JatudMuaphy MM Aft. Budtoj In TatSm The marriage of Miss Janet Marl* Murphy to Author Law rence Bradley, took place Sat urday June 1st at 2:00 P.M. In the McKendree Methodist Church at Tarboro, In the pre sence of the Immediate fami lies. The Reverend Caswell Shaw performed the double ring ceremony. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Howard Payne Murphy of LoutsbUrg, Route 2. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny 1. Brad ley of Tarboro, Route 3. The church was decorated with ' white burning candles, white roses, snapdragons, white car nations and Queen Ann's lace. The bride wore a ballerina length dress of candlellte taf feta fashioned with bodice of re-embroldered alencon lace featuring a scalloped portrait neckline, bracelet Jen^th sleev es and bell skirt with taffeta rose at bapk waist line. Her small hat was of matching Ullles with a circular veil. She carried a bouquet of white roses. The brides mother wore a two piece beige summer suit with matching accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a blue dress with matching ac cessories. The bride graduated from Ed ward Best High School In 1958 and attended Hardbargers Col lege In Raleigh In 1S59. Since then she has been employed with the Board of Correction and Training In Raleigh u sec retary. The bridegroom graduated from West Edgecombe High Receives Scholarship Marlon Diane Murray, a ris ing Junior at Appalachian State Teacher's Col lege, wis chos en the recipient of a $300 schol arship awarded at the North Caroling High School Library ^Association Con vent Ion recently held In Wln ston-Salem. Diane, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Murray of Ra leigh and formerly, of Route 1, Castalla, graduated at Need ham Broughton High School, Raleigh and Is studying to be come a librarian. She visits relatives In Franklin County during the " summers. Mrs. W. B. Leonard of Route 1, Castalla Is her aunt. Fannie Heck Circle Meets (Frk. B.W.) The Fannie Heck Circle of the Frankllnton Bap tist Church met at the church on' Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. E. Brady presented the program entitled, "What Is Royal Service?" \ During the business session plans were made for flowers to be placed In the church sanctuary during the months of June, July, August and Sep tember. Volunteers were solicited to help serve refreshments at Bible School next week. A gen eral W.M.S. meeting was an nounced for Sunday afternoon at the Franklin County Board ing Home. Free enterprise should object to governmental subsidies for business. NOW! REVION Is Here / ,o Franklinton Only Full Line Dealer * / / ^ / All Now In Franklinton o* ^ At The Beauty Bar Of THE CORNER DRUG STORE Franklinton N. C. PHONfc 3851 IF IT'S FOR DAD, YOU'LL FIND IT AT ""Jew*. A] (huHJHU j i With Father's Day coming > up on June 16th, customer | A. C. Gupton looks over ! I the wide collection of i t (^yftan/iaficw ! shirts to be found In our ( store. In addition, you'll- find a wide variety of gifts by JANTZEN, LOW DON FOG, JAYMAR, GANT, HUB BARD, and ENGLISH LEA THER. Register For Free Vacation For Father's Day... GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE for CMY MIDDLECOFF SlACKS by JAYMAR and Dad gets a FREE MONEY CUP, tool Tfw bo?t gift In th? world for fho bod guy In tho world! And W* oxoctfy *?? gm N(d chooto for hlmwffi R?\cb> s h Hi /ye ft. MENS uaichft Smtm 'it ?S.~ Ofaamns *. Main St. ^ Louisburg, N. C. ' Phone 6Y 6-4912 School In Rocky Mount, Louls burg College In Loutsburg, and North Carolina State College of Raleigh. I After a wedding trip In the southern part of th? state, the couple will make their home at Rocky Mount, Route 2. Baptist Circles Meet The W.M.U. of the Louls burg Baptist Church met on Monday night at the church with twenty-five members pre sent. The meeting was opened with the group singing "We've a Story To Tell To The Nations" after which Mrs. A. S. Tomlln son read from the prayer cal endar for the day and Mrs. Grady Harris lead In the open ing prayer. Following the roll call and reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, mem bers of -The' Mary Hester Powell gave an Interesting program en titled Co^Laborers For The Truth. Those taking part were Mesdames Morris Wynne, Joe Shearln, and J. R. Wilder. Mrs. Tomllnson closed the meeting with prayer. The Wesleyan Service Guild met on Monday night, June 3 at the home of Mrs. W. A. An drews, Sr. with the Rev. Kelly J. Wilson, 'Jr., pastor of the Loutsburg Methodist Church being the guest speaker. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Andrews, followed by Mr. Wilson leading the group In prayer. Mr. Wil son' spoke on Aldergates Sea son - the meaning of the church today and the group Joined In a discussion of new Ideas of the church. A short business meeting fol lowed with the group planning to place flowers In the sanc tuary during the month. Follow ing the reading of the financial report, the meeting was closed with a prayer by Mrs. Andrews. The hostess assisted by Miss Beth Andrews served Ice cream, cookies and salted nuts to eleven members present. If "Influence" Is being ped dled In Washington, the prac tice should be exposed, whether the salesmen are officials or Congressmen. Engagement Announced IRIS RITA BECKHAM The engagementof Miss Iris R4ta Beckham to Mr. Jerry Arnold Overton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arnold Overton of Klt trell, N.C., is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCalvln Beckham of FranlKllnton, N.C. A June 30th wedding Is planned at two o'clock at the Union Vi^w Baptist Church, Franklinton, Hojl/lU (Ik apt I Youths Honoted The Juniors, Intermediate and Young Peoples Classes and their teachers of the Harris Chapel Baptist Church were honored last Friday night with a uaiiv^un (ivai^ uy inB cnurcn In the lunch room of Harris School. The theme for the ban quet was Youth for Christ. <1 Rev. John Darnell, pastor of the church Introduced the Mas ter of Ceremonies, Rev. Dwane Campbell of the Sandy Creek Baptist Church. Special music was rendered by Rev. and Mrs. Robert Patterson, Rev. and Mrs. Tom McBrlde and Rev. Dwane Campbell, accompanied on the pUno by Mrs. Patter son. A very Inspiring message for youth was given by Rev. John O, Solano of Southeastern Seminary. Franklin Mem. Hospital Notes The following were patients In the hospital Thursday morning: WHITE PATIENTS James Ronnie Alford, Louls burg; Mrs. Anny Ayscue, Ra leigh; Mrs. Beulah Burnette, Castalla; Mr?i Mlna 1. Carter, Loulsburg; Mrs. Pattle W. Cash, LoulsburJrsMrs. Myrtle Chamblee, LoulsWg; Mrs. Gertie Conyers, fVankllnton; Mrs. Myrtle OmaCooKe, Frank llnton; William H. Cyrus. Frankllnton; Mrs. Margaret G. Driver, Loulsburg; Miss Mabel Foster, Loulsburg; Mrs. Rose Gilliam, Loulsburg; Miss Luna Gupton, Loulsburg; Mrs. Pattle C. Gupton, Castalla; Mrs. Pearl B. Gupton, Loulsburg; Mrs. Carol Harrlman, loulsburg; Grover C. Harris, jr.1; Louls burg; Charles Glade Kerley, Loulsburg; Alvln Marshall, Castalla; Charles Glenn Mur phy, Loulsburg: Roy Thomas Purnell, Frankllnton; Miss Joyce L. Redmond, Loulsburg; Mrs. Hazel M. Rogers, Louls burg; Berkley Strother, Louls burg; Miss Maggie Strickland, Klttrell; Miss Judy Tant, Wil son; Charles E. Tlmberlake, Loulsburg; Grover R. Wheeler, Loulsburg; Mrs. LUllan C. White, Loulsburg; Mrs. Lyn dell M. Williams, Loulsburg; Mrs. EsteMe Wood, Loulsburg; Miss Mary Ann Wood, Frank - llntoo, Mrs. Ava a Woodllef, Loulsburg. COLORED PATIENTS Gertrude Blockson, Franklln ton; Bertha Lee Brown, Louls burg; Lillian Conyers, Louls burg; Petronla Dunston, Louls burg; Dorothy Horton, Zebulon, Rosa Jeffers, Bunn; Metter Williams, Loulsburg. Lucille Ball learning Job as Desilu president. Elizabeth and Philip celebrat- I ed 15th anniversary. JL The menu (or the evening con sisted of fried chicken, garden peas, potato salad, hot rolls, Iced tea, cake and Ice cream. (CBG) Brides-Elect Are Honored Birthday Dinner Misses Sue Evans and Donald Rose Mitchell, June brides - elect, were honored at a des sert hour on Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Robert Murphy, at her home. The hostess greeted the thirty-five guests at the door and presented them to the hon orees and to Miss Evans moth er. Miss Evans and Miss Mit chell wetre given corsages of white carnations upon their ar rival. The dining room wu decorat ed In the traditional green and white bridal motif. The dining < table was covered with a white 1 silk cloth, and held an arrange ment of white glads and babies breath. The punch was encircl ed wltlf Ivy and babies breath. Refreshments included nuts, white petit fours decorated with green, wedding bell sandwiches, white rosebud mints and lime punch. Honors Mr. Hall Mr. Johnnie B. Hall was hon ored last Sunday with a birthday dinner. , About twelve friends and re latives from Raleigh attended the event. Those attendlnf were: Miss Gale Hall, Miss Jean Hattyman, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearce, Mrs. V. J. Wall, Miss Willie Bell Hall and Mr. and- Mrs. John Hall, Jr. (WBL) Tuesday Night Club Meets < * Mrs. Douglas T. House was hostess toiler bridge club Tues day night on th< Henderson Road with two tables playing. During play, the hostess as sisted. by her daughters, Jane Waring and Elizabeth, served Cokes and cheese straws. Following three progressions, high score prize (or club mem bers was presented to Mrs. Betsy S. Lavender while the low score went to Mrs. Warren Smith. Mrs. M. C. Joyner re celvejjj^e visitor's high score prize. A delicious dessert course was served to the following members: M?sdames G. ^M. Beam, Jr., Warren Smith, J.^ Leon Nelms and Betsy S. Lav ender and guests Mesdames John Pernell, M. C. Joyner, I Glenn Henley and Miss Martha Yarborough. i Louisburg Meth ? Circles Meet The Maude McKlnne Circle net on Monday night with Miss Zelda Coor with eleven mem bers present and one visitor, Mrs. Nina Crowder. Recently he Maude McKlnne Circle and he Mary Burt Person Circle vere combined with twenty-two members and Mrs. C.W. Rob 3lns the advisor. Mrs. George Murphy presld ?d over the business meeting in the absence of Miss Sarah Richardson, the chairman. Plans were made to serve din ner to the Methodist Men's Club >n Monday night, June 10. The program for the evening vas lead by Mrs. prover HaV :1s, Sr., with the topic being 31bllcal Foundations For Mls ilons. She was assisted by Mes lames Roger Kornegay and Varren Smith. A social hour followed the irogram. Yhe Oulda Furgurson Circle met on Tuesday morning it ^ the home of Mrs. M. M. Per son, Jr. Upon arrival, Mrs. person served refreshments to seven members. The program for the morning entitled Biblical Foundations For Missions was given by Mrs. Person. A short business meeting was held. Rugged Gal Never having worn a pair of shoes In her llfe,^ the moun taineer's feet were tough as leather. Her husband, stretched out on the cabin floor, watching her stir the fire In the fire place, laboriously lifted a hand to remove his corncob. "Maw," he said, "best move yore foot. Thar'* some live ashes under It." She kept on stirring. "All right, Henry; which foot?" 4% Paid On 1 Year Savings Certificates, ji Citizens Bank and Trust Company *THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" WE INVITE YOUR IUSINESS"> MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION HENDERSON , N. C. * FORD VILLAGE LOUISBURG, N. C. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. k PORK STEAK - 39* BOSTON BUTT ROAST ua 33* FRESH GROUND BEEF 31b. Pkg. $1.29 FROSTY MORN FRANKS 2 Lbs. 89* Cubed STEAKS pound 890 PET MILK6 tall cans 85$ CHERRY FILLED 10V ROLLS 330 pkg - HOT DOG Mti% * , D3JR/Y 4