"The- Fr<|||j||iii Times J? I V all th* local mws. Published Every Tuesday & Thursday * Serving All Of Franklin County 3 j : a I. QY 0-3283 ?[ Five Canjs Louiaburg. N. C., Thursday, June 6| 1963 - ? J (Eight Pages Today) 94th Year? Number 30 Recorder's Court Docket The following etui were dis posed of before Judge W. F, Shelton In Franklin County Re corder's Court with Solicitor W. H. Taylor prosecuting (or the state. A. W. Hawkins, w/m/47. Op ?ratlnc auto Intoxicated, pleads not guilty. Dismissed. Raymond Warren Foster, ?/ m/17. Speeding. $100.00 fine and costs. $?5.00 of fine sus pended upon the payment of fine and cost and to surrender operator's permit for tlx months. Elb?rt Sutton, c/m/29. Public drunkeness; resisting arrest. Guilty. 4 months In Jail re sisting arrest; 30 days on pub lic drunkeness. To run con current with prlpr sentence. Notice of appeal - $300.00 bond. William Macon, c/m/30. As sault with deadly weapon. 30 days In Jail, suspended on pay ment of costs and to remain of good behavior for 1 year. Wllbert Otis Epps, c/m/25. Assault with deadly weapon. 8 months In Jail, suspended on payment of medical bills of Mary Helen Epps and $23.00 fine and costs; to violate no laws for a period of 2 years. To post compliance bond of $150.00 to August 27th. John Russell Perry, c/m/ 37. Motor Vehicle Violation. $25.00 fine and costs. Johnnie Walter Bullock, c/m Carrying concealed weapon, as sault with deadly weapon. < months in Jail and $100.00 fine. Active term and fine suspend ed upon defendant remaining of good behavior for 2 years and to pay costs of this action. Weapon ordered seized. Perlle Williams, c/m/55. Mo tor vehicle violation. $25.00 fine and costs. George Graham Stalnback, w m/37. No operator's license. $25.00 fine and costs. Jimmy Reese Gupton, w/m/ 1#. No operator's license. Nol pro*. David Sylvester Vtck, c/m 22. Assault on female. 30 days In Jail, suspended on payment of costs and to remain of food behavior for 2 years. JURY TRIALS, May 29 Rufus Burnette Pearce, ald lnf and abetting In escape from Prison. Nolle pros. John Thomas Bullock, w/m 24. Motor vehicle violation. Nolle pros. * Ivan B. Onks, w/m/47, speed ing. Not guilty. Burnle Alston, c/m. Non sup port. Nolle pMs. Maxlne Moore, Unlawful pos session of whiskey and unlaw ful possession of whiskey for sale. Nqlle pros. Joseph Beal Bartholomew. Speeding. Withdraws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty to exceeding <0 mph speed limit. To pay costs. Paul J. \utrey, operating auto Intoxicated^ resisting arrest; as suit on Officer. 60 days In Jail suspended on payment of $50.00 fine and costs and tore main of good behavior for 1 y?ar. Parry Garland pace, w/m/2S. Operating auto Intoxicated; careless and reckless driving. 30 days In Jail, suspended on payment of $40.00 fine and costs and to violate no motor vehicle laws for I year. To post $100. compliance bond to July 9. Marvin Lonza Medlln, w/m 32. Operating auto Intoxicated. $50.00 fine and costs. Richard Dement, w/m/<2. Op erating auto Intoxicated. Jury verdict; not guilty. Thomas O. Conway, w/m/20. Larceny. $50.00 fine and costs. Fine remitted upon good be havior tor 2 years. Robert Glenn Evans, Speeding. $15.00 fine and costs. Van Wheeler Denton, w/m/30. Cpeedlng. $10.00 fine and costs. Fine remitted on payment of costs. Robin Wins Zlon, 111. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scbott have admitted de teat when It comes to the de termination of a mother robin to build a nest In their mall box. For the third time this robin hak built a nest In the Scbott' s mailbox. They have finally riv en up and erected a new mall box and put this slfn on the old one: "Use other mailbox. This one la for tla birds." ) Bird Nest Or "H" Bomb Shelter Loulsburg Electric Department personnel are still trying to fig ure out whether the woodpecker that pecked out the huge hollow in topmost section of one of their j utility poles was trying to build a nest or bomb sheltori - Times Photo. Commissioners Shy From Childers Pay Bill Motion County Commissioner W. P. Chllders tried to put the Coun ty Board on record In opposing the omission of the County Reg ister of Deeds Office in a pay bill before the General Assem bly Monday, but the rest of the Board wouldn't go along. Commissioner Chllders mov Firemen Pay Tribute To Dead Member Loulsburg volunteer firemen paid tribute to deceased fellow member Joe Pearce In the form of a resolution Monday night. pearce, County Forest Rang er and long time member of the department, died at his home early Sunday morning of a self inflicted pistol wound. The resolution commended Pearce for his "loyal and faith ful service, his ability to serve without complaint, his unfail ing loyaltty and good humor and his contlnuoys Interest In the progress and Improvement of his department." Anniversary v Boston - It has been one year since Everett Knowles was wheeled Into a hospital opera ting room with his right arm gone from about 3 Inches be low the shoulder. The arm was In of bucket of Ice. Deo Doctors suci essfully re attached the boy's arm to his body making a significant medi cal breakthrough. Doctors say months at ob servation and troatment are ?till In prospect before com plete recovery. If you think well of those who think well erf you the score Is even. ed that the clause "but those In tlte Register of Deeds Of fice" In authorizing the Com missioners to Increase or de crease the salaries of county officials by 5 per cent from time to time as the same ap pears In HB 1129 be deleted. His motion died for lack of a second. The bill was Introduced by Representative James D. Speed and has already passed the House and gone over to the Senate, where It faces almost certain revision that could, per haps kill the entire measure and result In no pay raises for anyone and pat the County Com missioners on the spot. The Board Monday reappoint ed Lloyd West and Professor Allen DeHart to new three year terms on the County In dustrial Development Com mission and appointed a four member County Planning Board composed "of M. R. House, of Frankllnton township; James T. Allen, Youngsvllle; Melvln Nelms, Cypress Creek; and Ronald Tharrlngton, of Louts burg. A road petition signed by for mer Commissioner Brooks W. Young and others was ordered ..filed and the bond of Deputy Sheriff Ralph E, Beasley was approved by the Board. The Clerk was Instructed by the Board to Inform the Coun ty Rabies Inspector that pen alties collected by him on dog vaccinations should be turned over to the County semi-an nually, In June and December. Leads In Campaign i w. D. Egerton Masonic Notice There will be a stated com munication ot Louisburg Lodge 413 AF ti AM on Tuesday eve ning June 11 at I o'clock In the Masonic Temple. Work will be In the Entered Apprentice degree and all En tered Apprentices, Fellow craft and Master Masons are cordially Invited. Weldon D. Egerton, General Agent for Security Life Trust Company for Loulsburg and . vicinity, lead the entire agency In the recent April President's Month Campaign. The company has over 2,100 agents under contract. Edgerton, who attended an In surance course at the Unlver hls service In the 0, S. Navy, has been In the life Insurance business ever since. He was ?elected as Insurance Officer by the Navy Department and was In charge of the Insurance De partment under the Bureau of War Risk Insurance for the New York District. Following his service with the Navy he returned to Loulsburg where he has been General Agent for his Company for the pest 25 years, serving the public with his extensive training and experience in the Insurance ( business. ( Ben-Gurlon holds U. S. arms 1 curb Imperils Israel. ! To Include Deeds Offiee County Pay Bill Revised In Senate Representative James D. Speed's County Pay BUI ran Into a buzz-saw In Senate Ju diciary I Tuesday morning and what was left bears little, If any, resemblance to Speed's original bill. The buzz-saw was In the form of one Senator W; M. Jolly, who, "because of the Interest expressed In the bill by many outstanding citizens and one of the CountyCommlssloners," took the liberty of submitting a "committee substitute" bill. What happens when the new bill goes back over to the House remains to be seen. The Jolly substitute bill raises the Assistant Clerk of Court to $3,600, the second assist ant or deputy clerk to $3,400, the Solicitor of Recorder's Court to $3,549 (the same as the Judge) the Assistant Re gister of Deeds to $3,400 and the Deputy Register of Deeds to $3,100. The Speed version specifically omitted all Re gister of Derds Officer per sonnel. In a letter to Speed explain ing his actions, Jolly said: "It Is my belief that the as sistants to the Clerk and tb the Register of Deeds are under paid when considered In the light of the responsibilities that they owe the public. In fact, all of these County employees receive less than do legal sec retaries, who do not have as much responsibility," "It Is also 01? belief that the Solicitor Is entitled to receive the same compensation as the Area Developers Plan Buitn Visit Members of the seven-county Capital Area Development A? aoclatlon are scheduled to visit the Bunn community here In Franklin County next Wednes day from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. according to CADA President W. D. Reynolds. Bunn was selected as the first Griffin Selected J. T. Griffin Mr. J. T. Griffin, Teacher of Vocational Agriculture of Ep som High School, was selected by the State Supervisor of Vo cational Agriculture as one of sixteen teachers to participate In a two-weeks workshop on Re planning High School courses In Agriculture. The teachers will be assisted by consultants from the School of Agriculture, N.C. State Col lege, and representatives of the State Department of Public In struction. The study will take place on the campus of N.C. State College, June 10th through June 21st. place winner In community de velopment competition In 1062. Officials of the Franklin Coun ty Area Development Commttt tee will serve as hosts In as sociation with Bunn townspeople for the guided tour of the im mediate area. The Bunn tour, third of the year for CADA members In Wake, Vance, Warren, Gran ville, Harnett, Johnston and Franklin Counties, will give the visitors an opportunity t o view the projects and efforts of a smaller and predominate ly agricultural region as com pered with previous tours of the North Carolina Trade Fair and the Smlthfteld Plan at Smlthfleld. Robbers Hit Tonkel's, Country Club Tonkql's Department ,4fore and the club house at Green Hill Country Club were broken Into sometime last night by thelves who took money, cig arettes and beer. Loulsburg Chief of Police Wil liam T. Dement said that the cash register at Tonkel's was relieved of Its contents of about $30.00 by thelves who prized the steel bars apart and enter ed through a rear window. A quantity of beer and cig arettes were lost at the Coun try Club, but an expensive, rid ing golf caddy, also missing from the club house, was re covered from down on the river bank of the club where It was apparently abandoned. Judge." "I certainly hope , and trust you will permit the commis sioners, If In their Judgement they deem It wise, to raise all County employees 5%. I am sure you are aware that the salary raises In Franklin Coun ty have not kept pace with the ever-Increasing cost of liv ing. " like A Missile Hole in field shows where compressed gas tank above landed some distance away from the illicit whiskey distillery it was being to fire. The tank took to the air like a mis sile when agents blew the still. - Times Photo. Jaycee Survey Ends Survey Fire Damage City Utilities Superintendent, 3. C. "Buster" Poster and Councilman Robert M. Hicks survey fire damage to hot asphalt street spraying untt following blaze at City Garage last Fri day. - Times Photo. The Loulsburg Jaycees are expected to conclude the Ini tial phase of their Community Attitude Survey Thursday night, by picking up the completed Survey F,orms that were left at the home of Loulsburg re sidents on Monday, June 3. Any citizen who did not re ceive a Survey Form or whose Completed Form was not pick ed by the Jaycees should call either GY 6-4242 or GYV5228. Troy Parker, Survey Chair man, Stated that the Jaycees would like to express their sincere appreciation for the fine cooperation of the citizens of Loulshurg during this pro ject. ? Parker said that the Jaycees are now In the process of tab ulating the results of the Sur vey and as soon as this Is completed, results will be for warded to all news media, Civic organizations, and any Govern ment Bodies Involved. Feds Arrest Three, Take Man's Car The revenooers returned to Franklin County - Monday to complete a little unfinished business as a result of raids on a couple of booze plants last week - like the arrest of three men and confiscation of a car. Arrested were Willie Bell "Bill" Johnson, 41 year-old Frankllnton, 'Route 2, negro Lewis "Bro" Harris, 31, also of Frankllnton Koute 2, and William Hartsfleld, 46 year old Route 4, Loulsburg negro. Johnson and Harris were ar rested as the result of a raid on an Illicit booze making plant near Frankllnton. Harris' car, > 1(62 Ford, was confiscated by the officers, who said It was the car they were chasing when they skidded Into a ditch and wrecked their car. Both were Jailed In Raleigh following a hearing before JU.S. Commissioner Reva Rothrock. Johnson was later released un der $500 bond, but Harris re mained In jail late Tuesday in lieu of $1,500 bond. Hartsfleld, arrested as the result of a raid on a still near his home last Friday, was cited to appear before the Com missioner Thursday.

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