Weather Partly cloudy, scattered afternoon and evening thunder* showers today and Wednesday. Low today, near 70; high 93. The Fra Published Every Tuesday & Thursday Serving All Of Franklin County Closed The Franklin Times will pub lish on schedule Thursday, July 4th, but will be closed all day Friday, July 5th. T?l OY 6-3283 Five Cents Louisburg. N C , Tuesday. July 2. 1 963 (Six Pages Today) 94th Year? Number 37 District 4-H Winners Winners in the District 4-H Demonstration Contest last Friday at West Edgecombe School are pictured, 1. to r., Earl Hock of Epsom, Carroll Jrtode of Pranklinton, and Jane Wilson a)*n Rennie May, both of the Justice 4-H CJlub., - Times Photo. County Has Three District 4-H Winners Franklin County had three District winners In- the Dis trict 4-H Demonstration Con test held Friday, June 28, at the West Edgecombe School. They were Earl Hock of Ep som In Entomology, Carroll Mode from Ffankllnton In the Dress Revue and Jane Wilson and Rennle May In Soil and Water Conservation. They are members of the Justice Com munity 4-H Club. These winners will repre sent Franklin County In tl^ State Contest to be held' in Raleigh the last of July. . Also winning Blue Ribbons NEWS BRIEFS : Neutrality ' "V A possible breakdown of the > efforts to preserve the neutrali ty of Laos under the pressure of mounting ComimiTitSt attacks Is feared by State Department bfflclais Tfit^ breakdown would not only end the < Memorial* Hospital in Raleigh after receiving emergency room treatment at the hospital here. Holiday Warning District 2, Troop C Highway Patrol Commander (Sgti) T. E. Cook" of Henderson Issued a plea for motorists In the four county district to drive care fully and observe the law over the extended July 4th holiday. The holiday traffic count be gins at 6 P.M. Wednesday and continues until 12 midnight Sun day. Sgt. Cook said that the Patrol hasr cancelled all leaves and days off and that the troopers would be out In force during the entire pelord using radar, speed clocks and other means at their disposal to apprehend violators. Locally, Frankllh Sheriff Joe W. Champion, Loulsburg Chief of Police William T. Dement and Loulsburg Rescue Service Chief V. Aj Peoples had words of caution for the public, not only regarding highway safety, but water and other safety pre cautions. A moments relaxatlop when It comes to safety rules can and often results in tragedy that years cannot erase. So, this jury 4th, don't take a chance - 'play If Safe. Money Slaslted Defense" Secretary Robert S. McNamara protested the )2 bllllon slash In the defense money bill as voted by the House Appropriations Com mittee. McNamara Issued a statement saying this would force cutting back armed services strength by about 60,000 men and would deny necessary tactical air support "for our combat - ready divisions." The committee stated that more than half of the cut Is in the bookkeeping area and none of the money denied Is needad for essential activity. For County Ranger ' . / "T Speed Withdraws, Smith Gets Nod v X Frankjtn County Hepresenta tlve James D. Speed Monday withdrew his namtt from con sideration fo?\Coiinty Forest Ranger and Keteran ."Smoke Chaser" Joseph Karl Smith was appointed t6 the post . Speed's announcement was made In the form of a'i>?ld radio and newspaper advertise ment. Smith had been considered a shoo-in for the post, left va cant by the death of Ranger Joe A. Pearce, until Repre sentative Speed made applica tion for the Job. Speed's with drawal apparently cleared the way for Smith's appointment. Speed's announcement, which also appears elsewhere In this Issue In the form of a paid advertisement,* Is as follows: "About a week after the Franklin County Forest War den's Job was left vacant by the death of Mr. J. A. Pearce, 1 decided to make application for the position, and later did so. "Forestry has been very In teresting to me all my adult life, and the forestry practices that I have applied on my near ly 400 acres of woodland have given me good experience. At the time I made application It appeared that 1 could be of service to Franklin County In that respect and that It would not conflict with any other com mitment. "Since then, however, It has developed that a special session of the Legislature will be call ed. To fulfill my obligation to the people of Franklin County who elected me as their re presentative, I must be there throughout the special session. "I have notified Mr. N. E. Faulkner, Chairman of the Franklin County Board ofCom iplsstoners, and Mr. Fred Cla rldge, Chief Forester, North Carolina Department of Con servation and Development, that I cannot accept the post of Franklin County Forest ^War den. Whichever of the other fine gentlemen recommended by the Board of Commissioners for the Job Is selected to fill the vacancy, I shall give him my full cooperation In continuing a good forestry program in Franklin County." Deputies Raid Three Stills Franklin Sheriff Stleputles got another Illicit whiskey still last week, two more on Sunday and still another one Monday. The one last week was dls 6Qvered on Tuesday In Hayes vlhe Township. There, Deputies Ralph Beasley, David1 Batton jnd Tom Powell destroyed what they descried as a poisonous looking 55 gallon capacity drum outfit and tfire'e barrells of beer. The Sunday raid by 'Deputies Beasley, Batton, Vann Cham pion and Powell nettedtwo 1,200 gallon submarine type stills, all fired up and ready to run In Cedar Rock Township. Then Monday morning Deputy Batton and "Hawk" Faulkner busted up a 260 gallon steel drum outfit InHayesvllleTown ship again. Spacecraft The first Gemini spacecraft designed to put the U nlted States another step closer to the moon, ' Is due off the production line this month. The National Aeronautics and Spape Administration ended Project Mercury - the nation's pioneer manned space flight ] program. The Gemini space- i craft will be the symbol of the end of one era and the beginn ing of another In the space . flights. I Schools Superintendent Takes Oath Franklin County Schools Super intendent Warren Smith, right, Is he takes the oath of office before Superior Court Clerk Ralph S. Knott at the Court \ House here Monday. Smith as sumed the duties of Superinten dent immecHately following the swearing - in^ceremonies. - TimeS^Fhoto. v Franklinton Girl Joins AF Miss Linda Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Con yers of Route 2, Frankllnton, enlisted In the United States Air Force during a brief but Impressive ceremony In Ra leigh last Friday. Prior to her enlistment Linda graduated from Frankllnton High School where she was an active member of the 4-H Club and the Future Homemakera of America. She Is a member of the EbenezerMethodlstChurch. Miss Bailey, also now called Airman Bailey, enlisted In the Women In the Air Force (called WAF) through the USAF Re cruiting Office In Raleigh. Her recruiter was Staff Sergeant William O. Waters. Sgt. Waters In making the announcement of Airman Bai ley's enlistment In the WAF stated that she passed the ap titude and Intelligence tests with high scores and that she enlist ed to fill a vacancy In the ad June Road Accidents Are Noted There was one highway death each In Vance, Granville and Franklin Counties last month as a total of 81 accidents In the four-county district sent damage statistics soarings Franklin County reported 15 accidents, 22 Injured, 1 killed and property damage' from ac cidents amounting to $4,025. Granville had 35 accidents, 13 Injured, 1 killed and $19,730. In damages. Vance had 22 acci dents, 21 Injured, 1 killed and $5,935. In damages, while War ren had 9 accidents, 2 Injured none killed and $3,915 In da mages. The Patrol made 97 arrests In Franklin County during the month, 24 each for speeding and faulty equipment. The Courts found 60 defendants guilty while turing 10 not gilll ty and assessed $430 In fines and another $5,060.40 In costs. President De Gaulle agrees to postpone problem of Britain's sntry into ECM for now. Spokesman said Chancellor Adenauer's government favored Britain's entry in ECM. mlnlstratlve field. Immediately after being sworn into the Air Force Friday Air man Bailey flew commerlcal airlines to Lackland AFB, Tex as? where she is now receiving basic military training. After basic training she ^111 attend a technical school In the ad- #\ minlstrative career field. Joins WAF Linda" Bailey, of Route 2, Frankliritori; tkkes the oath^of enlistment in Raleigh Friday that makes her a member of ,the USAF. - USAF Phmo. i Jolly Is Featured 9 State Senator W. M. Jolly of LOuTsburg was featured In a front page story In the Greens boro Dally News last Sunday week. The feature, by the News' James Ross, described , the Franklin County senator as "an arm-twisting polltlcan who plays for keeps." The story dealt mostly with Jolly's trapping^ Guildford County's Republican Senator Charles W. Strong, a mlMster, Into slgnlhg a bill that would abolish ABC stores In Greens boro a$d Jarrtesfown, which was killed In the House after pass ing the Senate and which gave a number of Guildford County officials a nightmare while still i alive. Both Jolly and Senator Strong, It was understood, received a letter from an unnamed per son who purported to have con siderable following, assuring both men that they would not ! be elected to the General As sembly from Guildford County next term. Rescue Alarms The Louisburg Rescue Ser vice was called out twice over the week end, once late Friday afternoon and again early Sun day night. The call Friday sent the. Res- -t . cuers Just south of the City Limits off South Main Street to a residence where Morals Cle ments, negro, had reportedly taken rat poison. Clements was rushed to the hospital. The call Sunday night was to the T. M. Harris farm east of Louisburg, where a tenant had suffered an apparent stroke. - The man, whose nam* was not learned was taken to the hospital its re.