Honored On Birthday p i ? Friday evening Carey Jones Perry, Jr., _ son of Dr. and Mrs. Carey Jones Perry of Loulsburg celebrated his 5th birthday with a party at the home of his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. C.C. Perry. After the guests arrived, each was presented party hats, and blow pops. Games, directed by Mrs. F. E. Bowers and Mrs. Carey Jones Perry, were play ed, Mrs. Jean Dennis and Mrs. F. E. Bowers assisted the hos tess In serving Ice qream, birthday cake and Cool Aid. After his many nice gifts were opened, favors of balloons and nut cups were given to the following: Susan and Martha Read, Delia Dennis, Glen Med ders, Dale Bowers, Connie Johnson, Sandy Wilson, and Mike Gupton. (MEW) Entertains Youngsville - Mrs. W. Q* Scarborough honored her house guest, Mrs. E. Bi Craven of Slier City, at her home Thurs day evening . of the past week. The hostess invited approxi mately twenty guests In to meet Mrs. Craven and to enjoy a social hour. From a lade/)fe Tiny Ten Bridge Club Tuesday evening. Her home i)*a? decorated with roses, pansles and daisies. /Mrs. Brodle Green received Salmon Loaf A Good Bet' CANNED SALMON forms the nutritious base for this colorful load which steams in a 1 -quart mold to delectable perfection. Surrounded by peas and garnished with lemon slices, it becomes a handsome dish to set before family or guests. delecta&el salmon loaf 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1/3 cup minced onion 3 eggs 1 cup fresh bread erumlis 1/2 teaspoon salt ' 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 1/4 cup minced parsley 1 1 -pound can salmon In a skillet saute onion In but ter until golden. In mixing bowl beat eggs lightly. Stir In onion and burter, bread crumbs, sa pepper, lemon juice, and pars ley.i Drain and flake salmQti (save liquid for the sauce) and stir In. Turn into a buttered 1 -quart mold and cover ttgMiy. Place In a large kettle oj/ftoll Ing water, letting water come halfway up sides ot/fidld. Cov er and simmer tor I hour. Turn out and serye^fTot with parsley sauce: SAUCE: >lClake a medium cream sauce/ustng salmon liquid for papKof 'the milk. Flavor to taste yfUh lemon Juice and add "plenty of minced parsley. Miss Beckham Is Honored (Frk. B.W.) MiSs CaW Mode and Mrs^j; D. Mode were' co-hostesser at a kitchen shower htffiorlng Iris Beckham bride-elect of June 30. "the shower was held at the Mode home which was decorat ed, with roses, . Bridal games were played prior to the openlpg of glft^s of the honoree. Assisted by Margaret Mode, the hostesses served ham bis cuits, cheese straws, cake, nuts and punch. A gardenia corsage was pre sented to Miss Beckham by the hostesses. Bridge Club Entertained high score prize for club while consolation went to Mrs. C. H. Weston. Miss Edith Jackson was the recipient of guest high. The hostess served a dessert course at the conclusion of the third progression. Special guests were: Miss Jackson, Mesdames, W. A. Shearon, D.O. Langston, 'and Woodrow Has klns. - ? r- -r r I DAILY BREAD / " Iflour - 89ci PREMIUM BAN err? Mt DEODORANT STEAK * * i2c oft rb^1-" it n *"* 1 GOLD NOTE Margarine ROMr. 80c boneless stew * PET 1BEEF 1 CARNATION . . .. MILK $6 PILLSBURY BISCUITS 1 CALIFORNIA J3( or * For S?t c?r? PORK CUT CHOPS 60 or Hi '2 02. CASE can 3 for Lb. 6 3 For mffiu \ 25( 42( 6?t, % Oz. or -7 -K 6 For sugar cans 49< 'LUCKY D*m Beans 81 ( 49(i H Lbs. Of. 37t f??f*WU */.4[ . nblVlNG CO. ' SAUSAGE AYONNAISI?43t ?. M* > to. W1NSTEA GROCERY BUNN, NORTH C*"""*" : ? 24( i >? * ? ' " * -rttziM, Wistead Vowa Spoken I Frankllnton1 - Miss Jackie Marie Winstead and Jackie Wayne Frailer were mit^led Sunday In the Baptist Churbt} The Rev. Charles Thome offi ciated. The bride Is the daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander j Puckett and the bridegroom H ' the son of Mr. and Mrs! Iva Frailer. Frailer was graduat ed from East Carolina College and will ,be teaching at fiunn High School In the fall. The bridegroom was graduated from the Durham School of Barbers ing and Is employed at ?nty Bob Stalling* i / Celebrates pirthday Youngsvll|e - Bob Stalllngs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stai llngs4 celebrated his sixth birthday with a party given by his parents at their home on Saturday afternoon from three to five o'clock. Guests were given favors of party hats, balloons, gum and funny faces with a blow out tongue. All enjoyed refreshments of birthday cake, cookies, potato chips and Ice cream. Little friends In attendance for the birthday party were Tondla Cooley, Denlta King, Randy Ha ley, Dick Uckerson, Mike Prl vette, Kim Tlmberlake, Steve Wright, Eddie White, Tommie Dement, Diana Bunn, Robert Dale, Eddie Woodllef, Johnny and Gordon Conyers, Jennie Carol Holden, Raney and De borah Edwards. Also Bob's sis ter Clara and brother A1 at tended. ? Franklin Mem. Hospital Notes The following were patients In the hospital Thursday morning: WHITE PATIENTS Joseph L. Adams, Bunn; Baby Girl Burnette, Loulsburg; Miss Sandra Burnette, Loulsburg; Jack Champion, Loulsburg; Mrs. Sharon Chandler, Louls burg; Mrs. Gertie Conyer^ Frankllnton; Mrs. Frances 0. Duke, Loulsburg; Mrs. Sarah Louise Eakes, Loulsburg; Mrs. Elma Edwards, Frankllnton; Mrs. pattle C. Gupton, Cas ialla; Z. R. Gupton, Louls Mwrg; Mrs. Beatrice H&rper, Loulsburg; George Horton, Loulsburg; Mrs. Louise W. Krtstt, Loulsburg; Leonard May, Frankllnton;' Miss Linda May, Frarikllnton; John W. Mills, Loulsburg; Mrs. Ammle Pearce, Bunn; Mrs. Llndsey P. Pennell, Henderson; Robert Thomas Preddy, Frankllnton; Mrs. Nannie P. Read. Louls burg; Mrs. Mary Lou Smith," Loulsburg; Arthur p. Strick land, Loulsburg; ? Charles R. Tlmberlake, Loulsburg; Mrs. Linda Thompson, Loulsburg; Steve Wester, Castalla; WUlard White, Zebulon; Mrs. Estelle Wood, Loulsburg. r COLORED PATIENTS Clarence Green, Frankllnton; Lula B. Johnson, Loulsburg; Fenner Splvey, Youngsvllle. In Fashion Now Fashion's In the swim this summer with tide-stopping styles that provide coverage more or less-as you like it. \Newer seaside shapes are challenging the bikini's hold On the bea<;h, driving it un'der a matching cover-up in most cases. \ ? More In f4yor are the new swim play suft<, 1963's mod ified version. ot two-piece swlmsuit now designed to double as a .playsult. To Interpret these versatile styles, designer* are turning to unusual fabrics like patchwork-printed cotton shan tung, clan plaid cottons, strip ed ticking, and cotton faille. Bathing suits of the cover up .type have several new fea tures. One has a zipper up the front which reaches almost to tlie throat line - another has pockets on either side below the waist. ? The overweight figure can se lect the suit with a skirt or one which features a panel of a harmonizing color down the front. A two pelce suit with a blousy top Is the choice of some. Other blousy creations are all of one piece. This may be a good time to pay your debts but If you have any surplus money, it is a good time to buy something. Barber Shop In Loulsburg, where the couple will live. Music was presented 1>y Mrs. Don Stroud, organist and Don Stroud, vocalist. / Njiven In marriage by h^ra ther, the bride wore/a prin cess- style gown of^affeta ex tending Into a >^apel train. She carried affrayer book top ped. with \y orchid and steph anotls. Her veil was attached tp a crown of pearls. Ntfss Barbara Pergerson was ?maid of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. David Robinson of Harve deGrace, Md. lnd Mri Ben Pergerson, Jr., sisters op/the bridegroom and Miss /?renda Allen of Pantego, and Miss Jackie Wynn. The bridegroom's father was best raan'fpri the ushers were Clarence Matthews, Lawrence Preddy, David Robinson of /Harve de Grace, Md., and James Vaughan.JAtss Paula Ann Puckett, sister of the bride, was flower girl and Timothy Green was ring bearer. The couple left for a wedding trip to the mountains. Wedding < Invitation Mr. and Mrs. Bernards. Per gerson, Sr. of Frankllnton re quest the honour of your pre sence at the marriage of their daughter, Barbara Ann, to Ben Davis Hudson, son of Mrs. J. W. Hudson, Sr. of Youngsvllle on Sunday, the thirtieth of June, nineteen hundred and sfxty three at three o'clock (n the afternoon, FraHkllnton Metho dist ChurcU, Frankllnton, N.C, The public Is cordially tnvjt* ed to attend. /\ Geese And Farmers Blair, Okla. - Lawrence De Vlck has found the answer to the farm labor shortage. He has 200 feathered hired hands. DeVlck bought the geese for 1 200. They roam his cotton fl?ld and eat the grass and weeds but have not taste for cotton. Thev are held In bounds by an electric fence ? Inches 'off the ground. They do the work of 9 full time . human -(arm hands, ac cording to Mr. DeVlck. De Gaulle expressed hope for a uplted Europe. Rambler Classic Cross Country Station Wagon, 6 or V-8. I : RAMBLER -world's best-selling 6-eylinder station wagons. And now there are brand-new V-tts! Classic 6 or new 198-hp Classic V-8. Roomy Ramblers that leave other station wagons far behind: "Car of the Year" styling ? Rattle-free, sedan-like comfort of new Advanced Unit Construction a Roof-Top Travel Rack ? Double-Safety Rrakes are self-adjusting ? Hidden compartment for valuables under cargo floor ? Won derfully economical Rambler American wagons, too ? Join the Trade Parade to Rambler 6 of V-8. V ? J LOUISBURG MOTORS Dealer License No. 4044 |\[ A THREAD AT A TIME. ..YOU HARDLYj NOTICE For 30 years the advocates of government-ln buslness have spun their threads out one by one. While we hardly took notice, they pushed the federal government into thousands of busi ness ventures, from sawmills to bakeries. In ' the field of electric power, 5V4 billion dollars are now Invested in federally owned plants and lines. The expansion of government-ln-business is clearly a dangerous course. When government owns business it gains political and economic power? the means to control goods and Jobs. With power thus concentrated it can become difficult for citizens to preserve their freedoms. A thread at a time you hardly notice. But the danger is persistent, and loss of freedom lies in the spun-out web. C CAROLINA POWER A. UOHT COMPANY*) An investor-owned, taxpaying, public utility company