-Classified Ads qaTF^ wwauxH rv/-\ i tJ cussinu) , .03 per word uiiiiiii^aiu .50 per lilMTtiou ? .50 |x.r ruu brrvlcu o? keyed ad*. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column Inch. MKM< >H1AMS same ? Keg* ular Classified. All classified nds muft be accompanied by cash or check. Household maid available tor work 'immediately? G days a week ? Call 4456, KranK linton. * 6-27 pd. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Passenger truck, Tractor. Tires, Best buy, best quality in town Guar anteed. Louisburg FCX ? By-Pass. 5-9, Tue. & Thlfrs until 8-27 Sew and Save ? Drapery 25c yd ; Dress material 35c yd.; MARY'S REMNANT SHOP. Henderson Rd.. phone GY 6-4474. 6-2(1. Tu.i Th If. Venetian Minds j and I)oors ' Awnings ; CANVAS & METAL ! I Storm If iiulmcs j RECORDED a TAPED ; New Blinds j Ornamental j x\ Iron ; f^ESTIMATlS M. G/WUDER i I "monk\ ! \ i 417 W. Noble St. N LOUISBURG, N. C. i -Classified Ads FOR SALE?l ton air-condi tioner. refrigerator, prac (icaHy _^j|ew Ken more elec fric^ range, call 6-54 69 be t^en 5 and 7. 6-27 ch FOR SALE? Large Red Fish ing Worms. Shiners Full line Fishing tackle. Whole sale and Retail. Fishing License C. E. Edens. Route 2. Louisburg. N. C. Ph. GY 6-3222 or GY 6-3603. Thurs tf FOR SALE: tfnlco Appliances ? freerers, refrigerators, combinations Special bijys. 5 years guarantee. Louis burg FCX ? By-Pass. 5-9. Tue & Thurs Until 6-27 Cash & Carry Market has collard plants ? for sale Or s?*e J. W. Harris at 209 Cedar St. 6-18 Tu & Th tf ' HEAL F8TA TF W A NTED I hiTA local buy or* for cut-over woodland, farms, f?rnfl?nd & timber, call | TF 2-20A9 or Writ* W. J. \ "Bud" I ><> hint in Ht. 7, Box ' 301 , Raleigh. 2-19 Tues & Thurs tf ? r- FOR RENT i t 5 > FOR RENT ? 4 room upstairs | apartment. Private outside i entrance. electric w^ter. | heater, wired for electric [ stove Mrs. Fenner >?pivey, > 9.?, 7 N. Main St., phone | CY 6-J559. 613. T4TH. tf. FOR RENT ? 4 room house ancj bath. Highway ??61, call Hugh H. Perry, GY 6 3921. 6-25. 27 pd FOR RENT ? .5 room apart hignt. furnished or unfurn ished. 3 private entrances, call GY 6-3716 or GY 6-3437 6-2. p?. 27 pd. BRACE yourself for a thrill the first time you use Blue Lustre to clean rugs. Rent electric shampooer $1. H. C>Taylor. 6-27 It New Miracle Paint for ALL Exterior Surfaces Paints wood stucco-* -brick aluminum ANYTHING NEW ACME LATEX HOUSE PAINT Resists blistering, fumes, alkalis ? Low chalking ? Brushes, rolls, or sprays on without sags or brush marks ? Fade and stain resistant? comes in a com plete range of colors including new White Brilliance! Solves most housepainting problems when applisd according to directions. WILSON BUILDING SUPPLY River Rd. Louisburg, N.C. ?Classified Ads WANTED WANTED SOMEONE with good credit to finish pay ments on almost new cab inet model AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine this- area.'. Total balance $62.13. Details where seen write . "Credit Adjustor \ Mr \Vileav Box 5126. Char lotte. North Carolina 6-11. 13. 18. 20. 27. ;7-2 pd FEMALE HELP WANTED EARNINGS for present needn and L\ S Savings Bonds for family security. Become an Avon Represent*. iye- and earn >hfs pleasant way. Write Mrs. Edna Inscoe Rt. 1. Castalia. N. C. 6-25. 27. ch ? MORE FOR LESS ? By-Fass Service Center Star Flight Cas and Oil Reg 27 9 10 H T 29 9 lo. New Oil 20c qt 6-27. 7- 1 16. IS. 23. pd^ fe A 444A ?? a. a. V a a ? *? FOR HIRE; Backhoe and Front End * Loader? Septic Tank X apd Sewage Line * - Installation A Specialty i 2 ?See or call ? {clarence edwardsJ MR. FARMER We are now spreading bulk limestone and ferti liierr See us for your needs. LouisburK FC.V Service GY 6-3366 You Can Real estate agent, showing couple house about to fall a part: "You can do a lot with this place If you're handy with money." Sammy Jackson NOW! "The Sammy Jackson" ALL NIGHT SHOW FROM WIZS 24 HOUR STATION 1450 on your Henderson Di^l , I -Legal Ads ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE , Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Annie M. Campbell, deceased, late pf Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify *all persons having: claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 28 day of December. 1963. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27 day of June. 1963. M. C. WILLIAMSON. Adnfrx. 6-27; 7-4. 11. 18. ADMINISTRATRIX' XOTIC K Haaving qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate oP Hubert Rowland Harris, de ceased. late pf Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agay^st ;he estate of said deceased to exhibit therii to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of December, 1963. . or ;his no tire will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please maike immediate payment. This 12th day of June. 1963. Mrs Hetty H. Smith. Adm'rx Yarborough and Jolly, Attya. 6-13 20 27: 7-4 YOTIOSf OF BALK OF MOTOR YFH1< LFS MElZED OR ABANDONED North Carolina Franklin County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that the .following de scribed motor Vehicles seiz ed or abandoned will be sold Rt public auction for cash ft \ TWKLVF. O'CLOCK NOON OX SAT 1 Til) AY, Jl'LY 8, INI AT THF. MAYOR'S OFFH'F IN THF TOWN OF FRANKLINTON. NORTH CAROLINA One 1952 Chevrolet 2 door, ? Motor No HAA 1210072. One 1951 Plymouth Ve hicle No. 12686268. One 194 9 Chevrolet 2 floor Motor $0. UA, 1279818. One 194 0 Ford 2 dt>or Numbers obliterated One 1941 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Truck Motor No. AI)CA 327911 These vehicles were seized by the Police Department of the Town of Franklinton. or abandoned and are being sold under the provisions of G, S. 20-114 and for storage. DATED AND POSTED this the 13 day of June. 1963. TOWN OF FRANKLINTON By Orinond M. Collins. Clerk? R-s27 : 7-R 4 NOTICE OF A OKNKRAL JSLF3CTION FOR THK TOWN OF BUNN, NORTH < ARO L1NA. AND A NKW RFXilS TRATION THKRFFOR TO THE CmZEN'S AMU VOTERS OF THE TOWN OP BUNN. NORTH CAROLINA: You will take notice that pursuant <0 a Resolution adopted by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners for the Town of Bunn, North Carolina, a general election for the election of a Mayor and four Commissioners has been called and will be held on HA TURD AY. THF 27TH DAY OF JULY, I9?a The polls will be open on election day at 6:30 o'clock a m. afld will close at 6:30 o'clock p. m. The polling place will be the Fire'Hoqse in the Town of Bunn. A new registration for all persons eligible to vote In the Town of Bunn. as defined by general law. has been or dered and will be had. The registration book will be opened at 9:00 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, 22 Jun^ 1963 and will continue op<*n to and including Saturday, 13 July 1963, exclusive of Sun days. The Registrar, will be at the polling place for the purpose of registering vojters from 9:00 o'clock a. m. un til 9:00 o'clock p m. on | Saturday, 22 June 1963tion 1 HERE IS TOE (tit \ YTloirn looker i , tobacco BV 50 1|, U|V i vS? AV" BACKER K.\CI< EXPERI Experienced tobacco farmers specified their requirements tor a quality tobacco looper. Brant ford Engineers took these require ments and developed the Brantford Tobacco Looper . . 7 the machine that meets every looping requirement for the tobacco farmer. FACT; It is a fact that pnly established and reputable dealers in your locality are chosen to represent the Brantford Tobacco Looper. FACT : It is a fact that only the fytanlfotd Tobacco Looper provides you with ? 1 2-month Written guarantee covering the operation of this machine. FACT: It is a fact that the Brantford Tobacco Looper provides you with a maximum -of performance with a minimum of maintenance and care. Th-. Brantford Tobacco Looper is a quality machine and has been designed x for quality performance. CASH if YOU *Avr tr CBtDIT If YOU Johnson Mon Company i 5 -Legal Ads , Sauimjay, 29 June 1963, on Saturday^ 6 'July 1963. and on Saturday. 13 July 1963. On other dayr<}uring the reg istration period t?e registra tion book will be open from 9:00 o'clock a. m. until 5:00 o'clock p. m . but the rtefis* trar will pet be required tq be afthe polling place oh such days The Registrar jwlll be at the polling place from 9:60 o'clock a m. to 3:00 o'clock P m. on Saturday. 20 July 1963 ' for 'the purpose of re ceiving challenges. J Qr White has been ap pointed Registrar and Miss Nettie Moody and Mrs. Bessie Galloway have been appoint ed judges of the election and poll holders. Any person wishing to offer' for any of said offices is required to file notice of intention thereof ""with "Ave Town Clerk of Bunn. North Carolina, on or ' before 6:00 o'clock p. m. on the 20th day of July. 196 3. By order of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Bunn. North Carolina This the 12ih day of June. 1333. J. M. EDWARDS. > ? * Mayor. > ATTEST: L. A. Debnatu. Town Clerk 6-13. 20. 27. 7-4. 1 1 N'OTICK OF HALF. OF KLIL PHO#?ERTr * Under and by virtue of the power ot sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Perry Falkner and w^te Fannie C Falkner to George W. Coleman and J A Merrill. Trustees, dat ed the 5th day of December 1961. recorded in Book 677. page 3 7 5-376 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin Coun'y ; aud under and by virtue of the author ity vested in the undersigned as Substituted Trustee by an instrument in writing dated the 9th day of January, 1963. and recorded in Book 584. at page 179. in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness and the\deed of trust being by the te>ms thereof subject to foreclosure and the hold er of the indebtedness there by secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying s%id indebtedness, the undersign ed Substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse dooP in Louisburg, Franklin. -Legal Ads CrfUnty, North Caroling. at TWELVE o'clock NOON on TUESDAY, the 16th day of JULY. 1963. the land conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same be ing more particularly * des cribed as follows: That certain lot or parcel NQf Hnd situate near the Town of Bunn North Caro lina. and being a portion of the l^nd described in Hook 2 4 9. pagfcs. ;t.l 6. Franklin County Registry. Noj ;h Car olina. and more particularly described, according to Sur vey of Phil R Inscoe, Reg istered Land Surveyor.' dated October 2S.1961. as foK lows: BEGINNING in the center of the Mullen Bridge Road near the Town of Bunn. Notih CaroHna. marked by a stake on the North aide 'Thereof, corner for W. T. Falknei ; thence North 12 deg 4 5 min. West 209 feet to a stake, a new corner for Alfard; tjicnce Noith 81 deg 30 min East 52 25 feet to a stake, a new corner for Alford: thence South 12 deg 4 5 min. East 209 feet to the center of the afore said Road. marked by a stake on the North side thereof; thenoe South SI deg. 30 min. West 5 2 25 feet to < f?e point of Beginning, and containing 25 acres, more or less, being the same property acquired bv Perry Falkner. married, from B. It Alford. Sr.. and wife. Sudie M. Alford. by deed dated 13th day of Novem ber. 1961. of record in the Register of Deeds office of Frauklin County. North Car olina. in Book 579. page 247 ? The successful bidder will be required to deposit' au amount equal to 20 rV of such bid ns evidence of good faith, \vhich amount will be forfeited* upon non compli ance with said sale and upon compliance, applied on the purchase price. Dated and posted this the 16th day of June. 1963. F C BULLUCK. Substituted Trustee 6-20. 27; 7-4.11 NOTICE ..North Carolina. ' Franklin County Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Franklin Couim made in the specia proceed ings entitled Vlrgic C. Joy ner vs. John Clifford Joyner. the undersigned commission er will on the 8TH DAY OF JULY. 1963, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in " ? Louiaburg. North Carolina, offer for sate lo" the highest bidder for rash that certain, tract of land lying and be ing in Gold Mine Township. Franklin County. North Carolina, and more particu larly described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Gold Mine Township. Frank lin County. North Carolina, in the Town of- Wood and being Lot No. 133 as the same appears pn the may of i Wood. North Carolina, made t?v J o Craig. Civil Engi mer. and dated 2 November , 1913. and recoded in Book 192. at page 595. Franklin > County Registry, said lot 1 bring fifty by one hundred t xfiftvifeet in dimensions, ^ud i naming been Conveyed to ( MrsXHarrie R Johnson by deed oNjra Johnson, et a Is. s Trustees Hy^deed dated 12 April 194 5 an^ recorded in Rook 39 S. at page 4 3 3. Franklin County Registry, and being further described in Book 4?4. at pajce 4x1. Franklin County Registry^ ?to all of which map. de?d aiyi record reference is here by made for. a further, au ? pM STOCK UP FOR The 4th CHUCK FORD VILLAGE OPEN FRIDAY LOUISBURG, N. C. 'TIL 9 P.M. Tg A SPICE DLU NCH EOhT l I VER CHEESE PICKLE & PIMENTO, OLIVE & PIMENTO, OQa OR BOLOGNA -- 6 OZ PKG. - * ? ' ? STEAKS 49*. Smoked, PICNICS JUBILEE FRESH LEAN 29t GROUND BEEF . 39t FRANKS . .. 7?? ' ^ TABLETREAT . BREAD-. CO., 2 for 33C POUND CAKE TOMATOES ?... 10t ?m ^ LEMONS doim 3ft ' tablerite CHEESE SLICES ?o?. 29t GRADE A LARGE ~ I t - ' ' EGGS Dozen 394 - flour 5 Lbs. 39C I } MR FROSTY -\ STUFFED FLOUNDER w X v ROYAL GUEST i DUKE'S 40Z 5 MAYONNAISE 39* % 25t IGA BARTLETT - ^ { PEARS J 303 can 3 Fw 69$ I sweet mjLed t PORK ana PICKLES s021,r 19* beans 10$ KRAFT JET PUFF ' OSAQE MARSHMALLOWS .19? PIMENTOS i 25* \ w w,r aittfin 16 nifiM Z OfS