEAGUE X,>. Treasurer's Report 1962-63 CASH ON HAND, April 4, 1962 RECEIPTS: League dues, 1962-63 f 62.00 Tournament , 3,332 .35 Total receipts TOTAL, Cash on hand DISBURSEMENTS: , Financial report ad Passes, season Recitation- Declamation Contest: Judges, Elementary 32.50 Judges, High School 32.50 Tournament: Officials 221.40 Passes 8.76 Nets " . 4.07 Janitorial services 25.00 Awards J48.23 98.99 Treasurer's fee Distribution of tournament receipts: Bunn High School Edward Bast High School Epsom High School , .. Frankllnton High School Gold Sand High School Loulsburg High School Youngsvllle High School CASH ON HAND, March I, 1963 12M." - *3 >493- 3 4 8.05 8.76 65.00 407.46 25.00 415.00 415.00 415.00 415.00 415.00 ? 415.00 415.00 514.27 Z; (05.00 74.07 . a.m.u This report respectfully submitted this 1st day of March, 1963, showing all Income and expenses of tiM__ pr.nlrlln r,i.inly I ??gii? fnr the period April 4, 1962 through March 1, 1963. / Warren W. Smith, Treasurer I Franklin County League - J ICR SAV-MOR BACON . 35c 43< IGA TABLE RITE CHUCK ROAST Pfcsh >ean SUPERMARKET GROUND BEEF ^$125 FORD VILLAGE LOUISBURG.N C. ,|FFY STEAKS Lb 89$ ROYAL GUEST FROZEN ^ _ Clmuf FRENCH FRIES ?" 25* " DEAN*. OLEO 10* II $17* SNO-KREEM SHORTENING" 49( MUCH MORE ~ AAi BLUE RIBBON |A. GREEN PEAS, COBN, PEAS 3 c?, 29$ NAPKINS soct. "0< IGA PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 02. CAN -'W? rp-;-,i IGA Reg. Loaf 2 f?r 33( Long Loaf 25t | . PEANUT^ IBUTTER 29' PRODUCE HdMMH U. S. NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES bT 29( k TENDER GREEN ' CABBAGE 1 Lb. )r? CARROTS 1 lb. Cello Bag) |